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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #250 on: 22 Jan 2013, 14:56 »

So why am I voting for idontunderstand? Because whether you know it or not, I have actually been paying attention to what people have been saying and he's one of two people that recently changed their tune in regards to the religious aspect of the game and this made me wary. Also, someone is protecting him and as far as I know, our benevolent protector (henri the Knight) is dead, so it makes me wonder if there's a role on the bad side that can also protect their players.

how did you know someone was protecting him?


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #251 on: 22 Jan 2013, 15:26 »

To: whoever our night killer is (village faction), it looks like you have at least a one in three chance of getting an enemy tonight if you decide to kill.  If you have any leads I think you might have to take them before it's too late.  The enemies might be able to kill twice a night and if that's the case they could have us stymied within a day.  This whole full moon business sounds like trouble too.  Aim true. 
if it's probable that you're going to "die trying"
you might want to rethink your plan...


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #252 on: 23 Jan 2013, 04:27 »

so, looking back at everything, i have to say i'm getting rather suspicious of linds here.

1) she asked de_la_nae to inspect her, only for de_la_nae to be killed fall dead before any inspection could be reported.
2) she threw suspicion on idontunderstand as soon as things were starting to turn against her, by making an unverifiable claim to be the priest. he turned out to be an innocent man.
3) she claimed that idontunderstand had been under someone's protection, however the roll of the priest as she described it contains no mechanism to gain that insight.

it's all circumstantial evidence, but it's the closest thing we've had to a case against anyone for this whole game. at the very least, i think she's hiding something from us.

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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #253 on: 23 Jan 2013, 06:10 »

Quote from: priest
Although I am glad that some of you have decided not to turn against me, it is obvious that my prayers alone about where the evil is in this town are not enough. We all need to come together and pray. We need God's assistance. We need to come together to fight evil. If we do not, then surely we shall perish.

Giving certain laggards a couple more hours, since a night without action is kind of lame.

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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #254 on: 23 Jan 2013, 08:01 »

The ground shook as a great force assaulted the village. Mundane as they were, the villagers still understood that something great and terrible was happening. As is the wont of humans, they could not resist the force of curiosity. Silently, they left the dubious safety of their houses to see for themselves what was going on.

J, a weak, anemic man, or so the villagers had thought, stood in the middle of the square. An aura of unholy power was draped around the man as he stood with uncharacteristic arrogance. The night air around him seemed to burn blood red. Opposing him was Game and Watch Forever, a strange tome in his hands, an odd circle around him, his cloak fluttering in the night, his eyes cold. Beyond them, the Church itself stood, devastated.

"Yod, Heh, Vav, Heh," GWF chanted. A blue circle adorned with arcane symbols appeared on the ground. Black mist and green light floated in the middle of the circle before both circle, mist, and light vanished to reveal a knight on a gaunt, winged horse. A demon! A true demon was in the village, summoned by one of their own! The villagers shook with terror, too afraid to scream or run.

GWF bowed to the demon; then he pointed at J. GWF opened the tome in his hands and chanted. "El Elohim Elogo Elohim Sebaoth Elion..."

The demonic knight charged at J, his lance aimed squarely at the man's chest. J merely raised his hand. The lance clashed against a barrier colored the same as the aura that surrounded J. Laughter emerged from J's mouth as red lightning flowed from the barrier and overwhelmed the demon. The knight vanished; where he had stood, there remained nothing but fire.

GWF did not even blink. Once more, he chanted, "Yod, Heh, Vav, Heh." Once more, the circle formed and a new demon rose. This one looked like a leopard that walked on two feet, with massive claws and awful fangs. The beast snarled as GWF did an obeisance and silently indicated J. He resumed his chant from before, paler than before."...Eiech Adier Eiech Adonai Jah Sadai Tetragrammaton Sadai Agios..."

The demon crossed the distance between himself and J at supernatural speed, but J was quicker. The unholy thing that wore the shape of a man grappled with the demon. The demon was forced down to its knees by J's strength. Soon, the demon howled and vanished, having betrayed its summoner and taken its leave.

