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Author Topic: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)  (Read 62297 times)


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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #100 on: 07 Sep 2016, 05:10 »

On the side topic of being a savant, but for people skills, and how it's weird.
It's like those bits on Sherlock where he reads a person perfectly, but then fails to read the room.

Sherlock <in a loud voice in a public place>: I can tell from the way you tied your cravat you're a closeted divorcee and a lapsed catholic whose sleeping with your secretary and cheating on your taxes.
Everyone there: <aghast>
Sherlock: What's the problem?



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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #101 on: 07 Sep 2016, 05:12 »

Maybe Sven and Momo have been hooking up on the DL for months without telling anyone? That's always a fun twist.


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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #102 on: 07 Sep 2016, 06:36 »

Given Sven's new found obsession with more curvaceous women since being with Faye, I doubt Momo is his type. Plus she appears like a girl I'm her early teens.
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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #103 on: 07 Sep 2016, 07:32 »

Global Moderator Comment Happy moderator here. This has been a model of a good discussion about robot sexuality. Please keep it up.
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.


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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #104 on: 07 Sep 2016, 08:06 »

I put the whole "robot sexuality" thing (along with the "no mass unemployment in the wake of the singularity" thing) down to artistic license. Jeph makes his world the way it is so he can do what he wants with it.

I see no reason why an actual AI would have a sexual response (unless explicitly programmed to have one), and I also see no reason why AI's wouldn't be set up to work 24/7 (and like it), not to mention being infinitely clone-able at low marginal cost, thus rendering nearly all humans unemployable. But a world where those things were true wouldn't support an interesting comic like QC.


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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #105 on: 07 Sep 2016, 08:10 »

I see no reason why an actual AI would have a sexual response (unless explicitly programmed to have one), and I also see no reason why AI's wouldn't be set up to work 24/7 (and like it), not to mention being infinitely clone-able at low marginal cost, thus rendering nearly all humans unemployable. But a world where those things were true wouldn't support an interesting comic like QC.

Sleep is part our brains' regeneration process, storing and backing up memories and getting ready for further activities. There is no reason to say that something as complex as a software-based AI would not need the same.

Ultimately, it's mostly in the eye of the beholder what is 'likely' or 'reasonable' or not but I do think that there are good reasons, even based on contemporary RL computing that an AI algorithm would need a periodic backup/regeneration period to stop it from becoming cluttered with data and losing operating efficiency.

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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #106 on: 07 Sep 2016, 08:48 »

I see no reason why an actual AI would have a sexual response (unless explicitly programmed to have one),
Since they are modeled/model themselves after us, it entirely possible it is a feature that emerged spontaneously during the initial formation of the original AI code.

I also see no reason why AI's wouldn't be set up to work 24/7 (and like it), not to mention being infinitely clone-able at low marginal cost

My argument would be that there is something unique to each emergent AI that is uncloneable. We, as an audience, are not aware of the exact process by which the AI in this world develop. As I understand it AI is not specifically and directly coded but is more an emergent property. The individual intelligences arise through some sort of semi-random, or at least probablistic, jumbling of interacting processes and data. We have already been told that the scientists who originally discovered the prime AI weren't sure how it happened.
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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #107 on: 07 Sep 2016, 10:48 »

You can come up with lots of rationalizations for why things might be the way they are depicted in the comic. (Which is fine! Knock yourself out!) But I'm afraid I don't buy that they are inevitable, or even likely, out here in the real world. Is sexuality necessary for sentience? I really doubt it; plenty of humans continue thinking just fine after loss of libido due to hormonal changes, or because that's the way they are. As to sleep, even if I were to grant that a sleep cycle is necessary for consciousness, I'd make several counterpoints:

1. There'd be enormous pressure to shorten the sleep cycle, for obvious reasons.
2. Even if there were a mandatory 8 hour sleep cycle, AI's would be programmed to like working continuously, and thus would be productive 16 hours a day vs. 8 for humans.
3. AI's would not need bathroom breaks, meal breaks, sick days, vacation or family leave. They wouldn't need houses or cars to get to them. And they would not need income even at minimum wage rates. No human would be able to compete with them for a job.
4. As for the idea that cloning AI's could be impossible, it all strikes me as metaphysical woo. You'd have a physical brain running a program. Copy out all the logic gates and all the bits, and you'd have a clone. You could speculate that for some magic reason this would not be possible to do, but it would be pure speculation.

