Comic Discussion => QUESTIONABLE CONTENT => Topic started by: foolsguinea on 26 Sep 2010, 19:38

Title: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: foolsguinea on 26 Sep 2010, 19:38
Oh good lord. Do I even want to do this?

OK, weekly comic thread, w/ poll.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: jwhouk on 26 Sep 2010, 19:53
Dangit, I KNEW I forgot to do something today.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: akronnick on 26 Sep 2010, 20:17
That's two weeks in a row, jwhouk, they're gonna make you turn in your dick-broom!
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Carl-E on 26 Sep 2010, 20:37
Wait - they can do that? 

More importantly - why would they? 
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: jwhouk on 26 Sep 2010, 20:37
I never had one in the first place.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: raoullefere on 26 Sep 2010, 22:32
You know, the more I think about it—and I can't express how much I wish I wasn't—I wonder if it shouldn't be a dick-mop. Or maybe a feather-duster.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Kugai on 26 Sep 2010, 23:22
I never had one in the first place.

But they could take away your Mancard.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Tergon on 27 Sep 2010, 00:42
If it was a mop or a feather-duster it could concievably do its job.  Not very well, but it would sort of do the job that it was designed to do.
In which case it would not be a Useless Broom Made Entirely Out Of Dicks.

As for revoking of Dick-Brooms, while it's not been common practise, it does take place for the most terrible of transgressions, such as ending sentences with prepositions, or eating all the chocolate out of the Neapolitan Ice Cream.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: no one special on 27 Sep 2010, 00:46
But they could take away your Mancard.

For real men, the Man-Card is irrevocable.  If anyone tells you to turn in your Man-Card, just punch them in the face and say "No."

Title: strip is up
Post by: foolsguinea on 27 Sep 2010, 00:47
I find myself wondering what Faye means by, "I hope you'll do the right thing," & what Sven thinks it means.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: blub on 27 Sep 2010, 00:56
comic: of course Faye/Sven interaction is acceptable!
However, I was kind of looking forward to some Faye/Angus interaction after their date and all the kissing (not to mention the apartment drama) - they were supposed to meet at work and now the day is almost over (it's dark outside! and almost 8!)! oh dear!
Title: results from "five hours of waiting for the strip to come up" poll
Post by: foolsguinea on 27 Sep 2010, 00:58
[Why will I regret doing the poll this week?]

~Jeph will take away our poll privilieges, again. This will somehow be my fault, again.    3 (21.4%)
~This is the week I realize I no longer care about QC because everything has stagnated & is boring.    1 (7.1%)
~This is the week I give up on QC because it goes different & too stupid to read.    0 (0%)
~All guest comics. With mind-scarring, truly, unquestionably horrible content.    1 (7.1%)
~All yelling bird this week.    1 (7.1%)
~Four words: Four days in jail. Four more words: Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday    0 (0%)
~Sven. Just Sven.    1 (7.1%)
~I can't tell you but there's an allosaurus involved.    2 (14.3%)
~Really, I'll just forget to update the poll every day.    5 (35.7%) Whoops, should be 6. J picked this as I was changing the poll.

Total Voters: 14 15
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: J on 27 Sep 2010, 01:02
gah, the poll changed as i was voting in it!
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: foolsguinea on 27 Sep 2010, 01:06
So, you didn't mean to vote for Paris?
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: no one special on 27 Sep 2010, 01:14
so... I guess Sven didn't come by the shop like he said he was going to?  

I only say that 'cause it looks dark out the window, so I presume it's nighttime.  Unless that slit of light blue at the top of the window is daylight, and the dark is just i dunno... well, i dunno what it would be.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Arancaytar on 27 Sep 2010, 01:15
Sven should be worried: Faye's ultraviolence will make him infradead.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: J on 27 Sep 2010, 01:28
So, you didn't mean to vote for Paris?
no, i voted that you would forget to change the poll.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: snubnose on 27 Sep 2010, 01:36
I was looking for something super clean, but there was no option for it offered.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Akima on 27 Sep 2010, 02:51
Implied ultra-violence? I suppose that is the "Talk softly, and carry a big stick" approach.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Border Reiver on 27 Sep 2010, 04:04
Is there a better approach?  The "draw lots of attention to the size of your stick" approach makes people laugh and draw attention to your general inadequacies.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Carl-E on 27 Sep 2010, 04:38
Better than "carry a big schtick".
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Border Reiver on 27 Sep 2010, 05:18
That's our job.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: vettechinohio on 27 Sep 2010, 05:56
comic: of course Faye/Sven interaction is acceptable!
However, I was kind of looking forward to some Faye/Angus interaction after their date and all the kissing (not to mention the apartment drama) - they were supposed to meet at work and now the day is almost over (it's dark outside! and almost 8!)! oh dear!

Exactly what I was thinking. I have been more than kind of looking forward to it, I have been (not so) patiently waiting for it through all of this new storyline silliness. If the day ends without Angus interaction, I will be very cranky. But Faye saying she's a kinder, gentler version of herself would be a perfect prequel to him walking in (:
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: jwhouk on 27 Sep 2010, 06:33
I personally would love to see Angus walk in, see Sven, and say something smarmy to him that puts Sven in a bad mood for his entire date with Hannelore.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Carl-E on 27 Sep 2010, 08:22
They've never actually met, but they've seen ( each other (  

Not exactly good first impressions.  

I think this is exactly where Jeph's going... and it will be verrry interesting (!  
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: ysth on 27 Sep 2010, 08:22
I wanted to start the date today, actually, but I was compelled to do some more Faye/Sven interaction first. Hopefully that is acceptable to you.
Just so long as you manage a proper cliffhanger for Friday.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: ysth on 27 Sep 2010, 08:23
So, you didn't mean to vote for Paris?
We'll always have Paris.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Carl-E on 27 Sep 2010, 08:36
So, you didn't mean to vote for Paris?
We'll always have Paris.

Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: The Duke on 27 Sep 2010, 09:38
...ending sentences with prepositions...

That is the sort of nonsense up with which I will not put.

Sven should be worried: Faye's ultraviolence will make him infradead.

Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Border Reiver on 27 Sep 2010, 10:39
Carl - I would ask that you not threaten us with always having that Paris.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Carl-E on 27 Sep 2010, 11:56

Better, shweetheart?
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 27 Sep 2010, 12:00
the most terrible of transgressions, such as ending sentences with prepositions, or eating all the chocolate out of the Neapolitan Ice Cream.

A child developed a Thing about people mentioning Australia to the point that she wouldn't even put up with her mother reading aloud from a book about Australia. She couldn't even bear to have the book mentioned. She would protest, "Mother, what did you bring that book I didn't want to be read to out of about Down Under up for?"
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Border Reiver on 27 Sep 2010, 12:03

Better, shweetheart?

Much - thank you.
Title: poll update, sorta
Post by: foolsguinea on 27 Sep 2010, 12:29
I was looking for something super clean, but there was no option for it offered.
Yeah, I kept forgetting obvious choices. Updated with, "A cleaning supply outlet! Ooh!" & "A restaurant designed for germaphobes? Oh, I got nothin'."
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Heliphyneau on 27 Sep 2010, 12:46
Hmm, isn't Paris the dude who ran off with Helen of Troy?  If Sven brought Hanners to him, Paris could conceivably entice her away with a mythical fountain that completely/permanently cleanses everything it touches . . . or maybe just a whole lot of Purell . . .

comic: of course Faye/Sven interaction is acceptable!
However, I was kind of looking forward to some Faye/Angus interaction after their date and all the kissing (not to mention the apartment drama) - they were supposed to meet at work and now the day is almost over (it's dark outside! and almost 8!)! oh dear!

Exactly what I was thinking. I have been more than kind of looking forward to it, I have been (not so) patiently waiting for it through all of this new storyline silliness. If the day ends without Angus interaction, I will be very cranky. But Faye saying she's a kinder, gentler version of herself would be a perfect prequel to him walking in (:

I had been hoping for some Faye/Angus aftermath too, but either they saw each other and conversed "off screen" and Jeph didn't feel like showing it, or Angus will show up shortly.  Heck, it's possible that he called her and said he'd be there later, contributing to Faye's semi-positive mood.  Whatever the deal is, I'm sure we'll find out soon enough.

