1. Faye and Bubbles had a
conversation a couple hundred strips back regarding the possibility of networked AI and distributed intelligence, where Bubbles does some exposition about the matter. One subject specifically brought up is that "it is hypothetically possible for intelligence to exist without consciousness. If consciousness is the limited factor on distributed intelligence, a non-conscious AI could become far more powerful." Law of Conservation of Detail leads me to believe this to be...important.
2. Creepybot has never referred to themselves in a singular tense. Always as "we", "us", "our". Could be the royal we, I suppose, but I have my doubts.
It's a bit flimsy for right now, I know. Mostly because we don't know enough about them yet beyond their ostensibly extreme power. But the moment they arrived bearing a solution, I kiiiinda got the feeling they were a drone of such a intelligence, probably equipped with software that allows them to emulate personality even though they may not truly possess one. Bubbles mentioned that such a entity would be hypothetically unconcerned with anything that doesn't help its own advancement, but that doesn't deny the possibility that it might concern itself with other things. Hard-coded laws for them to obey input by its programmer, for example. That said, as much as Vampbot's certainly making an effort to help Bubbles out, they don't seem to show much regard for individual feelings-either they don't comprehend that they are saying things that cause a measure of emotional distress(the one I'm betting on, given the measure of what looked to be genuine apology they gave to Bubbles afterward), or they just don't
care that they're doing so. In either case, they choose their actions mostly in terms of how expedient to complete their given objective they are. Stunning people on the way inside, attempting to get Faye to let them do what they came to do via intimidation("If I wanted to hurt Bubbles, there is nothing you could do to stop me"), ect. They
could just be a bit of a prick about it...But it could also be a more telling trait about them.