• 14 Mar 2025, 05:58
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The biggest thing to happen this week will be:

The art change's effects on Claire, of course.
- 17 (24.3%)
How much SexyTimes talk Hannelore can stand.
- 9 (12.9%)
Some sort of insecurity thing with Marigold.
- 1 (1.4%)
Faye and Angus - the other shoe drops.
- 8 (11.4%)
Sven goes all-out emo.
- 6 (8.6%)
The return of RAVEN!
- 12 (17.1%)
The usual: Waffles, spathe ham, etc.
- 0 (0%)
Something completely out of left field.
- 17 (24.3%)

Total Members Voted: 66

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Author Topic: WCDT: 2766-2770 (11-15 August 2014) Weekly Comic Discussion Thread  (Read 50231 times)


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I thought Faye and Angus had a fancy dinner date tonight? Instead, Faye and Marten are going to drink wine and talk about their problems? Not that I am complaining, I love the Faye/Marten storylines :-D
Considering how Angus reacted the last time he came in on Faye drunk... Paddle steamer, meet Niagara Falls?

Which raises the question: from what direction does the steamer approach the falls?
Close enough and it doesn't matter.
"We are who we pretend to be. So we had better be careful who we pretend to be."  -- Kurt Vonnegut.


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This is fine, but it all happens in a bizarely unnoticed sci-fi universe. There are just SO MANY insane, implausible things just handwaved by: Artificial Intelligence, convenient and safe space travel, efficient, Pint-sized (pun intended) death lasers, and posdibly (If Hannelore is to be believed) genetic design and cloning of superior humans. James-Bond esque adventures risking the fate of the world are a common occurence, and at least one main character's mother is a supervillian. Limbs can be entirely replaced with cybernetic duplicates (Which apparently function better than the genetic kind), and this leads me to believe that immortality via robot-suit shouldn't be all that far away. Robot hordes are apparently marching for civil rights, and there's an entire dorm room somewhere just chock full of promiscuous lesbians.
Not only is all of this almost irrelevant to the plot, it gives me whiplash every time it's brought up in detail. I have trouble caring about Marten bumbling around with a quirky intern when I keep getting reminded about the insane, far more interesting things happening around it.

Compared to thirty years ago, WE live in a bizarre sci-fi universe. We all walk around with Star Trek communicators in our pockets that are also cameras and video recorders that can also store and play back our entire music collections and can give us maps and directions and can make dinner reservations for us and nobody thinks twice about this. Also unthinkable thirty years ago: the Soviet Union no longer exists, the US has a black president, and gay couples can get married in many places. The QC universe is, by comparison, only slightly weirder than ours.

Oh, by the way, the planet Mars is populated entirely by robots. You're welcome.
"It CAN'T be a bad decision, it resulted in CARROT CAKE!"


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I'm a bit concerned, as the boss hasn't posted to twitter since this afternoon. This (around 11 PM ET) is usually the time he's already posted the new comic.
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I was worried about that, too. but the comic is up. 

And he posted on twitter. 
a 'dèanamh nan saighdean airson cinneadh MacLeòid
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Mason jars?

Boy, have they gone native.
After seventeen years, once again, sort of a lurker.  (he/him)


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I love Faye's glance in that last panel - uncertain? death glare? insecure?
"Character is what you are in the Dark." - D.L. Moody
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I'm pretty sure Sven's timing was a coincidence.
They call me Mr. Madness.

Quote from: Polonius
Though this be madness, yet there is method in't.
Does anybody really know what time it is?
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What if that coincidence was set up by a supperior AI and is a small part of a greater plan?

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Everything is part of some AI's plan.
They call me Mr. Madness.

Quote from: Polonius
Though this be madness, yet there is method in't.
Does anybody really know what time it is?
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


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I like that phrase.  "Evil psychic asshole."  I'm gonna have to commandeer it.


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This is fine, but it all happens in a bizarely unnoticed sci-fi universe. There are just SO MANY insane, implausible things just handwaved by: Artificial Intelligence, convenient and safe space travel, efficient, Pint-sized (pun intended) death lasers, and posdibly (If Hannelore is to be believed) genetic design and cloning of superior humans. James-Bond esque adventures risking the fate of the world are a common occurence, and at least one main character's mother is a supervillian. Limbs can be entirely replaced with cybernetic duplicates (Which apparently function better than the genetic kind), and this leads me to believe that immortality via robot-suit shouldn't be all that far away. Robot hordes are apparently marching for civil rights, and there's an entire dorm room somewhere just chock full of promiscuous lesbians.
Not only is all of this almost irrelevant to the plot, it gives me whiplash every time it's brought up in detail. I have trouble caring about Marten bumbling around with a quirky intern when I keep getting reminded about the insane, far more interesting things happening around it.

