I wrote my first rap song in response to a challenge by a friend...

(Unfortunately, I misread the challenge which was to write a dual role Rap Battle song.. I missed the DUAL part)
https://spintunes.bandcamp.com/track/joecovenantrap-a-jocks-rapRecording above: Lyric below
(A'right then.)
(Gie's the beat!)
Sittin' doon tae the mic isnae what gies me The Fear.
If Ah didnae want tae dae this guess what - I widnae be here!
The sang is aw' that matters - an' nothin's aff the table.
So when it comes tae rappin', hey, Ah'll dae it if ah'm able.
Ah've sung - collaborated - wi' the best the net can offer,
an' rattled the patter and battered doon a Song Fu Master.
So if yer sayin' Scotsmen cannae rap - then Ah'll be brief -
Keep throwin' oot that garbage, ye'll be playin' wi' yer teeth!
Ah dinnae mean tae diss ye, cos that's really no' mah style.
Ah'd rather jist sit doon an' hae a blether fur a while.
But if yer view o' Scotland's Shortie Tins an' Heelan' Coos,
then mibbe ye should haud yer wheest an' listen tae the news.
(If ye kent aboot this country then yer heid wid start tae birl,
cos Scotland is responsible for whit you creh The Wurld -
Logarithms, Hypnotism, Television, Penicillin
An' disposable contact lenses tae help ye wi' yer vision...
... an' that's only fur starters.)
(Chorus x2)
The World can be so dark when old pretenders try to blow out the flame.
We need our independence, that's when we'll see Scotland's light shine again.
We gave ye colour photographs, kaleidoscopes and fridges
The braw MRI scanner an' a trio o' Forth bridges.
We first tae clone a bonnie sheep and mak' pneumatic wheels
an' Mike Oldfield couldnae hae his bells wi'oot Tubular Steel.
But as fur me, Ah'll no' pretend tae be somethin' ah'm, no'.
Ah'm a fair tae middlin' sangwriter - mah pals a' ca' me Joe.
Ah'm merried tae a fancy lass, ah've got a bonnie daughter,
an' ah'm lucky insofar as I'm a wee bit children's author.
Ah've climbed aboard for Alba and tae better shores we're steerin'.
The years o' tears an' hellish fears are a' but disappearin'.
It's awfy hard tae fathom that some fowk jist wullnae thole it
There's no' much Ah kin say tae that -except- they must be glaikit.
We're liftin' up oor voices an' we're hopin' that ye hear them,
an' tell iz - What's the bather wi' us lookin' fur oor freedom?
Understand, the land we stand on should be free like ony ither.
So gies yer hand, a man's a man, and each man is yer brither.
(Chorus x4 to fade)
The World can be so dark when old pretenders try to blow out the flame.
We need our independence, that's when we'll see Scotland's light shine again.