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Fayepocalypse! What Next?

The hospital waiting room?
- 50 (33.3%)
Faye on a trip down Deriver Denial?
- 26 (17.3%)
Emergency Cast Meeting?
- 45 (30%)
The police station, charged with the assault (or even murder) of Pintsize?
- 9 (6%)
Weird archetype-filled dream sequence for Faye in which she sees her life as a strange Pyroland-like fantasy and is Elightened?
- 20 (13.3%)

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Author Topic: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)  (Read 145033 times)


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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #500 on: 27 Jan 2015, 13:07 »

On one hand you have Marten who is exhaustively supportive of his friends & Faye is his best friend.

And yet, he did tell her that she was drinking too much on an occasion where she did. Supportive, yes, but not blind to their faults.
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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #501 on: 27 Jan 2015, 13:14 »

More on welfare. I'm Canadian (as everyone probably knows as I clarify it way too often), but I took social work and we also talked about the US, and I have a general familiarity. Even if the Canada stuff doesn't help (we're generally a lot more left wing than the US, even with Harper), it might give some perspective for curious Europeans. I may be slightly out of date, and this is based on experience, friends' experiences, and classes.

Most cities have food banks or soup kitchens, so at least that's sorted probably.

Here, welfare (government granted money to survive on when jobless and not receiving EI) is $660ish, dependent on the fact that you're looking for a job while receiving it. In Victoria, BC (capital but not as large/spensive as Vancouver), a one bedroom apartment is $600-$700, although you could share a 2 bedroom for $900-1200ish, meaning only $450-600, or get a room in a house for about $450-$550. So that's a problem. If you get a job as well as welfare, but are making below $660, they pay the difference (eg making $400 per month, they give you $260), so until you somehow get a better job, you are basically fucked. I don't know the American cash numbers, but I am relatively certain that they're similarly proportioned.

If she could register as having a disability (depression most likely), she could probably get a little more cash help, although like with welfare, it subtracts the difference- so if you were eligible for $800 disability and for welfare, you'd still just get $800. It's dumb. That's why we have so many homeless disabled people (also, cities hate putting money into mental health and homeless shelters). This is also why some people try to have jobs under the table while on welfare/disability- it's not that they want to scam those tax payers out of money, it's that you cannot (or can barely) survive on government assistance, and for any amount you can leg yourself up, you lose over again (before someone links me a news article about someone scamming- some people do try to exploit stuff. however, they are the vast minority, and they ruin it for people who need it. people on welfare don't like it any more than right wing extremists do). Lots of people receiving welfare are homeless (and lots of people with jobs, or with both, are homeless).

EI runs out, and while she's collecting it she'd only be able to get the difference in welfare, if any, as with if she had other income (eg, a job). However, lots of people receive welfare for only a couple months (it's just a stereotype that welfare is for people who want nothing other than to live on it forever. an awful stereotype), so she'd probably be able to get it. Plus, as no one has seemed to point out, Marten mentioned when they moved that the rent isn't much higher than his old place- even if Faye was only paying a third while she got back on her feet, or even none, he could probably carry it. Other than with/following impulse purchases, he hasn't had much financial difficulty- if he was willing, I don't think Faye would have much of a problem.

Of course, hospital bills are ridiculous in the US, and she'll probably be there a while, especially if she's on a psych hold. That may nullify whatever she gets, whether it's via a job that she makes a decent wage at OR bare minimum welfare. Good thing that, as I mentioned, Marten could probably carry her a little.

Question for actual Americans- Not including insurance, how does involuntary treatment payment work? Like, if someone doesn't want to go to the hospital (such as if they're suicidal) and are held 'for their own safety.' Do they still have to pay a fee for their bed? What about severe physical injuries where someone doesn't even know they were at the hospital, but isn't comatose or anything where it goes to their next of kin (eg a couple days under following a car accident).

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Marten offers to stay by her bedside and asks a question that makes it clear that he understands her recovery is contingent on more than the mere physical recovery from this one incident.

Commenters decide that he isn't her friend and has no idea what alcoholism is.

I don't understand this place sometimes.

