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Spookybot needs friends! Who's the best option in the QC Cast?

- 9 (30%)
- 3 (10%)
- 2 (6.7%)
Pintsize! (I like the idea of bringing about the apocalypse.)
- 5 (16.7%)
- 4 (13.3%)
Marten. (He'd be chill about anything.)
- 1 (3.3%)
Claire. (For the puns, yo)
- 1 (3.3%)
- 2 (6.7%)
- 0 (0%)
Hannelore (though this might go against their religious beliefs.)
- 0 (0%)
Other (specify)
- 2 (6.7%)
None of the above.
- 1 (3.3%)

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Author Topic: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)  (Read 47143 times)

Perfectly Reasonable

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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #100 on: 02 Jul 2019, 22:14 »

As an engineer, I'm trained to see that 10% is significant as a rule of thumb. You can demand a tithe of 10% without bending people too much out of shape. You can dump 10% into someone's budget without distorting their activities too much. Spookybot does not want to be disruptive. I am sure that they could find a couple of thousand worthy charities to benefit. In less than 5 milliseconds.

It's what -I- would do.

What would I do if I were smart?
I guess first I'd stop taking the stupid pills.


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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #101 on: 02 Jul 2019, 22:20 »

Wait... so would Roko have preferred that Spookybot hadn't handed over two billion dollars to charity just because then she wouldn't feel so powerless?

Because that's a pretty messed up sense of priorities, Roko.

Especially when you consider how Beepatrice feels.  Roko may not have actually helped May get a new chassis, but Beepatrice feels like a failure because she couldn't even get that far in the process.  Is that Roko's fault?  No.  Now Roko feels inferior because Spookybot litterally snapped their figners and charities are experiencing a windfall.  Is that Spookybot's fault?  If it is then Roko should be ashamed of herself for inadvertently being better at Beepatrice's job. :roll:

Roko really shouldn't feel that bad because after all she put the idea in Spookybot's head....  so there's that. 


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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #102 on: 02 Jul 2019, 22:28 »

I should probably clarify that I'm not trying to condemn Roko for getting angry. It's not a necessarily unnatural reaction. Just an unhealthy one that I would hope she learns to address as she grows as a character.

(Or, I don't know, maybe not if it serves the story better, sometimes the story is best served by characters not overcoming their unhealthy behaviors...)


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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #103 on: 02 Jul 2019, 22:44 »

To be slightly more fair to Roko, there's also the surprise angle. How often does asking a billionaire to give all their money to charity actually work? Its something most people would have to wrap their head around.

Yeah I get that, but I didn’t expect her to get angry. I don’t understand it. I think I did for one minute, but I’ve lost it again. Because I keep thinking about how she was the one who (carelessly?) dared them to do it in the first place.


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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #104 on: 02 Jul 2019, 22:51 »

The problem isn't Roko's reaction.

The problem lies with Spooky's actions, or rather, lack thereof.

Look at 4035, where Roko suggests that Spooky could easily get May a new chassis, no questions asked. And Spooky's response was "We were thinking more in terms of espionage, blackmail and outright theft." That's how Spooky operates, in the shadows. It never occurs to them to help for the sake of helping.

Spooky didn't donate out of the goodness of their heart. They did it so they could score brownie points with Roko.

Its not the money they've donated. Its why they did it. Just because they could. Just for shits and giggles.

Spooky gave away two billion dollars. Here's some consideration what that can do.
- $1 million could bring fresh water to 50,000 people in impoverished countries through Charity: Water.
- $3 million could provide 10,000 children meals for 10 months through Feed the Children.


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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #105 on: 02 Jul 2019, 22:54 »

Welcome, new people!

I'll pose this as a poll suggestion: Spookybot wants friends. Who in the QC-verse would befriend them? ( and why? )

I forgot her name, but Marten’s stepsister would try but then get thwarted by her father when he finds out.


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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #106 on: 02 Jul 2019, 23:23 »

Jeph forgot about the camera's colour temperature setting today.   :evil:

I thought my monitor was acting up. Maybe comic is late in the evening, and we see a nice beautiful Northampton sunset?

First two panels in #4038 seemingly confirm this, but the deep red color is probably glow of Roko's anger. Same window in previous comic reflects a blue sky.