I like that Faye's "kinder gentler" approach ends up being more scary -- the change in demeanor makes her seem more unpredictable.  Of course, she may be going more for guilt than fear; it's hard to say.  At least she didn't smile (like she did that time Dora asked her to be cheerful on the job).
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: raoullefere on 27 Sep 2010, 13:10
I don't know what Sven's kvetching about—he never got a ridiculous act of violence from Faye in the first place, unless his widdle ears burned too much when she was cussin' him out in the street.

Neat how Faye robs Sven of his grab at victimhood, though.

Implied ultra-violence? I suppose that is the "Talk softly, and carry a big stick" approach.
More a "mouth off considerably and tote a theoretical hunk of lumber that can actualize into a fist" approach, considering that it's Faye.

Carl - I would ask that you not threaten us with always having that Paris.
Yes. Longest goddam fifteen minutes ever.

[Bogey and dame Pic]

Better, shweetheart?
Not if you're going to call us 'shweetheart.' Surely, you can do better than that.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: kent_eh on 27 Sep 2010, 13:29
I personally would love to see Angus walk in, see Sven, and say something smarmy to him that puts Sven in a bad mood for his entire date with Hannelore.
Notoriously wrong prediction of the day:

Angus comes in after Sven&Hannelore leave, he and Faye go out to dinner, and by sheer co-incidence end up at the same place as Sven&Hannelore.
Misinterpretation and hilarity ensue...
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Akima on 27 Sep 2010, 13:42
[Bogey and dame Pic]
That's not a dame, that is Ingrid Bergman.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Carl-E on 27 Sep 2010, 14:15
Surely, you can do better than that.

Shtop calling me Shirley! 
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: JohnTheWysard on 27 Sep 2010, 14:28
She would protest, "Mother, what did you bring that book I didn't want to be read to out of about Down Under up for?"


Once I sought a preposition:
I thought it lurked beneath my chair.
I looked for it, and said "Perdition!
Come on up out from down in under there!"
Title: Yes, it's a nitpick
Post by: bunnyThor on 27 Sep 2010, 15:43
Though I am happy to see Sven/Faye interaction, I must admit to being thoroughly distracted by the shadow on the wall behind them.  :?

For a shadow like that to be cast, presumably by the counter, there would have to be a light source sitting on the floor, somewhere off-panel to the right.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: raoullefere on 27 Sep 2010, 16:49
[Bogey and dame Pic]
That's not a dame, that is Ingrid Bergman.
When she's with Bogey, she's a dame, no matter who the dame is—even this Bergman dame, see? Same thing with Elizabeth Taylor. It's always pictures of her and that guy, even that old drunk guy she married so much, whoever that guy was.

I do hope there's not a picture of Bogey and Liz floating around out there somewhere—but if so, it probably self-combusted long ago due to not being able to work out who was in it and who was simply there.  :-D

So soon in the thread, and already getting so silly. I blame you, foolsguinea. Because it can't be me.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: vettechinohio on 27 Sep 2010, 20:15
I don't know what Sven's kvetching about—he never got a ridiculous act of violence from Faye in the first place, unless his widdle ears burned too much when she was cussin' him out in the street.

Untrue! While we didn't see it, Faye did say that when Sven asked what number 69 was on The Secret Menu, she punched him in the dick (:

I don't know how to do the cool hidden linky thing, but here is the comic:
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Kugai on 27 Sep 2010, 22:04
Surely, you can do better than that.

Shtop calling me Shirley! 

Better than being over Macho Grande

Implied Ultraviolence - Where Faye's Droogs look like ordinary people.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: ysth on 27 Sep 2010, 22:54
Lust Coefficient FTW.

I was wondering why the board was clear...
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Moxie on 27 Sep 2010, 23:02
Oh Hanners....hahahahaha!  :lol:

Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: akronnick on 27 Sep 2010, 23:03
Jeph in the Newspost
The date commences, pretty much exactly how you'd expect it to.

It's not how the date commences that you have to be worried about!


D'awww, don't Hannelore look cute in her dress with her make up?

*chokes up*

Our little girl is growing up!

Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Dliessmgg on 27 Sep 2010, 23:10
Yay pseudomath!
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: jwhouk on 27 Sep 2010, 23:19
Algebra can be fun!

u x me = 24vr.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: zagraf on 27 Sep 2010, 23:29
Huh. I knew Hanners loved counting (thus her proficiency at drumming), but I had no idea she was a full-blown mathematician. Forget CoD, she should get her Ph.D. She'd feel right at home in a university math department. In fact, she'd become the go-to person among her colleagues for interaction with the outside world. Socially awkward and inexperienced as she is, if the things they say about mathematicians are true, she'd still be the most mentally stable and socially at ease of the bunch.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Kugai on 27 Sep 2010, 23:45
Hanners scrubs up goooooood 

I bet she could give Stephen Hawking a run for his money.    :-D
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: ross_teneyck on 27 Sep 2010, 23:48
Dang.  She DOES look great.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: J on 27 Sep 2010, 23:49
anyone else get the sense that jeph has been hanging around with randall munroe lately?
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: snubnose on 28 Sep 2010, 00:21
Noooooooooooooooooooo !!!  :-(

Hanners !

JUST HAVE FUN !!!  :-(
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: raoullefere on 28 Sep 2010, 00:21
Don't know why, but the shoes bother me. Other than that, though,

Look! Hanners is a girl!

seems somehow to be an appropriate reaction.

I don't know what Sven's kvetching about—he never got a ridiculous act of violence from Faye in the first place, unless his widdle ears burned too much when she was cussin' him out in the street.

Untrue! While we didn't see it, Faye did say that when Sven asked what number 69 was on The Secret Menu, she punched him in the dick.
True. I suppose I was thinking of an act of deserved or at least sopposedly punitive violence, as when Dora decked him. If we are to go by how she acted towards Marten in the early strips (which, I find as I type this, still chaps my hide), a penile punch from Faye after a bad joke may be something akin to the bites sharks give during mating, only with the genders reversed.

Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Near Lurker on 28 Sep 2010, 00:26
Holy crap I forgot how skinny she was.

I don't think she's worn anything like that since she showed up to the coffee shop in her undies.  And that was in the days when Faye's weight was pretty much restricted to dialogue.  Now that the frames are more clearly defined, she's skinner than Dora.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Binary on 28 Sep 2010, 00:28
Ha! "x = Π if dessert = true"

Does that equality hold even if dessert != pie?
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Shok Xone Studios on 28 Sep 2010, 00:31
Wow, Jeph's really upped the cute quotient on Hanners as of late. She looks great in panels 1 and 5 in particular. Damn she's fun to watch while in over-analysis mode.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Carl-E on 28 Sep 2010, 00:53
Huh. I knew Hanners loved counting (thus her proficiency at drumming), but I had no idea she was a full-blown mathematician. Forget CoD, she should get her Ph.D. She'd feel right at home in a university math department. In fact, she'd become the go-to person among her colleagues for interaction with the outside world. Socially awkward and inexperienced as she is, if the things they say about mathematicians are true, she'd still be the most mentally stable and socially at ease of the bunch.

That's a mighty broad brush you're painting us with!  I and the rest of my department are thoroughly offended. 

Well, we would be, if we ever got out.  You know, in order to interact socially or anything. 
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: pendrake on 28 Sep 2010, 01:05
For comic #1762...

1. Panel 1, with a full-shot of dressed-up Hanners looking both pretty and cute, was very well done.  I also greatly enjoyed formal-wear Hannelore when she applied to Coffee of Doom.

2. Poor Sven, trying to give a balanced, middle-road compliment and gets an clinical overanalysis.

3. But it could have been worse...! (

4. "Lust coefficent / (awareness)2(h+3)."  Lust would have to be a pretty big number to be effective when divided over (awareness) squared!

5. cos(flirting)-1 = blush quotient / (smirk?)2

6. "x = pi if dessert = true."  Pi may be true, but the cake is a lie.
--> "tort theory"?  I think Jeph meant "torte" if carrying on a dessert joke.  [P.S. Edit: Oh, could be "tart theory", which also works for dessert joke]
Title: OK, it's time
Post by: foolsguinea on 28 Sep 2010, 01:29
Monday Question:    Where will Sven first take Hanners on their date?

Some ratty dive that wouldn't pass the fire code, to listen to speed metal.    0 (0%)
The most expensive restaurant in Northampton.    5 (10.6%)
Good Burger.    11 (23.4%)
Out into the countryside to look at the stars.    2 (4.3%)
The roof of the tallest building in Northampton. (Wait, isn't she afraid of heights?)    3 (6.4%)
An art gallery.    7 (14.9%)
Sven's apartment; it has everything they need.    3 (6.4%)
A Joan Osborne concert.    1 (2.1%)
Paris.    6 (12.8%) 5 (according to J)
In the back seat, hurr durr...    2 (4.3%)
[Last minute addition] a tavern with lots of booze to get her plastered.    2 (4.3%)
[Twelve hours late, by popular demand] A cleaning supply outlet! Ooh!    5 (10.6%)
["] A restaurant designed for germaphobes? Oh, I got nothin'    0 (0%)

Total Voters: 47 46

changing it out now.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: foolsguinea on 28 Sep 2010, 02:23
Oh good lord my Tuesday poll is a bunch of similar phrases. I tried using color to differentiate, I'm not sure it helped.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Akima on 28 Sep 2010, 02:30
Hanners looks very nice. She's got the figure to bring that dress off, and, unlike Faye, pale blue is a good colour for her. Her shoes are... OK, but that horrid green bag clashes badly with her dress. But what is it with Jeph putting his date-bound ladies in pale blue dresses with white piping? First Faye (, and now Hannelore. Is it a fetish or something?
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: akronnick on 28 Sep 2010, 02:59
Perhaps Hannelore based her wardrobe choice for the experimental date on Faye's attire.

Gotta control for as many variables as possible ya'know.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Dickbutt on 28 Sep 2010, 03:17
aw shes cute

holy shit feet
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Border Reiver on 28 Sep 2010, 04:37
First impression was, damn Hanners was drawn really cute in today's strip.  Second impression was that Sven having exactly the right reaction - WTF?

|I'm no rocket scientist (but I can apply the data calculations they came up with for artillery shooting), but that formula looks....complex.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: frogfactory on 28 Sep 2010, 06:46
Is it just me, or does this strip suddenly not feel like QC anymore?
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Tergon on 28 Sep 2010, 06:50
Hanners looks very nice. She's got the figure to bring that dress off, and, unlike Faye, pale blue is a good colour for her. Her shoes are... OK, but that horrid green bag clashes badly with her dress. But what is it with Jeph putting his date-bound ladies in pale blue dresses with white piping? First Faye (, and now Hannelore. Is it a fetish or something?

Right now Jeph is sitting in front of his computer wearing a pale blue dress and with his hair done into tiny little pigtails.  He is sobbing as he reads Akima's post and whimpering, "Don't judge me!" over and over.

...also good comic.  Hanners looks adorable and it's good to get the occasional reminder that she does have that big ol' brain of hers at work.  Seriously, with the possible exception of Raven's savancy or Marigold's mechanical aptitude, she's basically the smartest of the gang.  Even if she is nuttier than a bag of squirrel poop.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Border Reiver on 28 Sep 2010, 06:54
Is it just me, or does this strip suddenly not feel like QC anymore?


Completely normal situation made funny by something coming from left field - check
Lots of pretty girls - check
Men who go from composed to "WTF?" or similar - check
The thought "How could Pintsize make this better/worse/more funny?" running through your head? - check
Written, drawn and posted by Mr. Jacques?- check
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Mr_Rose on 28 Sep 2010, 07:11
Also on the "Hannelore is adorable" front; the bag complements her eyes. Like they're the same hue but different shades.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Carl-E on 28 Sep 2010, 07:15
Looks like QC to me!  

Remember, we're just beginning an arc (or two, assuming Angus shows), and the humor development may take some time.  But even for a one-shot, this is pretty good.  

Of course, I can follow the math, which makes it funnier...

(lust coefficent)/(awareness)2(h+3) x (susp. of disbelief)/(awkwardness)  

is actually pretty damn clever - awkwardness cancelling lust, small amounts of awareness cancelling the suspension of disbelief - this is, literally, "social engineering" in its purest form!  

I know, Jeph was just throwing stuff on the board to make fun, but really, it works in a perverse way.  

overall outcome = x(happiness per [something starting with di, I hope it's not anything to do with dicks])/(actual feelings)

Isn't happiness an actual feeling?  I guess it's the other  feelings that may diminish the happiness...

And even when Sven equivocates to avoid an issue, he's charming.  

And DAMN, Hanners is cute.  White crocs and all.  
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: jwhouk on 28 Sep 2010, 07:27
My wife has a black pair of those same shoes. They're not crocs.

EDIT: Oh, I'm pretty sure the last equation is:

overall outcome = x(happiness/disgust)/(actual feelings)
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Carl-E on 28 Sep 2010, 08:09
Croc makes Mary Jane styles, too (,en_ES,sc.html).  The chunky toe and thick sole are characteristic.  And hanners would want something disinfectable! 
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: raoullefere on 28 Sep 2010, 10:08
That would be what's wrong, all right. And thank you, thank you for adding (inadvertently, I'll admit, but still) the word croccasin to my vocabulary. As if I'd not horrors enough to contemplate already.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Carl-E on 28 Sep 2010, 10:29
I fully absolve myself of all responsibility for the horrors of your vocabulary. 

The more you portmanteu...
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Shteevie on 28 Sep 2010, 11:16

<3 Hanners. How can anyone not? She just needs a sensitive boy to come along and monitor, but not interrupt, all her OCD subroutines. She deserves to be happy.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Blyss on 28 Sep 2010, 12:42
Implied ultra-violence? I suppose that is the "Talk softly, and carry a big stick" approach.

More like smirk, whilst tossing a small tactical nuclear device in the air, and catching it repeatedly...
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Heliphyneau on 28 Sep 2010, 14:45
But what is it with Jeph putting his date-bound ladies in pale blue dresses with white piping?

Maybe Jeph just likes that color on ladies.  Maybe those are the colors his first date wore.  Or maybe it's an elaborate in-joke with other webcomic artists that we will never get.  I'm gonna go way out on a limb and say fashion may not really be a priority for him.  >_> 

Regarding the shoes . . . 1. They're tan, not white.  2. They may or may not be Crocs, but they're certainly Mary Janes.  I cannot recall if Hanners was present at this point on the "stupid YouTube videos" soiree, but if she saw the clip of the turtle boning the Croc, she might be disinclined to wear Crocs at all, their ability to be disinfected notwithstanding.  Maybe they're special disposable/biodegradable shoes invented by her Dad, who knows.

My favorite equation on the board is: "x = pi if dessert = true"  ^_^  It's mathelicious and puntastic.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Carl-E on 28 Sep 2010, 15:26
Regarding the shoes . . . 1. They're tan, not white. 

I'm not getting a reading of tan, though on second (alright, fourth) look, they're definitely sub-white. 


My favorite equation on the board is: "x = pi if dessert = true"  ^_^  It's mathelicious and puntastic.

Definitely.  After all, dessert never lies! 

Unless it's cake. 
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: bicostp on 28 Sep 2010, 16:22
It's probably just the way they're drawn, but they look like those shoes they make to give the wearer a little extra height. (The ones with normal looking soles but the tall sides make up for the thickness to disguise it.)

She was worried about height differences in #1760 (
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Carl-E on 28 Sep 2010, 16:50
All that talk about the dress got me thinking - aside from the emergency skirt, has Hanners ever been in a dress before? 

