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Author Topic: My QC Parody...  (Read 12679 times)


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My QC Parody...
« on: 07 May 2005, 11:32 »

I know I dont have the best comic ever, but I really like QC. So I did a tribute/parody to it.

The art style is terrible, I did most of it in MS-Paint and used PSP-7 to shade it and such. But whatever, here it is look at and waste your time.


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My QC Parody...
« Reply #1 on: 07 May 2005, 11:50 »

That is shit to an awesome degree.

But i laughed outloud.



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My QC Parody...
« Reply #2 on: 07 May 2005, 11:55 »

That's really all I try to accomplish with my comics.

Shit thats funny.


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My QC Parody...
« Reply #3 on: 07 May 2005, 13:39 »

Nah... not really funny...


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My QC Parody...
« Reply #4 on: 07 May 2005, 18:19 »

Is this really even a parody?

I'm going with no on this one.

Is this really even funny?

Again, I'm going with nuh-uh.


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My QC Parody...
« Reply #5 on: 07 May 2005, 23:36 »

He needs to go on a homicidal killing spree then cry at the end...

or the doughnut needs to come in and insult the the movie posters.

I'm going to have to go with not really funny, but a good try though.


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My QC Parody...
« Reply #6 on: 08 May 2005, 08:21 »

I didn't find it funny, but WOOT for the Garden State poster in the background, I love that movie.


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My QC Parody...
« Reply #7 on: 08 May 2005, 09:12 »

I'm not gonna lie to you, it wasn't funny.


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My QC Parody...
« Reply #8 on: 08 May 2005, 10:21 »



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My QC Parody...
« Reply #9 on: 09 May 2005, 05:48 »

Wow.  Yeah... not the most apt parody of a webcomic I've ever seen.  Nor even... apt.

However, I actually did find it kind of funny.
Logged - my frequently NSFW comic


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My QC Parody...
« Reply #10 on: 09 May 2005, 08:45 »

I didn't see much paradoy there, but it was a bit funny.  Adding a frame at the end where Greg eating the donut would have been great! :) The donut could be weeping while we laugh at it. :P


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My QC Parody...
« Reply #11 on: 09 May 2005, 10:53 »

The style was Parodied, it wasn't so much the content.

The content is my unique and somewhat liked writiing style, but the art was an attemplt at QC's.

And thats not a Donut, it's a Bagel named Clement. He's french and Sesame.


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My QC Parody...
« Reply #12 on: 09 May 2005, 11:00 »

heh.  When I was typing, I was afraid that it might be a bagel, and that I was making a pastry faux-pas.


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My QC Parody...
« Reply #13 on: 09 May 2005, 11:08 »

That comic was so funny I nearly shit my pants!

I guess I have more of a universal sense of humor then all these other stuff shirts. :P


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My QC Parody...
« Reply #14 on: 09 May 2005, 11:25 »

If you think that one was funny check out my other comics, I dont even think the one I posted is that funny. Its like chuckle funny not pants shitting funny.


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My QC Parody...
« Reply #15 on: 09 May 2005, 13:46 »

Quote from: festerius
I guess I have more of a universal sense of humor then all these other stuff shirts.

It just needs something more bizzare at the end. It's almost there is just needs a little push to get it over the edge. Like the bagel saying that he also needs to clean up the kitchen which could lead into another strip where they discuss how that bagel actually ate the cereal. Has no arms and no psychic powers so he just knocked everything over and hoovered mixture off the floor.

Adding one more panel of Greg crying would also work, I think. It would tie in with emo Postal Service reference from earlier int he strip.


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My QC Parody...
« Reply #16 on: 10 May 2005, 10:16 »

The bagel does a lot of unexplaind things... like this for example:


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My QC Parody...
« Reply #17 on: 10 May 2005, 10:39 »

If your artwork isn't strong (which is fine, some of the best comics have mediocre, even poor artwork) then don't mix real-life images in there... it takes the focus away.

First things I noticed when I clicked the link; Garden State, Manchurian Candidate, and Zelda.

You don't want these tertiary aspecs to become the primary ones.

You want, in a comic, for the attention to be:

1. Main Character
2. Speech/text
3. Background/details

The comic you have here is almost exactly in reverse.

Also try for some dynamic posing... having the character standing in the same place, with the same background, for all three panels, is pretty stagnant.  Even if you want the character to be standing there, try redrawing them three times just to add a bit of variety.  If you pay close attention to QC, Jeph has a fair number of comics where, say, Marten and Faye are standing/sitting in the exact same place the whole time... but he redraws them for each panel... and that kind of dynamic posing is really appreciated!