If Marten understood 1. that Faye is an alcoholic and 2. what alcoholism is, he wouldn't be pestering medical staff to answer if Faye would be OK. He'd know that they have no control over it, and that recovery necessarily has to start with Faye herself.

Put another way, Marten obviously thinks Faye's issues are all or mostly medical. They aren't. As he's going to find out in the coming days.

Pretty sure he's asking for reassurance, not actually that confused. If anything, it seems like he knows they're not medical, for the reasons Tova said (he acknowledged physical recover did not mean 'okay'), although he may be fuzzy on how treating mental illness works.

For whatever reason, I can't stop dwelling on how that IV reduces Faye to being one handed.

Restraints seem a far more humane option than crippling someone's hand. There's a bazillion other veins available.
I'm confused. You said your hand was out of use until they removed the IV. If someone was restrained, wouldn't both their hands be out of use/'crippled' until they were removed? How is that more humane? Wouldn't it be doubly bad?
(plus the stuff about dislocating your arms or not being able to roll on your side if you're choking or whatever)

Also, Faye probably would need the IV either way, for fluids and probably medicine. So, having it there to add a benzo or something to wouldn't really be any difference in how much she was already restrained by the IV (physically- obviously she'd probably be pretty asleep once it was added). (Edit: and also, they probably would have an IV in her even without the fluids and stuff, just the needle in. That way, if she crashed, they wouldn't have to deal with finding a vein or wasting precious seconds). Also also, more to do with the last paragraph above this, restraints are terrifying, she's drunk, and last time she described suffering psychosis, which may be expected this time (medically, I doubt they've asked). Terrifying+Confused(and maybe also terrifying) generally is bad.

« Last Edit: 27 Jan 2015, 13:23 by Smallest »

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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #502 on: 27 Jan 2015, 13:27 »

Here's some info about the US health care "system", it may be out of date.

Emergency rooms are required to treat everyone, regardless of ability to pay. The two horrible catches are that they have no obligation to treat beyond stabilizing the patient, and that they can still bill for the treatment. They won't turn you away, but they will leave you pursued by debt collectors for years.

People who lose their jobs can continue temporarily on their employer's plan, at their own expense. That's right, it's health care for unemployed people that depends on them paying full freight for insurance. Dora, of course, can report any date she wants for Faye's termination.

Down at the destitution level, there's government-funded care under the Medicaid program. It's federally funded but states can set their own rules. I just read that in Texas an annual income of $4,000 makes you too rich to qualify for Medicaid. The PPACA was supposed to expand eligibility but states can and do refuse to implement that.
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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #503 on: 27 Jan 2015, 14:09 »

People who lose their jobs can continue temporarily on their employer's plan, at their own expense. That's right, it's health care for unemployed people that depends on them paying full freight for insurance. Dora, of course, can report any date she wants for Faye's termination.

The acronym for this is "COBRA," and if Fay has any money to pay it she'd be foolish not to. Unless her last day at COD was the final day of the month, she's probably still covered for the current emergency, and she can use COBRA to pick up the rest. (All assuming COD has health insurance for employees - not a given). If QC universe has President Obama, then she could also apply for Affordable Care Act insurance . There will still be co-pays and deductibles, but these are manageable and generally the hospital will be happy to put you on a payment plan for them.

Down at the destitution level, there's government-funded care under the Medicaid program. It's federally funded but states can set their own rules. I just read that in Texas an annual income of $4,000 makes you too rich to qualify for Medicaid. The PPACA was supposed to expand eligibility but states can and do refuse to implement that.

Part of the Affordable Care Act was Medicaid Expansion to catch low income people. Helpful Republican-appointed Supreme Court justices decided to make Medicaid Expansion voluntary, so  states with Republican governors could go on merrily screwing the poor. Lucky for Faye, she's in Massachusetts, so this doesn't affect her.


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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #504 on: 27 Jan 2015, 14:14 »

Amazing what one can learn just by reading the forums, for instance I knew none of this healthcare stuff before today.
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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #505 on: 27 Jan 2015, 14:37 »

Time for a silliness break.

For the next strip, I'd like to see Deathmole find a vocalist, set up in Faye's room, and serenade her with Kool and the Gang:

"Reeeeee-hydraaaation! Let's all rehydrate and have a good time"
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.