Even this did not faze GWF. "Oriri animii!" White flames arose around GWF, taking on the faces of those who had died in the village. henri bemis, cesium133, de_la_Nae, Nikolai, dr. nervioso, idontunderstand, Gareth,  Barmymoo, all of them looked on at their conjurer, their faces twisted with agony, as if they had been forcibly denied the path to heaven and sentenced to a purgatory on this earth. GWF contemptuously gestured at his slaves and resumed his earlier chant, his face paler yet. "...O Theos Ischiros Athanatos Agla..."

J laughed once again, a sound fit to give nightmares to stronger souls than the villagers. The spirits of the departed were dispelled with an ease that made the villagers weep. It seemed J had bored of his game. The distance between the unholy monster and the magus vanished in the blink of an eye. J's hand sank deep into GWF's chest, impaling the magus' heart.

However, GWF had the last word. "Amen!"

The holy word fell upon J's face with the blood that flowed from GWF's mouth. It seemed that even demons obeyed it. The ground shook as an even larger circle appeared and vanished. The demon that stood before J possessed the winged body of an angel and the head of a wood owl. He rode a black wolf and carried in his hand a pointed saber.

GWF had done what any summoner might: summon a great demon to fight a great monster.

The great demon and the monster vanished from sight as they fought faster than human eyes could dream to follow. The villagers could just barely perceive the afterimage of the great battle. Houses were destroyed in the wake of the great battle as J used all of his unholy powers against something with even greater might. At last, with a sickening crunch, the black wolf broke J's back. The great demon thrust his saber and shattered J's head. The wolf ate the corpse.

Before the great demon could turn on the hapless villagers, the sun finally rose. Cut off from both its summoner and the power of the night, it silently returned to hell, laughing at the villagers.

Thou art the Dead Apostle.

Thou art a monster of the night, a predator feasting upon humanity.

You may take one of three actions every night.

Once a night you may PM Black Sword with the title being 'Feeding upon [USER]' with [USER] being a living player in the game. This action will either kill the player or convert them to your side as a Dead familiar. Converted players maintain the abilities they had whilst alive.

Conversely, you may choose to abstain from any night actions and be immune to night kills.

Elsewise, you may PM Black Sword with the title being "Hypnotize [USER]" with [USER] being a living player in the game. This action will allow you to control their vote for one day. However, if you attempt to hypnotize someone twice in a row, you have a 50% chance of failure and being revealed.

The Night of the Full Moon is Night 6. Under that moon, you cannot be killed and can choose to "feed" on three users instead of the usual one.

You win if you and your familiars are the last ones standing.

Conversion rate:
Magus: 25%
Villager: 10%

Battle: It is inevitable that you shall be targeted for death. As a Dead Ancestor, you have a chance, however slight, of taking your assassin with you.
Against Magus: 65%
Against ???: 65%

Game and Watch Forever. Thou art the Evoker.

A magus with great knowledge of spirits and demons, thou can summon these forces to aid thee.

Once a night, you may PM Black Sword with the title being 'Send spirits to interrupt [USER]' with [USER] being a living player in the game. This action will prevent the player from performing an action they would take in the night.

You win if the Coven is the last faction standing.

Battle: It is inevitable that you shall be targeted for death. As a magus, you have a chance, however slight, of taking your assassin with you.
Against Dead Ancestor: 35%
Against Magus: 50%
Against : 45%

Day 5

The villagers cling to each other, weeping hysterically.


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #255 on: 23 Jan 2013, 08:04 »

What the hell ass?


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #256 on: 23 Jan 2013, 08:14 »


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #257 on: 23 Jan 2013, 08:19 »

9. There is a chance that a player attacked in the night will take his attacker with him or escape his assault. Unless instructed otherwise, this chance is 1%.

Every time there's been a kill, an RNG was run to see if the "battle" takes place. See the percentages along with the roles? The higher percentages means there's a higher chance of the "battle" taking place. It all came down to numbers provided by an unsympathetic RNG.