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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #107 on: 02 Jul 2019, 23:27 »

I've been puzzling over this strip since the first time I saw it on Patreon. At first I got annoyed because I thought that it was basically a broad-brush criticism of 'rich people'. However, with time, I've concluded that this is too simplistic an interpretation and I no longer think that this is the core point of this strip.

To me, the core issue here is power disparity and Roko's sudden realisation that there is one here. She's spent a whole day getting to the point where the authorities are at least deigning to be willing to consider the evidence she has presented that May is getting a raw deal and that's it. No solutions and no guarantee that her claims are being accepted; they're willing to maybe think about it. Then SpookyBot comes along, makes a few charities rich and apparently saves a children's hospital as a practical joke. It brings home to her just how small and ineffectual her actions have been in comparison and just how little ability she has to make a difference to people's lives in comparison.

Now, in honesty, shouting at SpookyBot is a little unfair because I really don't think that their social and ethical awareness is developed enough to really understand why what they did hurt her. That realisation will take a lot of time and experience on their part. However, I think it is still understandable that she feels upset.
« Last Edit: 02 Jul 2019, 23:41 by BenRG »

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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #108 on: 02 Jul 2019, 23:30 »

The problem isn't Roko's reaction.

The problem lies with Spooky's actions, or rather, lack thereof.

Spooky's action is not the problem, Roko's reaction is. 

Roko would have every right to tell Spooky off if she thought that the donation was to "buy" her friendship, but that's not her issue.

Roko isn't mad because Spooky donated the money... Roko is mad because Spooky could donate the money. 

Roko isn't really mad at Spooky at all.  She's mad because she feels powerless next to Spooky, which is not Spooky's fault.  At the moment Roko is (quite literally) out of her mind due to envious anger and feelings of inadequacy, and is taking it out on someone who did a good (although not altruistic) deed.

It's easy to understand that Roko is under strain, and why, but let's just say that I'm glad she's no longer a cop.  That and if I was Spooky I would question whether or not it would be a good thing to start a friendship with Roko right now at all.

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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #109 on: 03 Jul 2019, 00:13 »

Wait... so would Roko have preferred that Spookybot hadn't handed over two billion dollars to charity just because then she wouldn't feel so powerless?

Because that's a pretty messed up sense of priorities, Roko.

Especially when you consider how Beepatrice feels.  Roko may not have actually helped May get a new chassis, but Beepatrice feels like a failure because she couldn't even get that far in the process.  Is that Roko's fault?  No.  Now Roko feels inferior because Spookybot litterally snapped their figners and charities are experiencing a windfall.  Is that Spookybot's fault?  If it is then Roko should be ashamed of herself for inadvertently being better at Beepatrice's job. :roll:

Roko really shouldn't feel that bad because after all she put the idea in Spookybot's head....  so there's that.

I think this is the point I think a lot of people are missing. Also people creating reasons that Roko are mad that are not in evidence. She is literally saying why she is mad. It isn't because Spooky did it to buy her friendship. It isn't because Spooky did it as a joke. She straight up says its becuase Spooky CAN do it and she can't. (rereading the comic, I can see some of the other parts, but she is really focusing in on the ability, not the reason).

And the truth is, on a different scale, she did the same thing to Beepatrice without even realizing it. Should she feel bad about that?


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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #110 on: 03 Jul 2019, 00:34 »

Its not the money they've donated. Its why they did it. Just because they could. Just for shits and giggles.

Spooky gave away two billion dollars. Here's some consideration what that can do.
- $1 million could bring fresh water to 50,000 people in impoverished countries through Charity: Water.
- $3 million could provide 10,000 children meals for 10 months through Feed the Children.

I actually do understand the scope of a two billion dollar donation dispersed throughout any number of charities, thank you. So... what's your point?

The millions of people being helped as a result aren't going to care all that much that their benefactor is a smug, childish asshole. Let's be honest, most of the mega rich people who donate to charities are smug childish assholes looking for tax breaks, publicity, or justification of their lifestyles. The only real difference in spookybot's case is that they're not subject to the all too human tendency to want to hoard wealth beyond any sense of utility. As I have to tell my niece often, you work with the world you have, not the world you wish would be.

Either Roko is angry at them because it's something they could do and she couldn't. Or she's angry at herself because it's something they could do and she couldn't and she's projecting. Neither of those things are a healthy attitude.

