The village is in danger.
Strange happenings have occurred, night after night. Innocents have vanished, only to reappear feasting on their beloved families. Others have been discovered with horrific wounds on their bodies that indicate fire or water... or no wounds at all.
God has issued divine punishment against the village for allowing sin into their hearts. The nature of the enemy is unknown. The full moon draws near. In order to appease their all-mighty Father, they must rid their village of all heretics.
Meanwhile, in the shadows lurk their enemies. Who knows what will happen?
Under the Moon
1. Days will last for 48 hours or a player receives more votes than half the number of players still alive to get lynched
2. Nights will last for 24 hours. Roles which require PMing the GM have to do so by this time frame else they don't use their action. Should you have a role with an action you wish not to use, simply have "ABSTAIN" as the title for the PM.
3. Roles of people who die will be revealed.
4. Posting is allowed in the night as well as the day.
5. Once a player posts in this thread, that post cannot be edited or deleted.
6. Lynch votes should be in bold and at the bottom of the post.
7. The player with the majority (one more than half the living players) get lynched and the day ends. Should the the day end before a majority is reached, the player with the most votes will get lynched. A minimum of two votes is necessary for a person to get lynched. In the case that there is a tie in the most votes, the day will end with no lynched occurring.
8. Dead men tell no tales (no dead players can post in the game thread or talk about the knowledge they gained from playing the game)
9. There is a chance that a player attacked in the night will take his attacker with him or escape his assault. Unless instructed otherwise, this chance is 1%.
Player List:
01. henri bemis (Knight)02. cesium13303. de_la_Nae (Rogue)04. Linds (Executor) (Dead)05. Nikolai06. dr. nervioso07. riccostar
08. Unicorn09. idontunderstand10. gareth11. TRVA123
12. TheEvilDog13. J (Dead Apostle)14. Game and Watch Forever Magus (Evoker)15. Barmymoo (Friar)16. bainidhe_dub
17. PatrickNIGHT 0
Nights left until the full moon: 6