Fun Stuff => CHATTER => Topic started by: phooey on 02 Feb 2009, 05:10

Title: Dream Log
Post by: phooey on 02 Feb 2009, 05:10
This is a thread I thought would be kind of awesome, because dreams are kind of awesome and we've had this kind of thread before.

Inspired by this post:
I had a dream in which the day came when troupes of actors were slaughtered by their understudies, magicians sawn in half by indefatigably smiling glamour girls, cricket teams wiped out by marauding bands of twelfth men and an army of assistants and deputies, the seconds-in-command, the runners up, the right-hand men stormed palace gates rising above their superiors or supposed betters to show that they do in fact count.

I liked it, and apparently others liked it, but most importantly, Gilead liked it.  In my time here I have discovered that Gilead's e-boner is like a divining rod for the awesome. 

You guys go first.  Post your dreams.  I would go first but my dream was unremarkable save for the fact that Arnold Schwarzenegger kept mockingly telling Gimli to 'cast magic missile.'
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Puki on 02 Feb 2009, 05:23

I had a dream in which my whole family (including me) decided to go...somewhere (don't know). So, we went outside the house and started getting in the car, as I heard some crashing from the house. I ran to the house, and as I tried to unlock the front door, I saw someone standing at the living room window (facing the street) and banging his/hers fist on the glass. I got scared and ran to the car, asking my older brother to come to the house with me to see what is going on, as I was too scared to go alone. As we entered the house, I came to the window to see if there was some clues (okay, it was a dream, it was a logical thing to do), and my brother tripped over the chair and broke the vase standing beside the door.
I looked outside the window and saw myself standing there, looking at myself. I got this terrible feeling of terror and started banging the fist on the window (I  tried to scream, but no words came out) trying to scream to me not to come into the house, but I saw myself get scared and he ran away.
Then I woke up.

That was one of the most awesome dreams I had, like, ever (two weeks ago, or something like that).
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: ledhendrix on 02 Feb 2009, 05:42
I've always thought of writing down my dreams every morning, but I've only ever recorded a dream (well two but it was the same night) once because it was so odd and vivid. Here they are.


Dream one.

This dream was set in an post nuclear landscape, every was annihilated and it was a pretty bad dream to start with. I was running away from all the destruction and slowly it started getting nicer, but every so often I had to hide, but then I found a pair of antlers in the dust and put them on and people thought I was a deer and left me alone, then I kind of turned into a deer for a bit and was running away from everything as a deer, but more the appearance of a deer, with me hitching onto it as some sort of parasitic mind. Then suddenly the apocalyptic scenery changed into green fields, forests and rivers and I was coming up to a little cottage in the woods beside a river. By this point I'd changed into a bear for no apparent reason. I went to the cottage and there was a little old lady, who back in the day when I was a young bear used to feed me and give me shelter before society as we know it ended.   
I went up to the lady and asked her if I could have something to eat (because of course I was a talking bear) but she was like "NO you turned your back on me all them years ago, your no longer welcome here" and she had a big Alsatian that she set on me. At first I was like "SHIT A FUCKING DOG" then I was like "Wait I'm a fucking bear" and the dog came at my and I was like "I'M A BEAR " and I ripped the motherfucking dog in half and ate it then ran away. For the rest of the dream I wandered about as a bear and did bear things. 

Dream 2.

In this dream I started off on a beach with someone who I'd never met before, but we were hanging around together. We were both in wetsuits, I think we were surfing (not entirely sure). Then we found this bit in the dunes with loads of beach huts and a few familys hanging around. There was a pit dug into the sand that had loads of surfing stuff in it, like wetsuits, boots and bodyboards. There were also realllllly small surfboards (they were like 2ft long)made of the stuff bodyboards are made of. The guy I was with wanted to steal a bunch of stuff but I was like nah don't want to do that cause there were a lot of people about.   
 So I left him to his thieving and I ended up walking to the top of a dune and there was this lady there that had bought a Rhino to guard her camp-site/place with all the huts. I was like "holy fuck rhinos are fucking dangerous" and I got all nervous and ran away. I thought the rhino was going to catch me as it was walking after me, so I hid in a random toilet cubicle and stood on the toilet to get away from it, but it smelt me out and there was just enough gap at the bottom of the cubicle that it managed to get under. Then it stood up on its back legs and started sniffing my face. I was fucking shitting it but the rhino seemed pretty cool and I was getting used to it. Then all of a sudden someone screamed really loudly. The rhino got startled and went mental. It and started swinging its head about  and mauled my face and body to bits with it's big horn then it ran away. I was scared shitless, but the rhino came up to me later and apologised (cause of course rhinos can talk). I was calm and said to the rhino "no worries these things happen man", because my wounds had all disappeared. Then I climbed onto it and for the rest of the dream I was riding on its back. We ended up at some party that was basically like a bigger version of my friends house (he had quite a lot of parties). I was on the rhinos back chatting away to it for ages just wandering about this party. We got to the top of the stairs and there were some bouncers there and they were letting some people past and handing them big bags of fizzy haribo.   
I was like fucking sweet free sweets, and the rhino didn't want his bag so I got two bags of haribo. The rhino somehow managed to get down the stairs and we ended up in a crowded room that had two of my friends in it and a lot of other people.  One of my friends was surprised and was all "holy shit a talking rhino" but by then I just thought it was normal. Then the other friend started play fighting with it and I was like wtf don't fight it its fucking rhino, but it was fine and he didn't get hurt and they were both laughing like crazy and then they ended the play fight and everyone was eating sweets. Was a pretty awesome dream.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: valley_parade on 02 Feb 2009, 06:34
I had a dream last night that the neck on my Telecaster snapped. IN FOUR.

Truss rod and all, SNAPPED. It was really surreal.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Eris on 02 Feb 2009, 16:24
Sometimes I talk in my sleep, and they generally have something to do with the dreams I am having at the time (I worked this out when I was 5 and called out for mum when I was doing so in a dream). Apparently last night I talked to Ben, and the conversation went something along the lines of:

Me: I should have gotten people to help.
Ben: Help with what?
Me: To touch the stars and make them go off.
Ben: Were they like firecrackers?
Me: Yes.

So, uh, a dream about touching the stars? I don't remember that at all, but it seems I dreamt it at some point last night. Most of my dreams are really vivid, and I will mumble them to Ben while I am half asleep in the morning before they start to fade, but some really stick in my mind. There was one which had a Purple furry Wizard-thing with her blue and green apprentices, which was crazy bright that I can still remember. Also the dream about the serial killer wearing his mother's face as a mask which I mentioned in the old blog thread is still in my head, and would like to write something properly about it one day.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: est on 02 Feb 2009, 16:55
one dream where I was a purple furry
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Eris on 02 Feb 2009, 17:20
Hey, at least I don't encourage you to say stuff while you are asleep! I think you're just trying to get me to say something silly so you can make fun of me with it.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Scandanavian War Machine on 02 Feb 2009, 17:58
ledhendrix, those are both fucking amazing dreams.

now, ladies and gentlemen, i give you the single most terrifying thing that has ever happened to me (real or imagined). 
sorry it's so long but i typed this up at like six in the morning when i woke up scared for my life and sweating bullets and this was the only way i could even begin to convey it with words. this dream was very obviously inspired by the book i was reading at the time: The Terror by Dan Simmons. so if you've read it, this will sound very familiar.

[We set sail before dawn on a Saturday. We would make it to the Arctic by nightfall if we had a strong headwind and enough luck to avoid any solid sea-ice.

We were lucky. But only once.

We were only in the Arctic a few days before an unnaturally early Winter locked our vessel in it's place in the ice. We were prepared for this sort of thing; you have to be if you're making an expedition to Arctic seas. We had enough food to last us two years...but we remained frozen in place on the ice for three. The hunting on such barren and frozen tundra, as you may have guessed, is not good for people inexperienced in it's intricacies. However, we weren't inexperienced; we were completely clueless. We never so much as saw another animals silhouette in the distance, let alone got close enough to hunt and kill one.

With food stores running low, and daily rations already reduced to as small an amount as we dared, some of the crew began to "suggest" that we rely on some less-than-scrupulous methods of survival. The first of which being cannibalism. The idea was put forth that we would draw straws and whoever drew the short straw would be killed and eaten. I can't remember the first time this actually happened because I was so malnurished that I must have been slipping in out of consciousness for days at a time. After what was apparently the longest of these "sleeps" I remember waking up feeling, somehow, stronger and more focused than I could remember being in quite some time. I found out later that during my hours and days of delerium they had been feeding me my own crew.


There are only three of us left. Three broken men finally allowed to leave Hell. We were trapped within the Devil's own mind for those three years and we saw everything his imagination had to offer: murder, torture, rape, sodomy, and of course, cannibalism. Then the ice just broke up and vanished into the rest of the ocean, just like that. Suddenly we were free, but several hands short of running the ship smoothly. Hell, even if we had a full crew, the ship had taken too much damage from the constant, crushing pressure on the ice those three years to be in any condition to sail. So we waited to die, so sure of our fate that killing and eating each other to stay alive just wasn't worth the effort.

I have no recollection of how we escaped or got rescued but suddenly I found myself standing in a corn field with no corn, staring at the lights of a city in the distance. I couldn't believe it! Somehow, I alone had made it back to the civilized world. As I walked towards the burning lights of the cityscape on the horizon, I ran across a man sitting alone on a large blanket in the field directly in my path.

He saw me coming and hailed "Hullo thur!" He said he was having a picnic but the other guests were over a thousand years late and that I should join him.

"Can't let all this grub go to waste eh?" he asked with strange smile that might have looked at home in a house of mirrors, but not here.

I sat down to dine with the obviously insane man and he asked me what I was doing out here all by myself wearing such strange clothes. So I told him about hell on earth and everything that had happened during those three years of frozen isolation. When my story was through, he began to tell me how strong a mind I must have to have been able to keep my sanity through such an ordeal, and it must have been oh-so-lonely. He continued to praise and compliment me, all the while moving ever closer on our little wool island in the sea of dirt. Before long he was right next to me, whispering in my ear about how truly astounding I was and how he could "make me feel better." I told him it was time for me to be going as he started pulling off my outer jacket. I try to get up to leave but I'm totally paralyzed.

The sun is setting as he starts to pull off my last undershirt, and it's getting cold out. As my final layer passes over my face, I instinctually close my eyes and open them only when the shirt is clear of my head. But the landscape before me is not the same now as it was several seconds earlier when I closed my eyes. We are no longer sitting on a blanket in a field, but on a starchy, springy bed in a motel room. Through a crack in the blinds I can see that it's no longer evening either but instead it appears to be about noon and the sound of traffic outside is deafening after the silence of the perpetual Arctic winter. After tearing my mind away from the cacophany outside and questions I had inside, I looked back at the man who must have brought me here. He's still sitting next to me exactly as he was on the blanket in the field that seems so far away now, and I realize that now we are both naked. I'm terrified to discover that I still cannot move and I begin to panic as he lowers his hands between us, below my field of vision from my paralyzed position. Naturally, I am extremely relieved when his hands come quickly back up to where I can see them and he appears to be holding a small tape recorder. He smiles an evil smile at me and I realize suddenly that the man before me is no stranger at all but one of the other two survivors from my failed expedition.

"I got it all on tape, motherfucker!" he spits at me. "You're done for."

He stands up and walks right out the front door, still naked as he came. I'm still struggling to understand what is going on when I feel myself flying face-first towards and the floor. I can see only stars but the last thing I hear before losing consciousness is "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say..."

I regain consciousness to find that I'm sitting in the passenger seat of a minivan, seat-belt buckled, hands cuffed behind my back, with my head pounding. I'm no longer paralyzed but I'm restrained in such a way that it doesn't matter. I'm at the mercy of the stranger in the driver's seat. I'm suddenly aware of other people in the car with us and crane my neck as far as I can to look into the back seats and there, sitting side by side, are the other two survivors from our Arctic journey. I say nothing to them and they return the favor; deciding, instead, to stare unblinkingly ahead; looking right through me. I turn to look through the windshield in an attempt to divine my location but I don't recognize the city around us. So I decide I'd better get some answers before it's too late but when I turn to address my ex-shipmates, only one sits where there were two just seconds earlier and the one that remains is horribly scarred and disfigured by what appear to be burns. He is a truely horrible sight to behold and thankfully I am able to turn my head away from his dripping visage; but not before I start screaming. I know it's not really necessary to be screaming at the top of my lungs like this because it won't do any good but I can't stop. I don't know how to stop. One part of mind is telling me that this is pretty silly and that I should just be rational. Sure, he's gross looking but I'm in no immediate danger. But what about the other man? Where did he go? Well, I just don't know. And how do you explain the instant full-body burns and scars, eh? It doesn't make a lick of sense. Face it, boy: you're crazy. I refuse to believe that. Fine, look outside, then.

So, at my own request, I looked outside and immediately wished I hadn't. All the people were horrible, decaying mutants shambling to work in ragged, rotten three-thousand dollar suits and organic cotton and blue jeans. Every car driving the down the street was pure terror on wheels. I saw what the sane part of my brain told me was once a VW Bug, but to me it was a gigantic, monstrous head on wheels with several extra mouths where it's nose should have been. It was snarling and barking at me, drooling all over the street.

And those are only the things that words exist to describe.

I realized that I was still screaming but everywhere I looked there was a beast ten times more horrifying than the last, and I couldn't stop. I never stopped screaming even as they drove me to the institution, brought me inside, put me in a straight-jacket and wheelchair, and pushed me down the never-ending bleached white hall towards a cell where I would mostly likely spend the rest of my life screaming away at nothing in complete obscurity and anonymity.]
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: yelley on 02 Feb 2009, 22:07
i dream about bryan.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Gurkburk on 03 Feb 2009, 01:56
Most of it is lost to me now but it involved my soul flying to a mountain far away to invoke some kind of mountain elemental to fight a greater evil.

I also awoke to a knocking sound sometime last night that was, as far as I can tell, only in my head.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: onewheelwizzard on 03 Feb 2009, 12:09
I definitely dreamed like crazy just now but all I have is flashes of imagery.

Being chased by police who have been paid off by a sinister older Asian man in a suit
My grandmother somehow riding a car on the outside of the passenger door without any trouble (I am in the passenger seat)
Showing up at an ice cream place in a food court and having the staff disappear into the back because they are scared of me and my friends
Grabbing a bad guy's hands while my friend kicks him in the balls
Shooting a gun in the air to get a taxi's attention and intimidate the passenger out of it so I can get in

... yeah, that's about it.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Drill King on 04 Feb 2009, 01:25
Oh man, some of you guys in meebo have heard my dreams. I will type some up later, because it is 5:24am and I should be dreaming right now

(I think this will be an interesting thread!)
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Cartilage Head on 04 Feb 2009, 05:33
 In one of my strangest recent dreams, I was getting mugged by a bunch of guys when Ben Affleck and Matt Damon jumped in and helped me.

 And in last night's dream, I found this toy wizard that was supposed to be voice activated. I tried using it, but it sucked. When I said that it sucked, it turned into a really angry demon that I had to wrestle.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Boro_Bandito on 04 Feb 2009, 11:51
Last night I dreamed that a race of alien beings came down to enslave humanity (beings that were sort of halfway between the Geth from Mass Effect and the Necromungers from Chronicles of Riddick), and created an enormous crater in the earth, which they used as a processing plant to basically turn every living human being into a corpse on a spike that would slowly be turned into a cybernetic shell zombie thing to be used as a warrior in part of a much larger army being used to conquer the universe. The only humans that were spared this fate were slavelike beings and "overseers" who were also forced to undergo an enormous change in form, the overseers being people who'd had their minds warped into working for the alien force and people like me, who were filled with cybernetic implants and turned into mindless drones not too dissimilar from the zombie things, and were given large amounts of strength and basically just did the heavy lifting.

For some reason I kept my mind (under excrutiating amounts of pain) from giving in to the implants, and was freed by an overseer that was originally one of my friends who remembered me, fought off the things controlling his mind for long enough to free me, and then died as his own implants rejected his body and killed him for freeing me. I ran off and found the human resistance, which my older brother was a part of and only had a few thousand people (I guess a la terminator), and then I began flying like recon missions in a jet and... at this point the dream started to make a lot less sense, but i woke up a little while later and felt really sad until I remembered most of my family wasn't dead and the earth was fine.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: KvP on 04 Feb 2009, 12:43
I had a couple of dreams that were tied up in the old blog thread. In one of them Tommy killed a mountain lion with an axe when it ran our school bus off the road.

In another est and eris did a bunch of coke and flew harrier jets around my school.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Elizzybeth on 04 Feb 2009, 14:25
I just had a long, bizarre nap dream that culminated in a cheese-and-crackers-and-spaghetti dinner with a childhood friend, whose little sister had reverse-aged and was now a baby that they kept in an apple-sized flower pot and talked to occasionally.  But they didn't just keep her in there; they'd covered her with dirt and grown a flower in there on top of her.

Even in the dream, it occurred to me that this was not normal (though it didn't occur to me that the "baby" sister is now going on 15), and I asked my friend why they kept Naomi in a flower pot.

"It's good for her," she explained, seeming surprised that I'd ask.

"Oh.  Okay."
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Scandanavian War Machine on 04 Feb 2009, 14:52
haha i love dreams. they're so nonsensical.

i look forward to the day when we can video-record our dreams for later viewing.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Dimmukane on 04 Feb 2009, 14:55
I had a dream that I was given a free iPhone to play a trial version of an iPhone game, and Steve Jobs offered to jailbreak it for me.  I don't even want an iPhone.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: BrilliantEraser on 04 Feb 2009, 15:25
I keep dreaming about my hair. Either I cut it all off by myself, someone cuts it off without my knowledge, or it all falls out (usually a dream where I am in the shower).

My reactions to the dreams are the weird parts, because I never feel the same way. Sometimes I feel relieved, angry, afraid, happy. Okay, so. Who has a dream interpretation book thing.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: est on 04 Feb 2009, 15:26
Last night I had a dream that Han and I were waiting in a restaurant for ages without getting our food.  When I woke up I was really hungry.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Josefbugman on 04 Feb 2009, 15:43
I listened to a sad song before going to bed last night, so I wasn't too suprised to dream all in a bluey grey. Everything was coated in it, the skyskrapers, the houses, all of it. I sat there and then decided to walk, the ground was slippy because of ice, to wherever it was I had to be. Some drunks stopped me and then vomitted at my feet twice, before standing up and punching me in the face. Then I got home, except it wasn't my home I opened the door and there was a spiral staircase there, and the house was in darkness. I turned to leave and found the door had been replaced by ancient pots and colourful drawings, then Stephen Fry turned up, and helped me out, then I remember hearing screaming from a long way off.

And then I woke up.

