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Author Topic: Pinback  (Read 19380 times)


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« on: 16 Mar 2005, 20:44 »

I noticed Japh mentioned Pinback today in the comic's side bar and I wanted to second the motion that Pinback is a great band.  I saw them in Sept or Oct of 2003 and again a few months back and I can confirm they are indeed awesome to see live.  Definitely one of the better local bands to come out of San Diego in a while.


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« Reply #1 on: 16 Mar 2005, 21:25 »

Bah, Pinback sold out*.

*Before people get on my case, that's Swahili for "Damn, I'm jealous.  Pinback rocks."  Honest...


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« Reply #2 on: 16 Mar 2005, 21:31 »

It's okay, you have an Indie Rock Pete avatar. we understand your jelousy.
but the music sucks because the keyboards don't have the cold/mechanical sound they had but a wannabe techno sound that it's pathetic for Rammstein standars.

Tied Up

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« Reply #3 on: 17 Mar 2005, 05:02 »

Yeah, pinback kicks the ahz.  I 've a fan of heavy vegetable since they started and "Frisbee" is still one of my favorite albums.  Rob Crow is a genius....who else would write an ode to Weslie Willis?  If any of you are unaware, Rob Crow's previous rock encounters include Heavy Vegatable and Thingy.  He's also had a solo album and been involved in Physics (the band, not the laws pertaining to:) and Optigonally Yours (I had to look that last one up, and I have yet to partake of their sound)


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« Reply #4 on: 21 Mar 2005, 07:55 »

I was kind of resistent to the whole Pinback craze, even though the main creative force, Rob Crow, is one of my favorite musicians ever. Being from san diego, I should have jumped all over these guys from the start years ago, but alas, I didnt. I have made up for this grevious error though, and now fully support the band in all their awesomeness.


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« Reply #5 on: 22 Mar 2005, 16:33 »

I love pinback..

favorite song = Boo ...

that or fortress


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« Reply #6 on: 22 Mar 2005, 16:37 »

Pinback is amazing. They right such great, beautiful songs. My favourite's gotta be Loro. They are one of those bands that became one of my favourite as soon as I heard them.
I like the way you work it.


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« Reply #7 on: 23 Mar 2005, 07:40 »

If you like Pinback I really suggest you track down some of Rob Crow's older bands - Heavy Vegitable, Thingy, and Physics are a few of my favorites. Heavy Vegitable and Thingy are sorta like Pinback meets The Pixies, and Physics is straight up experimental psychedelic synth - utterly amazing stuff. I wish they still played out live.


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« Reply #8 on: 05 Apr 2005, 21:15 »

Wish I could say check out alpha males too but they have not recorded and besides I have not even heard them before...Rob's hard core band so I hear.  I WAS going to see them at the che cafe but their drummer could not come so they did not play, so sad.  He also has Goblin Cock though...that sounds wrong too easily in a sentence.

Also check out Fantasy Mission Force of Rob's...or systems officer which is Zach's solo thing...don't think that was mentioned.  Also 3 mile pilot, come on now...they are coming out with a new cd, getting back together yay.


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« Reply #9 on: 06 Apr 2005, 07:20 »

I love their music, sadly though, I don't own any of their albums.

I'm just wondering though, was anyone else shocked when they found out what the singer looks like? I was a wee bit shocked.


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« Reply #10 on: 06 Apr 2005, 07:25 »

Did you just say 3 Mile Pilot was releasing a new record? That is fscking incredible.

Now if only Boilermaker would get back together...


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« Reply #11 on: 06 Apr 2005, 18:40 »

Yup, and Zach's girlfriend was telling me vaguely about it at a show...says since they all went seperate ways and evolved that it sounds a bit different but is very good...well hope she is right.


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« Reply #12 on: 11 Apr 2005, 10:29 »

Quote from: Spencer
Being from san diego, I should have jumped all over these guys from the start years ago, but alas, I didnt. I have made up for this grevious error though, and now fully support the band in all their awesomeness.

Really?  Another local boy, eh?  I grew up in Scrippes which part of town did you grow up in?

Edit: It seems like there are a few of us locals around these forums.  Che Cafe is pretty cool as is the 4th & B everyone knows about.  I'm ashamed to admite it but I still get most of my local band news from the San Diego Reader.  If they say their good then I go see them.  Not very hipster I know but it works for me.


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« Reply #13 on: 11 Apr 2005, 16:54 »

What about the Casbah?  I've seen Rob play his solo stuff there as well as Optigonally Yours.