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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #506 on: 27 Jan 2015, 14:38 »

Faye wasn't able to buy glasses in one of the early storylines... Marten used his insurance from his old job to get them for her. From that I infer that there is some precedent for there being a system functionally similar to the current US system in QCverse.

However, neither do we see people constantly complaining of being in heavy medical debt. I would guess that "characters incurring crushing medical debt" hasn't been a story Jeph wanted to tell yet, if at all.

Too busy for an archive crawl now... does anyone else remember any references to health care costs or practices?

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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #507 on: 27 Jan 2015, 14:39 »

@Cold - Deathmole with a vocalist? We can only suspend our disbelief so far ::)
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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #508 on: 27 Jan 2015, 14:44 »

Emergency rooms are required to treat everyone, regardless of ability to pay. The two horrible catches are that they have no obligation to treat beyond stabilizing the patient, and that they can still bill for the treatment. They won't turn you away, but they will leave you pursued by debt collectors for years.

Having dealt with being poor and having to go to the Emergency room several times for various injuries while having no insurance, there are also other things you can look into. I think the thing I qualified for was called LIAA, or something like that, low income something something. Anyway, I paid 0 dollars for my emergency room visits back then, and have never been contacted by a debt collector/have no debt on my record. And this is not for life threatening things either, this was for things like getting stitches, etc, so not just "stabilizing" care. I think if you got admitted it was a bit different though.

Hilariously, I pay more for them now that I'm paying enormous health insurance premiums every month... I would say the biggest health care burden isn't on the poor, but on the lower middle class. People who make too much for any assistance, which is where I am now. Seeing a specialist doctor, WITH insurance, eats into most of my discretionary budget for the month just with my copay. My wife currently needs a surgery but it will cost us about 3k that we don't have. She had a similar surgery when we were pretty broke and it cost us only 500 dollars (everything was covered by medicaid (which I didn't have for my emergency visits, but had gained between then and when she had that surger) except the anesthetist).

Not having insurance at all is life ruining if something happens, but even having insurance in the US is a joke unless its REALLY good insurance.


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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #509 on: 27 Jan 2015, 14:46 »

I was retracked onto the introduction of May via another thread and right after it came this: (sorry I don't know how to link). Does anyone think this was serious or was it just Faye being Faye?
"Accurate" and "orbital bombardment" do not fit in the same sentence.


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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #510 on: 27 Jan 2015, 14:48 »

Down at the destitution level, there's government-funded care under the Medicaid program. It's federally funded but states can set their own rules. I just read that in Texas an annual income of $4,000 makes you too rich to qualify for Medicaid. The PPACA was supposed to expand eligibility but states can and do refuse to implement that.

Part of the Affordable Care Act was Medicaid Expansion to catch low income people. Helpful Republican-appointed Supreme Court justices decided to make Medicaid Expansion voluntary, so  states with Republican governors could go on merrily screwing the poor. Lucky for Faye, she's in Massachusetts, so this doesn't affect her.

Every now and then someone mentions that if we keep voting for the conservatives, we're going to get privatized health care, and this is (part of) why it terrifies me. It's pretty much my biggest nightmare. I can't imagine having to pay for consultations, let alone necessary medical treatment. It seems ridiculous enough that some offices have a fee for 'see boss, I was sick!' notes.

Having dealt with being poor and having to go to the Emergency room several times for various injuries while having no insurance, there are also other things you can look into. [...]

Hilariously, I pay more for them now that I'm paying enormous health insurance premiums every month... I would say the biggest health care burden isn't on the poor, but on the lower middle class. People who make too much for any assistance, which is where I am now. Seeing a specialist doctor, WITH insurance, eats into most of my discretionary budget for the month just with my copay. My wife currently needs a surgery but it will cost us about 3k that we don't have. She had a similar surgery when we were pretty broke and it cost us only 500 dollars (everything was covered by medicaid except the anesthetist).

Not having insurance at all is life ruining if something happens, but even having insurance in the US is a joke unless its REALLY good insurance.