Sorry if this is dull as I once heard a comedian say "your dreams are never as interesting to other people as they are to you"
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: StaedlerMars on 04 Feb 2009, 15:54
So apparently I talk in my sleep, and one night my girlfriend called me when I was asleep (possibly drunken stupor), I picked up the phone, shouted "It's ok to cut them up, they're just bodies! Gosh!" at her, and went quite again.

I do not remember this at all. I am very very very curious about what my dream was.

(I swear I'm not a psychopath).
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: öde on 04 Feb 2009, 16:18
I'm pretty sure I've been getting sleep paralysis. Normally I sleep face down (with my head twisted to the side), but to help my spine out I've been sleeping on my back recently. Some mornings I half wake up - I have absolutely no energy to do anything and I'm still really groggy. Last time I imagined there were lots of spiders!
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Boro_Bandito on 04 Feb 2009, 17:29
I took a nap today, had that dream where you piss forever and ever and ever and it just doesn't stop, you still need to pee. Annoying once I woke up and found out I still had to go. (Though I suppose its better than waking up in a puddle)
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: BrilliantEraser on 04 Feb 2009, 17:38
Oh, oh, oh. I have another interesting one. A couple months ago I was bitten by some kind of spider or other large bug (I still have a huge scar on the back of my leg -- apparently spider bites cause tissue death!). For weeks afterwards I dreamt that spiders were crawling all over my body. I'd wake up twisting and turning and scratching at myself.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: jodizzle on 04 Feb 2009, 17:56
The other night I had a dream that I got fired from work because I didn't know anything, but I just kept going and they just kept paying me.  And I have never been so glad to wake up because I have been at work so much lately and I can't even escape it in my sleep!  I dreamed about work the rest of the night as well, but I can't really remember details.

Also once I had a dream where I was in America and went into a cafe and ordered coffee.  They asked me what coffee was and I said: It is a small animal, white and fluffy, which people drink.

I have weird dreams all the time, and I regularly remember them!
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: KvP on 04 Feb 2009, 18:05
I'm pretty sure I've been getting sleep paralysis. Normally I sleep face down (with my head twisted to the side), but to help my spine out I've been sleeping on my back recently. Some mornings I half wake up - I have absolutely no energy to do anything and I'm still really groggy. Last time I imagined there were lots of spiders!
Try sleeping on your side. I have never had any luck sleeping on my back.

Also get a better pillow.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Elizzybeth on 04 Feb 2009, 19:23
The other night I had a dream that I got fired from work because I didn't know anything, but I just kept going and they just kept paying me.  And I have never been so glad to wake up because I have been at work so much lately and I can't even escape it in my sleep!  I dreamed about work the rest of the night as well, but I can't really remember details.

Have you seen the Richard Linklater film Waking Life (  One of my favorite moments (as if the whole movie isn't filled with favorite lines...) is almost exactly what you just described:

Did you ever have a job that you hated and worked real hard at? A long, hard day of work. Finally you get to go home, get in bed, close your eyes, and immediately you wake up and realize that the whole day at work had been a dream. It's bad enough that you sell your waking life for minimum wage, but now they get your dreams for free.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Tybalt on 05 Feb 2009, 01:40
I listened to a sad song before going to bed last night, so I wasn't too suprised to dream all in a bluey grey. Everything was coated in it, the skyskrapers, the houses, all of it. I sat there and then decided to walk, the ground was slippy because of ice, to wherever it was I had to be. Some drunks stopped me and then vomitted at my feet twice, before standing up and punching me in the face. Then I got home, except it wasn't my home I opened the door and there was a spiral staircase there, and the house was in darkness. I turned to leave and found the door had been replaced by ancient pots and colourful drawings, then Stephen Fry turned up, and helped me out, then I remember hearing screaming from a long way off.
By no means is that a dull story.

I dreamt that my dad was out drinking somewhere, possibly gambling or at a strip club, I don't know. We get in our car, and the waitress asks for a bunch of really weird shit, and writes it down on something. Then she gets in our car. I do not question this. Also, my brother and her sister are in the car, and apparently they're spanish. We end up flirting, even though she's 10 years older than me. She says no, and everyone gets out of the car, and goes in different directions. The car drives off on its own. Then a bunch of people come running out of nowhere, and my brother runs up next to me. They're arabs, saying "YOU NO HAVE DRUGS, YOU NO HOME FREE, NO ACCIDENTALLY"

I wake up 15 seconds into the fight.

I am so confused.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: ledhendrix on 05 Feb 2009, 03:36
Last night I dreamt that I was surfing, and I was doing pretty sweet, I managed to flip the board around and surf backwards. Then suddenly I was in a hospital with a couple of people giving blood, the blood though went into a pretty crappy sandwich bag style thing. Once it was finished everyone got handed their bag of blood. My one had a very small leak in it, I got pretty worked up about this because someone obviously needed the blood. I kept asking people to transfer it to another bag but no one was listening to me. I managed to grab the attention of a nurse, who proceeded to just try and double bag it with a bag that was obviously to small. I got really annoyed at this as well, but she kept doing it anyway. Eventually the whole bag burst and went all over me and I just knelt on the floor crying at the futility of the whole thing. Then just as suddenly as I'd gone to the hospital I was on a cliff away to go surfing again, which I did and it was fun.

I love dreams
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Drill King on 05 Feb 2009, 03:53
I had a dream me and Darryl went to some shoddy shop in England to get our bellybuttons pierced, then later on I beat him in an arm wrestle.

Obviously I think I am more of a man than Darryl.

(Man this is the first non-crazy symbolic dream I have had in ages, come on subconscious I wanted to write one down)
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: orgasmtechnician on 05 Feb 2009, 04:02
I haven't had any good dreams in a while. But one I had a few years ago for weeks straight (I can't believe I still remember it) was kinda strange. Because it was so long ago, I only remember parts of it.

For whatever reason, the world is a cartoon. And for whatever reason, Scooby and the gang are in the Beatles Yellow Submarine (think the Beatles film, 'Yellow Submarine'. THAT kind of yellow submarine). But then, it crashes onto the bottom of the ocean. Everything shakes, then either I wake up, or is starts again.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: David_Dovey on 05 Feb 2009, 04:06
I'm pretty sure I've been getting sleep paralysis.

That is the invisible Reptoids that run the world sitting on your chest
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: ZJGent on 05 Feb 2009, 05:08
I had one of the worst nightmares last night - one of those that successfully combine powerlessness, blank terror and dread, explicit horror, and overwhelming guilt. These feelings were multiplied by every detail of the dream following me vividly into my waking life and still being perfectly captured in my woken mind. That very rarely happens to me. The dream went like this:

I was sitting at a small metal table outside a restaurant or café, inside a larger building or covered area, such as a shopping precinct or artisan quarter. I had finished the coffee on the table, and to my right was an extremely tall glass window, with views over a river to the rest of the city, a bridge some way to the left. The longer I waited at the table, the greater my sense of anxiety grew, until it was no longer anxiety but terror. A person I knew sat at another of the metal tables, but it was not the person I was waiting for. Still my feelings of dread and mindless terror burgeoned and blossomed, until I was sat on the spike of worry, my mind screaming. It was then that the crowds of the precinct, in ones and twos at first, turned gradually, pointing and gasping at a sight across the river. I scrambled to the glass window to see: on top of a tall and old-fashioned building, a man walked left and right, in slow and methodic rotation - the person who was meant to have met me.

Now I was sure of what I was afraid of. This man was going to die. I pushed through the crowds, through a door in the vast glass window, towards the bridge. The closer I came to the bridge, the thicker the crowds became, and as I came onto the bridge itself, the old building with man atop it in plain sight, the harder my reaching him became. Soon I was straining and fighting against a wall of humanity stronger than I was, and it was then that the man toppled from the building's roof and hurtled to the ground. On impact, two things happened which nearly killed me with how frightening I was of them: previously a daylit scene, all then became night and shadowy darkness. Second, as that sickening crunch of bone upon masonry reached me, every single one of the people in front, behind, and around me disappeared. As far as I knew, the city was empty, except for what lay before me. Blood weeped and spat from wrenched and shattered limbs, a broken and cracked visage turning one red eye up at me, the broken hand of the visible arm seeming to point at me. The purest fear of this moment seemed to wrench me from time itself, and in one moment I was back at the shopping precinct, bright daylight hurting my eyes. Except... what had happened had still happened, and a girl with red hair was spitting hatred at me:

"He was right to. He was right to. You should have, too. You should. She would have. You should, too."

I tried to say something that made sense to her, but I could only trip blather and furtively scattered sentences from my lips. The sounds I made were incomprehensible. The guilt was soul-ravaging - I felt torn from myself. Time was still broken, for now my sense of continuum again fractured away from itself... scenes slid by, and I am sure in my dream I was asleep. I then woke up atop a building... the same, perhaps? I stood on the very lip of empty space, and in distorted, horrific slowed motion I fell forward, only to have my hand caught fast behind me. I turned to see a girl I knew who had died. Her hair was red too. Only as soon as I noticed the fact, her face changed and she became that other one, and in one moment my hand was ripped away and I fell and fell and fell and fell

... and that's when I woke up with my mind feeling battered with fear, exhausted despite my ten hours' sleep.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: redglasscurls on 05 Feb 2009, 05:55
I usually hate reading other people's dreams, BUT- last night, I had a dream with forum people staging a cameo in it. Andy and Jimmy were on my couch laughing at mythbusters and taking pictures of eachother/me with camera phones.
It was only a minor spot in a much more complicated dream, but it stuck out when I woke up because I very rarely have dreams about recognizable people.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: öde on 05 Feb 2009, 05:57
That's an amazing dream, roddy.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: jodizzle on 05 Feb 2009, 18:18
That's a horrifying dream roddy!
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: pen on 05 Feb 2009, 20:05
I had a dream last night that I had a broken finger, so I wouldn't be able to shut off my alarm clock without noticing.  I had myself convinced I wouldn't be able to snooze it without being in a lot of pain.  I overslept.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Jimmy the Squid on 06 Feb 2009, 16:37
I had a dream last night featuring forum people!

I was at a New Years Eve party at Gilead's place (even though I'm not sure I saw him, I just decided it was his place) and Valley Parade and Cardinal Fang were there (I'm not clear on what Fang looks like so I'm pretty sure that my subconcious created a body and face for him). At some point during the evening someone gave me a baby boy and told me that it's mother had abandoned it and that I had to take care of it. I called the kid Philip (named after the screwdriver) and I wiped up his spit with a tissue or my sleeve or something. Then we took a nap and we woke up Philip had blue fur and a tail and I was Nightcrawler.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Siibillam-Law on 06 Feb 2009, 18:16
I had a dream it was Christmas and I was scheduled to go back to Sheffield for Uni that day (wtf) but I lost my ticket so I wondering what to do, walking outside, on a pier cos apparently I lived there and a cat followed me. It pissed me off so I kicked it. Somehow then it managed to lep up0 and claw me in the eye,leaving a cool (yet unpainful) scar. Then I rang up unphased by this eye scarring, the coach company who told me to change my ticket I would have to pay 2,000 pounds. So I hung up and got arrested for smuggling cocaine
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Boro_Bandito on 06 Feb 2009, 22:16
The past two dreams are so good, exactly what this forum should be about, nonsensical and randomly changing dreams.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: tania on 06 Feb 2009, 22:41
They asked me what coffee was and I said: It is a small animal, white and fluffy, which people drink.

Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: onewheelwizzard on 08 Feb 2009, 11:08
Oh man you guys I just had the best dream.

It started out with me checking out really ornate glass pipes in an overpriced headshop, but it went through some weird twists and turns from there and it turned into possibly the nerdiest and best dream ever ... I ended up as a player in a rather large (~50-70 people) game that was complicated and had a plot and a premise but basically boiled down to Capture the Flag, augmented by laser-tag weapons (in addition to the basic gun, there were "rockets" and "grenades" that just emitted flashes of light, and the whole system was driven by an Ender's-Game-style setup in which parts of people's suits locked down if they got "hit," simulating "wounds" ... it was basically like super-super-high-tech LARPing ... think play-safe Unreal Tournament) and basically I was a lot better than most people at that game and my team won.  By the end of that part of the dream, I had figured out that it was a dream and was going around to all my friends who had played the game with me asking them what their best stories and coolest in-game moments were so I could remember the overall story better when I woke up.

Then I did wake up and decided to go back into the dream, but instead of going back into the "I am roleplaying as a member of a fantasy universe" identity I'd had in the dream, I just went right back into that fantasy universe itself, and my identity WAS the character I'd been playing previously, so it kinda turned into an epilogue to the "plot" of the game I'd just improv-acted out with all my friends.  By the end of THAT dream it had turned into a choose-your-own-adventure (I died at the end, backed up a few choices, and got to see the whole plot tree, secrets and bonuses and all ... it was really really sweet).

My dreams are fucking cool as hell.  Also, I'm pretty sure that if you gave the text of this post to most people I know well, without telling them where it came from or what it was, they could accurately identify it as a dream that I had.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Wardial3r on 09 Feb 2009, 17:41
So this is copy pasted from a messenger transcript.  I was telling it to a friend, excuse the punctuation.
One of the more vivid dreams I've had.

well it started out i was at school by the baseball field, and me and andrew had done something wrong and were going to get executed (don't ask, it made sense) exept my dad had to be the executioner. so we were all there and my dad is outraged and crying and talking to cliff and trying to stop this from happening and then he's crying, and he kills me. it wasn't like meanly, it was wierd.  it was almost lovingly, like i knew it had to happen and i didn't care
now it gets wierd.
 turn into a ghost and i'm watching this scene, just standing there but they can't see me, and my dad is still crying and he's going to kill andrew.
And I can't watch it, so i look away.
so i'm in this world as a ghost and noone can see me, but I can touch them and see them and interact
 like move things and hold people
i went and hugged my dad i remember
and it was all so peaceful
ok so now i'm in like this forest, but it's still the same dream exept i'm so lonely, so i'm going crazy and just nothing makes sense to me.
and i'm walking along this road and this girl is driving this big truck, can't be more than 16 or so and she see's me and is like "hello, I can see you, do you need a ride"
so i'm like enamored at this point and we start driving and talking and going through this forest
 and i am totally in love with this girl. i barely even know
it was really wierd
but it was totally blissfull
she had a name but i can't remember it and she didn't look like anyone i know
and we are driving through the woods and this semi passes us (that wasn't thatt vivid, i just remember it) and she goes, I'm glad i found you.
and then we come out of the woods into this clearing and we stop and we're at this like boy/girl scounts camp or something and it's strange and then she's with her friend and she can't see me
 and her friend is trying to tell her that she is crazy and imagining me, and she is getting so sad and her friend runs away.
and then we are sitting on this bleacher and there is like a talent show going on

And then the dream ends.

Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: phooey on 09 Feb 2009, 19:05
Sorry to be shitting up my own thread with non-dreams,* but if you're going to post your dream, could you please make sure to make it readable?  I mean this in the punctuation way but also in the way that I have not a whit who this "Andrew" fellow is. 

I'm really digging this thread so far!

*What is with my creepy dream voyeurism anyway
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Krina on 10 Feb 2009, 11:41
Warning: Explicit dream ahead! (I hope those are allowed.)

In my dream last night, I went to a party with this new guy I'm seeing. It was a flat-warming party. The boyfriend and I went to one of the bedrooms and starting making out and losing some clothing. Then, the door gets banged open and this really angry woman called psychobitch comes stomping into the room and starts yelling at us for some reason. End of dream.

Psychobitch has made numerous appearances in my dreams, she is a very angry chick who is not to be fooled around with. She stops me from having sex in my dreams. I wonder what that is about. Maybe she is a dream-version of my mother? Although I think my mother grants me my sex-life in reality.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Siibillam-Law on 10 Feb 2009, 15:58
I had a really weird American Gods type dream. I can't really remember it, but it was some damn freaky shit
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Kylos on 10 Feb 2009, 21:45
I had a dream that me and my family moved to a sunny place with a beach somewhere.
My ex turned up at my door, which was odd, because we'd had the rockiest end to a relationship you could imagine. We went for a walk along the coast, and he told me he'd been killed in a hit and run, and he had to come find me to sort things out. We talked for hours about everything and anything.
I came home and my mum asked me who i'd been with, and all I could do was smile.

It was pretty nice to not have a horrifying dream. I get those too much.
I also dream in films, does anyone get that? Like, with soundtracks and decent editing.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: championofkhorne on 12 Feb 2009, 23:13
I dream of logs.

My dreams lately have been really fun because I have the Lucid ream thing from I-Doser and it works for me about 70% of the time.

so basically hot chicks beaches and superpowers. being in control of dreams makes the sleep lest restful for me though, like I feel much more tired if i have a lucid one then if its a blackout sleep (dont remember it) or a normal dream.

Psychobitch has made numerous appearances in my dreams, she is a very angry chick who is not to be fooled around with. She stops me from having sex in my dreams. I wonder what that is about. Maybe she is a dream-version of my mother? Although I think my mother grants me my sex-life in reality.

Psychobitch sounds like a jealous sorority sister lol
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Ozymandias on 15 Feb 2009, 18:46
Last night I had a dream where I was on a toilet going to take a shit but my nieces kept trying to get in through the window until they finally managed, then unlocked the doors and like 10 people came into the bathroom and were just talking and I was like "Dudes, I am busy here." but they wouldn't leave so I got up and went through the door into the bathroom(there was a bathroom adjacent to the first bathroom, because this was a modern house) and I really had to shit so bad that when I finally got to I was both coughing up shit and shitting at the same time and had to spit my shit into the toilet.

I think it means something.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Fishboy on 16 Feb 2009, 03:37
I get decidedly odd dreams by most peoples standards. I do not like to sleep a lot of the time.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Iron_Fist on 16 Feb 2009, 15:06
I had my very first lucid dream experience a couple of days ago. I had a false awakening, and was in some sort of ruined temple in a jungle. It appeared as though I had just fallen from a ladder into the ruins. The ladder led to a portal that was the entrance to my previous dream, the one I had just had a false awakening from. I decided to focus my attention on the Tiger. Because you know, it was a fucking TIGER! I looked at the tiger and said "holy shit... I'm in a dream."
The tiger looked at me and spake, "you sure on that one bro?"
I answered in the affirmative. After that the tiger proceeded to walk around giving me a lecture on the nature of dreams and reality. I really can't remember the specifics. It is also interesting to note that he started clawing at my pants in the way that a cat claws at a couch.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: sandysmilinstrange on 16 Feb 2009, 15:23
Last night for the first time in a long time I had my scary hitchhiker dream.

In this dream I am driving to Oxford (going to visit my sister) and still driving the car I had in high school, mayitrestinpeace. I see a man trying to flag down a ride on the side of the road, but because I am a girl and driving alone, I do not try to pick him up. I drive further. The song on the radio switches to a poorly recorded song played on a violin and I look down to change stations. When I look up, I see the same man standing on the side of the road. Reasonably thinking that he couldn't have traveled this distance faster than me, I decide to look back when I get to the stop sign and see if it's the same guy or just my imagination or what. I stop, look over my right shoulder and see no one on the side of the road. As I turn back around, the violin music comes back on again, and the man is standing right next to my car looking in the driver's side window. I usually wake up right when he breaks the glass, though in the past a few times I have grappled with him for a bit before I wake up.