There was this (, but I meant in the comic...
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Varian7 on 28 Sep 2010, 17:53
Wow Hanners is cute!
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: tomart on 28 Sep 2010, 18:32
Aw, Hanners, "...authenticity, inherently compromised, in this specific experiment, vs artifice..."

SO Adorable & Authentic!   
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Akima on 28 Sep 2010, 18:47
Croc makes Mary Jane styles, too (,en_ES,sc.html).  The chunky toe and thick sole are characteristic.  And hanners would want something disinfectable!  
Hanners might just like stylish but comfortable shoes ( from a maker like Zeira. Hanners might be odd, but she has a sense of style (remember her biz suit, an now this look), so I can't see her wearing Crocs on a dinner date. Mind you, Sven isn't making much of an effort. I mean, a hoodie?

Edit: I should have clicked on Carl-E's link before I posted. I didn't realise Crocs made anything other than rubber shoes.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: ysth on 28 Sep 2010, 22:44
Mind you, Sven isn't making much of an effort. I mean, a hoodie?
He's got a three piece suit underneath, exactly the color of Hanners's dress.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: raoullefere on 28 Sep 2010, 23:12
I don't think it's in Sven's interest to dress up for this. Might make it seem too real, or screw things up in some other way. A man dressing up for a date can do that (

Also, I don't think Sven was expecting Hanners to dress this well, either (I know I wasn't).

I didn't realise Crocs made anything other than rubber shoes.
Who did? And they all looked pretty rubbery, or mostly rubbery, anyway, so technically you're not wrong. When will companies learn to stick with what they're good at? Croccasin, my ass.

P.S. Carl, I really think Bogey was better—or are you just trying to mess with the Duke's brain?
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: akronnick on 28 Sep 2010, 23:18
...I mean, a hoodie?

Yeah, but it's his Sunday-go-to-meetin' hoodie!
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Tergon on 28 Sep 2010, 23:26
While I emphatically agree that Hanners looks good in her dress - and it is a new outfit for her - does this honestly count as her massively dressing up?  I mean that dress isn't exactly a ball gown.  Yeah, it's a bigger effort than we've usually seen on her part, but still, it's just a dress.  That's a normal thing to wear, those are normal shoes, that's a normal purse.  A very pretty-looking combination thereof, and a notch above her usual outfits, but it's not like she went to the top end of town to get specially fitted for this.  Seriously.  Hanners normally wears, what, a shirt and jeans?  Just like every other female character mostly does?  And if we slapped any other character into a nice-looking dress for a date, we'd comment that it was a bit fancier, but it's not a huge step out.

My point being that while she's made an effort to look pretty, she's not all that fancied up.  Which means that Sven wearing a hoodie isn't exactly a disaster scenario.  He's dressed slightly more casual than her, no big harm.

Hell, you want to talk about clothing conspiracies, try this on for size.  I've always put Sven in the role of being a mirror character for Marten; Hannelore has shown a borderline obsession with Marten in the past, including her first-ever flirt; Marten's most common attire is his iconic black hoodie.  So when Marten's #1 fangirl goes on a date with the anti-Marten, what's he wear?  Why, the photo-opposite of what Marten himself would wear!
Intentional juxtaposition, or Freudian slip on behalf of Jeph when he picked Sven's outfit?  You decide.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: ysth on 28 Sep 2010, 23:53
Intentional juxtaposition, or Freudian slip on behalf of Jeph when he picked Sven's outfit?  You decide.

Or: Jeph likes hoodies, but didn't think a dark one would work for Sven.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: snubnose on 29 Sep 2010, 00:07
Very throughout poll ! Thanks ! :-D
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: ysth on 29 Sep 2010, 00:39
Sven is just good at reading people. Now, he doesn't make the best USE of his skill, but...
Sure he does, he writes country hits!
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: JackFaerie on 29 Sep 2010, 00:47
Annnnnnd Sven reminds me once again why he's one of my favorite characters and I totally have a crush on him.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: BarGamer on 29 Sep 2010, 01:12
You know it's a rat, because if it was a Corgi, they woulda been cooking it.

Also, Sven should use his powers for good, and become a therapist. "The Love Doctor is IN. Your Pants."
Title: OK, another day down
Post by: foolsguinea on 29 Sep 2010, 01:33
Tuesday question: Can we get a ballpark on ideal ratio of authenticity to artifice? (For the Sven/Hanners date, not in general.)

~50% authentic, ~50% artifice    3 (5.7%)
~33% authentic, ~33% artifice, ~33% ambiguous    6 (11.3%)

Almost all artifice, don't encourage any real feelings.    2 (3.8%)
Mostly artifice, remainder leaning ambiguous    2 (3.8%)
Mostly artifice, remainder leaning authentic    4 (7.5%)

Almost all ambiguous, leave it open to interpretation.    4 (7.5%)
Mostly ambiguous, remainder leaning authentic    4 (7.5%)
Mostly ambiguous, remainder leaning artificial    0 (0%)
Mostly ambiguous, remainder split between authentic & artifice    2 (3.8%)

Almost all authentic, Svenners is my new ship.    4 (7.5%)
Mostly authentic, remainder leaning ambiguous    3 (5.7%)
Mostly authentic, remainder leaning artificial    1 (1.9%)

Something with complex numbers    18 (34%)

Total Voters: 53

That's 9 balanced, 8 mostly artifice, 10 mostly ambiguous, 8 mostly authentic, but a slight overall lean toward authentic. Interesting.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Tergon on 29 Sep 2010, 01:49
Interesting opener to the date.  Hanners outright asks Sven what he'd be doing if he was trying to get somewhere with her, and not only does he give her an (apparently) honest answer, but he then confirms he's not planning on doing so.  Which says two things: Sven has no illusions that he's a not manipulator, but doesn't seem to want to be one any more.

But if he'd only get Hannelore to push her boundaries if he was trying to impress her, and he's not, then I guess it implies that he's actually going to do his best to do things Hannelore would like for this date.  So what are the odds that he'll accidentally end up giving a date that mirrors Faye's Seducing Hannelore For Dummies guide?  Potentially high, it seems.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Carl-E on 29 Sep 2010, 02:21
This is amazing -  Sven's got a pretty high level of self-awareness. 

"If you were actually into me, I could get you to push your boundaries, and you'd wind up even more into me!" is just such an amazing ... confession, really.  In a "how I do it" kind of way. 

Kinda scarey, really.  I mean, we all know he's good, but when a person's good at what they do, they often don't really know what it is that makes them so good.  Sven's spent some serious thought on how to manipulate people, which is probably why some folk think he's such a douche. 
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Mad Cat on 29 Sep 2010, 02:46
But, but, but... I LIKE CORGIS!

They're cute and soft and cuddly and come when you call them. I don't want them compared to rats OR cooked and eaten in restaurants.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Border Reiver on 29 Sep 2010, 02:50
Ladies and Gentlemen, Her Majesty the Queen!

However, your Majesty, the Corgi can be delicious when properly prepared with slow roasting, a good chili sauce and some kimchi.  Just saying - your pack could feed a small village as well.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Akima on 29 Sep 2010, 02:51
Sven's spent some serious thought on how to manipulate people, which is probably why some folk think he's such a douche.

"Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win."

It is not widely known, but Sun Tzu was quite the ladies man. His lost work "The Art Of Dating" was very influential, but Kong Fuzi ( (who was a spotty nerd and very awkward around girls) famously dissed it in his Analects: "More like The Art Of Douching, amirite?"
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: ysth on 29 Sep 2010, 08:45
Hanners outright asks Sven what he'd be doing if he was trying to get somewhere with her, and not only does he give her an (apparently) honest answer, but he then confirms he's not planning on doing so.  Which says two things: Sven has no illusions that he's a not manipulator, but doesn't seem to want to be one any more.
Or...this is meta-manipulation.

Did anyone notice Sven called himself (or rather, had an imaginary foe, I mean date, call him) a "boy" in there?

