I notice some personal development; so far, Faye has been coasting, now she seems to have a goal... What I mean is before, she worked at CoD, did some art, and had no idea where she wanted to go (she did know what she NOT wanted, but no idea what she actually wanted to do or be). Fired, Robofights came along, she liked what she did there, but again, it was pretty much going with the flow. As far as I remember, this is the first time she wants to set up something.
As for the loan, she is not looking to rent the whole skate-park, she mentioned a storage space to set up a recharge station for AI's in need. A shelter for stray AI's? Sounds like step one of a robo-repair shop to me...
Let me put it this way; in RL I know some people who work at or run shelters for homeless people, and somehow I notice some resemblance between them and Faye. Here in the Netherlands, quite a few of those places are not run by religious or wealthy charities, but by people who had a close shave with problems themselves. They found a way out, and try to help others do the same.