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« Reply #14 on: 11 Apr 2005, 21:01 »

The Casbah is pretty rocking.  My older sister saw Nirvana play there back in the early 90's but I was to young to get in.  :(  The place can be a bit pretentious at times with its "The only cool place in San Diego" theme but the music is good and the prices still aren't to bad.  I saw Torpedo Betty there last December and their funk sounds went well with the Casbah's acoustics.

I had never even heard of Torpedo Betty but they won the 2004 Sign on San Diego reader's choice for best local band so I thought I'd give them a chance.  I believe they also won an award at last year's San Diego Music Awards.


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« Reply #15 on: 12 Apr 2005, 08:58 »

Quote from: Oerdin
 The place can be a bit pretentious at times with its "The only cool place in San Diego" theme but the music is good and the prices still aren't to bad.  

Heh, that's cause The Casbah is the only cool place in town :)

I do't get to nearly enough shows these days, which is fine since most of the stuff coming through town doesnt entice me. Having to be up at 5:30 in the morning doesnt help in the "Staying out late" dept either.

The Reader is probably the best resource in town to find out local shows. No shame in reading it. Hell, thats where I hear about 90% of the shows I find out about.

to answer Oerdins question, I grew up, and still live in, Clairemont. I came up during the mid-late 90's punk rock rennesance, and practically lived at the old SOMA (Linda Vista, not not *that* old). As an aside, I can't stand the new SOMA. Must be an age thing...


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« Reply #16 on: 12 Apr 2005, 11:47 »

push the little baby down the spiral stairs


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« Reply #17 on: 12 Apr 2005, 18:20 »

I saw Modest Mouse at SOMA Live off Sports Arena Blvd when they swung through town a few months ago.  The band rocked (even if they were a bit drunk) but SOMA just blows chunks.  They let all the little kids in so there's no alcohol and the place has about as much thought put into its layout and design as your average high school gym.  There's no place to sit and no ventilation so the room gets hotter then hell.  Just terrible.

Humprey's on the other hand is top notch as is the Starlight Bowl as well as the usual suspects with the big commercial places we all know about.


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« Reply #18 on: 12 Apr 2005, 19:24 »

Don't forget the evil owner.  Pinback will tell you themselves, Rob especially at least I have noticed, though he talks more.  I mentioned it somewhere else...


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« Reply #19 on: 12 Apr 2005, 19:40 »

I hadn't heard anything about the owner.  Waht'd he do that was so bad other then build a horrid venue.


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« Reply #20 on: 12 Apr 2005, 20:39 »

Called the fire marshal on another all ages show and made up a lie to get it shut down...they want to monopolize all ages shows in the area...


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« Reply #21 on: 12 Apr 2005, 22:01 »

That's pretty fucked up to spy on your competitor and try to get his place shut down by lying to the Fire Marshall.


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« Reply #22 on: 12 Apr 2005, 22:09 »

yup, hence his evilness

Listen to Charborg by Pinback.  It is about soma I am pretty sure I remember rob saying at a show once.  They did play there once at least, but then vowed never to return.

Plus that guy calls the cops on kids outside after shows who are waiting to get picked up, so I hear.  Yes, evil.


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« Reply #23 on: 13 Apr 2005, 08:55 »

Time for a History Lesson

Len is both the best thing that has happened to under 21+ music in SD, and the worst.

The first  two SOMA's were co-owned by Len and a guy named Jeremy. Len was the buisness man, Jeremy was, well... Jeremy was fuckin' punk as hell. I knew them both, and they were good guys. Jeremy was cool as hell, and it just felt right with him running things. Len was nice, but you could tell he was a bit slimey. Jeremy booked the bands, and fostered a huge local scene, first with the metal kids in the early 90's at the old old SOMA downtown, then with the punks at the old soma in linda vista. LIke I said, I used to practically live at the Soma in linda vista in the mid/late 90's. My allowance was 20 bucks a month, and I could usually go to 3-5 shows a month on that. *everyone* played SOMA. It was the punk Mecca of San Diego. If you were punk, you were at SOMA on the weekends. Of course, there were other venues too - the World Beat Center (later called the Showcase Theater - and if you werent at SOMA for a punk show, you were at World Beat for a ska show), the Soul Kitchen, and a couple others like the Che Cafe.

Well, somewhere along the way, punk broke again. Blink, who were practically residents at SOMA, got HUGE. Buck-O-Nine blew up, Unwritten Law, Sprung Monkey, Fluf, Lucys Fur Coat, and a few others were getting big label attention. And then Len got Greedy.

