Alright, I'm not trying to whore anything out, just asking for feedback on an idea I've been working on. Basically, the idea is: Using game engines and 3D editors in order to do a comic.
I'm sure it's been done, but it occured to me that such an RvBish approach to things would allow people with good ideas to be able to express them despite having poor drawing talent. If I had good ideas, I'd probably be setting up an actual series based on this concept, but I'm a sucky hack so I just toy with it.
And before anyone says, "Dude, with the number of gaming comics out there, your thing would just become white noise," I'm saying to make it would have to be just game comics. The game screen shot thing is just a means to an end. For example, if Jeph were so inclined, he could use UnrealEd to make sets, MilkShape to recreate his characters, and shoot Questionable Content inside of Unreal Tournament. Of course, it would also be quite limiting, and it would be impossible for some of the jokes to translate from ink to reders, but it just a pheasible situation.
To help illistrate this further, I'll post a few panels of what I've attempted. Yes, they suck, and one of the things I'm posting dosn't even contain the punchline. This isn't about the writing, this is about the pheasability of doing this decently (by someone who was actually decent at this): (Note: I apologise if this steps over the line for whoring, I'm just attempting to get some feedback)
Two different types of text situations:

The "Just text" thing worked in the second picture, but I disliked the lines. So I attempted this: