I never had one in the first place.
But they could take away your Mancard.
So, you didn't mean to vote for Paris?no, i voted that you would forget to change the poll.
comic: of course Faye/Sven interaction is acceptable!
However, I was kind of looking forward to some Faye/Angus interaction after their date and all the kissing (not to mention the apartment drama) - they were supposed to meet at work and now the day is almost over (it's dark outside! and almost 8!)! oh dear!
I wanted to start the date today, actually, but I was compelled to do some more Faye/Sven interaction first. Hopefully that is acceptable to you.Just so long as you manage a proper cliffhanger for Friday.
So, you didn't mean to vote for Paris?We'll always have Paris.
So, you didn't mean to vote for Paris?We'll always have Paris.
...ending sentences with prepositions...
Sven should be worried: Faye's ultraviolence will make him infradead.
the most terrible of transgressions, such as ending sentences with prepositions, or eating all the chocolate out of the Neapolitan Ice Cream.
Better, shweetheart?
I was looking for something super clean, but there was no option for it offered.Yeah, I kept forgetting obvious choices. Updated with, "A cleaning supply outlet! Ooh!" & "A restaurant designed for germaphobes? Oh, I got nothin'."
comic: of course Faye/Sven interaction is acceptable!
However, I was kind of looking forward to some Faye/Angus interaction after their date and all the kissing (not to mention the apartment drama) - they were supposed to meet at work and now the day is almost over (it's dark outside! and almost 8!)! oh dear!
Exactly what I was thinking. I have been more than kind of looking forward to it, I have been (not so) patiently waiting for it through all of this new storyline silliness. If the day ends without Angus interaction, I will be very cranky. But Faye saying she's a kinder, gentler version of herself would be a perfect prequel to him walking in (:
Implied ultra-violence? I suppose that is the "Talk softly, and carry a big stick" approach.More a "mouth off considerably and tote a theoretical hunk of lumber that can actualize into a fist" approach, considering that it's Faye.
Carl - I would ask that you not threaten us with always having that Paris.Yes. Longest goddam fifteen minutes ever.
[Bogey and dame Pic]Not if you're going to call us 'shweetheart.' Surely, you can do better than that.
Better, shweetheart?
I personally would love to see Angus walk in, see Sven, and say something smarmy to him that puts Sven in a bad mood for his entire date with Hannelore.Notoriously wrong prediction of the day:
[Bogey and dame Pic]That's not a dame, that is Ingrid Bergman.
Surely, you can do better than that.
She would protest, "Mother, what did you bring that book I didn't want to be read to out of about Down Under up for?"
When she's with Bogey, she's a dame, no matter who the dame is—even this Bergman dame, see? Same thing with Elizabeth Taylor. It's always pictures of her and that guy, even that old drunk guy she married so much, whoever that guy was.[Bogey and dame Pic]That's not a dame, that is Ingrid Bergman.
I don't know what Sven's kvetching about—he never got a ridiculous act of violence from Faye in the first place, unless his widdle ears burned too much when she was cussin' him out in the street.
Surely, you can do better than that.
Shtop calling me Shirley!
Jeph in the Newspost
The date commences, pretty much exactly how you'd expect it to.
True. I suppose I was thinking of an act of deserved or at least sopposedly punitive violence, as when Dora decked him. If we are to go by how she acted towards Marten in the early strips (which, I find as I type this, still chaps my hide), a penile punch from Faye after a bad joke may be something akin to the bites sharks give during mating, only with the genders reversed.I don't know what Sven's kvetching about—he never got a ridiculous act of violence from Faye in the first place, unless his widdle ears burned too much when she was cussin' him out in the street.
Untrue! While we didn't see it, Faye did say that when Sven asked what number 69 was on The Secret Menu, she punched him in the dick.
Huh. I knew Hanners loved counting (thus her proficiency at drumming), but I had no idea she was a full-blown mathematician. Forget CoD, she should get her Ph.D. She'd feel right at home in a university math department. In fact, she'd become the go-to person among her colleagues for interaction with the outside world. Socially awkward and inexperienced as she is, if the things they say about mathematicians are true, she'd still be the most mentally stable and socially at ease of the bunch.
Hanners looks very nice. She's got the figure to bring that dress off, and, unlike Faye, pale blue is a good colour for her. Her shoes are... OK, but that horrid green bag clashes badly with her dress. But what is it with Jeph putting his date-bound ladies in pale blue dresses with white piping? First Faye (http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=1731), and now Hannelore. Is it a fetish or something?
