Not I.
Of course, I'm not from the US, so I don't share that common fear of the police. Sure, I dislike some cops, but not the class as a whole. Would make my work pretty difficult if I did, by the way.
But I do understand where Roko is coming from. I'm not law enforcement, but where I work, broadly speaking, you have two kinds of people joining: the ones that buy into every negative stereotype of the civil service, and think they'll make good money for little work, on one hand; idealists who hope to make a difference on the other.
Over time, you realise that a lot of the stereotype does have at least a base in reality. You can react to that in either of two ways: you become cynical, and join the other group, or you keep trying, and trying even harder, and burn yourself out.
So, while I recognise that Roko is what you need, I still respect her decision. It's not an easy one to take, even if it looks like the easy way out.