• 12 Mar 2025, 13:56
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Wedding's Over, What's Next?

Mom follows Marten (and Claire) back to NoHam!
- 5 (5.7%)
Claire doesn't remember NCS with Marten!
- 9 (10.2%)
Claire does the Tasha Yar routine ("It didn't happen.")
- 7 (8%)
Marten puts down the boundaries with Claire (about not dating interns).
- 5 (5.7%)
Next scene: Faye and Angus are FIGHTING!
- 0 (0%)
Marten returns to the library, and the first thing? Tai's RIGHT HOOK!
- 14 (15.9%)
A freak snowstorm hits Central Mass, trapping everyone at COD!
- 5 (5.7%)
Hannelore's freak illness turned out to be indigestion.
- 1 (1.1%)
...or worse, SHE'S PREGNANT! (Yeah, I know, Jeph would never do that.)
- 6 (6.8%)
Cristi commits Shipper Mutiny, demands Marten and Claire get together over Jeph's protests!
- 14 (15.9%)
The Final Four: Waffles, Spathe Ham, Feral Hogs and "Look! Boobs!"
- 4 (4.5%)
A whole week of Yelling Bird strips.
- 6 (6.8%)
- 12 (13.6%)

Total Members Voted: 80

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Author Topic: WCDT: 2411-2415 (25-29 March, 2013) Weekly Comic Discussion Thread  (Read 101743 times)

Method of Madness

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He probably doesn't know that, but I don't think he has any intention of doing so.
They call me Mr. Madness.

Quote from: Polonius
Though this be madness, yet there is method in't.
Does anybody really know what time it is?
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I don't think Dale and momo have ever met...


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Marten and Claire need to talk to somebody that can really heighten the situation. Send in... Raven

So many places that could go, and I can see most of them being bad.
Live Love and Headbang!!

Is it cold in here?

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I find it really odd that people think he is a threat to her personal safety.

I don't think he is, but he's sent some signals that would also show up if he were dangerous.
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.


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Dale definitely gives off a creepy vibe.. but it doesn't seem intentional . Neither him or Marigold have any experience in approaching people, much less finding friends with similar interests. Its just trash talking, it's all love


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Haven't we all known from the start that whatever decision Marten makes about talking to Claire will be exactly the wrong one? Because that's how Jeph rolls.

Correct me if i'm wrong, but I have a general idea on how this is gonna "end."

Regardless of how Claire finds out, she has a major breakdown. We've seen her overreacting and we sorta know that she has gone thru changes to becoming female. Hormone treatments can cause some "unexpected" reactions from trans folks. All it takes is one little thing to set people off, and Marten might do something that triggers Claire, either unintentionally or intentionally.

I'm just speaking from what i've been told from people in the know (trans and people familiar with this) and experienced first hand (unintentionally AND unwillingly; I rather not explain for privacy sakes).


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What? You mean you don't have the Bluetooth typing module in your brain implant?
Wait, they have Bluetooth modules now? Dang... I thought I'd got a good bargain with that 56K modem implant ("Free, or nearest offer!").

Marten doesn't seem to be the sort of guy to hurt someone intentionally (skillet pans and stop signs notwithstanding), but nevertheless I do agree that their discussion can become a train wreck very quickly if it isn't handled carefully.
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Marten doesn't seem to be the sort of guy to hurt someone intentionally (skillet pans and stop signs notwithstanding), but nevertheless I do agree that their discussion can become a train wreck very quickly if it isn't handled carefully.

*TOOT TOOT* "All aboard! Next stop, the rocky gorge at the bottom of a ravine!" :emotrex:
Worry Hat, Engage!


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Back to the comic, my prediction (more accurately, my "how-I'd-do-it"):
(click to show/hide)
What would really happen...
(click to show/hide)
Akima wrote thus : " Besides which, forgiving other people is something you do for yourself, not for them. "


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None of these predictions seem to bear any resemblence to the QC universe. We've never had  the Shakespearean overhearing-and-misinterpreting situation. Marten asked his friends for advice and was told not to bother talking about it. I think he'll take that advice and this'll be the last we hear of it.
There's this really handy "other thing" I'm going to write as a footnote to my abstract that I can probably explore these issues in. I think I'll call it my "dissertation."


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I personally think Jeph having one of his characters explain how taking it at anything more than face value (at least for now) would be a huge overreaction is proof enough of his intentions for the two of them for the time being, IMHO.


