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And now act three...

Tropical Storm Martenclaire meets Northern Hurricane Faye for disastrous results
- 32 (26.2%)
The Svenectomy begins
- 16 (13.1%)
Tai razzes Marten and Claire till they're both as red as Claire's hair
- 16 (13.1%)
Steve Eating Cereal: The Legend Continues
- 8 (6.6%)
Clinton finally finds out that big sister has a boyfriend
- 41 (33.6%)
5 straight days of yelling bird cloaca jokes
- 9 (7.4%)

Total Members Voted: 110

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Author Topic: WCDT: 2816-2820 (20-24 October 2014) Weekly Comic Discussion Thread  (Read 139310 times)

Half Empty Coffee Cup

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"I had pancakes." Marten's continuing his class act. I chuckled. The line of thought that he's trying to spare Faye an uncomfortable situation rings a little hollow. This is a gag-a-day strip, and sometimes you need a punchline. This was a punchline. Marten will probably go on to explain where he was eating his pancakes somewhat soon... after he does the Being a Good Friend thing.
Mistakes, ahoy!


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Ugh!  I just realized after reading this comic and absorbing recent developments in the strip got an intuitive flash on where the strip could be heading.  I have to step away from the keyboard right now.


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God fucking dammit this strip really hits me hard. I knew this was probably coming for a long time in the strip, but I'm currently dealing with the emotional aftermath of a 3+ year relationship that ended primarily because of distance. Faye's line in Panel 3 really hits me like a brick and brings up all the memories I've been trying to forget.

No idea why I decided to tell that to a group of internet strangers, just felt like I needed to get that off my chest.


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Being a good guy is Martin's defining characteristic. His strength and his flaw.

He is just learning to be assertive. If he also learned to use his powers only for good, he'd be pretty dull.

And it would probably be too much growth to believe.  I kinda like how Jeph is showing that character trait as neither wholly good or bad.
"I had pancakes." Marten's continuing his class act. I chuckled. The line of thought that he's trying to spare Faye an uncomfortable situation rings a little hollow. This is a gag-a-day strip, and sometimes you need a punchline. This was a punchline. Marten will probably go on to explain where he was eating his pancakes somewhat soon... after he does the Being a Good Friend thing.

Also, this.

Half Empty Coffee Cup

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Ugh!  I just realized after reading this comic and absorbing recent developments in the strip got an intuitive flash on where the strip could be heading.  I have to step away from the keyboard right now.
Before you share your Horrible Revelation?
Mistakes, ahoy!


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Oh no, I'm another new person! Hello.  :-)

I've been reading along for years; my new-reader-archive-binge was... at least five years ago? Honestly, I forget. Been on-and-off lurking the forums the whole time. Finally registered during the Martenclaire squee festival because I felt I would have some important things to say, and then everyone said them. So: first post. What finally prompted me to post a little something in words:

I laughed out loud at the "I had pancakes" line. Just, thank you Jeph. There's been a lot of good writing, a lot of squee, a lot of good drama, and a lot of good humor, but BAM the pancakes line still has me giggling on the inside. Lots of buildup to that punchline and it was good.

Something left over from when I was building up what I wanted to say when I first registered a few weeks ago: I am so glad puns are IN again, and not punishable. Thank you to all forum members who pun it up. You make me smile.

Welcome! I feel the same way about the second "arms race" strip. Gets me every time.


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No idea why I decided to tell that to a group of internet strangers, just felt like I needed to get that off my chest.

Sometimes its easier to open up to unknowns because even if they were to judge, they can't touch you or hurt you. It's comforting to be able o get things off your chest without fear of it affecting your every day life. Kinda like the first session or two with a therapist. Only free. Sorry about your breakup, at the risk of sounding cliche'd, sometimes that happens, hopefully with time you can feel better.
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Reality bites ..........

James The Kugai 

You can never have too much Coffee.


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Ugh!  I just realized after reading this comic and absorbing recent developments in the strip got an intuitive flash on where the strip could be heading.  I have to step away from the keyboard right now.


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Ugh!  I just realized after reading this comic and absorbing recent developments in the strip got an intuitive flash on where the strip could be heading.  I have to step away from the keyboard right now.