It's very vivid. And frightening.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: onewheelwizzard on 16 Feb 2009, 16:29
Last night I had a dream where I was on a toilet going to take a shit but my nieces kept trying to get in through the window until they finally managed, then unlocked the doors and like 10 people came into the bathroom and were just talking and I was like "Dudes, I am busy here." but they wouldn't leave so I got up and went through the door into the bathroom(there was a bathroom adjacent to the first bathroom, because this was a modern house) and I really had to shit so bad that when I finally got to I was both coughing up shit and shitting at the same time and had to spit my shit into the toilet.

I think it means something.

If you were a random anonymous person on the internet who I knew nothing about, and that was your dream, my first guess at an interpretation of it would be that you might be a person who is so self-conscious about hanging on to a lot of stuff that you perhaps don't want to let anyone know about (like negative judgments of yourself and/or others that you don't think you "should" have) that, terrified and embarrassed at the thought of being seen associated with the (unpleasant-looking) process of relieving yourself of these judgments (perhaps you would cry, or say things you consider beneath yourself) that it is actually taking a toll on the quality of your life in some way, and that some relief from the stress of "holding on to your shit," so to speak, would be a good idea (usually taking the form of talking about your judgments and fears to someone who wanted to listen to them).

(The trick here is that this is true to some extent for almost everyone, and all I need to do is phrase it in a certain way that makes an implicit connection to the dream.  Dream analysts are people who successfully form a connection between anything that's true for most (or even some) people and any dream that anyone has, such that the dreamer in each particular case finds the connection meaningful or enlightening to some extent and believes it to have revealed something about themselves to themselves.  It's not impossible that this vague and impromptu dream analysis itself might be successful, but I personally think that any kind of dream analysis that isn't actually driven by a lot of personal character judgment, which I obviously have little to no basis for in this case, is really just a guess.  Here, watch, I'll do it again.)

I had my very first lucid dream experience a couple of days ago. I had a false awakening, and was in some sort of ruined temple in a jungle. It appeared as though I had just fallen from a ladder into the ruins. The ladder led to a portal that was the entrance to my previous dream, the one I had just had a false awakening from. I decided to focus my attention on the Tiger. Because you know, it was a fucking TIGER! I looked at the tiger and said "holy shit... I'm in a dream."
The tiger looked at me and spake, "you sure on that one bro?"
I answered in the affirmative. After that the tiger proceeded to walk around giving me a lecture on the nature of dreams and reality. I really can't remember the specifics. It is also interesting to note that he started clawing at my pants in the way that a cat claws at a couch.

The guess I'd make at what is often true for people and might therefore be true Iron_Fist is that maybe there is a really strong urge (that remains unexpressed as any consciously felt emotion) to explore alternate forms or states of consciousness.  Having a first lucid dream tends to be a bit of a wake-up call to that drive, and the fact that his immediate reaction to having a lucid dream was to examine and question the nature of that mind state suggests that maybe he'd get a lot out of a deliberate effort to explore the subject.

(Of course, anyone who seriously tries to interpret their own dreams is going to fail MUCH more often than anyone who examines the dreams of others.  The whole premise behind interpreting a dream is an attempt to "uncover" something that may have been "true" for a while but was never consciously "known," something that the "subconscious" mind is attempting to bring to the attention of the conscious mind.  Therefore, a conscious mind is going to have a hard time of coming up with precisely the truth that has been hidden for long enough to have surfaced in a dream.)

Man I don't know a whole lot about what I'm talking about but this is pretty easy.  Maybe it's cause this is the first thread I replied to after getting high?  I did the same thing on the "sweeping generalizations based on music taste" thread but I can't remember if I was stoned at the time or not.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Iron_Fist on 16 Feb 2009, 16:43
Actually I've been trying to lucid dream for a while now. This is just the first one.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: onewheelwizzard on 16 Feb 2009, 17:02
Well there you go then.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: kanavazk on 16 Feb 2009, 17:39
I don't have anything to contribute to the thread ATM because usually when I have a dream I forget it as soon as I wake up, or if it's really epic I remember most of the details for about ten minutes then the dream slowly deteriorates over time. When I remember something I'll post here.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Iron_Fist on 16 Feb 2009, 17:43
The best way to help with recall, is when you wake up, to just lie absolutely still, and try and remember the details of the dream. Then, when you have it all solid in your head, write it down or something. I write it as if I'm writing a story.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Emaline on 17 Feb 2009, 00:02
Dream 1: I'm in a nice house that is mine, or maybe my parents, and we either live here, and just moved, or it is our vacation home. Everyone starts discussing how we will give thanks and worship, and being the nonreligious ass that I am start to make jokes about it. Very sarcastic jokes. No one laughs. Then a few people I know, or used to know(they were old old friends from fucking middle school that i haven't seen in a very very long time.), came in. They ran to a corner, which I noticed had darkened spots on the floor. I make jokes about how they are involved in this silly religion and how I didn't expect to see them here. Everyone, myself excluded, puts on pig masks, and begin to dig in the spots on the floor, stuff their faces, and sing about being a gluttonous pig. I am horrified, and make awkward jokes about this being a cult. My mom yells at me, and demands I worship the same as everyone else. I am disgusted.

Dream 2: I am trying to catch a train. I am driving a car(I don't drive.). It is black. Maybe a Jetta. It is nice. My friend(and excrush and current unattainable crush and one of my best friends ever) is in the car with me. He is talking, and I know he is trying to stay something, but I can't hear him. We get to the station. The train is getting ready to leave. There are gaurds. There is a high fence, with barbed wire on the top. My friend stands next to me as I try to climb. He looks concerned but doesn't talk. The sun is high in the sky. The sky is very blue. The trees are very green. The ground is very brown. Everything is very clear. I can see everything. My friend seems worried.

Dream 3: I am in a filthy house. It is in the middle of nowhere, but also deep in the ghetto of a city. I don't know where I am. I don't know anyone. People who I barely know are here. I am supposed to be hanging out with them. I feel like I am house sitting. The house is disgusting. It smells like lizards and crikets. There are molding dishes in the sink. I want to clean. A man calls me "Anime boobs". People joke about the size of my breasts. Everyone says they are huge, thus the name. I become very self concious. I want to do the dishes. My clothes don't fit. I have on bright colors. The house is dark, and drab. Muted colors. Everything feels moist, mossy. It's cold, but the sun is out and it is hot. They try to get me to drink. Everyone hands me vodka. Everyone calls me "Anime boobs". I feel alone.

These are just the past few days worth of dreams. I recently stopped taking sleeping pill every night. Now i have these dreams.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Harun on 17 Feb 2009, 01:16
I had a dream that I worked as a janitor at a college. Sometimes I see complicated equations on chalkboards, and I just solve them.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Masterbainter on 17 Feb 2009, 01:44
Okay, I really didn't want to post this, but it's been bothering me all day and I can't tell RL people.

Dream (part 1):  Setting:  My hometown but it is a little more advance in terms of stuff is cleaner people seem more decent and just a more relaxed feeling about it.

I am walking along the only 4 lane street and I come across my ex girlfriend (really long story but she is widely not accepted by my family/friends nor myself.. well at least she shouldn't be accepted by me).  She is trying to talk to me about possibly giving her yet another chance and I don't want to hear it so I start running.  I fun so fast that I am able to make each block in 2 or 3 strides.

As I look back I see her trying to follow me, but she is no where near as fast and soon is in the very far far distance behind me till she just vanishes. 

I turn up a street and head to my parent's house...dream fades...

Dearm (part2):  Setting:  The basement of my parents house but isn't the house I remember growing up in.

The dream fades in with me in the a room in the basement.  I am sitting on my bed talking to my ex girlfriend.  She is persistance with her badgering me on starting a relatioship back up with her.  I eventually give in and am reluctantly taken into my bed in which I do "things" with her.  We finish and I feel a moment of happiness as I hold onto her.  I hear foot steps upstairs and my happy feeling soon turns into dread as I know now my little fantasy of having her again is going to be made public... dream fades...

Dream (part3): Setting: around the house

I am trying to avoid my parents and friends as they are trying to confront me about what has happened.  My dad finally gets a hold of me and starts yelling and telling me what a fool I am.  My friends look at me as if i've killed someone (which I haven't).  My now ex ex girlfriend is mad at me for not standing up for her.  I am confused on how to handle this situation.  I regret hooking back up with her but feel it shoudln't be my fault because she pursued till I gave in.  I also feel like a weak person for giving in, but also feel as though I should be able to feel good.

Is there a moral?  I haven't even thought of or talked to her recently.  Why have a dream about her now? 

One other thing, I spent last night with my girlfriend with her sleeping next to me.  It's so hard when you are seeing someone and you have dreams about past relations and you can't say anything and they know its bothering you.  It throws off my whole day.  I think I need meds or better coping skills.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Emaline on 17 Feb 2009, 01:51
So how old are you again?
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Fishboy on 17 Feb 2009, 02:10
Approximately twelve, by my estimate.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Emaline on 17 Feb 2009, 02:19
After reading his post history, I am pretty sure you are right.

Maybe, he is a joke account. Please?
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Masterbainter on 17 Feb 2009, 03:11
I do tend to joke around alot. 