Examples from my webcomic:

Early on (aka "Teh Sucks"):
"Sudden Urges"

More recently (aka "Happy with this"):

There is a 3 month difference between those two comics, where I posted in a metric f*ckton of forums asking for opinions.  I was flamed, blasted, mocked, and assisted... sometimes all at once.

I'm glad for the criticism I received... otherwise I wouldn't be where I'm at now... and while I know I have room for improvement, I am still happy with how I've progressed.


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My QC Parody...
« Reply #18 on: 10 May 2005, 11:07 »

that was like... the not funniest thing i have ever read. i don't wanna be a jerk but it's like, there was NO thinking behind it at all. god, i'm such a hypocrite.


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My QC Parody...
« Reply #19 on: 11 May 2005, 06:28 »

good tips Sideways.  nice stuff btw.
I'm still in my early phase, and 3 months hasn't done much to change my skill.  of course I only do one a week.  I was thinking more like a year for me to improve any. :P


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My QC Parody...
« Reply #20 on: 11 May 2005, 08:50 »

It's just, I have been doing the low detail MS Paint art for like over 2 years. Most of my comics readers say that the bad art adds to why its funny. I don't know. I mean my friend who re deisgned my website put a traffic tracker and says I get like 3000 unique hits a day. Thats pretty good for a MS Paint comic. The art has improved, just not much.

First Comic:

Recent Comic:

And if I did change my art, my writing would stay the same, so if you don't find my comic funny or entertaining now you probably still wuldnt. I dunno, if anyone wan't to critique my actual comic it's

It's cool. Im just a big QC fan, and I think they are just 2 completly different things. High Quality good writing, compared to my no effort antics.


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My QC Parody...
« Reply #21 on: 11 May 2005, 08:57 »

I laughed.  Party because of an inside joke involving a talking donut, but still... I laughed :)

and as for that Swift comic... heh, I'm actually parodying (sp?) A Modest Proposal in my own comic :)


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My QC Parody...
« Reply #22 on: 11 May 2005, 08:59 »

If your going to make a baby eating reference I find it a good idea to at least make it semi intelligent. lol. Good old Swift, that saterical bastard.


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My QC Parody...
« Reply #23 on: 11 May 2005, 09:03 »

Quote from: PrfectGREG
If your going to make a baby eating reference I find it a good idea to at least make it semi intelligent. lol. Good old Swift, that saterical bastard.

Don't worry... my whole comic is based around dead writers in the afterlife.  Considering my readers, it may be predictable, but it won't be just a blatant baby-eating joke.


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My QC Parody...
« Reply #24 on: 11 May 2005, 09:19 »

I read some of your comics, I like it. I'm not an english buff or anything But I do pay attnetion in class. I liked the Thoreau reference one.

You may like these 2 comics I did:


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My QC Parody...
« Reply #25 on: 11 May 2005, 13:47 »

heh, I like the Vonnegut one.  I had to Google the other to get it though :\

Burninated Peasant

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My QC Parody...
« Reply #26 on: 11 May 2005, 16:15 »

reva: As someone very familiar with the work of Sylvia Plath, I have to tell you that I almost fell out of my chair laughing when I saw that the poem she had just written was entitled "Ode to a Puppy." The previous one was quite funny as well. :D

PrfectGREG: Your strip isn't bad. I didn't care for the QC tribute you posted, but some of the subsequently posted strips were alright. I've gotta be honest, though: I'm finding your "3000 hits a day" claim pretty hard to swallow. What do other webcomic artist on the site get? Sideways, reva... I'm lookin' at you.


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My QC Parody...
« Reply #27 on: 11 May 2005, 16:22 »

Reva: your comic is pure unbridled awesome! Although Twain would've kicked Hemmingway's up and down the Mississippi.


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My QC Parody...
« Reply #28 on: 11 May 2005, 18:56 »

peasant: thanks :) and i get an average of about 40 hits a day (somedays higher if someone new links me or something).  and i'm thinking greg's estimate may be a bit high as well.  though his has been around longer than mine has, so i wouldn't doubt that he has more daily readers.  that, and because mine only updates once a week.

therapist: thanks to you as well :) and you're actually the first person to suggest that twain would win.  when i had the first twain vs. hemingway showdown, i actually got complaints that hemingway was an avid boxer and should've won.