C'mon, you can't leave us hanging after that.
May goldfish leave Lincoln Logs in your sock drawer.


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Welcome, new people!


pleased to make your acquaintance :)
"Wit is educated insolence" - Aristotle


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Ugh!  I just realized after reading this comic and absorbing recent developments in the strip got an intuitive flash on where the strip could be heading.  I have to step away from the keyboard right now.
Before you share your Horrible Revelation?

I can't.  I literally saw it like a script on paper and it just would be too awful for all concerned. 

I don't think Jeph would write it that way - and I'm pretty sure Marten and Faye and Claire are how I imagine them in the strip and wouldn't deviate massively off the plots as I've seen them since the beginning. 


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Ugh!  I just realized after reading this comic and absorbing recent developments in the strip got an intuitive flash on where the strip could be heading.  I have to step away from the keyboard right now.
Before you share your Horrible Revelation?

I can't.  I literally saw it like a script on paper and it just would be too awful for all concerned. 

I don't think Jeph would write it that way - and I'm pretty sure Marten and Faye and Claire are how I imagine them in the strip and wouldn't deviate massively off the plots as I've seen them since the beginning.

See now you can't leave everyone hanging like that


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Yep. Spill dude/dudette/dudi (a gender neutral form of "dude" I am experimenting with)
I built the walls that make my life a prison, I built them all and cannot be forgiven... ...Sold my soul to carry your vendetta, So let me go before you can regret it, You've made your choice and now it's come to this, But that's price you pay when you're a monster with no name.


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I don't think Jeph would write it that way - and I'm pretty sure Marten and Faye and Claire are how I imagine them in the strip and wouldn't deviate massively off the plots as I've seen them since the beginning.

See now you can't leave everyone hanging like that

I think Yelling Bird said it best.
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Wow. OK, I still hope for an actual conversation between them rather than a fast fade on Angus as a character but I guess that's that.


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I don't know if that is that. I kinda think it is. Faye's actions might not have been particularly healthy, but her reason is hard to argue with.

Angus isn't leaving for "a week." Probably a bit less than that, but still time for closure.

On the other hand, I don't see them patching this up.


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I don't know if that is that. I kinda think it is. Faye's actions might not have been particularly healthy, but her reason is hard to argue with.

Angus isn't leaving for "a week." Probably a bit less than that, but still time for closure.

On the other hand, I don't see them patching this up.

I don't, either, but a week in comic time can easily take us to Thanksgiving, which is typically when Big Things Happen. Of course, if Angus is being faded out, it could also play out in a similar way and timeline to the end of the Marten/Padma arc.
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Longtime Lurker/reader, first time posting

Does anyone else see Faye rebounding onto Sven then regretting it. She wouldn't tell Dora, and then the Svenectomy would begin and *poof* drama
"Accurate" and "orbital bombardment" do not fit in the same sentence.


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I can't shake the impression that big things involve Sven and Faye. That's not something I root for. Sven can be a good guy, and he may have grown up since he all but vanished after Faye and Angus became a thing. But the way he came back and his attitude about it suggest he has a long way to go.

Longtime Lurker/reader, first time posting

Does anyone else see Faye rebounding onto Sven then regretting it. She wouldn't tell Dora, and then the Svenectomy would begin and *poof* drama

The Svenectomy ought to be well in progress. If Dora stuck to her plan she told her parents two days ago.


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Remember, it was Sven, not Angus, who got Faye over her intimacy problems. Angus just came in after Sven figuratively threw himself on the grenade.


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Remember, it was Sven, not Angus, who got Faye over her intimacy problems. Angus just came in after Sven figuratively threw himself on the grenade.

Hooray more evidence!
"Accurate" and "orbital bombardment" do not fit in the same sentence.


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Actually, I kinda figure Sven is in Faye's path because Dora is keeping Faye in the dark about the whole drama.

What better way to set up a conflict.

Hell, it occurs to me that Sven might swoop in a do the right thing by being supportive and respectful of Faye's feelings. Dora's track record of blowing up at Sven for things he didn't do is nearly unbroken.


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Actually, I kinda figure Sven is in Faye's path because Dora is keeping Faye in the dark about the whole drama.