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #258 on: 23 Jan 2013, 08:51 »

I repeat my previous statement.
What the hell ass?


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #259 on: 23 Jan 2013, 10:32 »

Yeah. What?
:grumpypuss: :grumpypuss: :grumpypuss:


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #260 on: 23 Jan 2013, 10:34 »

what fuck?
if it's probable that you're going to "die trying"
you might want to rethink your plan...


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #261 on: 23 Jan 2013, 10:37 »

 huh. I'd been wondering if that battle thing would ever come into play. cool.



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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #262 on: 23 Jan 2013, 10:39 »

cool? cool? two people just died and you think that's cool?


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #263 on: 23 Jan 2013, 10:40 »

two EVIL people? yeah, I think that's a good thing.

*Also props to Black sword for writing an awesome scene.*

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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #264 on: 23 Jan 2013, 10:53 »

I'm convinced y'all trolling me, but the condensed version: one nemesis of the village targeted the other nemesis of the village for death. Battle mechanic kicked in. Double KO in an awesome way which the two now-dead players have voiced approval. Since the game hasn't ended yet, that means there are still person or persons unknown who are opposed to the villagers.

*triple checks to make sure none of that constitutes influencing the game*


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #266 on: 23 Jan 2013, 15:23 »

OUT OF GAME (use this against me and I'll be upset): I was just a little confused at first and a bit shocked, but seriously, that was a pretty epic battle. Evil vs. evil and the conclusion was awesome. /out of game comments

So...The Magus is gone and the Dead Apostle is gone...and the village still hasn't won.  :psyduck:  :cry: :cry: :cry:
:grumpypuss: :grumpypuss: :grumpypuss:


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #267 on: 23 Jan 2013, 16:27 »

(The easiest way to deal with out of character comments I've found has been to start with OOC: and to go back into character with IC:. OOC: is generally a way to outright say whats on your mind and not disrupting the game, and also says that it can't be used ingame)

So we have at least one last enemy to deal with and at 2 days to figure out who it is.

Which means that this enemy is either myself, Linds, Riccostar, Unicorn, TRVA123, Bainibhe_Dub or Patrick.


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #268 on: 23 Jan 2013, 17:57 »

Guys I think we may have more enemies than we previously figured....

We have learned that there are more than two factions in this game.  By definition a faction is a group of people and we know there are at least two factions against us: the "coven" and the dead apostle and his familiars.  We also have to deal with whatever the :? is and assume all our enemies gain powers at the full moon.  Another reason I fear we may have a multitude of enemies is that the names of the specific roles given to the recently dead players do not match the roles of the battle probability.  For example, GWF was the "Evoker" but in the stats he was under "magus."  There could also be an elementalist out there against us who would also be a magus and part of the coven.  I think this is important to note because it could seriously hurt us if we get in the mindset that we're just out to lynch one person.

if it's probable that you're going to "die trying"
you might want to rethink your plan...


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #269 on: 23 Jan 2013, 21:42 »

OOC: I think the  :? isn't a faction so much as "if this person goes up against a fight with *anybody* (who isn't already defined), then there's this percentage that they can kill them."

IC: (Not much. Mostly just a kind of permanently horrified look.)


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #270 on: 24 Jan 2013, 13:54 »

We know there have been at least three people operating in the town. Where we might have seen one particularly gruesome kill, might have been two different methods being used. But seeing as how we've seen two of those enemies just mutually destroy each other, than we know that there is at least one enemy left.

So one out of the seven survivors is the enemy.

We're at a stage where it is the most dangerous, there is at least one enemy left and time is running out. Assuming that its over and a victory for this final villain, they need only stay in the shadows while we wait and do nothing.

That said, I'm prepared to make one last choice. I vote to hang TRVA123. They seemed a little too excited in the aftermath of that battle, like someone whose two greatest enemies had just killed each other.


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #271 on: 24 Jan 2013, 14:11 »

That said, I'm prepared to make one last choice. I vote to hang TRVA123. They seemed a little too excited in the aftermath of that battle, like someone whose two greatest enemies had just killed each other.