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I find it really odd that people think he is a threat to her personal safety. How, exactly? In that he knows where she works and lives? That's true of all of her friends. Because he's male? That seems arbitrary. Because he plays in an enemy faction on an online game? I think he's mature enough to realise it's just a game.
I don't think Dale is actually a danger to Marigold because that's not the sort of stories that Jeph usually tells and it would be beyond shocking to see in the comic. But if Dale and Marigold were real people I would find his behavior setting off a ton of warning bells, especially when he came up and got in her face at the coffee shop, and when he confronted her outside the convenience store. In the context of it being a comic it was all just cute video-game competitiveness, but if it had been real life his body language would be deliberately intimidating and threatening. Further, there are plenty of gamer dudes in the real world who love to heap abuse on gamer girls, so the fact that they're talking about a video game doesn't make it any more innocent. It also doesn't help that Marigold doesn't speak as if she feels threatened, because that doesn't make his behavior any less creepy.

I also find it a little annoying that the character arc seems to point toward them getting together, because much like Marigold hates the makeover cliche, I hate the cliche that a woman character can't just dislike a man, it always, always has to hide secret attraction.


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Foreshadowing Danish~?

Now the sayings of the High One are uttered in the hall
for the weal of men, for the woe of Jötuns,
Hail, thou who hast spoken! Hail, thou that knowest!
Hail, ye that have hearkened! Use, thou who hast learned!


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He shall become Pastry Man and join forces with Pizza Girl. to defeat the forces of the evil Thai Food!

henri bemis

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I don't think Dale is actually a danger to Marigold because that's not the sort of stories that Jeph usually tells and it would be beyond shocking to see in the comic. But if Dale and Marigold were real people I would find his behavior setting off a ton of warning bells, especially when he came up and got in her face at the coffee shop, and when he confronted her outside the convenience store.

This pretty much sums up my feelings about Dale.  Writing in a character that stalks Marigold (or any of the characters) and actually threatens her safety isn't something I imagine Jeph would do (at least not lightly - QC has included some difficult/disturbing subjects, but he's handled them with sensitivity and care) so in context of QC, I can give Dale a pass until he gets more character development.  But yes, if he were a real person and not a character, he'd set off so many warning bells.


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From the top of my head: If they were real, Faye, Hanners, Steve, Clinton, and Emily would each set off plenty warning bells.  Even Marten has done worse than Dale, in my book.  Of course, Marten's the protagonist.  We don't know what role Dale yet has to play.  Hence, speculation ...
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Y'see, I feel uncomfortable when people go 'Oh, it's just a comic, and the writer wouldn't really go there, so it's okay character X is a creepy stalker'. I've also heard that same excuse used when dumping abuse on characters because they belong to a minority, then going 'Oh that's okay, they're just fictional, so they're not really hurt by it'. Well, what about those people reading this who have been though that sort of situation? What about the people reading this who think that the way characters or people on forums respond to them act as supporting that sort of possibly dangerous or hurtful behavior?

When Clinton acted all creepy towards Hannelore, the other characters tied him up. When Dale acts creepy towards Marigold, people say 'aw, he's flirting with you'. Yeah, maybe Dale is completely innocent here, but someone needs to take him aside and say "dude. You're acting like a creep. Knock it off."


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From the top of my head: If they were real, Faye, Hanners, Steve, Clinton, and Emily would each set off plenty warning bells.  Even Marten has done worse than Dale, in my book.  Of course, Marten's the protagonist.  We don't know what role Dale yet has to play.  Hence, speculation ...

Now it makes sense:

Marten is Shinji, Faye is Asuka, Dora is Rei, Pintsize is PenPen.....and I've run out of ideas.


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Hey chumps and chumpettes!

I'm back from Italy, just caught up on the comic and am really glad I didn't miss too much.
(Although I am a little pissed I didn't get to make a timely reaction joke to the ballfart-bit.)

I don't think anyone can tell fictional people how to judge a situation or a character.
And taking a photo without permission and later inappropriately breaking through the personal space of someone - even in my observation - seems WAY worse than saying some playful nothings about a videogame and disappearing again shortly thereafter.
He's basically a kind of correspondence chess foe. °O
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If shipping is prohibited, i don't see why "unshipping" (which is what a lot of people have been doing vis-a-vis Dale and Marigold) should be allowed?
Pintsize: It is hard to get a lady to evaluate to true.
The two laws of internet interaction.
1. Whatever you say someone will be offended.
2. Whoever you are, there is something to offend you.

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Because it hasn't offended anybody?


One of several good ways to look at creepy behavior is the impact it has. Deliberately causing alarm is worse than cluelessly causing alarm. Not causing alarm at all is still creepy but less damaging.

Hannelore was alarmed, Marigold wasn't.
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.


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If shipping is prohibited, i don't see why "unshipping" (which is what a lot of people have been doing vis-a-vis Dale and Marigold) should be allowed?

The rules on shipping are not intended to prevent discussion of what is actually happening in the comic; they are to ensure that speculation stays within the bounds of what can reasonably be predicted from what is known.  Non-canonical pairings (especially those in which the shipper is one of the pair!) are therefore in general not acceptable.
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When Clinton acted all creepy towards Hannelore, the other characters tied him up. When Dale acts creepy towards Marigold, people say 'aw, he's flirting with you'. Yeah, maybe Dale is completely innocent here, but someone needs to take him aside and say "dude. You're acting like a creep. Knock it off."