None of this is a criticism of QC. (Though it might be a wake up call to us meatsacks about what's coming; see this video for more.)
« Last Edit: 07 Sep 2016, 10:55 by jheartney »


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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #108 on: 07 Sep 2016, 11:19 »

I never claimed sexuality is necessary for consciousness. Obviously it isn't as we have plenty of examples even among humans. I merely stated that since AI consciousness is modeled on our own, it is possible that sexuality was merely one of those bits that came along for the ride, so to speak. There are likely asexual AI just as there are asexual humans.

Again, AI in QC are not programmed, they are emergent. Altering their programming, if one can, to enjoy work is tantamount to brainwashing and slavery.

As far as cloning individual personalities go, I'd argue it is far more complex than simply copying data. Considering that we don't even understand how our own consciousness works, it hard to say what is involved. However, consciousness, near as we can tell, is an emergent property of numerous interacting processes. Personality is not a state, it is a process, several processes, actually. Even granting that it is possible, of which I am highly skeptical, you run into a number of ethical issues.
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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #109 on: 07 Sep 2016, 12:12 »

In that case, an AI's consciousness has to be more evolved than all their data.  Otherwise, cloning one would be as simple as
Code: [Select]
dd if=pintsize of=pintsize2
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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #110 on: 07 Sep 2016, 13:58 »

I wonder if this is leading somewhere actually.  I don't think Jeph would have kept this kind of a storyline going beyond a one hit joke if it wasn't going to lead to some form of revelation as he has done in the past.

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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #111 on: 07 Sep 2016, 14:10 »

I put the whole "robot sexuality" thing (along with the "no mass unemployment in the wake of the singularity" thing) down to artistic license. Jeph makes his world the way it is so he can do what he wants with it.

I see no reason why an actual AI would have a sexual response (unless explicitly programmed to have one), and I also see no reason why AI's wouldn't be set up to work 24/7 (and like it), not to mention being infinitely clone-able at low marginal cost, thus rendering nearly all humans unemployable. But a world where those things were true wouldn't support an interesting comic like QC.

Given how varied each AI that has shown up in QC have been, it could be that like us, their personalities are shaped by their experiences and thus every AI is unique based up their experiences and the context of those experiences. Which would make a cloneable workforce difficult, if not undesirable. Take Bubbles for example, as a combat AI, she would need to make snap decisions in extraordinary situations, but she seems to having some difficulties adjusting to life away from combat or is suffering from some sort of stress disorder. Something that would be undesirable for anyone with combat training and especially for someone that can a hole through someone's head.

With regards to setting up AI to work 24/7/365, no machine can work like that. Same way that we need downtime to rest, relax and refuel, any working machine would need down time for repairs, checks and upgrades and so on. But more than that, its one thing to have a robotic arm welding a door to a car because that's what its programmed to do, but its something else entirely when its a conscious being working constantly. Because that is opening up a whole other legal and ethical quandry.


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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #112 on: 07 Sep 2016, 14:27 »

In that case, an AI's consciousness has to be more evolved than all their data.  Otherwise, cloning one would be as simple as
Code: [Select]
dd if=pintsize of=pintsize2
Although, in canon, dd if=pintsize of=pintsize2 has actually been done before:

However, since Momo's introduction, Jeph seems to have contradicted the early strips in places, regarding how a lot of AI stuff works. So, this may not be valid.


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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #113 on: 07 Sep 2016, 14:33 »

Pintsize is an unreliable source about such things anyway
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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #114 on: 07 Sep 2016, 15:24 »

Pintsize is an unreliable source about almost anything, really.


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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #115 on: 07 Sep 2016, 15:43 »

Thought I made myself clear on this, but maybe not.