...but if they're on the Good side, isn't that exactly what just happened?
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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #272 on: 24 Jan 2013, 14:35 »

Yeah I was pretty excited too... I think two of our greatest enemies did just kill each other. 
if it's probable that you're going to "die trying"
you might want to rethink your plan...


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #273 on: 24 Jan 2013, 16:17 »

Now I'm looking at you, EvilDog. You mighta just slipped and dun fucked yrself.
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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #274 on: 24 Jan 2013, 19:37 »

Seriously, bad guys killing each other? I fail to see the downside. Also I figure we probably have more than one enemy left, because the description of the Dead Apostle mentions familiars and chances of converting his victims. It's entirely possible that there are still some Dead Ancestors skulking around town.
I am lurking so hard right now. You have no idea.


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #275 on: 24 Jan 2013, 20:15 »

Patrick, if I was one of the last enemies, I sure as hell wouldn't be doing anything to draw attention to myself at the last stage, now would I? (And if you are going to shorten my name, at least call me Evil. Or do I have to call you Trick?)


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #276 on: 24 Jan 2013, 22:52 »

I'm curious about how the conversion thing would work... like is there a 25% chance that Game and Watch Forever are going to come back as a vampire/evil thing? Wouldn't that be kind of noticeable?

or do they convert the current players? idk. This entire game I have been super confused...

I also don't want to be lynched so
vote to lynch EvilDog

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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #277 on: 25 Jan 2013, 09:00 »

Seven villagers drank throughout the day to remove from their minds the horror of last night. Two of the neighbors they thought they knew had turned out to be two of the greatest enemies of this village and God Himself. Much of the village had been destroyed in their battle of mutual annihilation. If those two could be enemies, anyone could. Their thirst for oblivion was certainly not met by two kegs of bitter beer. During the search for the third keg, TheEvilDog accused TRVA123 of being an enemy of the village, which was met with scorn and counter-accusation. Their fellows were unable to muster interest in the feud, and even the two combatants gave up quickly when the third keg was finally found.

As night came, the villagers began to weep. Death came, it came, it came!!!

Night 5
nights until the full moon: 1


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #278 on: 25 Jan 2013, 09:42 »

Wow... We screwed that day up damn well.
if it's probable that you're going to "die trying"
you might want to rethink your plan...


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #279 on: 27 Jan 2013, 09:03 »

Seems the clocks went back a few hours.

Either that or we're so far north that the nights last a very, very long time.

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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #280 on: 27 Jan 2013, 20:11 »

There is a note on the door of what's left of the Church.

Quote from: the priest
"God has forsaken all of us."

Day 6

The villagers emerged from the various buildings which had survived the battle between J and Game and Watch Forever. Each villager had chosen to fortify himself in one of those surviving buildings as best they could, unwilling to trust each other. They gathered in the square, eying each other askance. It is with grim forbearance that they once again recognize one of their number is missing. They head into the abode he had chosen and open the door.

Unicorn had been torn to shreds. His body parts had been thrown about in a haphazard fashion, the splatters surrounding the limbs a clear sign it had happened whilst he still lived. Worse yet, it looked like someone had made a hasty attempt at cleaning up the blood... though one dubious villager voices aloud the doubt. Why bother to clean up now? Wasn't it more likely that the killer this time had....

Well, what if the killer this time had been thirsty for blood?

Shuddering, the villagers retreat to the square. Tonight was the night of the full moon. Whatever else, this day was the time to make a difference. If they failed....

Each villager hefted a weapon of choice, determined to survive somehow.


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #281 on: 27 Jan 2013, 20:15 »

That's it, I'm converting to Buddhism.


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #282 on: 27 Jan 2013, 20:29 »

Each villager hefted a weapon of choice, determined to survive somehow.
HAhA there are six of us left! exactly like clue! How should we assign the wrench, lead pipe, rope, knife, revolver, and candlestick?

I agree, the time to abandon the ruins of our village has come.