Maybe the solution to this inexplicable conundrum is that no-one thinks he's acting creepy except for people on the forums.
Yet the lies of Melkor, the mighty and the accursed, Morgoth Bauglir, the Power of Terror and of Hate, sowed in the hearts of Elves and Men are a seed that does not die and cannot be destroyed; and ever and anon it sprouts anew, and will bear dark fruit even unto the latest days. (Silmarillion 255)


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I have no frame of reference in which emerging from an alleyway to accost someone you've met maybe twice and never socially in order to deliver vague and half-formed threats/entreaties before attempting to disappear once more into the night is not creepy. Even if you don't stick the landing.
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Maybe the solution to this inexplicable conundrum is that no-one thinks he's acting creepy except for people on the forums.
Oh please, you expect me to trust the judgment of the people in the comic? They're all messed up.


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I have no frame of reference in which emerging from an alleyway to accost someone you've met maybe twice and never socially in order to deliver vague and half-formed threats/entreaties before attempting to disappear once more into the night is not creepy. Even if you don't stick the landing.

There is. Thats how kidnappings start.


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Oh please, you expect me to trust the judgment of the people in the comic? They're all messed up.

Ah, yes. Whereas we have no emotional issues whatsoever.  :angel:
Yet the lies of Melkor, the mighty and the accursed, Morgoth Bauglir, the Power of Terror and of Hate, sowed in the hearts of Elves and Men are a seed that does not die and cannot be destroyed; and ever and anon it sprouts anew, and will bear dark fruit even unto the latest days. (Silmarillion 255)


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Whereas we have no emotional issues whatsoever.  :angel:
Yep. Pretty sane here. My psychologist can vouch for that :roll:

I'm not going to vouch for Dale here. Although in his mind he thinks he's intimidating an opponent, it is pretty borderline stalker territory or worse. That being said, I don't think Dale himself wants to appear in that sort of light. Either way, he needs to be pulled back, Clinton style.
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I'm just not seeing how Dale is stalking her. Meeting someone in the street a couple of times and stopping to chat (even if it's in a slightly antagonistic way - which is how Marigold has always responded to Dale) and delivering pizza when it's been ordered to a place he wasn't expecting Marigold to be is not stalking. It's the sort of coincidence that happens when you live in the same town.

If I've forgotten some incident where Dale has deliberately sought out Marigold and followed her around, or done anything at all to suggest that he's setting up their encounters, then please do remind me of them. I freely admit that I feel safe and unthreatened where I live, I don't feel that my gender puts me at any kind of disadvantage here and I have never felt that I am risk of being attacked or stalked, so my perspective will be different from that of someone who has experienced stalking or other threatening behaviours.
There's this really handy "other thing" I'm going to write as a footnote to my abstract that I can probably explore these issues in. I think I'll call it my "dissertation."

Method of Madness

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It seems the only time where he intentionally sought her out was the most recent one, where he went over to her place to offer a (delicious) peace offering.
They call me Mr. Madness.

Quote from: Polonius
Though this be madness, yet there is method in't.
Does anybody really know what time it is?
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I think this is why we're all thinking he crossed over to "creepy stalker": Lousy In Real Life
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Method of Madness

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It doesn't look like he came out of the alley, he just saw her while going to the local 7-11 and said hi in his strange way. And she did respond with her usual "ALLIANCE SCUM"! The retreating into the alley looked like it was just for show (and poorly executed in a hilarious fashion). Contrast to Clinton, who went out of his way to find Hanners, then went and took a picture of her.
They call me Mr. Madness.

Quote from: Polonius
Though this be madness, yet there is method in't.
Does anybody really know what time it is?
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I still say Marigold is acting super strange around him, even when he's being perfectly nice:


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Ah, indeed Clinton is WAY more creeper-ish than Dale. I forgot about him...he tends to be that kinda guy who no one remembers (unless he's stalking you).
Worry Hat, Engage!


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A bit late to finish catching up on this thread, but I don't think Dale is behaving particularly oddly, or not in an excessively unpleasant fashion.  Both Dale and Marigold appear to have some degree of poor social skills, not unusual amongst the communities of those heavily involved with interactions on the Internet (us included!), and that's a lot of what we're seeing, deliberately so I believe.  We are not seeing a lot of the day to day interactions of both of them with others, and possibly not even some of the interactions between them, so it's dangerous to assume that everything we see, is indicative of all their social relations, and hard to extrapolate to Dale's behaviour being potentially dangerous, even assuming Jeph choose to go that way, which seems unlikely.
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Nah he wasnt creepy.
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