Kept more because it bears repeating, but re: the bolded statement: Monetarily, I absolutely agree. I have always been poor-to-lower middle. However, I'd definitely say lower middle is easier in that you are a lot more able to access your care than a poor person eligible for a lot of resources often is.


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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #511 on: 27 Jan 2015, 14:51 »

I was retracked onto the introduction of May via another thread and right after it came this: (sorry I don't know how to link). Does anyone think this was serious or was it just Faye being Faye?

If she's mad enough, she probably has a few things she could open a case about (or just revenge call the health inspector about the spiders and the time with the raccoon and stuff). I doubt she has substantial folders on everything Dora's done wrong, especially after she worked there a few months and established that Dora wouldn't try to screw her over. I doubt she'd act on it, if she does. She might have, if she found a sleazy lawyer the same day she got fired, since she was mad, but she'll have cooled down by the time she leaves and probably even had Dora visiting in the hospital by then.

Also, that she has things to open one about doesn't mean I think she'd win it or even avoid being countersued if it came to it.

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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #512 on: 27 Jan 2015, 14:56 »

Kept more because it bears repeating, but re: the bolded statement: Monetarily, I absolutely agree. I have always been poor-to-lower middle. However, I'd definitely say lower middle is easier in that you are a lot more able to access your care than a poor person eligible for a lot of resources often is.

Oh, good lord yes. General Practitioners especially. Do you know how hard it is to find a GP that accepts Medicaid. The only one I could find was this very frighteningly stern black lady who always wore sandals and had the most disturbingly calloused feet, was about a 30 minute drive from my house, and was always super crowded. Also, she just intimidated me.

I was so happy when I could go back to my old doctor after my wife got a job at a hospital and I got insurance through her job.

And if you are in that weird "can't afford insurance, but also can't qualify for Medicaid" section, you get more fun, because the only way to get reliable care is free clinics (which are harder and harder to find) and emergency rooms. IN FACT, one of the reasons Emergency Rooms are so expensive is because of people who can't really afford to go anywhere else, so they go there when they have stuff that is super not an emergency and they can't pay so the hospital has to eat it for the most part.

Actually, it gets worse, the state I'm in has laws about overlapping areas of care, so when the hospital wanted to open up a clinic across the street from the ER, they found out they couldn't even though it would be cheaper all around for everyone because the law said that they couldn't open a clinic in the same area an ER could cover.


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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #513 on: 27 Jan 2015, 15:02 »

Kept more because it bears repeating, but re: the bolded statement: Monetarily, I absolutely agree. I have always been poor-to-lower middle. However, I'd definitely say lower middle is easier in that you are a lot more able to access your care than a poor person eligible for a lot of resources often is.

Oh, good lord yes. General Practitioners especially. Do you know how hard it is to find a GP that accepts Medicaid. The only one I could find was this very frighteningly stern black lady who always wore sandals and had the most disturbingly calloused feet, was about a 30 minute drive from my house, and was always super crowded. Also, she just intimidated me.

I was so happy when I could go back to my old doctor after my wife got a job at a hospital and I got insurance through her job.

And if you are in that weird "can't afford insurance, but also can't qualify for Medicaid" section, you get more fun, because the only way to get reliable care is free clinics (which are harder and harder to find) and emergency rooms. IN FACT, one of the reasons Emergency Rooms are so expensive is because of people who can't really afford to go anywhere else, so they go there when they have stuff that is super not an emergency and they can't pay so the hospital has to eat it for the most part.

Actually, it gets worse, the state I'm in has laws about overlapping areas of care, so when the hospital wanted to open up a clinic across the street from the ER, they found out they couldn't even though it would be cheaper all around for everyone because the law said that they couldn't open a clinic in the same area an ER could cover.

I don't, and I doubt I can imagine it. However, I have been too poor and too far out of town to be able to see a GP. I at least had one, since I lived by my parents' family doctor, but no way of getting to him. Also, no hospital/urgent care within 50 minutes or so. Since living in cities there have always been walk in clinics when I didn't have my own GP (I sort of do now, thanks to a nice receptionist/the doctor's wife at a walk in clinic/family doctor's) and hospitals in emergencies, but even then scraping up bus fair is hard at times. Again with the 'I can't imagine having to pay for the doctor,' since I know we make a bit over what counts as dirt eating poor and thus would have to.