And sadly, neither of those things are Spookybot's fault.

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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #111 on: 03 Jul 2019, 00:37 »

"The Best I can do is nothing compared to what a rich person can do if the mood strikes them!"

Welcome to the real world, Roko.  The only good news is that, to someone (May, for example), you ARE a rich person.  We all are to someone.


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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #112 on: 03 Jul 2019, 01:17 »

The problem isn't Roko's reaction.

The problem lies with Spooky's actions, or rather, lack thereof.

Look at 4035, where Roko suggests that Spooky could easily get May a new chassis, no questions asked. And Spooky's response was "We were thinking more in terms of espionage, blackmail and outright theft." That's how Spooky operates, in the shadows. It never occurs to them to help for the sake of helping.

Spooky didn't donate out of the goodness of their heart. They did it so they could score brownie points with Roko.

Its not the money they've donated. Its why they did it. Just because they could. Just for shits and giggles.

Spooky gave away two billion dollars. Here's some consideration what that can do.
- $1 million could bring fresh water to 50,000 people in impoverished countries through Charity: Water.
- $3 million could provide 10,000 children meals for 10 months through Feed the Children.

You forget about the considerable expenses of charities, sometimes as much as 60% of their income...
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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #113 on: 03 Jul 2019, 02:27 »

Dares a billionaire to donate all their money... Gets angry when they actually do it because of inferiority issues... Definitely one of the most mature characters.

To be slightly more fair to Roko, there's also the surprise angle. How often does asking a billionaire to give all their money to charity actually work? Its something most people would have to wrap their head around.

You know what the fastest way to ensure someone is never charitable again? When they DO donate all their money as they were asked to..and you turn around and scream "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" in their face :/

Eh another comic about how it's okay to scream at people if you think they're better off than you/ do anything ever.

Buy a new body so they feel more equal with you? Scream

Have to get a new body because theirs got crushed and you think it's them lording it over you? Scream

Dare them to donate all their money to charity, and they do so without a second thought? Scream.

Tune in next week for "A character offers to buy someone lunch and gets yelled at for rubbing their wealth in someone's face"
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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #114 on: 03 Jul 2019, 02:32 »

The problem isn't Roko's reaction.

The problem lies with Spooky's actions, or rather, lack thereof.

Look at 4035, where Roko suggests that Spooky could easily get May a new chassis, no questions asked. And Spooky's response was "We were thinking more in terms of espionage, blackmail and outright theft." That's how Spooky operates, in the shadows. It never occurs to them to help for the sake of helping.

Spooky didn't donate out of the goodness of their heart. They did it so they could score brownie points with Roko.

Its not the money they've donated. Its why they did it. Just because they could. Just for shits and giggles.

Spooky gave away two billion dollars. Here's some consideration what that can do.
- $1 million could bring fresh water to 50,000 people in impoverished countries through Charity: Water.
- $3 million could provide 10,000 children meals for 10 months through Feed the Children.

You forget about the considerable expenses of charities, sometimes as much as 60% of their income...

Not counting the amounts that never even arrive at the organisation after a donation drive, which in some cases is already 60% or over.
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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #115 on: 03 Jul 2019, 03:05 »

Roko is beautiful when she's angry.


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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #116 on: 03 Jul 2019, 03:10 »

I feel like these past weeks of QC have been a conga line of successive characters taking turns at getting yelled at, and then yelling at someone else.

Does the buck stop at Spooky? Find out next week.
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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #117 on: 03 Jul 2019, 03:10 »

Actually this is exactly why Spooky needs a "mortal" friend. Someone who can keep them grounded and who offers a perspective they can't possibly conceive. They need someone who can take them to one side and explain things to them and why there are no quick fixes.

Unfortunately it just seems like Spookybot is sticking their foot into their overly sized mouth.

This ^^^^^^^

Now to be a little harsh on Roko...

It's  not about you. It's about those who could do with a hand. If you're helping May just to feel good about yourself, well, there are worse things, but it's about May, not you.

You want an attagirl? Ok, how about this; by being the person that you are, you have been an essential part of a causative chain that resulted in well targetted funds of $2,000,000,000 going to make the world suck less. Exact mechanism doesn't matter. Results do.