Is it just me, or does this strip suddenly not feel like QC anymore?
Implied ultra-violence? I suppose that is the "Talk softly, and carry a big stick" approach.
But what is it with Jeph putting his date-bound ladies in pale blue dresses with white piping?
Regarding the shoes . . . 1. They're tan, not white.
My favorite equation on the board is: "x = pi if dessert = true" ^_^ It's mathelicious and puntastic.
Croc makes Mary Jane styles, too (http://www.crocs.eu/womens-footwear-work/women-footwear-work,en_ES,sc.html). The chunky toe and thick sole are characteristic. And hanners would want something disinfectable!Hanners might just like stylish but comfortable shoes (http://www.zierashoes.com/Shoes/Styles/CADDIE/Rouge) from a maker like Zeira. Hanners might be odd, but she has a sense of style (remember her biz suit, an now this look), so I can't see her wearing Crocs on a dinner date. Mind you, Sven isn't making much of an effort. I mean, a hoodie?
Mind you, Sven isn't making much of an effort. I mean, a hoodie?He's got a three piece suit underneath, exactly the color of Hanners's dress.
I didn't realise Crocs made anything other than rubber shoes.Who did? And they all looked pretty rubbery, or mostly rubbery, anyway, so technically you're not wrong. When will companies learn to stick with what they're good at? Croccasin, my ass.
...I mean, a hoodie?
Intentional juxtaposition, or Freudian slip on behalf of Jeph when he picked Sven's outfit? You decide.
Sven is just good at reading people. Now, he doesn't make the best USE of his skill, but...Sure he does, he writes country hits!
Sven's spent some serious thought on how to manipulate people, which is probably why some folk think he's such a douche.
Hanners outright asks Sven what he'd be doing if he was trying to get somewhere with her, and not only does he give her an (apparently) honest answer, but he then confirms he's not planning on doing so. Which says two things: Sven has no illusions that he's a not manipulator, but doesn't seem to want to be one any more.Or...this is meta-manipulation.
You know it's a rat, because if it was a Corgi, they woulda been cooking it.T'would require ethics. Until recently, Sven was noticeably short on those. He'd make a good preacher, though—could have a mega-church in a few years, probably. Having the morals of a snapping turtle might even be an asset.
Also, Sven should use his powers for good, and become a therapist. "The Love Doctor is IN. Your Pants."
Way I see it, we've built up to the date this week at work.
Next week we get the rest of the pre date stuff out of the way, possilbly with both Dora and Faye promising nasty implications if Sven is anything but their definition of harmless, ending on Friday with Sven showing up at Hanner's door.
The following week will be the date itself - which will follow Faye's outline to an uncanny degree, right up to the point where Sven offers to show a movie he's rented - then Hanners will freak right out leaving our bemused hero alone on the couch.
The following week will be the apres date shenanigans - Dora and Faye upset at Sven for being a less than stellar date, Hanners mortified that Sven may or may not have been trying to seduce her, Sven just completely confused and Marten roped into his usual position as the mediator/voice of reason. or Sven will only be saved with a secret video of the date made by Pintsize, who's upset because there was ntohing interesting for him to film.
Did anyone notice Sven called himself (or rather, had an imaginary foe, I mean date, call him) a "boy" in there?
For all his self-awareness, does he even realize he doesn't need fake ID anymore?
Sven is having the effect of alerting Hanners to and immunizing her against some manipulative dating moves. This is an invaluable service to her that doesn't benefit him, except maybe a little ego boost from showing off his knowledge. This is consistent with Sven being a good guy.
Sven is having the effect of alerting Hanners to and immunizing her against some manipulative dating moves. This is an invaluable service to her that doesn't benefit him, except maybe a little ego boost from showing off his knowledge. This is consistent with Sven trying to be a good guy.Fixed.
And if they'd just put the question to Hannelore, she coulda worked it out for them on a blackboard in a couple of hours.
That's it, Hanners. Keep petting and feeding that ego, and you may ferret out all of Sven's path to douchery.She's her mother's daughter. Only nicer, and without the secret headquarters full of death-traps.
Anyone notice Hanner's piercings?