Now, Im not exactly sure how it went down, but from what ive been able to gather talking to people over the years, Jeremy got fed up with Len, and sold his interest in SOMA to him. Len then used shady tactics to close down the Showcase (which had the ska market cornered). The Soul Kitchen had already closed for other reasons, and I believe there was one other venue which escapes me right now that Len was somehow involved in getting shut down, possibly The Che, which has closed at least 756295 times. Without any all ages competition, he was free to raise the prices on his shows (even more than he already had) and he also started making local bands sign contracts saying they couldnt play other clubs for a month after their SOMA gigs. This is a contract he still uses, so I hear. Then, at the peak of the 90's punk revival, around 99 or so, he sold SOMA to Goldenvoice. Blink heard about this and even tried to buy SOMA from Len, who all but told them to go fuck themselves (this last part I heard from another local punk at the time who was close with Blink. I never personally brought it up with Blink cause I figured it was never my business. But from what I hear, Mark and Tom were so pissed, cause they were one of the main reasons for the clubs popularity, that they vowed never to work with Len again. And they havent. It's also worth mentioning that Blinks original drummer, Scott Rayner, is/was a business partner with len, and helps/helped book the bands. I ran into Scott shortly after he was kicked out of Blink. He was a very bitter kid.). Anyway, goldenvoice mismanaged things and SOMA quickly closed. Len went sailing around the world for a few years, then came back and bought the current SOMA, which used to be a movie theater.

When the new SOMA opened, a few other clubs had were in the all ages business - The Epicentre, The Che and The Scene. Now, Ive never been to the Epicentre, but its a Youth Center as well as a club, which I imagine is the only thing keeping it around. I dont think even Len would try and shut down a youth center. The Che will just always be around. You can't kill the Che. The Scene, on the other hand, was a thriving all ages club. It was a great little place in Clairemont, and it had become the new SOMA. Shortly after SOMA opened, the people who owned the building that The Scene was in refused to renew their lease, due to "Noise Complaints." I've heard rumors that Len was involved.

So there you have it. Len's back in buisness, and has pretty much a lock on all ages punk rock in san diego again. He still uses the same methods to keep the kids bands in his club and no where else cause they have no choice. The Casbah continues to be the Club where the older crowd goes/plays, because they can (and because the older crowds tend to not be so locked into the punk sound, which the casbah does not foster). Len's a great man, cause no one else has brought a big, all ages club to san diego. He provides the kids with a place to go, and place for punk bands to play. But he's also a very very bad man, cause he's shady as hell. Thats why many established san diego bands wont play at his club. I don't think thats ever bothered him too much, cause punk rock is what brings the kids and their money, not established san diego art rock/indie bands (though I'm betting he's wishing he could book pinback right about now).

*edit* holy calamity this was long. I didnt mean for it to be this long >.<


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« Reply #24 on: 13 Apr 2005, 17:20 »

Yeah well even if I liked the music soma generally attracts, the scene would have had a better chance to still be here (pinback was the last show there by the way which i was lucky enough to be at) nothing makes up for his character. He is like the IMF of venues.  Provides something, but with conditions and as you said shadiness in all of it.  Also the results, well that music is mostly not my thing and he screwed with a venue that was more likely to have bands I'd like to see so...yeah, still evil.  Thanks though for the info, some I had forgotten, some I did not know.


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« Reply #25 on: 14 Apr 2005, 06:36 »

I can remember going to an all night rave at the World Beat Center back in 1992-1993.  The party was pretty awesome with plenty of hot girls including some selling ecstasy (the first time I had ever even heard of that drug; no, we didn't buy any) and they played everything from alternative to heavy metal with a bit of ska thrown in for good measure.  There were also a bunch of ravers smoking cigarettes and speed which was also new to my, rather nerdish, social click.

That's my recollection of the World Beat Center; a bunch of early 90's dance music played together with some rave films projected on the wall and young teenagers getting high as hell in the parking lot or on the patio.

As for SOMA, I never knew half of the stuff you folks told me but I believe every word of it.  I do remmeber seeing a Blink concert there in the late 90's but other then that I didn't really go to SOMA.  After I turned 21 (in 1997 and, yes, I'm old) I didn't go to SOMA anymore until recently and I still hated the venue.  There are to many great venues in San Diego to bother going to SOMA as long as you're over 21 other then hitting up the odd Indie show.


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« Reply #26 on: 14 Apr 2005, 06:55 »

The Epicentre is on Mira Mesa Blvd right across the street from my old high school and I can remember when that place used to be the Mira Mesa Public Library, however, the city finally built a larger more modern library around 1993 or 1994 and then no one knew what to do with the old building.  Finally someone got the bright idea to turn it into a community center by day and an all ages music club by night.  I atually have gone there once or twice in the last 6 months or so and I can say they've done alright by the old place and you can indeed see some pretty good shows for a dirt cheap price.
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