By all means vent about the irrational injustice and power imbalance. Just realise that at the end of the day, it's  not about Roko. It's  partly about an entity with more power than sense that desperately needs friends and an ethics review committee. It's about May. It's  about a children's  hospital, and goodness knows what else.

Then it's about Roko. Because as a person, she is no less deserving of kindness than May or anyone else is.
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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #118 on: 03 Jul 2019, 03:26 »

Tune in next week for "A character offers to buy someone lunch and gets yelled at for rubbing their wealth in someone's face"

That one kind of happened, minus the yelling, when Brun made Clinton feel bad by revealing her family was too poor to afford raisins when she was a kid. Though her intent wasn't to make him feel bad, it's pretty much an ongoing theme that people who have privilege never seem to know they have it until it's actually pointed out.


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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #119 on: 03 Jul 2019, 03:28 »

it's pretty much an ongoing theme that people who have privilege never seem to know they have it until it's actually pointed out.

It's almost like the exact same thing very often happens in real life, too...

Granted, the comic is a bit "blunt force trauma" with this message, much of the time.


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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #120 on: 03 Jul 2019, 03:34 »

Tune in next week for "A character offers to buy someone lunch and gets yelled at for rubbing their wealth in someone's face"

That one kind of happened, minus the yelling, when Brun made Clinton feel bad by revealing her family was too poor to afford raisins when she was a kid. Though her intent wasn't to make him feel bad, it's pretty much an ongoing theme that people who have privilege never seem to know they have it until it's actually pointed out.

Brune handled it with tact, and calmness, so I don't count that as yelling, as I do gentle informing.
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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #121 on: 03 Jul 2019, 04:35 »

Now, it's Roko who thinks she's not capable enough...
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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #122 on: 03 Jul 2019, 04:42 »


I adore Roko...
But I think she's a bit out of order here.
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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #123 on: 03 Jul 2019, 04:58 »

Do people really think that this is a case of Tall Poppy Syndrome?

What, Roko needed to cut down a successful Spookybot to ease her own bruised ego?

There's a few problems with that line of thought. Namely, Spooky isn't "successful", they're a secret AI that operates in the background, whose existence is the kind that's just whispered in certain circles. They aren't a businessperson who spent years building a financial empire and decided in later life to do some good with their money and donate it to worthy causes. Spookybot literally said they'd employ blackmail or industrial espionage. Think about that for a moment. Where did Spooky get their money from and disconnected are they that they can drop two billion like it was nothing. Given how Spookybot technically doesn't exist, than there has to be something along the lines that isn't legal, be it skimming pennies off an account here and there, or claiming dead accounts for their own use. We don't know, but given that Spooky only did it anonymously kind of says they don't want anyone investigating them. Which screams shady.

But let's put it another way - swap out Roko and Spooky with Hanners and her mother. Beatrice is one of the most powerful people in the world and they suddenly donates two billion dollars after Hanners said she's doing some charity work. Is that Beatrice being a decent person, or is she trying to buy Hanners' affection? Likewise, is Spookybot trying to be a decent god-like AI, or are they trying to buy Roko's friendship? Given their previous interactions, I'd say it was the latter.


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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #124 on: 03 Jul 2019, 05:18 »

Do people really think that this is a case of Tall Poppy Syndrome?

What, Roko needed to cut down a successful Spookybot to ease her own bruised ego?

There's a few problems with that line of thought. Namely, Spooky isn't "successful", they're a secret AI that operates in the background, whose existence is the kind that's just whispered in certain circles. They aren't a businessperson who spent years building a financial empire and decided in later life to do some good with their money and donate it to worthy causes. Spookybot literally said they'd employ blackmail or industrial espionage. Think about that for a moment. Where did Spooky get their money from and disconnected are they that they can drop two billion like it was nothing. Given how Spookybot technically doesn't exist, than there has to be something along the lines that isn't legal, be it skimming pennies off an account here and there, or claiming dead accounts for their own use. We don't know, but given that Spooky only did it anonymously kind of says they don't want anyone investigating them. Which screams shady.

But let's put it another way - swap out Roko and Spooky with Hanners and her mother. Beatrice is one of the most powerful people in the world and they suddenly donates two billion dollars after Hanners said she's doing some charity work. Is that Beatrice being a decent person, or is she trying to buy Hanners' affection? Likewise, is Spookybot trying to be a decent god-like AI, or are they trying to buy Roko's friendship? Given their previous interactions, I'd say it was the latter.