Was I wrong in posting my dream?  I'm very confused by your statements and they tend to be condescending in my view.  I could be wrong though.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: onewheelwizzard on 17 Feb 2009, 09:51
Masterbainter, there's no reason why you can't tell people about your dreams.  The truth is that you're troubled by them, so tell people THAT.  It doesn't need to be all like "hey I'm having dreams about my ex so therefore I must be SECRETLY STILL IN LOVE WITH HER OH NO," and anyone who immediately believes that about you because of your dreams definitely cares more about their own fears than about you.  I mean, so what if you're having weird dreams?  It doesn't need to mean anything, dreams are weird to begin with.  Besides, it sounds like the whole point behind these dreams that you're having is NOT that you want to get back with your ex but rather that you feel guilty about even THINKING about it.  If you explain that, anyone who gets weirded out or mad at you for something you dreamed about is probably not really thinking about you very much, and is instead thinking about how afraid they are about the idea of you wanting your ex back.

Basically, lighten up and stop thinking these dreams are a big deal.  They're not.  (And you CAN tell people about them, it's actually a pretty good gauge for telling how mindful of your feelings they are.)

Emaline, your first dream makes me think that maybe you see self-indulgence as a religion of sorts?  And you can't imagine really indulging yourself as a result, and it makes you feel weird when you're the only one who isn't making yourself happier just for the sake of it?  I mean, the fact that your mom yells at you in that dream makes me think that you're aware of this (if it is indeed true for you) and you actually feel a litte guilty about not doing a better job of making yourself happier, but if doing that makes you feel like a pig, I guess it's no wonder.  Buying into the idea of doing things for no other reason than to satisfy your desires doesn't make you a cultist, so you should probably do more self-indulgent things (because plenty of them are healthy too!)
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Scandanavian War Machine on 17 Feb 2009, 11:41
last night i had a dream that all my friends were trying to convince me that The Octopus Project is one of the greatest bands ever and i was like "no way, those guys fucking suck."

this is weird because in reality i love The Octopus Project and all my friends hate them (along with almost everything else i listen to) so i woke up being very confused and thinking "wait, do i hate The Octopus Project? what's going on?" but then i realized it was just a dream and that they are a good band.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Ozymandias on 17 Feb 2009, 11:46
Last night I had a dream that I went to the hospital (where you have to reserve your room ahead of time) because I was like 7 months pregnant but I needed to have the baby now and so I was just sitting in the hospital, waiting to give birth and being worried because it was going to come out of my butt and geez, that was going to hurt.

It did hurt.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Cartilage Head on 17 Feb 2009, 11:53
 Butt baby. Nice.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Iron_Fist on 17 Feb 2009, 17:29
Last night I had a dream that I went to the hospital (where you have to reserve your room ahead of time) because I was like 7 months pregnant but I needed to have the baby now and so I was just sitting in the hospital, waiting to give birth and being worried because it was going to come out of my butt and geez, that was going to hurt.

It did hurt.

You gave me a good laugh....Be proud.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: phooey on 17 Feb 2009, 19:58
I had a dream last night, fellows, that I was invited to the Planters Peanuts Corporation Headquarters (I realise that they are probably not an independent corporation in and of themselves and really not that big a deal anyways) the wine and dine with the elite and the effete alike.  I attended this soiree with the intention of dismantling the evil corporation from the inside out, because over the last weeks I had tracked their movements after having discovered their connection to the growing population of alligators, crocodiles, and other such detrimental caimaninae in the nearby bodies of water.  I had taken a select few friends with me (some that I hadn't seen in years, some fabricated) for this most essential mission, but at the fete, they all succumbed to the powers of the Planters Peanuts, coming back from isolated 'factory tours' with vapid stares, dated corporate propaganda on their lips, and Chinese trampstamps visible through their torn clothing - some sort of evil branding, I assume. 

As canapes were being served, I slipped off into the background to begin my mission.  This is when I fell through some rotten floorboards into a subterranean pool, where John Candy was kayaking.  He saw me almost immediately and approached me, telling me I was to be taken to be 'groomed.'  After instantaneously acquiring knowledge (as one often does in dreams) that Planters was running a modern day invisible Holocaust and that they were making all the people into granola, I ran, the late great Mr. Candy in hot pursuit.  He was surprisingly spry for one so overweight.

This dream tenuously classifies as a nightmare only because the feeling of terror as I rushed through the factory, looking on the faces of those enslaved.  I could smell burning flesh in my dream (though it took on hints of a nuttier aroma), and there was blood all over the floor.  After running through room after dimly lit, Silent Hill-inspired room, I finally happened upon a dark, cool greenhouse.  In the middle of the room filled with rare and fragrant plants, I saw a pale figure on a chaise lounge.  When I realised the figure was Voldemort, I woke up in a cold sweat.


Keep up the good work, I love reading all your dreams.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Boro_Bandito on 17 Feb 2009, 20:10
No sir, you keep up the good work.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: ViolentDove on 17 Feb 2009, 21:54
I've always thought John Candy would be rather dextrous despite his bulk. 
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Jace on 17 Feb 2009, 23:27
I had a dream where I met punk rock era Kieffer. We met in some dark restaurant type place, he complemented my pants. He was a very cordial individual, and then we were friends on facebook because we met in person.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: phooey on 18 Feb 2009, 04:12
That kind of sounds like a date in my book
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Josefbugman on 19 Feb 2009, 01:58
I dreamed randomly last night.

It started with a guy talking to his wife, the guy in question is slowly becoming stronger and faster than any human being, its clear he is changing fast and he is worried about his son. Its eventually revealed that he becomes the first superman, flying around and beating the living snot out of people. He isn't that powerful though, he feels pain when shot and all that. Then it switches back to the woman and it turns out that 9 months before the child was born she had an affair with a mister Christopher kent. Now you can all see where this is going, but oddly enough the view then sort of changes. Before now my dream had been bright colours and cheery music, now it goes dirty and shows the grown superman trying to kill the younger because he is slowly losing his powers and is going insane.

Then you flip to the view of a spec ops person breaking into a facility, with the support of the "new" superman, we see them dealing with a lot of enemy firepower, but notice that most of the men have been slaughtered, they then notice a lot of white ichor all over the ground and begin firing wiledly before one of them (from our point of view) blows up a nearby pertol canister, there is a screech like the dying and suddenly the whole screen begins to lighten.

Following that we find the last taped recording of the first superman and then... well then I woke up.

I have been watching WAY too much JLU.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: emmalee on 19 Feb 2009, 12:05
I had several really brief dreams this morning after waking up, deciding not to go to school for my own safety, and sleeping in. One involved me driving to school with a handgun and being intercepted by my friend, who took the gun and threatened me with it outside the front doors. One involved me waking up to my house burning, lit on fire by the guy. One involved me waking up, gun in hand, threatening said friend who was about to shoot me in my bed.

In real life, I am very worried about him.  He has a bad personality disorder and last night some stuff went down that has us scared :[
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: öde on 19 Feb 2009, 12:19
I had a dream where I got separated from my friends and shot point blank in the throat. It hurt!
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Cartilage Head on 19 Feb 2009, 12:43
 I had a dream that I think was inspired by Pineapple Express last night. My friends and I had to fight and hide from some drug dealers and get shot at and stuff. It was pretty cool.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: KvP on 19 Feb 2009, 13:14
I had a nightmare last night in which I got a phone call from my best friend. Basically it was as though the "negative influence" that's been in the back of my head for most of my life (that hasn't been terribly loud lately, thankfully) took on the voice of the person I care for the most in my life, and it sort of tore into me for a few minutes. I woke up severely shaken, but it's gone away in the hours since.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Siibillam-Law on 19 Feb 2009, 15:09
I was talking to my friend about the best way to get published. He made a  joke that the only way it will happen is if I marry Neil Gaiman's daughter Maddy. We laughed.


I was doin' my thing somehwere in some city. It was likely to be somewhere in America although I had never been. When I ran into Maddy gaiman (it was like 4 years in the future so I was 22 she was like 19 or something). But i couldn't figure who the hell she was although her face rang a bell, so I asked if I could buy her a drink while I figured it out. Afterwards, we were walking and we entered a bookstore and I did my usual thing of looking through the Pratchett/Gaiman/Classics and began talking to her as to why Neil Gaiman was the coolest author ever, etc etc. then I realised who she was and that I had ruined what could have been an awesome date by spending ten mintues talking about her dad.

Then the bookstore collapsed around me and I was on the moon.

Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Noff on 19 Feb 2009, 15:24
I had a dream where I had a flying scooter and lived in an apartment complex that looked like something from Tron.  Unfortunately though the flying scooter couldn't really do anything a normal scooter couldn't, and my future apartment complex still had broken future-appliances so it wasn't really better than its present equivalent.  I rode the scooter back to my apartment and ate an orange.  It was not futuristic in any way. 
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: onewheelwizzard on 20 Feb 2009, 00:46
I was talking to my friend about the best way to get published. He made a  joke that the only way it will happen is if I marry Neil Gaiman's daughter Maddy. We laughed.


I was doin' my thing somehwere in some city. It was likely to be somewhere in America although I had never been. When I ran into Maddy gaiman (it was like 4 years in the future so I was 22 she was like 19 or something). But i couldn't figure who the hell she was although her face rang a bell, so I asked if I could buy her a drink while I figured it out. Afterwards, we were walking and we entered a bookstore and I did my usual thing of looking through the Pratchett/Gaiman/Classics and began talking to her as to why Neil Gaiman was the coolest author ever, etc etc. then I realised who she was and that I had ruined what could have been an awesome date by spending ten mintues talking about her dad.