What better way to set up a conflict.

He'll, it occurs to me that Sven might swoop in a do the right thing by being supportive and respectful of Faye's feelings. Dora's track record of blowing up at Sven for things he didn't do is nearly unbroken.

I fully support this


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It's a fact that LDRs are hard and almost invariably weaken the relationship. Faye was probably right to say it wouldn't work; they have affection for eachother but they aren't so in love that they could weather that. She was arguably even right to hide this from Angus so that he wouldn't be distracted now his big moment is coming. However, I do think that she owes him an explanation of what she was thinking and why. Otherwise, it will poison them both.

As for the immediate future, I can't see Faye starting another relationship or even having a ONS; the wound will be a bit too raw for a while (Sven may try to pounce but I doubt Faye would be ready and I think she knows that it would be abusing his feelings). I'm wondering if she'll get her vicarious relationship thrills via Claire and Marten.  :wink:

Speaking of Claire and Marten, my feeling is that they spent the day just being together. Beyond the pancakes, I'm thinking that there were few landmarks. Just walking, talking and snuggling. I doubt either of them would be willing to push too far or too quickly. Faye may walk in on a couch make-out in the near future but no further. If things go further, it will be Claire who initiates, IMHO.

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Hell, it occurs to me that Sven might swoop in a do the right thing by being supportive and respectful of Faye's feelings.
LOL! That would be a first!

"I would rather have questions that can't be answered, than answers that can't be questioned." Richard Feynman


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It suddenly occurs to me that Marten is doing more-or-less what Faye did to Angus: Brush over details that he thinks will upset the other, in this case that he had a great morning! His tells are so hilariously overt that I bet Faye sees through him immediately!

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Angus has no incentive to make this a clean break. He's going to be so busy in NY that he basically won't have time for a different girlfriend there, so I think he'll say "It's ok if you're not ready. Call me when you are."

Effectively married to his job, he busily but patiently waits for Faye. Faye rebounds, realizes she doesn't want Angus after all but neither does she have to make a clean break because he's not present and prosecuting their relationship is on hold indefinitely.

This continues until one or the other cheats (or is it really cheating?) or otherwise hooks up with someone else and there's time-delay dramorz.

What do you think, sirs?


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Longtime Lurker/reader, first time posting

Does anyone else see Faye rebounding onto Sven then regretting it. She wouldn't tell Dora, and then the Svenectomy would begin and *poof* drama

I can easily see this happening - Faye gets drunk (she's good at that); Sven appears; Faye being drunk, miserable, and remembering how good Sven is in bed wants some comfort . . . .

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I can easily see this happening - Faye gets drunk [...]
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Carpe Diem


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Enough drama for the last week and the first two comics of this one.

Can we have some squeeeeeee now please, Mr. Jeph?  :-D


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Faye thinks there were sexy times last night. Marten may not escape on pancakes alone.

Marten's being a master of diplomacy here.
Certainly Marten has some news he'd like to tell her about, but he has the good sense not to tell her more than she might want to know, especially in her current state. She'll have to ask if she wants more.
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Enough drama for the last week and the first two comics of this one.

Can we have some squeeeeeee now please, Mr. Jeph?  :-D

Sorry, everyone used up their monthly allotment of squee already


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It seems like Faye should be saying these things to Angus, not Marten. I might just be reading the comic incorrectly, but it seems like Faye portrays her feelings to Marten in a way that implies that she did speak to Angus about them.

On a different-but-related note: I can't get over Faye and Angus' silence towards each other. Angus, tell Faye that you want to meet up later so you can talk about the problem. If you're going to make a remark like, "Can't we at least try to make this work," you need to stick around long enough for Faye to say something substantive. Even if it's "can we talk about this later, when I get off of work." Faye, of course, needs to be brave enough to really talk about her feelings to her (former?) boyfriend.   


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Hell, it occurs to me that Sven might swoop in a do the right thing by being supportive and respectful of Faye's feelings.
LOL! That would be a first!

Nope. A second. Despite correctly reading that Faye was kinda into him, he stuck by Dora's "no banging my employees" rule until Faye jumped his bones. If Faye allows Sven within comforting distance, I doubt he'll make a move unless Faye gives him a definitive green light. But he will hang out with her, and be nice. He's an ass, but an honorable one after a fashion, and he misses talking to Faye as much as the rest.