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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #283 on: 28 Jan 2013, 06:23 »

Special rule change: This Day will not end until Wednesday. It is my expectation that the additional 24 hours will give the final players in the game a chance to muster arguments and successfully lynch someone. It's anybody's game right now. Your votes on this day will determine the winner.


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #284 on: 28 Jan 2013, 08:20 »

So basically we have to kill someone or the bad guys will win.

Fuck it, I don't even care anymore. I vote to hang TRVA123.
:grumpypuss: :grumpypuss: :grumpypuss:


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #285 on: 28 Jan 2013, 09:18 »

I second the vote to hang TRVA123


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #286 on: 28 Jan 2013, 09:29 »

Why? There was absolutely no thought put into that vote, I just saw his name first.

But then again, I have the flu and this game is beyond depressing, so I don't really care. Sorry, TRVA.
:grumpypuss: :grumpypuss: :grumpypuss:


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #287 on: 28 Jan 2013, 10:21 »

Perhaps in your case, but I have my suspicions about TRVA.


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #288 on: 28 Jan 2013, 10:38 »

... okay... well, screw it. I am sure that Linds really is the priest, so I don't want to vote to kill her. and honestly since EvilDog seems intent on killing me:

vote to kill EvilDog


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #289 on: 28 Jan 2013, 11:32 »

You keep forgetting the The in my name 123. :P


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #290 on: 28 Jan 2013, 17:15 »

I vote TheEvilDog simply because, well, the trust ain't there buddy
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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #291 on: 28 Jan 2013, 17:54 »

I like how even with the night pushed back none of us have bothered to make any real arguments...
if it's probable that you're going to "die trying"
you might want to rethink your plan...


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #292 on: 28 Jan 2013, 17:55 »

Then make one.
:grumpypuss: :grumpypuss: :grumpypuss:


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #293 on: 28 Jan 2013, 18:08 »

I honestly don't have one.  I feel kinda suspicious towards baindhe_dub but I kinda just feel drawn that way, I don't have a whole lot to back it up with.  I think you're the priest.  I don't know why but I don't think Patrick seems evil.  I've been neutral about Evildog and TRVA but I'll vote for one of them today since that's going to be the battle.   
if it's probable that you're going to "die trying"
you might want to rethink your plan...


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #294 on: 29 Jan 2013, 06:56 »

the trust ain't there buddy

The same could be said for you friend.

I'm just going to say this now, if I do get lynched, I'm going to kick you all in the teeth before I swing.


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #295 on: 29 Jan 2013, 18:43 »

I vote:

lynch TheEvilDog
if it's probable that you're going to "die trying"
you might want to rethink your plan...


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #296 on: 29 Jan 2013, 19:09 »

I'm still not confident of anything at this point, but I'm just not convinced by you. I vote to hang TheEvilDog.
I am lurking so hard right now. You have no idea.


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #297 on: 29 Jan 2013, 20:53 »

Well you all wasted the other chances to catch a killer, why should now be any different?

Now just let me get my steel-toe capped boots on for yer teeth-kicking.


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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #298 on: 30 Jan 2013, 03:40 »

Gonna be hard, what with yr new leash and all
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Re: Mafia 3 - Under the Moon
« Reply #299 on: 30 Jan 2013, 07:37 »

It was their last chance to act before the full moon. It was the last chance to at least defeat one of their enemies. It was their last chance.

Those words echoed inside the heads of the villagers as they glared at each other. They quickly decided that the villainously-named TheEvilDog was their foe. The man objected violently and swore he'd kick them all in the teeth before the rope went around his neck. This did nothing to deter the villagers as they lay hands upon him and dragged him to the hastily prepared noose. TheEvilDog did his best, kicking and scratching at all in reach, but they were too much for him. While he didn't manage to hit anyone in the teeth, he did deliver a few good kicks to assorted jaws and skulls. As he slowly suffocated, he could only use his eyes to hurl his hatred at his fellow villagers.

When the villagers finally checked TheEvilDog's crudely-fortified shelter, they could only feel black despair that he had truly been nothing more than an ordinary villager.

Night came.

Death came.

Night 6
The Night of the Full Moon
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