For all his self-awareness, does he even realize he doesn't need fake ID anymore?
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Carl-E on 29 Sep 2010, 09:03
Inside every man is a boy, hoping to be able to go out and play again...

Some are more successful at dealing with it than others. 

and dammit if Akima's not "spot" on...
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: raoullefere on 29 Sep 2010, 09:12
That's it, Hanners. Keep petting and feeding that ego, and you may ferret out all of Sven's path to douchery.

You know it's a rat, because if it was a Corgi, they woulda been cooking it.

Also, Sven should use his powers for good, and become a therapist. "The Love Doctor is IN. Your Pants."
T'would require ethics. Until recently, Sven was noticeably short on those. He'd make a good preacher, though—could have a mega-church in a few years, probably. Having the morals of a snapping turtle might even be an asset.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Border Reiver on 29 Sep 2010, 09:47
Ethics, a requirement of many professions, and troublingly they write down all the rules, so that they can be twisted and manipulated later.

We still don't know where they're going yet - could be that restaurant Faye mentioned.

Nor do we have the answer to the equation, dammit we want answers!

Way I see it, we've built up to the date this week at work.

Next week we get the rest of the pre date stuff out of the way, possilbly with both Dora and Faye promising nasty implications if Sven is anything but their definition of harmless, ending on Friday with Sven showing up at Hanner's door.

The following week will be the date itself - which will  follow Faye's outline to an uncanny degree, right up to the point where Sven offers to show a movie he's rented - then Hanners will freak right out leaving our bemused hero alone on the couch. 

The following week will be the apres date shenanigans - Dora and Faye upset at Sven for being a less than stellar date, Hanners mortified that Sven may or may not have been trying to seduce her, Sven just completely confused and Marten roped into his usual position as the mediator/voice of reason.  or Sven will only be saved with a secret video of the date made by Pintsize, who's upset because there was ntohing interesting for him to film.

So far my earlier prediction is a little off - it only took two days for the pre-date stuff and we're already into the date proper on Wednesday.  Compared to some story arcs this is moving along nicely.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Mr_Rose on 29 Sep 2010, 09:54
How amusing would it be if Angus shows up to take Faye out to dinner and they independently select the restaurant Sven and Hannelore eventually choose?
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: J on 29 Sep 2010, 10:14
it would be moderately amusing.

how amusing would it be if faye and angus independently selected the little hole-in-the-wall korean place up on king?
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: tomart on 29 Sep 2010, 10:49
To answer Jeph's concerns, I think you've struck just the right note here.  We've just seen how intelligent Hanners is, and here Sven is honestly sharing some of his "secrets" with a friend, an equal.

If this keeps up, i daresay Hannelore will learn more about dating in one evening than some learn in years...   :laugh:

Imagine our innocent little Hanners getting her Ph.D in dating in one evening!  ["Philosopher of Dating"?]

 ... well, maybe two evenings.   :evil:
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: brew on 29 Sep 2010, 11:59

Did anyone notice Sven called himself (or rather, had an imaginary foe, I mean date, call him) a "boy" in there?

For all his self-awareness, does he even realize he doesn't need fake ID anymore?

Guys are always called boys in the comic.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 29 Sep 2010, 12:12
Sven is having the effect of alerting Hanners to and immunizing her against some manipulative dating moves. This is an invaluable service to her that doesn't benefit him, except maybe a little ego boost from showing off his knowledge. This is consistent with Sven being a good guy.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Heliphyneau on 29 Sep 2010, 13:52
Sven is having the effect of alerting Hanners to and immunizing her against some manipulative dating moves. This is an invaluable service to her that doesn't benefit him, except maybe a little ego boost from showing off his knowledge. This is consistent with Sven being a good guy.

Indeed.  Also, Sven may potentially learn the difference between a "date" that is exclusively designed to make a lady fall into bed with him and a date in which two people actually get to know a little more about each other, thus making this "pretend date" of benefit to both of them.  The simple fact that sex is not on the table menu makes it easier to have a regular conversation.  Well, as regular as possible where theoretical relationship algebra is involved.   :wink:

I'm not sure if this is just my reaction to several folks wanting to see this, but I don't really want to see Angus and Faye show up at the same restaurant for their own date.  It'd be pointlessly intrusive when the spotlight should be on the pretend date.  There's enough of interest in the interplay between Hanners and Sven, and who knows what other wackiness may find them.  Heck, didn't Momo have a fantasy about Sven?  If Marigold happens by a restaurant window and they see them, hmm . . .  Actually, I take it back -- no interruptions from known cast members.  Except maybe Randy, running out of the kitchen.

Regarding the poll: the image of Angus waiting in a rosepetal-filled bathtub bubble bath with rose petals strewn about still has me giggling, so thanks for that.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Mad Cat on 29 Sep 2010, 13:53

And if they'd just put the question to Hannelore, she coulda worked it out for them on a blackboard in a couple of hours.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: raoullefere on 29 Sep 2010, 13:58
Sven is having the effect of alerting Hanners to and immunizing her against some manipulative dating moves. This is an invaluable service to her that doesn't benefit him, except maybe a little ego boost from showing off his knowledge. This is consistent with Sven trying to be a good guy.

I'm all for redemption, but let's not get over-excited. Basically admitting you're a manipulating douche is one thing. Actually not being one when there's no real consequences other than your conscience grumbling at you is another.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: akronnick on 29 Sep 2010, 15:13
And if they'd just put the question to Hannelore, she coulda worked it out for them on a blackboard in a couple of hours.

That would put them on firm Theoretical footing, but they'd still need to do the survey to verify it empirically.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Carl-E on 29 Sep 2010, 18:30
The theoretical aspects of this have been well established through several generations of debate in dorm rooms, bars and other places "boys" gather to discuss such things. 

Don't look at me - I never hung out with those guys.  . 
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Akima on 29 Sep 2010, 20:13
That's it, Hanners. Keep petting and feeding that ego, and you may ferret out all of Sven's path to douchery.
She's her mother's daughter. Only nicer, and without the secret headquarters full of death-traps.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Tergon on 29 Sep 2010, 21:25
We've never seen Hannelore's secret headquarters full of death-traps.  But I bet she has some.  Hell, I bet when she was little, she had a trap system worthy of a Home Alone movie set up on that space station to play tricks on all the robots.  Of course, she immediately panicked at the mess she'd made and started cleaning furiously, but still.

...idle thought:  I wonder if that's a contributing factor for Hannelore's OCD?  Y'know, growing up in an environment where if things are messy, out-of-order or not working properly, you are probably going to die.  Even given the obviously advanced technology in the QC-niverse, especially when it's in the hands of Hannelore's dad, I can see how someone who basically grew up having to follow the rules of an Astronaut would have issues later in life.

Anyway.  I, too, hope that the date isn't interrupted.  I'm sure we'll get updates on what the rest of the gang is doing; Faye may or may not have plans with Angus tonight, Marigold may or may not be engaged in a deathmatch with Dale, Cosette and Steve may or may not be on a double-date with Penelope and Wil.  We'll no doubt check in on them.  But Hannelore and Sven deserve the chance to let this go off without an audience, even if it does somehow go catastrophically wrong due to a clumsy waiter or something.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Kugai on 29 Sep 2010, 22:02
And Hanners Padawan journey under Master Date Jedi Sven Bianchi begins.