Faye thinks there were sexy times last night. Marten may not escape on pancakes alone.

Marten's being a master of diplomacy here.
Certainly Marten has some news he'd like to tell her about, but he has the good sense not to tell her more than she might want to know, especially in her current state. She'll have to ask if she wants more.

Depends. If Faye really is too bummed to care, and her question to Marten was "Please change the subject, and subject!" then she might let the evasion pass. But if she really is interested, she won't. She believes something went down, so she "knows" Marten is being evasive. It's not merely an either or, as well. There's a spectrum of moods and motives between those extremes. Someone said, earlier, it's a gag a day strip. My money is on her not letting it pass, with a hedge bet on filler.


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with a hedge bet on filler.

I request the filler to be friday this week, please... It has a tendency to help me release tension just before the weekend.


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with a hedge bet on filler.

I request the filler to be friday this week, please... It has a tendency to help me release tension just before the weekend.

There is filler and there is filler. I wouldn't be surprised if, tomorrow we jump to Angus at home with Marigold, Momo (and May, who's just finished her shower and is feeling mischievious). It will be interesting to see Angus's side of the story; remembering that none of his room-mates or their semi-welcome visitor have more than a nodding acquaintance with Faye so they'd be more likely to be either neutral or actively sympathetic to his feelings... With the exception of May who I suspect would likely take Faye's side just to be contrary.

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As for the immediate future, I can't see Faye starting another relationship or even having a ONS; the wound will be a bit too raw for a while (Sven may try to pounce but I doubt Faye would be ready and I think she knows that it would be abusing his feelings).
Hence the regret idea, dunk Faye has proven to not think long term. ONS, then regret it that morning for
A: The impending Svenectomy
B: Abusing his feelings
C: Possibly feeling like she isn't being faithful to Angus (Not rational but post-breakup feelings seldom are)
D: Just rebounding onto Sven

Speaking of Claire and Marten, my feeling is that they spent the day just being together. Beyond the pancakes, I'm thinking that there were few landmarks. Just walking, talking and snuggling. I doubt either of them would be willing to push too far or too quickly. Faye may walk in on a couch make-out in the near future but no further. If things go further, it will be Claire who initiates, IMHO.
I definitely can't see Marten initiating too much for several different reasons, chiefly his respect of women. I hope there were more landmarks, and more than that I want to see them Mister Jeph.

EDIT: Fixed the quote boxes
"Accurate" and "orbital bombardment" do not fit in the same sentence.


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Am I the only one that considered, given previous events, Martens word-choice might have not been optimal?


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Am I the only one that considered, given previous events, Martens word-choice might have not been optimal?

Well done on catching another of Jeph's in-jokes.

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Nah I feel more like that's just a recurring joke for us readers and less something, that'll set Faye off.
I think someone said it earlier but at some point there does need to be a punchline, and we've been getting a lot of plot development with much less comedy for the last several strips.
Plus pancakes are a running theme with QC lately. Next time I do an archive trawl I'll note how many time they seem to be focal or part of a joke.
"Accurate" and "orbital bombardment" do not fit in the same sentence.


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Plus pancakes are a running theme with QC lately. Next time I do an archive trawl I'll note how many time they seem to be focal or part of a joke.

Maybe Jeph shouldn't script when hungry?  :laugh:

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He tried to bring it up several times, between each step of the audition process. He even considered not even going to the audition (which would have been a terrible idea) when talking to Marten.

He's been thinking about this from the beginning. He just can't talk about it with her until she actually decides to talk about it.

(I just reread everything with the two of them in it from like, 2600 on. I had actually missed how many times he tried to discuss it.)

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to imply that it's all on Angus, only that he was in the best position to make this play out better. Now, my memory of their exchanges about this isn't all that fresh, but what I remember could also be seen as examples of Angus jumping on every opportunity to enthuse about this awesome opportunity after perfunctorily checking with Faye and taking her assurances at face value. I think that interpretation is consistent with the way his character has been portrayed so far--a good dude who kinda needs people to take care of their things on their own end make things clear and easy for him as well as for themselves by telling him when he needs to think.