Then the bookstore collapsed around me and I was on the moon.

I actually know someone who slept with Holly Gaiman.

I'm kind of sleeping with said person myself these days.  She's really cool.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Siibillam-Law on 20 Feb 2009, 02:57
blah blah blah bollocks

I actually know someone who slept with Holly Gaiman.

I'm kind of sleeping with said person myself these days.  She's really cool.

Can I be your friend?
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: allison on 20 Feb 2009, 08:52
I keep having this dream where I am sitting in a restaurant with my family, and a scary-but-familiar-looking guy (in his late 20s) gets up from a nearby table and he has a huge knife. I know I hate him, but I'm scared of confronting him so I just sit there. He comes over and grabs me around the throat and my family does nothing. He leans down and whispers in my ear "It's been so long. Who knew the little girl from my backyard would be able to sit so still." Then he slices into my arm, just above my elbow, and begins to cut the skin off of my arm and shoulder and neck and when he gets to my jaw I wake up.

wtf guys
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Dollface on 20 Feb 2009, 08:58
It had women truck divers and carrot spiders (it was scary)
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: tania on 20 Feb 2009, 09:09
like mentioned 400 times on this forum already, i host a music show at my campus radio station once a week and every few days or so we get new albums sent to the station by different labels. last night i had a really vivid dream where i went in to listen to some of the new stuff that had arrived and on the new releases shelf was an album that jodie had recorded, under the name jodizzle. i was all "holy shit, i know this person!" and then the librarian told me she was playing a show in guelph the next weekend. i was debating whether or not i should go and be all "hey! i know you from the internet!" or completely avoid it since she was apparently this famous musician touring all over the world now. i decided to go after all but i woke up before she actually played any songs. she had the hello kitty guitar though, it was so good.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: ummmkay on 20 Feb 2009, 15:16
I dreamed last night that I went out with a cute boy from my class and he was a TERRIBLE kisser. I have not gotten real kisses for some time now, it is not fair that the dream kisses were no good :(
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Rolling20s on 20 Feb 2009, 15:25
I had a super-creepy dream a little over six months ago. Actually took the framework of it and wrote it up into a short story. I was going to post it here, but it was way to freaking long, so here's the link to it on Helium. It's called Sway (

As an aside, anyone know of any other writing sites that are decent? I'm in the mood for feedback.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Eris on 20 Feb 2009, 17:15
I had a dream last night that someone had a big dinner party. There were three long tables set up in a broken U shape in a huge room (there would have been at least 12 places on each table and plenty of room for everyone to sit and between the tables) with really high quality linen and place settings. The table I was sitting at was next to big bay windows going out onto a balcony. I was there helping whoever it was set up, so I must have known the person, but I don't think I actually saw them in the dream.

When the guests arrived I realised that they were all people from the internet. I was at a giant internet dinner party.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Liz on 20 Feb 2009, 18:12
When the guests arrived I realised that they were all people from the internet. I was at a giant internet dinner party.

This is pretty much what Chicagocon will be like.

You know you want to come, everyone.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Eris on 20 Feb 2009, 18:18
I think I dreamt about it because of the 12 people who went to dinner at a mexican restaurant last night, 11 of them were from the internet and it was a really great time.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Metope on 21 Feb 2009, 05:13
I remember having the most disturbing dream last night, but I can't remember what is was about at all. However I woke up with this song ( stuck in my head and I have not been able to get it out. :(
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: sandysmilinstrange on 21 Feb 2009, 07:03
I dreamed that I found the head of a friend of mine from out west. It was still functioning and everything, he was just very distressed at not knowing where his body was so I said I'd try to help him. Meanwhile, my husband had apparently gotten us concert tickets for that day and got really angry when I said that we'd have to cancel and started arguing with me. Aside from being mad that he was being a jerk about the whole situation, I was mostly embarassed because he wasn't giving me a chance to go set my friend's head down in another room and I was upset that he was having to listen to the whole fight.

I ended up running out with the head and riding a raft across a lake where we found his body wandering around all scraped up and got it straightened out.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: allison on 21 Feb 2009, 07:10
Okay man seriously. Guy-with-knife has been in my dreams for two weeks now. HELP.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: michaelicious on 21 Feb 2009, 10:10
I have been mulling this dream over in my mind for the past couple weeks. I am not sure what to make of it.

So I was at a beach somewhere nice and sunny just minding my own business walking around in the shallow water with my pants rolled up. I was approached by a gay couple who were probably in their late 30s. They kept trying to persaude me to have a threesome with them. In my dream I acted like this sort of thing happens to me all the time. I was flattered but I politely declined again and again.

Then out of nowhere a killer whale comes zooming (like in this video ( about 20 seconds in) by and almost gets one of the older guys. The rest of the dream was the three of us making a mad dash back onto dry land while killer whales were flyin' by left and right. One of them even breached ( like a great white shark, which is something I am pretty sure killer whales can't do at all let alone in shallow water.

So I guess if anyone ever invites me to partake in their gay threesome I'm gettin' the fuck outta there. Also I probably shouldn't watch Planet Earth or read Savage Love on the Onion before going to bed?
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: ledhendrix on 21 Feb 2009, 11:33
Or Blue Planet

I'm afraid they can breach (, and they are out to get us ( Do you live near the sea?  I hope not. They can smell your blood.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: michaelicious on 21 Feb 2009, 12:19
Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: phooey on 24 Feb 2009, 05:10
I just had a dream where I was singing that Nickelback song from Spiderman to a bunch of women over breakfast, and now it won't get out of my head.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Eris on 26 Feb 2009, 17:21
Last night I had a dream that I was pregnant. I ended up wandering around the supermarket trying to work out how I was going to tell everybody, and what I was going to do about it. I remember going out of one supermarket and into another, just to stall for time. Then halfway through the dream it changed and everything looked like scarygoround for the rest of the dream.

I also had a dream the night before about being at uni. I was in a class and there was one really opinionated girl there. We had to get into pairs to discuss the topic for next week, and I was paired up with her (much to my annoyance). She was in my next class too, and kept wanting to talk about the previous class, when I just wanted to focus on what was being taught right now. At the end of that class I left really quickly and got roped into some prank involving green cordial and soccer balls.

I know why I had the uni dream; I had just been to o-week and classes start next week, so I am worrying about all that and I always dream about things that worry me. I have had so many "oh hey, I have to go catch a train/sit an exam/go to the doctor. oh no I am really late/can't get to the place/keep having problems!" dreams over the years.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: ledhendrix on 26 Feb 2009, 21:55
The only thing I can remember from last night is that I was on this amazing flume. It was really long and like a river sometimes and you could get loads of speed. The really annoying thing was that at the end instead of there being a massive jump (there definitely should have been) to utilize the amazing speed, you just hit into the back of the person in front of you as they climbed out of the slide. Lame
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: BrilliantEraser on 27 Feb 2009, 14:11
Dream 1: I'm in a nice house that is mine, or maybe my parents, and we either live here, and just moved, or it is our vacation home. Everyone starts discussing how we will give thanks and worship, and being the nonreligious ass that I am start to make jokes about it. Very sarcastic jokes. No one laughs. Then a few people I know, or used to know(they were old old friends from fucking middle school that i haven't seen in a very very long time.), came in. They ran to a corner, which I noticed had darkened spots on the floor. I make jokes about how they are involved in this silly religion and how I didn't expect to see them here. Everyone, myself excluded, puts on pig masks, and begin to dig in the spots on the floor, stuff their faces, and sing about being a gluttonous pig. I am horrified, and make awkward jokes about this being a cult. My mom yells at me, and demands I worship the same as everyone else. I am disgusted.

Dream 2: I am trying to catch a train. I am driving a car(I don't drive.). It is black. Maybe a Jetta. It is nice. My friend(and excrush and current unattainable crush and one of my best friends ever) is in the car with me. He is talking, and I know he is trying to stay something, but I can't hear him. We get to the station. The train is getting ready to leave. There are gaurds. There is a high fence, with barbed wire on the top. My friend stands next to me as I try to climb. He looks concerned but doesn't talk. The sun is high in the sky. The sky is very blue. The trees are very green. The ground is very brown. Everything is very clear. I can see everything. My friend seems worried.

Dream 3: I am in a filthy house. It is in the middle of nowhere, but also deep in the ghetto of a city. I don't know where I am. I don't know anyone. People who I barely know are here. I am supposed to be hanging out with them. I feel like I am house sitting. The house is disgusting. It smells like lizards and crikets. There are molding dishes in the sink. I want to clean. A man calls me "Anime boobs". People joke about the size of my breasts. Everyone says they are huge, thus the name. I become very self concious. I want to do the dishes. My clothes don't fit. I have on bright colors. The house is dark, and drab. Muted colors. Everything feels moist, mossy. It's cold, but the sun is out and it is hot. They try to get me to drink. Everyone hands me vodka. Everyone calls me "Anime boobs". I feel alone.

These are just the past few days worth of dreams. I recently stopped taking sleeping pill every night. Now i have these dreams.

Those are some incredibly interesting dreams! Also, you get weird dreams when you are off sleeping pills? That is odd because I really only have weird dreams when I am taking sleeping pills. Those dreams are like fucking acid trips, let me tell you that.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Dollface on 28 Feb 2009, 09:41
i had dream were i said word puns and i said answers for those puns, it was weird
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Krina on 10 Mar 2009, 14:22
I had this really weird thing this morning. It was either a lucid dream or i was hallucinating, I do get both of those. My whole body was paralyzed, I could literally not move a muscle. I was pretty freaked out by that. Then I found I could wriggle my left thumb which was a relief because I thought that if I could move my thumb I could probably slowly work my way out of the deadlock. All the while, music was playing in my head. I "heard" a complete album by Muse. That was weird, because I haven't listened to them in years. But I checked, I "heard" or imagined to hear all the songs of the album in the correct order. That was fairly weird.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Caleb on 10 Oct 2010, 20:49
BUMPING old thread because there is no where else to post this.