My statements about AI's being asexual and clone-able etc. are not in reference to AI's in the QC world. If you want to argue about how fictional AI's in a fictional world work, have at it. Spin explanations of why the QC AI's are apparently sexual, and why their diversity suggests they have some sort of quantum-magical un-clone-ability. Speculate as much as you like; it's not what I was talking about. Instead, I'm simply saying that here on our actual Earth, there's good reason to think the AI's that are coming won't be like that. We'll have plenty of time to discuss the sexuality of fictional robots while we starve in unemployment after the AI's take all our jobs.


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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #116 on: 07 Sep 2016, 16:01 »

We'll have plenty of time to discuss the sexuality of fictional robots while we starve in unemployment after the AI's take all our jobs.

Except that the end of scarcity will hardly be like that. Yes, there will be no need for meat people to do servile jobs any more but there will be plenty of other jobs to pick up the slack - from boutique farms to fine arts to exploration of the solar system.  Mass media is already most of the way through a similar transition to web based products and once the elderly base of TV & Paper finish passing away, it will be completely different from what it was. Not inherently better or worse, simply different.

If you have economic resources to create the AI's to do the servile jobs then society will have the resources to pay people to do the work they want to do. This may seem as utopian as Star Trek but I think it's a more likely outcome in the long term if the resources exist to create AI in the first place. There will not be any Singularity  - unless we had one when the telegraph was invented - as I don't believe we can create something that can change faster than we can come to understand it despite how slow individuals might be.
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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #117 on: 07 Sep 2016, 16:18 »

I put the whole "robot sexuality" thing (along with the "no mass unemployment in the wake of the singularity" thing) down to artistic license. Jeph makes his world the way it is so he can do what he wants with it.

I see no reason why an actual AI would have a sexual response (unless explicitly programmed to have one), and I also see no reason why AI's wouldn't be set up to work 24/7 (and like it), not to mention being infinitely clone-able at low marginal cost, thus rendering nearly all humans unemployable. But a world where those things were true wouldn't support an interesting comic like QC.

Not according to how we think it works now. 

As part of my job, I work with recurrent neural networks.  Mostly they do language translation, but some of them are starting to be used in video  processing.  Still images are handled with feedforward networks (sort of like 'reflexes,' they don't require any sequential processing to identify things), but once you are trying to identify processes which take place over time rather than just things that exist in space,  you need to use recurrent networks, because feedforward networks have no way to represent time and changing inputs.

There is a thing that happens with neural networks once they're beyond a certain level of complexity; you have to let them stabilize without pattern input for some part of their training time, or they don't learn.  If you train them on patterns nonstop, they get stuck in a local maximum and stop learning.  If you use them in production without training, of course they don't learn anyway,

To let a recurrent network stabilize, you have to let it run with no input (or with 'noise' input consisting of very small random values) and train with Hebbean Learning or some other undirected learning algorithm and regularization strategy.  Patterns that mimic typical activity during runtime emerge, but they are undirected, and during this time regularization causes the system to "back out" of local maxima that produce inconsistencies or require extreme responses or weights to maintain.  It preferentially preserves what is consistent and doesn't require inconsistencies or extreme adjustments, so most of the benefit of directed training is preserved during the process. 

The result is better generalization; accuracy on training cases may decline slightly, while accuracy on testing cases usually rises.  Once the two are roughly equalized, if you resume training you can usually smoothly improve the system until it gets better accuracy overall than the best you could do in training before stabilization.

Researchers avoid using the word "Dream" - it's too fraught with baggage that implies things which aren't (yet) true.  Or at least they did until Google showed people some of the outputs produced during the process, calling it "Deep Dream."  Researchers and workers in the field held our collective breath for a few weeks wondering if mobs with pitchforks and torches were about to show up, but most people didn't immediately decide we were Mucking About In God's Domain and Producing Abominations, so the apprehension has died down somewhat.

Nevertheless it's hard to escape the conclusion that if and when we do have human-level AI, if it's implemented as a neural network it's going to have to spend some fraction of its runtime doing network stabilization - and it's very easy to imagine that subjectively the experience could be described in much the same way we describe dreaming.


