I had initially decided not to respond further to this thread, but yeah, no, I have said things that really should be clarified. Which means I'm going to share some things I'm not entirely comfortable sharing, but fuck it, it's important for context. Not meant as an excuse, it doesn’t matter what my issues are, its actions that matter, but I think it is necessary for context.
The way my brain processes emotion pretty unusual. I stop feeling emotions really fast. I noticed it for the first time when I was 17, 9 years ago, when I was in a very heated argument with a classmate, where we both shouted loudly at each other. I left right after. About five minutes after the argument, a teacher called to make sure I was okay, and at first, I didn't realize what she was talking about. Shortly after I left, I had completely stopped thinking about it, and had to be reminded of the argument to remember it at all. I remember laughing about it over the phone. At the time I made my last post in this thread, the emotions that made me make the first post were alien to me. They were genuine at that moment, but now, I can no longer remember them. I can psychoanalyze to look at what triggered them, but from my current point of view, it's like looking at the actions of somebody else.
For a long time, I've just assumed that this is another aspect of my Asperger's syndrome. I realized this evening that I never actually gotten my memory problems diagnosed, and it is possible that it is trauma related. Because, when I describe it like this, it sounds an awful lot like dissociation. Which is quite common in people who were abused as children. And, props to Is It Cold In Here for their wisdom on this one, but yeah, I've experienced a lot of violence. I spent an hour tonight trying to remember every violent event I’ve experienced, but I couldn’t. Ballpark guess, I might be able to remember maybe half of it. I’ve literally experienced more violence than I can count.
All this adds up to me having a lot of difficulties participating in forums like this one. If it feels low-key like your last comment was written by somebody else (it wasn't, it was written by me, but it was written while under the influence of emotions I can’t remember having), it can be difficult to respond to replies to that comment. Do I feel differently because I was wrong, or is it my condition?
Okay, I think that's most of the context established, perhaps I can finally get to the point now.
I am now of the opinion that I was wrong to use the word garbage person. It was way too strong a word for what I was attempting to convey. Part of the issue for me is that Faye has gradually become less violent, but I didn't feel as if her initial violence was every really resolved, and have therefore had trouble giving her the same leeway I might be willing to give real person. I'm still not cool with how automatic threats of murder are to her, but "garbage person" was the wrong word to use.
However, I didn't mean to say anything about anyone posting in this thread, and I definitely did not mean that just having an emotion, but not acting on it, makes one a bad person. I'm against acts of violence and threats of violence, but thoughts of violence are not wrong to have. What goes on in our heads only matters insofar as we let it affect the world around us.
I can't figure out whether I'm being a moderator when I say this so please tolerate ambiguity.
It's worth remembering that a lot of people here must have had backgrounds of witnessing or experiencing violence. When they don't see the humor in Faye they've got good reason.
But at the same time "Your sense of humour - regardless of when you reign it in - makes you a garbage person" is rather insulting. Sure, I have a dark sense of humour - but does that make me subhuman? Even if I don't actually use said dark sense of humour around people I don't know well or that I know would not appreciate it?
Not sure why you put that in quotes, Pennepasta, because nobody in this thread said that. In fact, I specifically clarified I wasn't saying that.
Also, even if it wasn't so common in real life, I just don't find violence funny. I am aware that other people find violence comical, and that's cool if no real people are actually getting hurt, but I really, really don't get the appeal.