Let's just hope she doesn't go to the dark side.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: snubnose on 30 Sep 2010, 00:00
Then lets just hope Darth Sven wont see reason to use his lightsaber.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Blackjoker on 30 Sep 2010, 01:12
Ah, Sven has now developed uncomfortable self realization tourettes
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: steveh11 on 30 Sep 2010, 01:13
Anyone notice Hanner's piercings?
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: JackFaerie on 30 Sep 2010, 01:24
Ok, so I'm notoriously pro-Sven, but how was any of that "douchey manipulation" and not simply, as he said, "trying to impress a girl"? Is it evil douchey manipulation when guys invite girls over for dinner and make their signature pasta alfredo/chicken parmesan/whatever or whatever dish, knowing that the reason it's such a popular date is that it shows the girl you are domestic and sensitive and hands-on, and makes her view you as boyfriend/husband material?  Or when a girl picks just the right outfit that is a mix of sexy-sultry and yet classy, to signal that she is ladylike but still meaning to arouse desire, so as to both keep the guy interested and yet not consider her easy? Or when either gender invites their date to their room, after having cleaned it up and put their best books/dvds/records/travel souvenirs on display, calculated to present themselves as appealing and interesting and invite conversation on points of commonality (especially if they oh-so-casually happen to place that Kurt Vonnegut book on their nightstand, because they know that will score them points)?  No, it's just what people do when they date.  It's just that Sven is, yes, slightly better at it and more self-aware of how it works, and able to put it into words.

Faye's little alphabet trick story is just as manipulative, even if she's not as consciously aware of it. We see she's used it on several boys, and she seems to use it quite purposefully: it performs several functions
a) it's an entertaining anecdote, and presents her as funny and sassy
b) it portrays her as a sexual being, so that the guy can know despite her general standoffishness, she does have and enjoy sex
c) it also shows her as demanding in the sexual arena, but humorously so, and encourages the date to think of how he would offer her a better experience than the guy in the story.

all together, it paints her as witty, funny, sexy, and makes the guy think about having sex with her (and if she chooses to call him on it, also shifts the power balance in her favor). Oooooooooh, evil manipulator!

As for today's comic: man, I usually go for skinny guys like Sven, but he's kinda right, and this goes for dudes too. Despite the media conditioning of attractiveness as tied to extreme thinness, it is really fun to get in the sack with someone who allows you to really experience the tactile properties of the body.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Polychrome on 30 Sep 2010, 01:35
Is that Khorne's Market in the background?
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: akronnick on 30 Sep 2010, 01:55
Anyone notice Hanner's piercings?

Do you mean the ones she's had in all day (

Or are you talking about the ones she's always had (

(Yes that really is the very first appearance of Hannelore Ellicot-Chatham, with the long hair, and the cigarettes, and the not freaking out when a stranger whips out his junk and takes a piss right in front of her!)

Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: pendrake on 30 Sep 2010, 01:56
For comic #1764

1. "Edamame."  Good stuff, the soybean appetizer/snack.  My favorite are the spicy wasabi-laced ones, good for a pick-me-up & eye-opener snack when feeling wound down.  The "traditional" plain salt-water boiled ones are also tasty and filling too.

2. So Sven took Hanners out to a japanese place?  Good call for someone like Hannelore, i think.  Most japanese restaurants are very clean &/or organized ("most"...).  Guess Sven did indeed read the situation correctly, in Hanners' case.  Just keep Hanners away from the shochu! (shochu = japanese "whiskey," much stronger than sake rice-wine)

3. Poor Sven, downward spirals are hard to stop when you start sliding (speaking of experience :-( ).  But on the positive, he is honest to both Hanners and (more importantly) himself, and that helps a lot.

4. Poor Hanners.  Even if she were inclined to wind up in the sack with Sven, she just cannot compare to the "aerodynamically curvaceous" Faye.

5. Have to agree with Sven.  Hard to get worked up over less curvy women once you get a...ah..."taste"...of a woman like Faye (physically speaking, at least... :mrgreen: )

6. But could this mean a foreshadowing of Sven courting another curvaceous girl...?  A certain World of Warcraft tauren raid-tank of comprable bra-bursting curves...?  [dun Dun DUN!]
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: jeanramone on 30 Sep 2010, 01:57
Sven/Faye/Angus triangle: yes please!   8-)
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Mr_Rose on 30 Sep 2010, 02:59
Nah; Sven dating Marigold, with Faye and Angus taking the disapproving older sibling/parent role would be far more entertaining.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Akima on 30 Sep 2010, 03:37
No, it's just what people do when they date.  It's just that Sven is, yes, slightly better at it and more self-aware of how it works, and able to put it into words.
You make some very good points. However is precisely his awareness that his moves are tactics, and that he is using them to create desire in his partner without any mention at all that he is "into" the girl beyond possibly her physical attraction, that makes Sven suspect. In todays comic his remark that once he'd "hit" a curvy girl, others seem flat suggests that he's got a long way to go in learning to see a woman as a person. (Flat!? Who are you calling flat?)

"Is this really what you're s'posed to talk about on a date?" You tell him, Hanners!

So Sven took Hanners out to a japanese place?  Good call for someone like Hannelore, i think.  Most japanese restaurants are very clean &/or organized ("most"...).
Would I be right in thinking you haven't spent much time in Tokyo? :lol:  Especially if it's a shabu-shabu ( place. The sticky floor is part of the experience! Westerners are so neurotic about these things; if the food is cooked hot enough, it doesn't matter what the kitchen is like! :evil:
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Mad Cat on 30 Sep 2010, 03:37
Once you go fat, you never go back.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: pwhodges on 30 Sep 2010, 04:13
Ah, but you can! - but I'll not talk more about it publicly, thank you.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Border Reiver on 30 Sep 2010, 04:18
Well you can go back - dietary changes and better exercise will do wonders at allowing you to "go back" once you've "gone fat".

As for you Akima - the food being cooked isn't the problem, its what happens to the food between the stove and me that causes some concern.  But I will agree with you that Hanner's reaction is most appropriate - do you really discuss your attraction to a friend of your "date" in fairly graphic terms especially if the date doesn't "measure up".  A gentleman (or at least those of us who aspire to be one or have a little class) doesn't.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Carl-E on 30 Sep 2010, 04:38
Ninja'd by Akima...

JackFaerie, there really is a difference between putting your best foot foward in the hopes of making a good first impression and what Sven was admitting to doing.  Douche may have been a bit harsh though, I'll grant you that.  Manipulative (and pretty shallow) still stands. 

I feel a bit for Hanners, this is not turning into what she had in mind.  But I think I really feel more for Sven.  He's not expressing it well, but he's really in no shape for a date yet, and he knows it.  Perhaps not the deep emotional level we'd like to see, but admitting he misses the sex is just scratching the surface of what it is he really feels.  He could start hitting on other curvy girls if he wished, but he hasn't - it's Faye that he misses, and he just doesn't know how to deal with that. 

Neither would I. 
Title: Results (this one was up a bit longer)
Post by: foolsguinea on 30 Sep 2010, 04:39
Wednesday Question:    What are Faye & Angus doing right now?

~Silly, Faye's still at CoD, & he hasn't arrived yet!    7 (15.2%)
~Oh, no, Angus was there, just off-panel. He's waiting for her to get off work.    0 (0%)
~Angus was there, hiding under the counter. He & Faye are now ripping each other's clothes off in the back.    4 (8.7%)
~Angus just showed up after Sven & Hanners left.    2 (4.3%)
~Angus is waiting in a bubble bath with rose petals strewn about. Faye needs to check her messages.    11 (23.9%)
~Faye & Angus are having a big fight.    1 (2.2%)
~Actually, they broke up earlier, but the strip is going Hannelore-centric, so Jeph skipped it.    3 (6.5%)
~They're both still at work; calm down.    6 (13%)
~Sexing    3 (6.5%)
~Texting    0 (0%)
~Sexting    4 (8.7%)
~Watching Sven & Hanners through the window    2 (4.3%)
~Angus is planning an even finer date than the Sven/Hanners date.    3 (6.5%)

Total Voters: 46
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: innermoppet on 30 Sep 2010, 05:39
No ones mentioned it, but if Sven misses Faye's curves and not Faye, it wouldn't be hard to go out and tap a girl with comparable body type. He's in denial. I don't think he's IN LOVE with Faye, but I think they had something special and he misses HER but he's still not admitting it. He is focusing on her body as a way to disconnect from the actual emotions he may be feeling, like guilt and hurt and even anger. I mean he did try to take her out on a real date and she shot him down. She wanted it strictly booty call and then got mad when he treated it as such. I'm sure part of him is angry and a bit bewildered.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: BryanP on 30 Sep 2010, 05:39
Sven has finally realized the truth: skinny women just aren't all that interesting.  