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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #118 on: 07 Sep 2016, 16:22 »

WCDT stands for Weekly Comic Discussion Thread, in case anyone is still confused.
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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #119 on: 07 Sep 2016, 16:25 »

subjectively the experience could be described in much the same way we describe dreaming.
Am I wrong in presuming that electric sheep are involved there?
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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #120 on: 07 Sep 2016, 16:35 »

Am I wrong in presuming that electric sheep are involved there?

Oh yeah.  Totally wrong.  The systems we're producing today aren't even electric newts yet.   Sheep-level AI is still a ways off.

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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #121 on: 07 Sep 2016, 16:44 »

WCDT stands for Weekly Comic Discussion Thread, in case anyone is still confused.

Heh.  Right.  Sorry for geeking out.  I was responding to the idea that AI could be expected to work 24/7, and consider it unlikely.  It looks like brains that learn, need sleep.  We might even discover that other similarities such as a requirement for a life away from work in order to remain sane emerge at some level of complexity, as well.


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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #122 on: 07 Sep 2016, 17:20 »

Well, in the comic, Momo has stated on several occasions that she does not require sleep.  Yet she and May have both been seen sleeping, and IIRC, Bubbles has been doing as close as she could to crying herself to sleep (Pintsize does not so much sleep as pass-out).  Even if it doesn't do the same things for AIs as it does for us meatbags, there must be a purpose for it.  Otherwise, why would they do it?  There are plenty of times where I had wished that I could operate on a continuous basis.

I think that the geekery above is quite relevant to why they sleep when as machines they *could* run on a continual basis.
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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #123 on: 07 Sep 2016, 19:19 »

May is ridiculous and it is hilarious.


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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #124 on: 07 Sep 2016, 19:25 »

Having only met one type of sentient being, I may be jumping to conclusions here, but I think sleep is the cost of having sentience.

Lack of sleep turns a person robotic(nonAI type), animalistic, or just breaks them and they go insane.
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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #125 on: 07 Sep 2016, 19:32 »

May is the best. Will she be a basic character in the QC dating sim, an unlockable, a secret, or DLC?.


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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #126 on: 07 Sep 2016, 19:43 »

An easter egg. A rotten easter egg.
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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #127 on: 07 Sep 2016, 19:45 »

Why has May stuck her face in a vat of bleach?

And jeph world AIs are unclonable for story reasons.
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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #128 on: 07 Sep 2016, 19:59 »

Why has May stuck her face in a vat of bleach?

Well a few months ago, half of May's face fell off, she went to Faye and Bubbles for help. They replaced the outer skin membrane from the old chassis, so presumably because of work, travel and exposure to the elements (sun, rain, wind), the material has faded and we're left with May as Granddaughter AI of Paleface.


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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #129 on: 07 Sep 2016, 20:05 »

Strip is up!

Well Momo if you're into suffering perhaps you should talk to resident expert on BDSM, Veronica. 
« Last Edit: 07 Sep 2016, 20:19 by brasca »


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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #130 on: 07 Sep 2016, 20:06 »

They didn't have a covering in the same color as the rest of her skin, so she chose the 'khaki' coloring. It might have faded some since then, or it could just be faulty memory, or an artistic change.


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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #131 on: 07 Sep 2016, 20:51 »

Researchers and workers in the field held our collective breath for a few weeks wondering if mobs with pitchforks and torches were about to show up, but most people didn't immediately decide we were Mucking About In God's Domain and Producing Abominations, so the apprehension has died down somewhat.

That's because over 99% lack the intellectual ability to understand what you're talking about. They are not just scientifically illiterate, they are scientifically dyslexic. They may be highly intelligent - many have to be to handle the cognitive dissonance in living in a world with computers and space travel while believing in evil spirits and a flat earth - but they have a massive blind spot here. Their world view precludes understanding.

Otherwise the pitchforks and torches would have come out long ago, at the various Artificial Life conferences held annually throughout the world.
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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #132 on: 07 Sep 2016, 21:03 »

The systems we're producing today aren't even electric newts yet.   Sheep-level AI is still a ways off.

Ha ha, only serious.
I think we've just about reached the level of newts and other amphibia, and exceeded the level of spiny lobsters years ago.

As for sheep...