I don't mean that as criticism, it's just another way to approach relationships. However, I don't think his way of doing things is the only way, or even the best way. For example, he could have taken an approach that simultaneously allows for the possibility that Faye's always clearly meant what she said and the possibility that she's been trying to put a brave face on things. He could also have set things up for this conversation earlier, because, believe it or not, you can actually force or help people to have--or at least prepare to have--conversations they apparently aren't ready or willing to have. You can when you need and want to. Esp. when you're in a committed long-term relationship with that person. But, in order to do so, you have to be willing to have that conversation yourself, you have to understand and accept that people sometimes "lie" to themselves and to each other, you have to have a sense of what might be going on in eg. your partner's head and you have to use that sense deliberately rather than tricking yourself into accepting the most pleasant view of things. It's about using your good judgement, and I don't think Angus has much inclination to use what good judgement he may have. I don't think Angus's psyche works like that, which is why, when the moment of truth finally arrived, he acted as if the thought of Faye having had difficulties with this had been completely wiped from his mind: "You're not being very supportive. This is my dream. Can't you just be happy for me?"

Now, I get how he might be hurt and upset by having his joy turned into sadness and guilt. It's possible that I've forgotten some crucial comic where Angus's behaviour clearly refutes my characterization of him, and I'm not particularly invested in making him out to be a tit. Right now this discussion may be moot anyway, if Faye's really going to just end things, but I still have hopes for their future babies :) even if they don't have those babies with each other. I think these two can "fix" each other, one learning to speak up, the other learning to listen properly, and both learning to fight for love.
« Last Edit: 21 Oct 2014, 06:00 by Aimless »
Sometimes I think, sometimes I am


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For some reason, I was reminded of this, even though it's not really relevant:

Sometimes I think, sometimes I am


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Despite all the "Angus' fault / Faye's fault" discussions it seems that Faye has had a sudden revelation that she doesn't care as much about Angus as she might have thought. She can't help that - she's given it her best shot and simply can't do it, and at least she's honest enough to admit it rather than painfully continue the unconvincing pretence.

So nobody's to blame. These things happen, and while this is going to be painful for Faye, I don't think it's going to be a disaster for her, and she's surrounded by friends who will look after her.

I do wonder if a recurring theme though the whole history of QC is going to be Marten and Faye failing to get together forever for one reason after another:
- first she can't handle a relationship at all
- then just as she might be able to handle it, Dora gets there first
- then she's with Angus when Marten/Dora split up
- then Marten's with Claire the moment Faye loses Angus, with uncanny timing.
(I don't even want to speculate about the next step in that series)
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(I don't even want to speculate about the next step in that series)

Things could get very, very weird indeed, given a sufficiently improbable sequence of events and the right people having the right desires...

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Despite all the "Angus' fault / Faye's fault" discussions it seems that Faye has had a sudden revelation that she doesn't care as much about Angus as she might have thought. She can't help that - she's given it her best shot and simply can't do it, and at least she's honest enough to admit it rather than painfully continue the unconvincing pretence.

So nobody's to blame. These things happen, and while this is going to be painful for Faye, I don't think it's going to be a disaster for her, and she's surrounded by friends who will look after her.

I do wonder if a recurring theme though the whole history of QC is going to be Marten and Faye failing to get together forever for one reason after another:
- first she can't handle a relationship at all
- then just as she might be able to handle it, Dora gets there first
- then she's with Angus when Marten/Dora split up
- then Marten's with Claire the moment Faye loses Angus, with uncanny timing.
(I don't even want to speculate about the next step in that series)

I don't think that at all. I firmly believe that Marten and Faye are friends now, not a couple-in-waiting.
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(I don't even want to speculate about the next step in that series)

Actually, when Marten hugged her, I had a nightmare vision of the next comic being Faye going in for the kiss.
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(I don't even want to speculate about the next step in that series)

Actually, when Marten hugged her, I had a nightmare vision of the next comic being Faye going in for the kiss.

She's hurting too badly for that but I was expecting her to do something that would require even greater trust in Marten - to cry her eyes out on his shoulder.

They call me BenRG... But I don't know why!
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