Even the three little pigs knew the truth:  If you're going to spend a lot of time inside something you don't build it out of sticks.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: steveh11 on 30 Sep 2010, 05:46
Anyone notice Hanner's piercings?

Do you mean the ones she's had in all day (

Or are you talking about the ones she's always had (

(Yes that really is the very first appearance of Hannelore Ellicot-Chatham, with the long hair, and the cigarettes, and the not freaking out when a stranger whips out his junk and takes a piss right in front of her!)

Yes, those.  The ones that Jeph orginally forgot to put in...

Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Tergon on 30 Sep 2010, 06:48
I think that Sven is being perfectly honest in that he says what he misses about Faye is their physical relationship.  While it's maybe a bit of a jerkass thing for him to say, the simple fact is that you can't miss what you never had, and he and Faye did not have an emotional or romantic connection.  They were, quite bluntly, fuckbuddies.  They didn't date, they didn't hang out, and from what we saw, they very rarely spent time together unless they were going to have sex.  Aside from pillow talk and a few half-hearted gestures on either side, it really was a purely physical relationship.  And, let's be fair about this, Sven enjoys sex and finds Faye attractive, and she's apparently not bad in the sack.  Him saying that he misses Faye because they had great sex makes absolutely perfect sense in every way.
That being said, while there wasn't any acknowledged emotional connection, it's also blindingly obvious that by the time they broke it off, a connection had formed.  Sven didn't want to tell Faye he slept with someone else, and even though at the time he claimed it was for selfish reasons (he didn't want to lose his booty-call), I think we all agree it was mostly because he was ashamed and didn't want to admit he'd "cheated".  And when he and Faye did break it off, they obviously both felt like complete shit as a result of it.  The whole developing-feelings thing snuck up on both of them, and neither wanted to admit it.
That's why I think Sven is being honest with what he says to Hanners in this comic - he's refusing to admit any real feelings he developed for Faye, not just to Hannelore, but to himself.  He's spent so long telling himself that since he and Faye only had a physical relationship, that's obviously what he misses, and it's definitely not anything else, that I think he's even managed to make himself believe it a little.  It's easier than admitting that he actually cared about her beyond the sex.
So, in essence:  I think that technically, he's telling the truth in this, but it's decidedly less douchey than it seems at first glance.

I do feel sorry for Hanners, though.  Not the date she was expecting... unless, of course, she decides that this IS what one's supposed to do on a date, and she talks about boys she's had a crush on in the past.  Which seems limited to Monk, random firemen, and possibly Marten.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: snubnose on 30 Sep 2010, 06:52
Sven has finally realized the truth: skinny women just aren't all that interesting.  
Please stop going to extremes.

Women arent digital : either skinny or chubby.

And yes a body that is skin and bones is never really attractive, but I doubt that is news to Sven or any other man.

I do feel sorry for Hanners, though.
Nah, she knows its a fake date, just for fun, so she can have a bit of an insight.

If there where some imperfect parts, so be it.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: pwhodges on 30 Sep 2010, 07:31
And yes a body that is skin and bones is never really attractive, but I doubt that is news to Sven or any other man.

The husband of a nicely-covered friend of mine has just left her for someone with borderline anorexia; there's no accounting for taste...
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: vettechinohio on 30 Sep 2010, 07:33

I do feel sorry for Hanners, though.  Not the date she was expecting... unless, of course, she decides that this IS what one's supposed to do on a date, and she talks about boys she's had a crush on in the past.  Which seems limited to Monk, random firemen, and possibly Marten.

Don't forget Indy!
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Carl-E on 30 Sep 2010, 07:50
Tergon, my sentiments exactly.  Better expressed, of course, but I'm getting used to that.

No ones mentioned it, but if Sven misses Faye's curves and not Faye, it wouldn't be hard to go out and tap a girl with comparable body type.


Dude, look two posts up from yours.  I know the poll results are a bit distracting, but I didn't think my post was TL;DR! 
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Tergon on 30 Sep 2010, 08:00
Tergon, my sentiments exactly.  Better expressed, of course, but I'm getting used to that.

No ones mentioned it, but if Sven misses Faye's curves and not Faye, it wouldn't be hard to go out and tap a girl with comparable body type.


Dude, look two posts up from yours.  I know the poll results are a bit distracting, but I didn't think my post was TL;DR! 



Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Carl-E on 30 Sep 2010, 08:31
He's asleep in the can. 
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Tergon on 30 Sep 2010, 08:34
Who said that?
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: BryanP on 30 Sep 2010, 09:33
Sven has finally realized the truth: skinny women just aren't all that interesting.  
Please stop going to extremes.

Women arent digital : either skinny or chubby.

And yes a body that is skin and bones is never really attractive, but I doubt that is news to Sven or any other man.

Okay, fine.  I'll restate:  Sven is interested in a woman with curves.  Me, personally, I find curvy women to be more aesthetically appealing than skinny women. 
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Steve the Pocket on 30 Sep 2010, 10:17
Best part about today's strip is the ad that popped up when I logged on.

Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: pendrake on 30 Sep 2010, 10:21

Actually, yes I have visited and dined in Tokyo, multiple times in my life (for which I am grateful for the travel experience).  And yes, I have eaten shabu-shabu/sukiyaki, I personally enjoy it a lot and have rarely been able to find a particularly good place/franchise in the Americas (so I own a dual-sided hot-pot of my own for it 8-) ).  And yes, I have eaten at half-street ramen shops sitting on a stool, slurping down noodles on a precariously balanced bowl from a "table" sticking out of the wall about the size of a wooden chopping board (might have *been* a wooden chopping board nailed to the wall...hah, j/k).  And I have eaten at "sketchy" places which even the local gangs would probably not use as a front on account of the R.O.U.S'es numbering equal-to or greater than the staff and patrons :police: .

But I take no offense at any of that, of course.

What I had meant in my earlier comment was that it was probably a good call on a "westernized" japanese restaurant that Sven has taken Hannelore to (who probably qualifies as a "neurotic Westerner" :wink: ).  Though I doubt Hanners will be the type for shabu-shabu, sashimi, or sushi (mochi might be for her though...).
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: raoullefere on 30 Sep 2010, 10:30
No, it's just what people do when they date.  It's just that Sven is, yes, slightly better at it and more self-aware of how it works, and able to put it into words.
You make some very good points. However is precisely his awareness that his moves are tactics, and that he is using them to create desire in his partner without any mention at all that he is "into" the girl beyond possibly her physical attraction, that makes Sven suspect. In todays comic his remark that once he'd "hit" a curvy girl, others seem flat suggests that he's got a long way to go in learning to see a woman as a person. (Flat!? Who are you calling flat?)

"Is this really what you're s'posed to talk about on a date?" You tell him, Hanners!

[snip Japanese restaurant stuff]
The reason I see Sven as a douche is what you've said, plus this—he knows that he's creating a wonderful excitement for these girls, and he surely also knows they're likely going to think it's the start of something special—if not the first time, soon after, he'd have had to discover this. I may be inferring, but it appears to me this tactic will work best on a lady who's not had much experience, is a little withdrawn, and/or does not typically do one-night (one week, what have you) stands—or at least that's the sort I see thinking "crazy things I'd never normally do." Specifically, never and normally give me this impression. Also, if Sven thinks, as I'm sure someone will point out, he's giving these ladies 'wonderful experiences,' then why his long post-Faye funk? I don't think it's just about Faye, even if Sven wants to pretend that. He also wants to pretend that what was between him and Faye was purely physical when she was his friend first (to address your point, Tergon—they did hang out, just not after the sex started), someone it appeared to me that he enjoyed spending time with (which was the reason I had hopes for Sven and Faye when they first got together; I guessed that this was the first girl Sven had been friends with before he had sex with her, or perhaps even at all).