No, it's just what people do when they date. It's just that Sven is, yes, slightly better at it and more self-aware of how it works, and able to put it into words.You make some very good points. However is precisely his awareness that his moves are tactics, and that he is using them to create desire in his partner without any mention at all that he is "into" the girl beyond possibly her physical attraction, that makes Sven suspect. In todays comic his remark that once he'd "hit" a curvy girl, others seem flat suggests that he's got a long way to go in learning to see a woman as a person. (Flat!? Who are you calling flat?)
So Sven took Hanners out to a japanese place? Good call for someone like Hannelore, i think. Most japanese restaurants are very clean &/or organized ("most"...).Would I be right in thinking you haven't spent much time in Tokyo? :lol: Especially if it's a shabu-shabu (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shabu-shabu) place. The sticky floor is part of the experience! Westerners are so neurotic about these things; if the food is cooked hot enough, it doesn't matter what the kitchen is like! :evil:
Anyone notice Hanner's piercings?
Do you mean the ones she's had in all day (http://questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=1752)?
Or are you talking about the ones she's always had (http://questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=515)?
(Yes that really is the very first appearance of Hannelore Ellicot-Chatham, with the long hair, and the cigarettes, and the not freaking out when a stranger whips out his junk and takes a piss right in front of her!)
Sven has finally realized the truth: skinny women just aren't all that interesting.Please stop going to extremes.
I do feel sorry for Hanners, though.Nah, she knows its a fake date, just for fun, so she can have a bit of an insight.
And yes a body that is skin and bones is never really attractive, but I doubt that is news to Sven or any other man.
I do feel sorry for Hanners, though. Not the date she was expecting... unless, of course, she decides that this IS what one's supposed to do on a date, and she talks about boys she's had a crush on in the past. Which seems limited to Monk, random firemen, and possibly Marten.
No ones mentioned it, but if Sven misses Faye's curves and not Faye, it wouldn't be hard to go out and tap a girl with comparable body type.
Tergon, my sentiments exactly. Better expressed, of course, but I'm getting used to that.No ones mentioned it, but if Sven misses Faye's curves and not Faye, it wouldn't be hard to go out and tap a girl with comparable body type.
Dude, look two posts up from yours. I know the poll results are a bit distracting, but I didn't think my post was TL;DR!
Sven has finally realized the truth: skinny women just aren't all that interesting.Please stop going to extremes.
Women arent digital : either skinny or chubby.
And yes a body that is skin and bones is never really attractive, but I doubt that is news to Sven or any other man.
The reason I see Sven as a douche is what you've said, plus this—he knows that he's creating a wonderful excitement for these girls, and he surely also knows they're likely going to think it's the start of something special—if not the first time, soon after, he'd have had to discover this. I may be inferring, but it appears to me this tactic will work best on a lady who's not had much experience, is a little withdrawn, and/or does not typically do one-night (one week, what have you) stands—or at least that's the sort I see thinking "crazy things I'd never normally do." Specifically, never and normally give me this impression. Also, if Sven thinks, as I'm sure someone will point out, he's giving these ladies 'wonderful experiences,' then why his long post-Faye funk? I don't think it's just about Faye, even if Sven wants to pretend that. He also wants to pretend that what was between him and Faye was purely physical when she was his friend first (to address your point, Tergon—they did hang out, just not after the sex started), someone it appeared to me that he enjoyed spending time with (which was the reason I had hopes for Sven and Faye when they first got together; I guessed that this was the first girl Sven had been friends with before he had sex with her, or perhaps even at all).No, it's just what people do when they date. It's just that Sven is, yes, slightly better at it and more self-aware of how it works, and able to put it into words.You make some very good points. However is precisely his awareness that his moves are tactics, and that he is using them to create desire in his partner without any mention at all that he is "into" the girl beyond possibly her physical attraction, that makes Sven suspect. In todays comic his remark that once he'd "hit" a curvy girl, others seem flat suggests that he's got a long way to go in learning to see a woman as a person. (Flat!? Who are you calling flat?)
"Is this really what you're s'posed to talk about on a date?" You tell him, Hanners!
[snip Japanese restaurant stuff]
Then lets just hope Darth Sven wont see reason to use his lightsaber.That would be a shame, because I suspect that Ultra-Violence Master Dora would then cut it off and make him eat it.
Don't forget Indy!Never. Or Mr. Clean. Or the firemen. Apparently, Hanners really digs the square-jawed type.
Best part about today's strip is the ad that popped up when I logged on.
[pic snipped]
Sven's gonna need a drink if he keeps this up, and Hanners probably wouldn't mind one either...
We're all missing the point here, which is that the edamame song is the cutest thing.