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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #133 on: 07 Sep 2016, 21:07 »

I have been asked by several people I know in 3D whether Momo's evolved personality is based on mine. I've never met Jeph, so no. This latest strip does not help making that story stick.
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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #134 on: 07 Sep 2016, 22:13 »

I really do love watching these two interact.
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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #135 on: 07 Sep 2016, 22:43 »

Momo may or may not be comforted to know that a lot of human friendships work like that too.

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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #136 on: 07 Sep 2016, 23:14 »

Jeph's official explanation for why humans still have jobs is that most AIs either replace non-sentient machines like forklifts and toasters, or are lazy.
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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #137 on: 07 Sep 2016, 23:26 »

I think May just loves to gross Momo out. She is like Clinton here: really fun to pick on.  :laugh:

The human-robot-sex-thing is really fun, but also bears interesting insight into the whole AI thing. As we can see in the discussion here. Even if the origin of the AI-libido remains mysterious, we have seen that it is undeniably there. So there will be sexual intercourse between humans and AIs in the QC-Verse, even if Jeph will not dig deeper into this.
Not because there is some deeper need to have sex in the conciousness of an AI. But simply because it´s possible.

I´ve learned one thing: on anything that´s anatomically possible, someone gets off. And if intercourse between humans and robots is anatomically possible, they´ll fuck.
Easy as that.

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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #138 on: 07 Sep 2016, 23:26 »

Okay, that settles it. She's been talking to Pintsize. She's actually thinking along the same lines as he does (and actually thinking about imitating things that he's done). I'm not sure if she is really interested in this as a thing for herself or if it is just curiosity about this thing that seems so vitally important to so many humans; she just wants to know what the big deal is.

Of course, it is just possible that she's poorly socialised and wants some kind of intimate connection with someone. She's wondering if sex may be the route she needs to get it!

I wonder if this is leading somewhere actually.  I don't think Jeph would have kept this kind of a storyline going beyond a one hit joke if it wasn't going to lead to some form of revelation as he has done in the past.

I think that Jeph just got bored with doing stuff with plot and characterisation. He's cleansing his palate by just letting May (in place of Pintsize) be extraordinarily inappropriate and seeing how far he can push it before he thinks: "Nah, too far."

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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #139 on: 07 Sep 2016, 23:36 »


I wonder if Momo has inbuilt genitalia, as it were, because May's body is government-provided but Momo's is a bit more... upmarket, as it were.

I know the rules about postulating about character genitalia, and I'm being careful about it, but I'm wondering... if it's known AI get more human impulses and a desire for this kind of interaction, whether it would be seen as unethical to make them... well, big ol' Kens and Barbies. I mean, we've seen Momo BSOD over fantasies of riding Sven into the ground in a better body. She's got it now! But if May's fleshlight idea is out of a more general necessity, it would appear that she might not have one that's fit for purpose.

I dunno. I'm absolutely certain there'd be robophobics either way. Robosexual rights, yo!
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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #140 on: 07 Sep 2016, 23:59 »

I'm not sure if she is really interested in this as a thing for herself or if it is just curiosity about this thing that seems so vitally important to so many humans; she just wants to know what the big deal is.

I assume the latter. She seems to be extraordinarily focused, perhaps even fixated, on the physical/anatomical side of sex. Including a penchant for reading prolapse porn.

I have seen no counterexample to this, so my assumption so far is that she is fascinated with the "squishy biological parts coming together" side of sexuality. Pretty much everything she has ever said heavily focuses on the physical side of things, or rather the very narrow subset of "physical" describing the immediate physical effect of an interaction on a body part. I get the impression she does not grasp the complexity of sexual interaction as a social thing, as something related to romantic relations... heck, I'm half-convinced she is not entirely clear on the concept of "humans derive physical pleasure from sexual interactions", since she seems to ignore this almost completely. Even Pintsize, whose grasp on sex seems somewhat... limited, gives me more of a vibe of him at least understanding sex is supposed to be enjoyable.

Which is weird, because AI bodies seem to have pretty complex tactile capabilities, and we've seen Bubbles enjoying the physical sensation of a smell. Even if AI bodies are not wired the way human bodies are, the idea of "physical touching of certain parts leads to extreme physical pleasure" should not be complicated to an AI in theory.

