Umm well, I have odd tastes in everything, but I got6ta put in my 2 cents anyway:
Yeah, I put it into sections, I have a tendency to ramble, you can just read what your interested in, I 'spose.
Stephen King. Yeah he's kinda puply, but the more you read, the more you love! The first of his that I read was The Stand (unabridged), and shortly after that was introduced to his Gunslinger series by my wonderful uncle. Well actually it's the Dark Tower series, but it's a series made of PURE AWESOME. Words cannot describe the greatness, nor the weirdness. Also once you read this you realize almost all of his other books are related TO the Dark Tower series. Freakin' epic, s'what it is.
That and your realize SK has probably written everything, ever.
His Dark Materials. I think this was done by Phillip Pullman, but I could be wrong. There's actually going to be a movie out (the first book, Golden Compass) pretty soon, and hopefully it won't suck. There's some pretty serious stuff going on in this series (3 books: Golden Compass, Subtle Knife, Amber Spyglass), and I can't recommend it to everyone...but hey it's got talking polar bears in armor. And Daemons. And angels. Witches...alternate universes....okay stopping now.
Dragonlance. If your a nerd. this is pretty much recommended reading. There's 80 million+ books out, but read the original series if you're into fantasy.
If your like me and no movie is complete without a monster/someone dying, then: Sleepy Hollow and Brotherhood of the Wolf (Indian Ninja!). Also Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Lock stock and two smoking barrels, Boondock Saints. I'm not a big movie critic =P.
TV Shows:
Firefly, Scrubs, Cowboy BeBop, Hellsing, Home Movies (better in later seasons), Family Guy....and star trek TNG......
*slaps self* I forgot Dune! Yeah it's recommended.