I was wondering, and this is precisely what pushed me to register after 6 years of reading the comic, on the forums.
Surely I can tell that the integration of the new synthetic life has gone pretty swimmingly, at least the people we can see in the comic don't fuss at all over AI haveing equal rights and liveing just like humans.
However I was wondering, specyfically regarding AIs like Momo, very kind compasionate and seamingly attached to humans, and looking up to them as a sort of collective father and mother of the synthetic life.
How dose she feel about humans that are GENIUAINLY scared of AI? Not saying Fear that manifests in a form of bigotry or agressive opposytion: I mean just sheer fear, the way there pupils dialte when she or another robot enter the room, the instinctive recoiling if they get too close, the shivering voices, and heightened heart rates.
Dose she understand there fear? Surely she knows this isn't a case of basless fear, ever since the first concept of sentient machines entered Humanity's fictional work, humans feared them - machines can be tweaked and ajusted to be unstopable, far more effective and deadly than humans can be. Works of fiction like the Terminator, Portal and Portal 2, and ofcourse I have no mouth, and I must scream.
Dose Momo understand and try to reach out and establish dialogue with humans who witht here wild imagination can see how the AI species can eventually grow tired of abideing by there infriority and go the route of famous Sci-fi Horror on them?
the idea came to my ehad when I was babysitting my niece and she watches an Anime called DearS, the protagonist from what I saw there wasn't bigoted or hatefull, he was simply terrafied of Aliens as a whole, due to watching a lot of Horror flicks with aliens ( ex. Alien) and was more subconciously condytions to tremble before them than be geniuinely perjudaced.
How do you guys think Momo would react?