On the other hand, I'm somewhat curious as to why Momo seems to think sexual stuff is gross, or at least if it would involve an AI. I'd really like to see this explored more.


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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #141 on: 08 Sep 2016, 00:12 »

I wonder if Momo has inbuilt genitalia, as it were, because May's body is government-provided but Momo's is a bit more... upmarket, as it were.

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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #142 on: 08 Sep 2016, 01:44 »

On the other hand, I'm somewhat curious as to why Momo seems to think sexual stuff is gross, or at least if it would involve an AI. I'd really like to see this explored more.

I think that the idea of sexual contact is both terrifying and alluring to Momo, much as it would be for any human of approximately her level of mental and emotional development. In her most candid moments, she would acknowledge that she does have these desires. However, I also think that she feels a great ethical and moral restraint from acting on them, partly because she's an AI and partly because I think that she's one of those personalities that really couldn't do a one-night stand.

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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #143 on: 08 Sep 2016, 02:35 »

That's because over 99% lack the intellectual ability to understand what you're talking about.
This fundamentally is why there is so much hostility to the Theory of Evolution from religious zealots. Because it can be discussed in words (they generally are not aware of the introduction of mathematics into the study of evolution from at least the time of R.A.Fisher), they think they understand it. By contrast, concepts in physics, Quantum Theory for example, that offer far greater challenges to religious belief than evolution ever has, go largely unremarked, because they are expressed in complex equations that most people can't understand.

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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #144 on: 08 Sep 2016, 03:10 »

I wonder if Momo has inbuilt genitalia, as it were, because May's body is government-provided but Momo's is a bit more... upmarket, as it were.

Her sense of modesty will not permit anyone to discover the answer to that question.

Not necesarily. Momo isn't incredibly sexual, but she has expressed romantic interest in Sven and one comic even had her straddling a human doll.

If she's capable and if she found a human she loved, I think she'd at least consider it.


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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #145 on: 08 Sep 2016, 03:14 »

Something I'm curious about. Bubbles, as a word, is plural. But Bubbles is her name which makes it, in this case, a singular noun. So it might sound strange, but shouldn't it be Bubbles's, not Bubbles'? Yeah, I know some people do the s' when a singular name ends in s, and Jeph might be one of them...but I hope not.

I have this issue, and have always used a distinct " 's " after my name and others like it, both in writing and in speech.  Fowler in his Modern English Usage supported it too.
Really? I didn't know it was optional.  I've always seen names that in in s just get an apostrophe affixed to the end when in the possessive form. I think James is the only one Ive ever seen with a 's.

English is weird.
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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #146 on: 08 Sep 2016, 03:15 »

Momo knows Pintsize. I doubt that's the most disgusting thing she's heard.
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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #147 on: 08 Sep 2016, 03:33 »

Any comic with May + Momo is best comic.

On the subject of robot sexuality...since AI's are capable of emotional bonding (i.e. emotional attraction, desire for closeness) I see no reason they would be arbitrarily limited in how deep they'd want this connection to go.

May's expression is incredibly shallow so I think she's more interested out of curiosity than a real desire, though I can't recall that she's ever been interested in anything but dicks (and prolapses), so maybe there is some gendered attraction there.


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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #148 on: 08 Sep 2016, 04:17 »

Except that the end of scarcity will hardly be like that. Yes, there will be no need for meat people to do servile jobs any more but there will be plenty of other jobs to pick up the slack
I admire your optimism, but I'm not convinced it will work out like that.  A reasonable extension of recent history is that the executive class will continue to concentrate wealth and privilege in themselves, whilst relying on the Ais to dish out enough of the old panem et circenses to keep the plebs from rioting too much.
« Last Edit: 08 Sep 2016, 04:45 by JimC »


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Re: WCDT Strips 3301 to 3305 (5th - 9th September 2016)
« Reply #149 on: 08 Sep 2016, 04:58 »

#3303, I can see where this is going. Momo and Clinton are going to date.

You heard it here first. (?)
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