I don't think the issue is totally over yet though, most people would want some level of closure other than just never talking again after something like that.
You would be amazed how far avoidance can take you.
That said, this would be a terrible comic about relationships if this was over here.
To all the people who think Angus should have hugged her: Ok, when someone pulls away from you, then breaks up with you, which is effectively what she did, the right answer is sure as hell not to initiate physical contact with them. That has all kinds of creepy boundary issues to it.
And the whole thing of the onus being on him to fix things: As someone who has huge issues with letting things go, YOU CANNOT FORCE SOMEONE TO INTERACT WITH YOU. Faye is not interacting. As long as she refuses to do that, there is literally nothing he CAN do. Every time you force someone to interact with you, it just builds resentment and anger. It puts them on the defensive. She has to be willing to talk things out for him to take any action. She clearly wasn't at that time. There was nothing to do.
Angus had an opportunity for a reassuring hug, but he missed it. It's unfair to him to assume he could have recognized the need and the opportunity. That's why the hug bit is a non-issue.
What sets Marten apart is the willingness to switch gears, emotionally. He has every right say, as Angus did, "Why can't you be happy for me?" He realizes that Faye's problems don't make his good news less good.
As for the onus. That's got nothing to do with Faye's current response. The fact is that what just happened happened, and couldn't have happened any other way. The moving pen, having writ, and all that.
But, if they have a future, Angus is going to have a larger
external load to carry. He's going to have to adjust to the damage inside Faye, because realizing her mistakes is not going to heal her. His hangups seem to be less from emotional damage than hers. He's going to have to put up with and be understanding of unfair reactions on her part, to give her time to see them as such, and work on them. Faye has hard work ahead but, as far as the relationship goes, Faye has to work on Faye. Angus has to work on Faye and Angus. It's not fair, thus onus. And if he can't accept that, things will be more painful at best. Impossible to reconcile at worst.