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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #514 on: 27 Jan 2015, 15:47 »

It's worth noting with involuntary care, if you are insured, you have to pay the co-pay.

Also, as far as Faye not being able to afford glasses... in the US, vision and dental care are another add-on on top of your insurance, they don't come by default. I take them (and need the vision, I wear bifocals, although I don't actually use it that often (my vision isn't changing, so it's just wear and tear on the glasses that makes me go in and get new ones)), but many don't.

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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #515 on: 27 Jan 2015, 16:45 »

It's a standard move in US employment law to offer a departing employee a severance package above and beyond their contract on condition that they accept it as a complete settlement and sign away their chance to sue. Dora is probably savvy enough to do just that.

There is someone in the wings who could be a Deathmole vocalist. Sven can sing. Could anything fulfill the Principle of Maximum Awkardness better than Sven singing to Faye in the hospital?

What would be the worst song he could sing?
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.

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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #516 on: 27 Jan 2015, 16:46 »

...anything he wrote?
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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #517 on: 27 Jan 2015, 16:46 »

Interesting... she has "several portfolios of blackmail material." Once she has sobered up and gotten to a place where she can function, can she take said portfolios to Dora and say, "give me my job back or else I send these out to Tai, your parents, Sven, and the local newspaper"?
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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #518 on: 27 Jan 2015, 16:51 »

"Oh, there's this NDA in your severance package, just something the lawyers insisted on".

OK, now my mental picture is Sven singing "Can't get your smell out of my sheets".
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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #519 on: 27 Jan 2015, 17:13 »

For whatever reason, I can't stop dwelling on how that IV reduces Faye to being one handed.

Restraints seem a far more humane option than crippling someone's hand. There's a bazillion other veins available.
I'm confused. You said your hand was out of use until they removed the IV. If someone was restrained, wouldn't both their hands be out of use/'crippled' until they were removed? How is that more humane? Wouldn't it be doubly bad?
(plus the stuff about dislocating your arms or not being able to roll on your side if you're choking or whatever)

Also, Faye probably would need the IV either way, for fluids and probably medicine. So, having it there to add a benzo or something to wouldn't really be any difference in how much she was already restrained by the IV (physically- obviously she'd probably be pretty asleep once it was added). (Edit: and also, they probably would have an IV in her even without the fluids and stuff, just the needle in. That way, if she crashed, they wouldn't have to deal with finding a vein or wasting precious seconds). Also also, more to do with the last paragraph above this, restraints are terrifying, she's drunk, and last time she described suffering psychosis, which may be expected this time (medically, I doubt they've asked). Terrifying+Confused(and maybe also terrifying) generally is bad.


I'm probably projecting. Not being able to use a hand when they could have used any other vein is highly unpleasant. In restraints every body part is still functioning and available for use should the opportunity present itself.

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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #520 on: 27 Jan 2015, 17:26 »

That probably happened in your case was the catheter was pressing up a nerve cluster or something.
Frankly I'd rather have an IV in the back of my hand than any other site.
The thing about restraints though is that they tend to freak people out, especially people who are waking up in a strange place, confused and wondering where they are. People are rarely in the clearest frame of mind when they wake up under normal circumstances, let alone in the wake of traumatic events.


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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #521 on: 27 Jan 2015, 17:41 »

Faye has been to the ER before. That crushing debt has not been mentioned would suggest that she has insurance.

Added a / - Method


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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #522 on: 27 Jan 2015, 17:44 »

Faye has been to the ER before. That crushing debt has not been mentioned would suggest that she has insurance.


Added a /  in your quote - Method
« Last Edit: 27 Jan 2015, 18:21 by Method of Madness »


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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #523 on: 27 Jan 2015, 17:48 »

Which raises once again the question of why marten was punched when there should be a punching intern
"Accurate" and "orbital bombardment" do not fit in the same sentence.


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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #524 on: 27 Jan 2015, 17:53 »

Which raises once again the question of why marten was punched when there should be a punching intern

Nobody expected the semi-conscious lady to punch anyone?  I mean, there can't be so many med school students that they just call a punching intern for every ER arrival.