Maybe they use their cyclopean processing power to mine Bitcoins? That would be perfecly legal...

As for their motivation, honestly, that's really a mystery. As you point out, they are the Keyser Söze of AIs...
« Last Edit: 03 Jul 2019, 05:52 by traroth »
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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #125 on: 03 Jul 2019, 06:02 »

This may have been answered before, and forgive me if it has been...

All the AI individuals in QC speak in rectangular boxes, I suspect to differentiate between how they sound and how humans sound.

Why are Spookybot's speech bubbles rounded?
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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #126 on: 03 Jul 2019, 06:09 »

So why is (are?) Spookybot hesitant to help Roko (and May)?

They were originally CIA operative AI's that went rogue.    6 (17.6%)
Their moral compass programming prohibits it.    2 (5.9%)
They can help, it's just that they don't want to.    10 (29.4%)
They're, like, really really shy when it comes down to it.    8 (23.5%)
Truth is, they don't really have the resources that Roko believes they have.    3 (8.8%)
Purple Monkey Dishwashers are in their way.    0 (0%)
Other.    5 (14.7%)

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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #127 on: 03 Jul 2019, 06:11 »

All the AI individuals in QC speak in rectangular boxes, I suspect to differentiate between how they sound and how humans sound.

Why are Spookybot's speech bubbles rounded?

Because Spookybot isn't a typical AI. It gives them an otherworldly quality that makes them as removed from AI as AI are from Humanity.


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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #128 on: 03 Jul 2019, 06:21 »

Welcome, new people!

I'll pose this as a poll suggestion: Spookybot wants friends. Who in the QC-verse would befriend them? ( and why? )

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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #129 on: 03 Jul 2019, 06:33 »

I voted Melon because of her essential innocence. Perhaps she of all synthetics would not fear SpookyBot and overlook their essential strangeness.

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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #130 on: 03 Jul 2019, 06:40 »

I picked Pintsize. Sure, it might be dangerous, but unlikely though it seems, he seems to have a pretty good grip on things, and his unconventional methods might get through to SB.

That, or it's goodbye world. It's equally likely.
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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #131 on: 03 Jul 2019, 06:51 »

I was going to vote Melon but realized that she would be more along the lines of the ships cat.
A comfort to be around most times and a challenge to understand at others but not actually all that good for ones socialization or at least comprehending the finer nuances of socialization.
So far Roko, despite being a bit broken herself, is the best candidate for the other half of this odd-couple.

Roko just needs to open her eyes and realize that what just happened is similar to what she spent the whole day on in respect to Beepatrice who couldn't even get past the first step despite all her time and effort to this point.
The question now is when will this revelation happen? Hopefully not too quickly. I dislike the use of a sledgehammer nailing a story down and much prefer the judicious use of a tack hammer carefully stretching the canvas into place.
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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #132 on: 03 Jul 2019, 07:59 »

including a blase attitude toward large sums of money.  There have been conversations discussing how different the thinking of large-scale AI is from humans, or even standard AI. 
I think its more to do with being entities that have never had the slightest limitation placed on their activities by lack of funds.


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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #133 on: 03 Jul 2019, 08:49 »

To the power disparities thing--I think that's definitely it. As someone who was recently very unexpectedly in Spookybot's position--not with money, but with power--I hope they learn like I did that it's okay to have people upset at you, and what you should do is listen. Sometimes people will see you as the villain and that's just how it goes; you can listen and sit with yourself and reflect and find out how not to be, or.

I see people saying Roko's upset about the money--she's not. The part that's bolded, the part she's growling about, is that Spookybot expects her to be happy.

The explosion could perhaps have been at least partially avoided with some tact rather than Spookybot's death-sparkle "WE'RE FRIENDS NOW RIGHT"

...and tact is what I hope Spookybot will be learning! I'm enjoying this arc and this art.


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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #134 on: 03 Jul 2019, 09:04 »

Writing 101

Static characters are boring, dynamic characters are interesting.

Jeph writes his characters with flaws to grow out of.  Jeph is setting Roko up to get gobsmacked by the parallels between the situation between her & Spooks and her & Beeps.  That epiphany will bring about character growth.  He does this with his characters - he even mellowed Rene out!