Compared to thirty years ago, WE live in a bizarre sci-fi universe. We all walk around with Star Trek communicators in our pockets that are also cameras and video recorders that can also store and play back our entire music collections and can give us maps and directions and can make dinner reservations for us and nobody thinks twice about this. Also unthinkable thirty years ago: the Soviet Union no longer exists, the US has a black president, and gay couples can get married in many places. The QC universe is, by comparison, only slightly weirder than ours.

Oh, by the way, the planet Mars is populated entirely by robots. You're welcome.

I realize the discrepancy, of course, and it's even been acknowledged by QC. The primary difference, though, is that I DON'T KNOW what amazing sci-fi technology exists in the QC universe, because I've never been acclimated to it. The space-trip is one of my favorite QC plots because it was interesting, and shone a whole lot of light on the QC universe that I had never seen before, but it came completely out of the blue because I didn't think it was even possible until one day it was like 'Whoops, spaceship!' This took me out of the story a little bit, because I had to mentally reconfigure what I knew about the QC universe. Similarly, I find anthro-PC plots more interesting than human ones because it's so interesting to me how this world works. Social ramifications for getting a new chassis, for example. The Robot Civil Rights movement, and the history of AI in general. Robot Culture has apparently even developed quite a bit, seeing as how Anthro-PCs were once entirely portrayed as nothing but pervy Pint-Size clones (Though this could have been simply because they were all Pintsize's friends,) then there were suddenly new models, (Starting with an Apple-Touchscreen style, then a Linux home-made look, and then even humanoid builds. Then, some time later, we start seeing even more incredible designs: Full sized robots, almost completely human in proportion, and far more bizarre designs. (Though, since one Humanoid robot appeared in the flashback when Marten met Pintsize, this whole theory could be kaput.) We're even seeing completely inhuman AIs merely taking human form via projection or AR.

There's just this incredible, unique universe, and it's being bogged down by Marten and his First World Problems...
Don't mind me.


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I love Faye's glance in that last panel - uncertain? death glare? insecure?

I read it more as uncertainty. The death glare is usually accompanied by acerbic snark. Or punching. Or both.
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After last week's weird art, Jeph is currently treating us to his best art ever this week, IMO.  8-)
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The panel layout of this page feels really awkward to me (friendly critique).

Mason jars?

Boy, have they gone native.

I thought they were those beer can-shaped glasses that are all the rage at microbreweries, but you're right.


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I feel like Sven having psychic powers could only improve the comic.
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It's hard for me to tell: has Jeph completely reverted to his old style, or is this 90% old, 10% new?

Also, I've always been of the opinion that Marten and co. have been overreacting, and Sven is only a bit of a jerk, not the total asshole they believe him to be (at least, before he declared his love for Faye, which struck me as just creepy, weird, and out of character, so much so that I thought it was just a deadpan joke).

I mean, he hooked up with another girl while he was hooking up with Faye. Unfortunately, Faye had asked him not to hook up with anybody else. Literally the exact same thing happened to me a few years ago. I was sad for like a day, forgave the girl, and still think she was one of the most awesome people I've known. Other than that, there's nothing wrong with his being promiscuous, and he also seems very self-aware. Also, I thought he really showed his good side on his "date" with Hannelore.

Apparently, upon looking at his Wiki, he had cheated on one of girls he was "seeing", but people change, which he seems to have done. All I'm saying is that he's a more complex character than Marten describes him.


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tequila of bad misjudgements
Bad misjudgement? I think you seriously misunderestimate the pleonasmic tautology of this phrase.

It is not a redundant pleonasm. Bad misjudgement as opposed to not so bad misjudgement, not as opposed to good misjudgement.
Quote from: Marten
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I thought Faye and Angus had a fancy dinner date tonight? Instead, Faye and Marten are going to drink wine and talk about their problems? Not that I am complaining, I love the Faye/Marten storylines :-D
Considering how Angus reacted the last time he came in on Faye drunk... Paddle steamer, meet Niagara Falls?

Which raises the question: from what direction does the steamer approach the falls?

From above.


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Apparently, upon looking at his Wiki, he had cheated on one of girls he was "seeing", but people change, which he seems to have done. All I'm saying is that he's a more complex character than Marten describes him.
I am of the opinion that one can not cheat if one has not established the expectation of exclusivity. I find it unreasonable to expect exclusivity by default. Sleeping with someone once, or occasionally, or even frequently does not oblige one to be exclusive unless both parties have explicitly agreed to such social constraints.
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Alcohol's a poison, but sometimes there's things inside you that you need to kill.
Meditation is healthier, but alcohol is quicker, I will admit.

Hmm... If Sven were an evil genius (improbable, I know), he might have passed Angus' name to whoever was running the auditions.
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In long years of fighting my demons I've learned that both are more of a band aid then anything else. No cures for some illnesses. 
I built the walls that make my life a prison, I built them all and cannot be forgiven... ...Sold my soul to carry your vendetta, So let me go before you can regret it, You've made your choice and now it's come to this, But that's price you pay when you're a monster with no name.


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In long years of fighting my demons I've learned that both are more of a band aid then anything else. No cures for some illnesses.
Indeed. Some things are just endemic. I meditate daily and it does help keep the demons and darkness at bay, but is treatment,  not a cure. A daily dose for a chronic condition. Sex and alcohol serve a similar purpose.
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If I was a god, I definitely wouldnt want Pintsize for prophet.

Hanners, probably.
Carpe Diem


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Out of this cast, Tai would be mine. Our philosophies align pretty well.
I'm a simple girl, all I want from life is to drink the blood of my enemies from their bleached hollowed skulls.


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In long years of fighting my demons I've learned that both are more of a band aid then anything else. No cures for some illnesses.

Exactly. Some things you just have to live with - you can find ways to manage your demons, you can make accomodations with them, you can beat them down when they start getting the upper hand, but you can't kill them.

Yeah, I've been thinking about that the last couple of days.

Anyway, Faye has been working on her own problems but she is in no way "cured" and  never will be. At least she has become self-aware enough to know when she needs to talk about them with someone.
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In long years of fighting my demons I've learned that both are more of a band aid then anything else. No cures for some illnesses.

Sadly, I think Mr. Williams found this out too late. :(
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I don't claim personal knowledge of Mr. Williams and his life, but from his talks and conversations he's had publically about rehab and his struggle, I'd say it's just the opposite actually. He knew that all too well.
I built the walls that make my life a prison, I built them all and cannot be forgiven... ...Sold my soul to carry your vendetta, So let me go before you can regret it, You've made your choice and now it's come to this, But that's price you pay when you're a monster with no name.


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I know suggesting Faye is anything other than a goddess in mortal form will cause me trouble but she is really pissing me off. Even thinking about replacing Angus with Sven is damn despicable. Just to compare her with Marten for a mo. Foolish as it was he gave up everything to follow his girlfriend across the country were as Faye is thinking about dumping Angus instead of riding a train. Mind you I think Angus would be better off without her if he gets the TV gig. He could get a non-violent, non-alcoholic and above all trustworthy girlfriend.


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Out of this cast, Tai would be mine. Our philosophies align pretty well.

But isn't a prophet who tells you what you already know rather missing the point?

"Verily I say unto thee that rainbows are caused by the reflection and refraction of light through water droplets."
"Yes, we know. Now could you please pass the garlic powder? My pizza's getting cold."
May goldfish leave Lincoln Logs in your sock drawer.


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Hmm... If Sven were an evil genius (improbable, I know), he might have passed Angus' name to whoever was running the auditions.

It would be ironic, but entirely fitting the comic, if he passed Angus' name along to be genuinely helpful, only for his motives to be misread because of what he'd said to Faye.
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I know suggesting Faye is anything other than a goddess in mortal form will cause me trouble but she is really pissing me off. Even thinking about replacing Angus with Sven is damn despicable. Just to compare her with Marten for a mo. Foolish as it was he gave up everything to follow his girlfriend across the country were as Faye is thinking about dumping Angus instead of riding a train. Mind you I think Angus would be better off without her if he gets the TV gig. He could get a non-violent, non-alcoholic and above all trustworthy girlfriend.

Really? You find it that hard to believe that Faye might have reasonable doubts about her ability to handle a long distance relationship?

As for replacing Angus with Sven and dumping Angus... nether of those things have been mentioned as possibilities at this point. I think you might be projecting.

Faye might also be looking at Marten as an example. He moved across the country, gave up his friends, his job, etc.. for a girl. And he is not with this girl now. It might have been a romantic gesture, but in hindsight it was just a stupid move.


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Out of this cast, Tai would be mine. Our philosophies align pretty well.

But isn't a prophet who tells you what you already know rather missing the point?

"Verily I say unto thee that rainbows are caused by the reflection and refraction of light through water droplets."
"Yes, we know. Now could you please pass the garlic powder? My pizza's getting cold."
The discussion was "if I were a god" who would I choose as my prophet. Obviously as a mere mortal, my choice would be irrelevant. I would assume most gods would prefer their prophets agree with their teachings.
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Always remember: if someone asks you if you are a god, you say yes.
The nerdy comic I update sometimes: Cesium Comics

Unofficial character tag thingy for QC


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I know suggesting Faye is anything other than a goddess in mortal form will cause me trouble but she is really pissing me off. Even thinking about replacing Angus with Sven is damn despicable.

I don't think she's doing that at all.