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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #525 on: 27 Jan 2015, 17:53 »

Which raises once again the question of why marten was punched when there should be a punching intern
Punching intern changed rotation?
Budget cut backs meaning no more punching interns?
It's his day off?
Different hospital?


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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #526 on: 27 Jan 2015, 17:56 »

Which raises once again the question of why marten was punched when there should be a punching intern
Punching intern changed rotation?
Budget cut backs meaning no more punching interns?
It's his day off?
Different hospital?

Or, Jeph wanted to do a serious gorram comic, and the idea of interns provided for surrogate punching is kinda silly. 


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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #527 on: 27 Jan 2015, 18:00 »

Which raises once again the question of why marten was punched when there should be a punching intern
Punching intern changed rotation?
Budget cut backs meaning no more punching interns?
It's his day off?
Different hospital?

Or, Jeph wanted to do a serious gorram comic, and the idea of interns provided for surrogate punching is kinda silly.
Hush Orkboy, we are getting sillies out before the angst of the comic
"Accurate" and "orbital bombardment" do not fit in the same sentence.

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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #528 on: 27 Jan 2015, 18:15 »

Budget cut backs meaning no more punching interns?

PAID Internship?! Those don't exist.

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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #529 on: 27 Jan 2015, 18:25 »

Kept more because it bears repeating, but re: the bolded statement: Monetarily, I absolutely agree. I have always been poor-to-lower middle. However, I'd definitely say lower middle is easier in that you are a lot more able to access your care than a poor person eligible for a lot of resources often is.

Oh, good lord yes. General Practitioners especially. Do you know how hard it is to find a GP that accepts Medicaid. The only one I could find was this very frighteningly stern black lady who always wore sandals and had the most disturbingly calloused feet, was about a 30 minute drive from my house, and was always super crowded. Also, she just intimidated me.

I was so happy when I could go back to my old doctor after my wife got a job at a hospital and I got insurance through her job.

And if you are in that weird "can't afford insurance, but also can't qualify for Medicaid" section, you get more fun, because the only way to get reliable care is free clinics (which are harder and harder to find) and emergency rooms. IN FACT, one of the reasons Emergency Rooms are so expensive is because of people who can't really afford to go anywhere else, so they go there when they have stuff that is super not an emergency and they can't pay so the hospital has to eat it for the most part.

Actually, it gets worse, the state I'm in has laws about overlapping areas of care, so when the hospital wanted to open up a clinic across the street from the ER, they found out they couldn't even though it would be cheaper all around for everyone because the law said that they couldn't open a clinic in the same area an ER could cover.

I have insurance that counts as a form of Medicaid, thanks to the ACA. When looking for a primary care physician, my insurers had lists you could access on their websites that tell you who accepts your insurance in your state.

Granted, you should call to verify with the doc's office to make sure the info isn't out of date (happened with my old doc, who wouldn't accept my insurance, and I counted as a new patient since I hadn't actually scheduled an appointment in three years, and all this despite having him since I was 5), but I didn't have too difficult a time. Though I imagine it all depends on what area you're in.

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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #530 on: 27 Jan 2015, 18:34 »

I have insurance that counts as a form of Medicaid, thanks to the ACA. When looking for a primary care physician, my insurers had lists you could access on their websites that tell you who accepts your insurance in your state.

When I said only one I could find, I meant the only one listed on their website that actually took it that was in 100 miles of me. There was a reason she was always crowded. Less and less physicians are taking Medicaid, because it pays them absolute crap. The way that Medicaid pays out, there are a lot of cases where a Medicaid patient can cost more for the physician/hospital treating them than the Medicaid will pay, which means that they can literally LOSE money by treating them, unless they give only the bare minimum care, have tiny amounts of overhead, and rush them through.

My mother works in insurance appeals at a major hospital (meaning she appeals denied claims), and I've heard a lot of stories about how a lot of insurance actually works behind the scenes. Just trust me, however fucked you think the US health care system, its worse than that. In a lot of cases, the hospitals are getting fucked as bad as the patients are.