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My QC Parody...
« Reply #29 on: 11 May 2005, 19:17 »

My web page's traffic info for this month:

I used to have a link on White Ninja for a while, and I still am linked by Elftor which I think helps. I also promote as much as I can. Last year a guy from a college in California had the strip run in his campus news paper, and If I remember it was a pretty big college. Also I talk to fans from Germany. I even had a kid from the UK mail me a money to order him a shirt because he didnt have a credit card.

I'm not claming to be hot shit, I'm just backing my cred somewhat. Not like it matters if you think it sucks you think it sucks. And if you like it you like it. It's a wierd thing. I'm a big fan for MS Paint comics anyway. But in reality I would rather have a Penny Arcade or a QC style comic any day. But first I need propar equipment. I spend most of my money on Video games and DVDS not art supplies or real computer programs. I think I am getting Photo Shop soon for a class next year (Digital photography) so once I learnt that it will help. But I really want a Wacom Tablet. I hand draw really well and am somewhat of a sketch artisit. So we'll see maybe when I am done with gregcrescicomics I will start something new. I am thinking of ending when I am done with college. But who knows.

Twain would win, unless Hemmingway had a shotgun...


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My QC Parody...
« Reply #30 on: 11 May 2005, 20:28 »

wow, I stand corrected.  nice stats, greg :)

Burninated Peasant

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My QC Parody...
« Reply #31 on: 11 May 2005, 20:56 »

Jesus! That's a crazy amount of traffic for a site I don't think most of us had even heard of before you started this thread! An average of almost 600 hits per hour?! That's a hit every six seconds. And at peak hours you're getting about 4 hits every 5 seconds! If that's mostly through self-promotion and word of mouth advertising then you seriously should look into doing promotions for a living. :)


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My QC Parody...
« Reply #32 on: 12 May 2005, 05:22 »

Quote from: Burninated Peasant
If that's mostly through self-promotion and word of mouth advertising then you seriously should look into doing promotions for a living. :)

i'd pay him to get that kind of traffic for me.


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My QC Parody...
« Reply #33 on: 12 May 2005, 07:08 »

Well I am changes magers to E-Marketing, so...

When I a fan IMs me or E-Mails me I always tell them to "spread the word" I also give out Link's to new people I meet at parties and stuff. I also do a lot of uh... forum stuff. Like I posted at IGN, GameFAQS, the ZeldaClassic message boards. I asked for critiqu at Ctr-Alt-Del and accidentally started some sort of flame war I also did this by accident at Penny Arcade, that contraversy probably helped. I also noticed that like 20 some off sites I don't know about Link me. Most of them are people Blogs or lesser web comics. I also turned up on the Roony message boards for some odd reason. And having Links like I said on the once uber Elftor and I wish WN still had my Link up. Not only that but I did the Top Web Comics thing for a while and I joined this thing called Comic Nations. It's also daily so it gives a reason to come back everyday. Plus the archive is massive so new readers will prob keep coming back a lot.

As for getting you traffic, just spread the word to everyone with ears.


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My QC Parody...
« Reply #34 on: 12 May 2005, 07:55 »

Quote from: Burninated Peasant
Sideways, reva... I'm lookin' at you.

I don't have an image of my tracker, but I could just link you to the tracker itself... it's public knowledge, so I really don't care:


We seem to be averaging about 80 hits a day.  Considering we only started this thing in January... I'm not complaining.  :P

When we started, we cracked open beer one night because after 5 days we broke the '10 hits' mark.  :P

So, 4 months later, 70 more hits on average... it's all good.  We've never advertised, Ryan wants to get us on a stable server, and then we're thinking of paying for a banner on one of our other favourite webcomics.


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My QC Parody...
« Reply #35 on: 12 May 2005, 08:25 »

my webhost tracks it, and you have to be me loged in to se it, hence the image.


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My QC Parody...
« Reply #36 on: 12 May 2005, 14:59 »

My boyfriend has that Zelda shirt. </randomness>


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My QC Parody...
« Reply #37 on: 14 May 2005, 22:32 »

I try hard to be funny, maybe ist the Keystone but I love you guys.


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My QC Parody...
« Reply #38 on: 15 May 2005, 13:18 »

okay greg, i read some more of yr comic, and it's actually really good, just that strip lets it down. it really, really lets it down. those snowmen strips are actually really fucking funny. so sorry for what i said earlier.


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My QC Parody...
« Reply #39 on: 15 May 2005, 16:31 »

i thought it was funny.
buuuut...what was that thing in the last panel?
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