Faye is thinking about dumping Angus instead of riding a train.

She should break up if he's not going to be there. She probably won't for the sole reason of not having Marten and Faye both single and that's a problem from the writing perspective(Unless we were actually going to go that direction, but I think we're 2268 strips to late for that), but 'if it were real' the realistic options are clean break or go with him. Trying to make it work is just condemning it to a long, painful death.


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That reminds me - anyone checked up on Bill Murray lately?
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The discussion was "if I were a god" who would I choose as my prophet. Obviously as a mere mortal, my choice would be irrelevant. I would assume most gods would prefer their prophets agree with their teachings.

Interesting idea - gods who allow their prophets to disagree with them. I could deal with a god like that.
"It CAN'T be a bad decision, it resulted in CARROT CAKE!"


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That reminds me - anyone checked up on Bill Murray lately?
Last seen in a pickup truck being driven by a rodent.
The nerdy comic I update sometimes: Cesium Comics

Unofficial character tag thingy for QC


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Why isn't it realistic for the relationship to work long-distance? It wouldn't be forever; Angus is very unlikely to land a long-term contract. I have a friend who recently got married and her husband lives in the USA while she lives in the UK, and that'll be the case for at least two years. They're making it work, and that's a lot further to travel.
There's this really handy "other thing" I'm going to write as a footnote to my abstract that I can probably explore these issues in. I think I'll call it my "dissertation."


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Interesting idea - gods who allow their prophets to disagree with them. I could deal with a god like that.

You might enjoy Terry Pratchett's Small Gods, then. (It's one of the best Diskworld novels, and a standalone.)

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I know suggesting Faye is anything other than a goddess in mortal form will cause me trouble but she is really pissing me off.

Jeph said himself that he probably wouldn't like her if they met in real life.

(mod)The only problem we've had has been with a couple of people who spent damn near every post hating Faye regardless of the subject of the thread.(/mod)
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.


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I find it funny. We're back to the two main characters of the webcomic, and people are having hissy fits because they're talking about relationship issues - which is basically how the entire comic STARTED?

Compared to how Marten fumbled the ball with not even being able to talk to Sara (moment of silence, please), what he's doing with Emily is a massive seismic shift. And Faye went from being all robotic in talk and unable to even commit to a relationship to dealing with her current boyfling and her ex-FB.

Over the last 11 years, these two have changed dramatically. I personally love it.
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I'm expecting the Wine Monster to show up next
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Why isn't it realistic for the relationship to work long-distance? It wouldn't be forever; Angus is very unlikely to land a long-term contract. I have a friend who recently got married and her husband lives in the USA while she lives in the UK, and that'll be the case for at least two years. They're making it work, and that's a lot further to travel.

People can make it work, if it's what they both want. I was planning marriage with someone who lived 90 miles from me, and we were doing ok until I joined the military and went to basic training. Then after being apart for a little over three months, I go home on leave and find she had started seeing someone else. We were to the point of collecting furniture and household supplies, and then - not even a letter to warn me. Turns out it was for the better, I've been married for 30 years now, and no worries - but I thought things were pretty serious and we were handling being apart for a short time so things would get better, but she just couldn't deal with it.
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So apparently this white border thing is here to stay?....
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Wait, what? Wine that makes Marten sensible? Weird.
They call me Mr. Madness.

Quote from: Polonius
Though this be madness, yet there is method in't.
Does anybody really know what time it is?
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No, more like it made him forget what was bothering him about Emily's kiss.

And I have no problem with the white border - it's reminiscent of the older comics.
"Character is what you are in the Dark." - D.L. Moody
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Yes Marten friend, there is alcohol in the wine. It is makes the world okay.
I built the walls that make my life a prison, I built them all and cannot be forgiven... ...Sold my soul to carry your vendetta, So let me go before you can regret it, You've made your choice and now it's come to this, But that's price you pay when you're a monster with no name.


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Interesting idea - gods who allow their prophets to disagree with them. I could deal with a god like that.

You might enjoy Terry Pratchett's Small Gods, then. (It's one of the best Diskworld novels, and a standalone.)

Agreed. It is much darker than the others, though, and not very funny.

« Last Edit: 13 Aug 2014, 23:31 by KOK »
Quote from: Marten
You're cute when you're reasonable.


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  • The mischief that dwells within

oh goddammit Marten
stop pretending you care about such petty rules
it is hurtful to watch
The future is a weird place and you never know where it will take you.
the careful illusion of shit-togetherness


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oh goddammit Marten
stop pretending you care about such petty rules
it is hurtful to watch

I agree, sometimes people say things and I just go "wait... really?"  A peck on the cheek is something that needs to be reprimanded between two friends who happen to work together?  Damn Marten, you sound like a freaking... uh... librarian.
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