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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #531 on: 27 Jan 2015, 18:37 »

Comic! And it's wake up time with a teddy
"Accurate" and "orbital bombardment" do not fit in the same sentence.


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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #532 on: 27 Jan 2015, 18:37 »

New comic, and I think Jeph may be mocking the people who thought Faye died in the title of the comic...
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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #533 on: 27 Jan 2015, 18:38 »

Hanners looks even worried than usual.  Time to break out the hat.
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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #534 on: 27 Jan 2015, 18:38 »

Teddy bears are always appropriate Hanners. <3

Also, 5 internets says that Faye will name the bear "Patchy" now. :P

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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #535 on: 27 Jan 2015, 18:39 »

The bear is appropriate, Hanners.

Apparently five people agree.
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Does anybody really know what time it is?
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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #536 on: 27 Jan 2015, 18:42 »

Faye has been to the ER before. That crushing debt has not been mentioned would suggest that she has insurance.


Added a /  in your quote - Method
Newspost says no.
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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #537 on: 27 Jan 2015, 18:49 »

New comic, and I think Jeph may be mocking the people who thought Faye died in the title of the comic...
As well he should.

Faye seems a bit more alert than I would expect from someone waking up from an overload of depressants.


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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #538 on: 27 Jan 2015, 18:51 »

Back among the sober.

Here's where the fun begins

And yes, it's appropriate Hanners, there's no sucn thing as an inappropriate Teddy Bear.

I'm thinking that this might be one of the famous QC Timeskips jmucchiello, a short one of maybe 12-24 hours.
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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #539 on: 27 Jan 2015, 19:06 »

Look at the bags under Marten's eyes!  He's obviously been awake for quite awhile waiting for Faye to come to.  Hell, he looks worse in this strip than Faye does.

Hanners also has bags under her eyes, but those are eternal. 


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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #540 on: 27 Jan 2015, 19:06 »

And yes, it's appropriate Hanners, there's no sucn thing as an inappropriate Teddy Bear.

Although I agree with Hanners' decision, I must argue with you. We were just talking about rule 34 a couple pages back.

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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #541 on: 27 Jan 2015, 19:12 »

Here's the question that'll hopefully be answered this week. What does she remember?
They call me Mr. Madness.

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Does anybody really know what time it is?
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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #542 on: 27 Jan 2015, 19:14 »

Here's the question that'll hopefully be answered this week. What does she remember?
More than she'll let on, I imagine.


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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #543 on: 27 Jan 2015, 19:14 »

Another question: when did her cannula come out? There's not even a mark on her hand. Or maybe Jeph forgot.


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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #544 on: 27 Jan 2015, 19:19 »

Teddy bear!  Hanners is an awesome friend.  If I'm ever in the hospital, I want to wake up to someone giving me a teddy bear.  (Or a stuffed penguin, which is even better than a teddy bear.)


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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #545 on: 27 Jan 2015, 19:23 »

And yes, it's appropriate Hanners, there's no sucn thing as an inappropriate Teddy Bear.

Although I agree with Hanners' decision, I must argue with you. We were just talking about rule 34 a couple pages back.

And what's your point?


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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #546 on: 27 Jan 2015, 19:24 »

If I'm ever in the hospital, I want to wake up to someone giving me a teddy bear.

Feh. Not me.

Well, OK, maybe if it's Hanners.

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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #547 on: 27 Jan 2015, 19:26 »

Hanners and Marten being there means it's all the more likely Dora or Tai know about Faye.
They call me Mr. Madness.

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Does anybody really know what time it is?
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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #548 on: 27 Jan 2015, 19:26 »

No, that would be pedobear. Hanners is correct.

And anyone who said that Hanners would be there, give yourself a cookie.
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Re: WCDT: 2882-2886 (26-30 January 2015)
« Reply #549 on: 27 Jan 2015, 19:34 »

So uh, how does Marten unwind?

He goes around being super chill, nice and supportive ALL THE TIME!

Thats impossible unless you're some kind of saintly alien zen instructor or something along those lines.

Am I just weird?

I would be emotional as all hell from stress, relief, anger, frustration and all that in a situation like that. I'd at the very least scream invectives into a pillow or something.
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