...(ed a ma me! sing it!)...
And yes a body that is skin and bones is never really attractive, but I doubt that is news to Sven or any other man.
The husband of a nicely-covered friend of mine has just left her for someone with borderline anorexia; there's no accounting for taste...
Sven has finally realized the truth: skinny women just aren't all that interesting.Please stop going to extremes.
Women arent digital : either skinny or chubby.
And yes a body that is skin and bones is never really attractive, but I doubt that is news to Sven or any other man.
Okay, fine. I'll restate: Sven is interested in a woman with curves. Me, personally, I find curvy women to be more aesthetically appealing than skinny women.
No, it's just what people do when they date. It's just that Sven is, yes, slightly better at it and more self-aware of how it works, and able to put it into words.You make some very good points. However is precisely his awareness that his moves are tactics, and that he is using them to create desire in his partner without any mention at all that he is "into" the girl beyond possibly her physical attraction, that makes Sven suspect.
I'm sure it wouldn't be as cute if it wasn't Hanners singing.naturally
I highly doubt that all Sven misses is Faye's curves. If that were the case, he'd be using his patented moves on plusher ladies. Remember that he (literally) ran into Marigold, and despite her many similarities in appearance to Faye, she did not appear to light up the Sven-O-Meter at all.And he was so close, too. Reading panel four I thought, my god… and then there was panel five. Ah, Jeph, you're such a tease.
One of Sven's biggest defense mechanisms is being avoidant, so I would not be at all surprised if he's still dodging self-realization, even as he claims epiphany.
Is that Khorne's Market in the background?LOCALLY GROWN ORGANIC SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!
Ok, to restate Carl's question, bluntly:
What the heck is Hanners babbling about?
OOOoooooooohhhhh..... so obvious, really - the back of a fortune cookie where it says, How to Speak Chinese... right?
Heehee, fun with auction-based ad services. And here Jeph thought the mindless adbots were bad...Best part about today's strip is the ad that popped up when I logged on.
[pic snipped]
And the mouseover.. "Not even a little bit"
Yesterday's Wrongtown ad said something about a clean restaurant...
Sven is a total pathetic asshole. He is in no way endearing and a terrible character that I wish would just not be around. Maybe that is why I have been enjoying the comic more recently? Until this arc at least.
okay I'm drunk and reading the forums for the first time in months
OK, after searching "edamame" (and "edamame song") on youtube and google, I got nuthin'.I don't think it's a song. I think Hanners is working out how to pronounce the word edamame. She appears to be reading a small packet or something. Maybe a sachet of dipping sauce (?) though that would normally be served in a bowl. It certainly won't be a fortune cookie in a Japanese restaurant, unless there's been some horrid cultural bleed-over.
Also, all of you talking about how you do/do not like skinny women: you do realize it is equally as dehumanizing and insulting to us women to hear you proclaim curvy over skinny, since it still says "this is the standard that I think women ought to strive for to be attractive"? If you personally prefer curvy, fine, you can say that (although men tend to state their preferences about women ALL the time as though all of womanhood should care and rush to cater to them). But don't denigrate other body types or classify them as less desirable while you're doing so.So true, though to be fair to most of the posters here, they were merely expressing their preference, and only a few denigrated other body types. My personal pet irritation is men who feel impelled to announce their preference/distaste for my ethnic appearance. I think Meena might sympathise (http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=906).
Nothing to do now but bail, and hope the flames of impact don't start a forest fire or something...
It certainly won't be a fortune cookie in a Japanese restaurant, unless there's been some horrid cultural bleed-over.
Read the comic like three times, thought every time that Sven had said "I'd totally be into you" and was confused why Hanners was reacting THAT strongly. Then I realized on the fourth thime that he said "I'd totally do you" and then I was like oh god Hanners, why are you still there? Run. Run fast.
All right stay classy now, show her how it is done, aw yeah, you are Sven Bianchi, you can totally use the lady powers for good
Hooooly shit, Hannelore is actually really really hot, I would totally hit that in a MINUTE
Dude is being Honest.
[snip amusing but no need to repeat the dialogue between various parts of Sven's brain. Wonders if Dr. ROFLPWN has read The Dragons of Eden.]I was joking about Hanners running, although she does look poised for flight. I am unclear why I should praise Sven for yet again reducing everything to sex when confronted with his real feelings. When he stops and takes an honest look at that, then there'll be time for praise. Right now, what you call 'honest,' I call deep in the financial district* of Denial City.