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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #135 on: 03 Jul 2019, 09:38 »

The strip seems to be washed out...or is it just me. It has a pink haze over it.

Its not washed out, its just sunset.

I was wondering that same thing. Came in here for just that reason. Doesn't seem like what sunset would look like (maybe Jeph has done it before but only for one strip?), but I find it weirdly distracting. *shrug*


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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #136 on: 03 Jul 2019, 10:13 »

All the AI individuals in QC speak in rectangular boxes, I suspect to differentiate between how they sound and how humans sound.

Why are Spookybot's speech bubbles rounded?

Because Spookybot isn't a typical AI. It gives them an otherworldly quality that makes them as removed from AI as AI are from Humanity.

Huh, i never noticed that their speech bubbles are rounded.  In any case, it's probably because their voice sounds more like a human, what with being a super-advanced AI.  You could be right about 'otherwordly' though since it seems that Spookybot seems to know how to do magic (Lovecraftian style magic is basically ultra-advanced mathematics and seems to work in the QC universe).  So maybe they're making their voice sound different?  Or they're adding something with a spell?

Keep in mind though that the most plausible explanation is that Jeph just wants to subtly indicate that Spookybot is different in yet another way and hasn't thought beyond that.



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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #137 on: 03 Jul 2019, 10:15 »

Doesn't seem like what sunset would look like (maybe Jeph has done it before but only for one strip?), but I find it weirdly distracting. *shrug*
I've seen a similar effect before at both sunset and sunrise, though not as intensely pink as these strips.  It's often easier to see this kind of effect near water or tall building - the reflected light can take on wildly different colors. :-o
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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #138 on: 03 Jul 2019, 10:59 »

Roko probably is not able to see it this way right now but Spooky made that donations because of her. It looks casual but it wouldn't have happened if not for her, so it is actually her sucess even if unorthodox and not the way she was expecting it. She could have just got some sympathetic words an a token donation from someone who has a lot but instead she got a complete reorganization of wealth.

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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #139 on: 03 Jul 2019, 10:59 »

I'm not saying I hate this arc but it feel very repetitive of previous arcs involving wealth disparities of any kind. Kind of hoping there is a sudden twist coming next that makes things more interesting.

Personally, I'd rather the wealthy start helping reduce the abundance of grotesque wealth- and income disparities - that would automatically remove the need to talk about them so much.
« Last Edit: 03 Jul 2019, 11:12 by Case »
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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #140 on: 03 Jul 2019, 11:44 »

All the AI individuals in QC speak in rectangular boxes, I suspect to differentiate between how they sound and how humans sound.

Why are Spookybot's speech bubbles rounded?

Because Spookybot isn't a typical AI. It gives them an otherworldly quality that makes them as removed from AI as AI are from Humanity.

Huh, i never noticed that their speech bubbles are rounded.  In any case, it's probably because their voice sounds more like a human, what with being a super-advanced AI.  You could be right about 'otherwordly' though since it seems that Spookybot seems to know how to do magic (Lovecraftian style magic is basically ultra-advanced mathematics and seems to work in the QC universe).  So maybe they're making their voice sound different?  Or they're adding something with a spell?

Keep in mind though that the most plausible explanation is that Jeph just wants to subtly indicate that Spookybot is different in yet another way and hasn't thought beyond that.


Speaking of speech bubbles Roko’s is devoid of any Boston accent.  She’s angry, but seems to be speaking in her normal voice.


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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #141 on: 03 Jul 2019, 12:51 »

All the AI individuals in QC speak in rectangular boxes, I suspect to differentiate between how they sound and how humans sound.

Why are Spookybot's speech bubbles rounded?

Because Spookybot isn't a typical AI. It gives them an otherworldly quality that makes them as removed from AI as AI are from Humanity.

Speaking of atypical AI, Momo once talked with Emily about big super-computer-using AIs, which are not mentioned in their brochures.


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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #142 on: 03 Jul 2019, 15:08 »

Speaking of speech bubbles Roko’s is devoid of any Boston accent.  She’s angry, but seems to be speaking in her normal voice.

Probably because Roko's angry accent is one of his running jokes, but today's comic is Serious Business.

I'm not saying I hate this arc but it feel very repetitive of previous arcs involving wealth disparities of any kind. Kind of hoping there is a sudden twist coming next that makes things more interesting.

