Why do people want this so much?
Speaking for myself, there's already too many characters to handily keep track of. Recycling a few for this story would clamp down on "cast overflow" syndrome.
Let's say there's nine people (other than Faye) in her support group. Not everyone's going to be there for the first time like she is, and might decide for one reason or another to stop attending over time while other newbies come in. Faye might hit it off with one or another of them, whereupon they might become a "regular" cast member, but a lot of the others would only crop up when we see them in group.
Plot twist: Hanners tries to leave after dropping Faye off, only to have Arthur (or Faye, jokingly) try to persuade her not to leave.
Unrelated: We won't see Sven here, for reasons already articulated by NilsO and others (whatever other issues Sven may have, drinking isn't one of them).
Further unrelated: No, I'm not shipping, but I wonder if there's an Arthur/"Abyssinia" story line in the offing.