That being said, I don't really think he's being creepy and it's kind of a jerk move to be all "OMG RUN GURL". :/ Dude is being Honest. That is rare. I think we should be proud of Sven today.
*Got to love those commentators. Though no doubt they would say that I had an accent... :-DActually, I think accents tend to follow the same rules that the late great George Carlin laid down for driving speeds.
And OMG you guys, I saw what Jeph posted before he redacted it, and EVERYTHING IS CLEAR NOW.You realize that now I have to go kill Kenny and frame you for it.
Also, all of you talking about how you do/do not like skinny women: you do realize it is equally as dehumanizing and insulting to us women to hear you proclaim curvy over skinny, since it still says "this is the standard that I think women ought to strive for to be attractive"? If you personally prefer curvy, fine, you can say that (although men tend to state their preferences about women ALL the time as though all of womanhood should care and rush to cater to them). But don't denigrate other body types or classify them as less desirable while you're doing so.
I really liked today's comic. :lol:Also, all of you talking about how you do/do not like skinny women: you do realize it is equally as dehumanizing and insulting to us women to hear you proclaim curvy over skinny, since it still says "this is the standard that I think women ought to strive for to be attractive"? If you personally prefer curvy, fine, you can say that (although men tend to state their preferences about women ALL the time as though all of womanhood should care and rush to cater to them). But don't denigrate other body types or classify them as less desirable while you're doing so.
This is an interesting point by the way, but I think it's oversensitive. I do not think hetero men in general believe that their standard ought to be followed, so much as it is their fantasy that it be followed. I think men in general know they're superficial, and accept it, and assume that women understand that a discussion of whether curvy is better than skinny is only a discussion of preference and fantasy. Why is calling a type of figure less than desirable to yourself an important judgment of that person?
I don't think that most hetero men that state type preference over other types equate such a preference to the universal value of the woman as a person. I think what many people--even the specific men themselves--don't realize is that most heterosexual men generally think of women as having two distinct selves, the self that might or might not sleep with them and that the man might or might not want to sleep with, and the self that doesn't have anything to do with sex. Why does sex have anything to do with actual universal value of the woman as a potential friend, neighbor, countryperson? I think that even if a hetero man is less interested in a woman because she isn't as attractive, that has much less to do with a judgment of her mattering in a universal sense than it is a judgment of her mattering in a sense specific to the man, who is probably in general over-interested in women they find attractive because of how messed up society has tended to teach men to be regarding sex, bravado, masculinity, love, etc.
In other words, claiming that muscly guys are better than skinny guys should not be dehumanizing or insulting to skinny guys, because who is the claimant and why is their opinion of your viability as an object of attraction relevant to anything? The answer is, respectively, it doesn't matter and it isn't unless you're with them or want to be with them.
In the end, maybe your ego doesn't like being thought of as not attractive. But attraction is the poster boy of "eye of the beholder" and I think a whole lot of hetero guys assume that is understood.
...Though I don't quite understand why he's completely losing his cool now when he handled himself pretty well in front of other women....
For humor, I suppose.
I was going to comment on Akima's lengthy response, but it seems to have vanished.... I was going to say that Akima sometimes protests too much, but was spot on this time. What I wanted to say further would be meaningless without the context, though.Yeah. I read my post responding to muffin-of-chaos. And then re-read it. And decided this was probably not the appropriate forum for one of my feminist diatribes. So I deleted it.
Well Sven has too many issues to do a fake date right now.
Still its not the disaster I assumed it to be, yet.
I think men in general know they're superficial, and accept it, and assume that women understand that a discussion of whether curvy is better than skinny is only a discussion of preference and fantasy.
And OMG you guys, I saw what Jeph posted before he redacted it, and EVERYTHING IS CLEAR NOW.You realize that now I have to go kill Kenny and frame you for it.
Or I could just save myself some effort. You bastard! (South Park has made this unisex… I think)
ok, if anyone actually saw Jeph's pre-redaction, i'd be forever grateful to hear what it was... (and if he'd rather no one else know, I won't tell!) 8-) OR, was heliphyneau making a joke, and there was never a pre-redactation? [yeah, i guess i fell for it.]
omg, I saw Akima's post before she deleted it, andEVERYTHING IS CLEAR NOW
Seems kind of like Sven and Hanners might get a decent friendship out of this date. Which could be really good for both of them. Yay!Agreed.