Personally, I'd rather the wealthy start helping reduce the abundance of grotesque wealth- and income disparities - that would automatically remove the need to talk about them so much.

I think it is a great topic for Jeph to be addressing in his comic, but I honestly feel that all of these speeches we've been hit with over the past weeks have been on the nose.
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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #143 on: 03 Jul 2019, 15:22 »

Its not washed out, its just sunset.
Or it's all occurring in Roko's mind like in strip #3700:


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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #144 on: 03 Jul 2019, 16:09 »

Actually this is exactly why Spooky needs a "mortal" friend. Someone who can keep them grounded and who offers a perspective they can't possibly conceive. They need someone who can take them to one side and explain things to them and why there are no quick fixes.

Unfortunately it just seems like Spookybot is sticking their foot into their overly sized mouth.

This ^^^^^^^

Now to be a little harsh on Roko...

It's  not about you.


Hmmmh - I agree completely with everything you said in that post. I would add, however, that there's an additional level to that dialogue where it is very much about Roko, because Spookybot is making it about her - on that level, Roko telling SB that they are not making her happy, but feel inadequate is simply the honest answer.

And it may be... tactically prudent to stick with honesty whilst mentoring a hyper-intelligent, under-socialized AI with near-godlike powers.
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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #145 on: 03 Jul 2019, 17:31 »

I think it is a great topic for Jeph to be addressing in his comic, but I honestly feel that all of these speeches we've been hit with over the past weeks have been on the nose.

I think this is just one topic Jeph has not shown an ability to write with any deftness. Every time it comes up it comes out as on the noes and yelly.

And here's the thing: I agree that the money imbalance in the world is hugely tilted and is a huge problem. I just think he handles the discussion of it like a sledgehammer, and other than the case with Spookybot, usually the person getting yelled at isn't even doing anything wrong (Spookybot isn't wrong for donating tons of money, but they are wrong in doing it for the sole reason of trying to be friends).

Granted, I think Spookybot could possibly through blackmail and bribery fix the issue by manipulating political processes around the world, so I suppose yelling at them could actually change things, but I don't think this is where this conversation is going.


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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #146 on: 03 Jul 2019, 18:48 »

It occurs to me that Spookybot is not presently acting like an omniscient, omnipresent and (in particular) omnipotent being unused to being contradicted -- Spookybot is acting very much like a run-of-the-mill someone who is beginning to realize that some folks think what they did, or how they did it, is wrong.

The usual smugness isn't there.

Is it that Roko is the first being to so unmistakeably get in Spookybot's face?
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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #147 on: 03 Jul 2019, 19:02 »

Is it that Roko is the first being to so unmistakeably get in Spookybot's face?

I think I remember Faye getting in SB's face - albeit very, very briefly. Bubbles made a very low-key, very serious threat of physical violence to them.

Roko may conceivably be the first person to get in Spookybot's face that they cared about. Which might be part of the attraction for them.

Generally, SB appear very notably unfazed about people getting in their face. It's purely information to them - "The human is upset. With me. Intriguing... " - there isn't even a hint of flinching, or taking the mammalian "invading your personal space"-game seriously.
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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #148 on: 03 Jul 2019, 19:09 »

I see Roko's rant as this:

Imagine if you just went out and bought yourself a car. A nice, brand new car. You'd saved up for a down payment, got some financing for it - and managed to agree with the dealership/seller over the price. You were still trying to iron out the exact details and the delivery, and how to pay for some other stuff, when you run into your friend who you know has access to a ton of money. You mention to them what you were trying to do, and how you had all this difficulty, and you were financing it.

Your rich friend informs you that they own the bank/financing company. Instead of deciding to help you with your loan, they get on their phone and buy themselves a brand new Aston Martin - direct from the factory.

That is what has Roko so pissed.
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Re: WCDT strips 4036 - 4040 (1 - 5 July 2019)
« Reply #149 on: 03 Jul 2019, 19:15 »

Generally, SB appear very notably unfazed about people getting in their face. It's purely information to them - "The human is upset. With me. Intriguing... " - there isn't even a hint of flinching, or taking the mammalian "invading your personal space"-game seriously.
How often do you notice the ant crawling over your boot? Its just that right now, Roko is a bullet ant.
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