I just did that thing where I took a nap at 7 PM and woke up at 10 PM and now my sleep cycle is going to be thrown off. Hurrah.

I had a dream where a group of people who I was a part of bought/rented an old office building.  It was a huge old place and I decided to go looking around upstairs.  I was looking at a the group I had come in with through a glass door but they didn't notice me.  I banged on the glass but they didn't notice and nothing happened.  When I went upstairs I wandered into a room that someone had been living in.  It was a crappy little room and I decided that it was like someone was squatting in there.  There was a desk with a computer and a bed.  Like a tiny dorm room or something.

The older computer was on and running and seemed like it had been for awhile.  There was a lamp and a ton of envelopes with checks on the top of the desk.  They were all written out to .33 cents to someone's parents with a little note attached to each one.  All of them had different styles of notes (From scrawled pencil to calligraphy) but they all said something like "Here is the regular amount for this week".  They looked like they had been sent in the mail, opened and sent back.  There was one reply that from the parents that said if the person was going to do this at least make the checks out to be more than $1.

So there was also a picture on the desk with a dual photo of a kid I knew in college and a girl with blond hair and I knew that this desk must belong to the girl who dated him in college for a bit.  It seemed like a female's desk and stuff.  I had only met this girl a couple of times in college.

I also knew at this point that she was dead.  I think in the dream I remembered that she had been dead.  I don't know how I came up with that conclusion.

So I also stole some money from the top of desk which was about $5 since hey she was dead.

The computer was older and didn't have much stuff on it.  It was a weird operating system like an old Mac.  There was a chat log still running on it.  I felt sad because she was dead and this chat program had kept running.  I wondered if the people in the chat knew she was dead and were keeping the channel open as a tribute for as long as possible.

Then there was this weird flash and I could see a car driving up to the building like a cut-scene in a movie.  I then saw headlights in the window.  It was dark already.

I hurriedly shut off the little lamp.  (Which was stupid because it was already on)  I ran quickly downstairs.  I don't know what I was thinking maybe I was trying to run away before anyone got there?

When I got to the glass door from before I could see that it was the girl who was walking in carrying a bag of something.  She stopped for a second and looked at me.

She did that thing that people do when they just walk into a dark room and think they see something so they stare into the darkness for a second to make it out.

Then I said "Please don't run away" in a real hoarse voice.  And I woke up.

* conclusions *

In that dream I figure I was actually the dead ghost and the girl was alive.  I don't know.

It was really odd how there was really specific stuff in there like a stack of returned checks with the same note all made out for .33 cents.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: JD on 10 Oct 2010, 20:53
Like a month ago I dreamed I had Tommy Wiseau as a drama teacher.

What does it mean?
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Caleb on 10 Oct 2010, 20:58
You secretly want to throw around a football wearing a tuxedo?
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: calenlass on 12 Oct 2010, 09:37
I had a crazy dream last night wherein Kieffer came and hung out. It was ace.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Johnny C on 09 Dec 2010, 15:24
in my dream last night i was present for a meeting of a committee that determined what graduates would get when they left university. the company that offered us options for things to collectively purchase was offering a bunch of packages that had grad rings and also photos but nobody wanted photos. eventually the committee voted for the package that gave all graduates a grad ring, a booster juice coupon, and a pack of cigarettes.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: ummmkay on 09 Dec 2010, 16:14
i keep having dreams about falling asleep in weird places, e.g. someone else's cubicle at work, and a bar in the town i used to live in.

i am so boring that i fall asleep while dreaming.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: pwhodges on 09 Dec 2010, 16:51
i am so boring that i fall asleep while dreaming.

I think this might be the first time I have been tempted to have a sig quote (I won't, but I am really tempted).
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: ummmkay on 09 Dec 2010, 17:12
paul, i am truly honored.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Scandanavian War Machine on 09 Dec 2010, 17:49
i keep having dreams about falling asleep in weird places, e.g. someone else's cubicle at work, and a bar in the town i used to live in.

i am so boring that i fall asleep while dreaming.




Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: smack that isaiah on 09 Dec 2010, 20:56
I just remembered a part of my dream last night:
it was raining and I was walking across a field and the rain was so heavy that part of the field became a river.  A canoe came up the river in front of me with 4 owls in it.  one of them was wearing a lot of beads for some reason.  I then jumped towards them and shouted "You are the cutest owls ever!"  At which point my neighbor at home appeared behind me and said something to the effect of "Yeah, they're pretty cute, Neil."  I then ran awkwardly close to him and whispered "I'm 'Shawn' here."  To which he replied, "Well, I'm 'Shore' here, so ok."

That's all I recall.  I do remember the owls pretty well, and they were quite cute, especially the one all decked out in beads
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Blue Kitty on 09 Dec 2010, 21:00
I had the strangest dream where I was at a convention, in my work clothes, and for some reason I got angry at someone and stabbed with a pick axe.  After realizing what I did I just ran, thinking of ways to avoid the police and an angry person with a pick axe sticking out of their shoulder.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: tania on 10 Dec 2010, 01:24
last night i had the worst sleep i have had in a while. as meebos know i have been working on this absolute nightmare of a statistics research paper the last couple of weeks, and yesterday afternoon i finally turned it in but i spent so long working on it, longer than i have ever worked on anything in my life that it's been on my mind for absolute ages and last night i dreamt that i was still working on this paper except the conscious part of my brain was i guess also there aware of the fact that i had turned in this paper so i was sort of narrating what was happening and being like "no you idiot you already turned in that paper, you can dream about something else" while dream me was all "no i have to finish writing up this results section a bloo bloo bloo" while real me went "oh my god you finished it you lunatic" and dream me went "NO I HAVE TO WRITE MORE RESULTS" and it just kept going and going and then i kept waking up and falling asleep and not knowing who i was or where i was and oh god it was just the worst. everything is the worst
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Barmymoo on 10 Dec 2010, 03:21
Oh man meta-dreaming, that sounds awful. You psyche must hate you if it refuses to celebrate having finished something stressful!
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: whom on 10 Dec 2010, 06:59
Ugh, something like that happened to me before.  I had been studying a bunch of equations for p-chem.  I woke up in the middle of the night (well, I was still half asleep) and could only think in equations.  I kept trying to snap my self out of it and think normally but I couldn't.  It was very annoying, especially considering they weren't even valid equations.  At least I don't think they were...

My dream last night was sort of interesting, although it ended rather horridly.  It started out that I was in a corn maze, but that eventually changed into a very elaborate building.  I discovered stairs and realized I had to go up to the very top of the building, so I ran up the stairs.  By this time, the building was more like a museum and there were a bunch of other people around.  I reached the top room and found the stuffed chicken there (which naturally was what I had been looking for all along!).  I took a picture of the chicken to prove it had been found and started back down a gravel road, since the building was no longer a building, but some sort of park.  Then I saw two squirrels fighting, so I went to get a closer look because squirrels are cute.  One of them had a tiny baby squirrel under it.  As I knelt down to take a picture, the squirrel suddenly squashed the baby, bursting it in a mini explosion of squirrel guts.  Apparently the baby had been the other squirrel's, killed out of spite.  Then I woke up.

Dreams are weird.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: tania on 10 Dec 2010, 07:12
You psyche must hate you if it refuses to celebrate having finished something stressful!

to be honest, i think it's a combination of my psyche and the fact that i didn't sleep and consumed just an absolutely grotesque amount of caffeine every single day for those 2-3 weeks which has doomed my brain to just be completely fucked up for probably at least a short while. i wasn't able to sleep at all last night either (it's 7am now and i went to sleep at 2am and basically lay awake all night) and more and more i think this is probably the reason why.

oh goddddd everything is the worst
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Buttfranklin on 10 Dec 2010, 11:22
I had a dream that my girlfriend wrote me a really heart-felt letter confessing her love to me.  I went through the letter with a pen correcting all the grammatical errors and spelling mistakes, then handed it back to her.  She was pretty upset with me, and I felt like a total dick, and then I woke up.

Wow, my dreams sucks.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: David_Dovey on 10 Dec 2010, 11:48
Haha, most of the dreams I remember tend to involve me being a tremendous dick to someone. I'm assuming my subconscious is telling me something, but I can't work out whether I'm being too much of a dick, or not enough.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Johnny C on 10 Dec 2010, 14:40
had my first final today and realized what my dream meant
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Stryc9Fuego on 10 Dec 2010, 16:39
Not enough of a dick. Your subconscious craves schadenfreude.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Zingoleb on 26 Dec 2010, 00:04
I dreamed I had sex with Billy Corgan. It wasn't a sexual dream. It was just a thing that had happened and now things are awkward between me and Billy Corgan.
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Buttfranklin on 30 Dec 2010, 21:54
I had a dream that I found the wreckage of the USS Enterprise.  My face was like this:  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: LTK on 01 Jan 2011, 06:31
So I say to him: "Because of Obama's addiction to Minecraft, all of the highways have been flooded!"
Title: Re: Dream Log
Post by: Blue Kitty on 01 Jan 2011, 12:48
For some reason I keep having dreams where I am just shooting the shit with demons and succubi.