Even the clearly savvy Genevieve seems to feel used—why else has she cornered the man who gave her a few 'fun times in bed' in the bathroom? Because she recognizes that Sven's a predator, using his skills to get what he wants and then leaving his wounded prey behind to fend for itself. There are, I suppose, men who simply love women, all women, and can provide one special night that their partners can smile about the next day without feeling like they've been had. Sven, it seems to me, is not one of them, though. Sven doesn't love women—he loves getting laid. The woman is simply the means to that end, so much that he tries to cast the first meaningful relationship he's had solely in terms of sexual experience. It's not Faye's wit or her ability to call him on things that Sven misses—oh, noes! He misses her tits and her ass, because, really, what else is there?  

And, hey, Tergon, we remember, even if Svenny-boy doesn't (or, more likely, doesn't want to), that Faye tried to have a date with him; he was the one who shut that down in favor of more sex.

So, in short, Sven has been and is a prick—literally. He can be more, of course, but he has to stop seeing life soley in terms of means to gratify his penis first. There's more to life than sex—really—and more to women (and men, believe it or not) then their sexual abilities, too. This little profession of lust for Faye proves to me that he'd got a long damn way to go before he manages that—or needs to experience a rather radical epiphany, take your pick.

Oh, and Jeph needn't worry. He's not shown women are easy to manipulate. We already know that, because they're human beings, and as such are notoriously easy to manipulate, no more so than when they're made to feel they're part of, or, better, are something special. What he has shown, though, is what you do to yourself when you indulge in exploiting this vulnerability too much for your own ends. Everybody becomes a mark. That's where I see Sven being right now. I do think he wants out of it, but hasn't the slightest idea how to do so. Luckily for him, one of the best people in the cast at seeing through self-serving nonsense the people tend to confuse themselves with is sitting with him right now. I'm hoping her next question is…but I'll let Jeph deal with that. You can PM me if you want my marker, though.

Then lets just hope Darth Sven wont see reason to use his lightsaber.
That would be a shame, because I suspect that Ultra-Violence Master Dora would then cut it off and make him eat it.
Don't forget Indy!
Never. Or Mr. Clean. Or the firemen. Apparently, Hanners really digs the square-jawed type.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Carl-E on 30 Sep 2010, 10:45
Best part about today's strip is the ad that popped up when I logged on.

[pic snipped]

And the mouseover.. "Not even a little bit"

Yesterday's Wrongtown ad said something about a clean restaurant...

Also, re: the poll.  I'm thinkin' Wil, but indirectly - Sven's gonna need a drink if he keeps this up, and Hanners probably wouldn't mind one either...
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: ink slinger on 30 Sep 2010, 11:27
Sven speaks the truth.

OK, so maybe he just speaks for me and my truth. Whatever. :laugh:
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Cold on 30 Sep 2010, 11:52
We're all missing the point here, which is that the edamame song is the cutest thing.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Heliphyneau on 30 Sep 2010, 12:00
Sven's gonna need a drink if he keeps this up, and Hanners probably wouldn't mind one either...

By the look of what's on the table, it seems Sven is hitting the sake already.  Perhaps it's hitting back?   :-D  I can't tell what Hanners is having -- other than edamame (ed a ma me!  sing it!) and an earful of TMI.  Cue the part where Sven opens his mouth and splashes the entire contents of his glass onto his face . . .

And yeah, if the only thing Sven misses about Faye are her epic tits and ass, Marigold's pretty much got that covered.

I wonder if Hanners is actually going to try sushi.  For some reason, I see her really scrutinizing it first -- counting the suckers on her piece of taro, testing the tensile strength of a seaweed wrapping . . .
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 30 Sep 2010, 12:40
Eva didn't seem to feel used: she was eager for more of whatever Sven had been giving her earlier.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Carl-E on 30 Sep 2010, 12:43
We're all missing the point here, which is that the edamame song is the cutest thing.
...(ed a ma me!  sing it!)...

OK, after searching "edamame" (and "edamame song") on youtube and google, I got nuthin'.  

Anyone one able to provide a link for those of us whao are less ... culturally endowed?  

I mean, if it's that catchy, I could really use an earworm to replace the one that's in there now (  
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Border Reiver on 30 Sep 2010, 12:52
I;m sure it wouldn't be as cute if it wasn't Hanners singing.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: snubnose on 30 Sep 2010, 13:28
And yes a body that is skin and bones is never really attractive, but I doubt that is news to Sven or any other man.

The husband of a nicely-covered friend of mine has just left her for someone with borderline anorexia; there's no accounting for taste...

Theres no rules in love and war.

Still its rare.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Kugai on 30 Sep 2010, 13:32
No, this is what a drunken depressed Sven talks about on a date.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: snubnose on 30 Sep 2010, 13:41
Sven has finally realized the truth: skinny women just aren't all that interesting.  
Please stop going to extremes.

Women arent digital : either skinny or chubby.

And yes a body that is skin and bones is never really attractive, but I doubt that is news to Sven or any other man.

Okay, fine.  I'll restate:  Sven is interested in a woman with curves.  Me, personally, I find curvy women to be more aesthetically appealing than skinny women. 

Thats ok, but a woman that is more slim than Faye isnt already skinny, because Faye is considered being chubby.

Raven for example was considered being very curvy and busty, but not yet chubby.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: JackFaerie on 30 Sep 2010, 13:48
No, it's just what people do when they date.  It's just that Sven is, yes, slightly better at it and more self-aware of how it works, and able to put it into words.
You make some very good points. However is precisely his awareness that his moves are tactics, and that he is using them to create desire in his partner without any mention at all that he is "into" the girl beyond possibly her physical attraction, that makes Sven suspect.

Eh, I still think people are reading him wayyy too harshly due to his past. Honestly, if he just wanted to get laid, why would he bother with dates and creating deeper attraction and all that? A classic bar pickup would be easier, cheaper, and yield faster results.

And he's not really *exceptionally* self-aware in terms of manipulation. Any girl picking "just the right outfit" for the date in terms of sexy/classy is equally aware--she knows why she's trying for a middle point and the effect she wants to create. Same goes for anyone priming their room for a date--they're not doing it subconsciously, they know why they are putting certain stuff away and spotlighting other things, and they know what they're trying to play to.  Sven is just more *creative* because he's setting up scenarios most people simply wouldn't think of.

Also, all of you talking about how you do/do not like skinny women: you do realize it is equally as dehumanizing and insulting to us women to hear you proclaim curvy over skinny, since it still says "this is the standard that I think women ought to strive for to be attractive"?  If you personally prefer curvy, fine, you can say that (although men tend to state their preferences about women ALL the time as though all of womanhood should care and rush to cater to them). But don't denigrate other body types or classify them as less desirable while you're doing so.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Cold on 30 Sep 2010, 14:42
I'm sure it wouldn't be as cute if it wasn't Hanners singing.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: tomart on 30 Sep 2010, 15:27
Ok, to restate Carl's question, bluntly:

What the heck is Hanners babbling about?

OOOoooooooohhhhh.....  so obvious, really - the back of a fortune cookie where it says, How to Speak Chinese... right? 
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: LeeC on 30 Sep 2010, 16:22
I'm waiting for the part of the date where Hanner's tells Sven that Faye went on a date the night before and the date went crush Sven's dreams...
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: bunnyThor on 30 Sep 2010, 16:33
I highly doubt that all Sven misses is Faye's curves. If that were the case, he'd be using his patented moves on plusher ladies. Remember that he (literally) ran into Marigold, and despite her many similarities in appearance to Faye, she did not appear to light up the Sven-O-Meter at all.

One of Sven's biggest defense mechanisms is being avoidant, so I would not be at all surprised if he's still dodging self-realization, even as he claims epiphany.

Faye and Sven's relationship was a complicated little dance that stepped both around and through their various neuroses, and despite the disastrous termination, both of them were better off after than when they had started.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: raoullefere on 30 Sep 2010, 17:13
I highly doubt that all Sven misses is Faye's curves. If that were the case, he'd be using his patented moves on plusher ladies. Remember that he (literally) ran into Marigold, and despite her many similarities in appearance to Faye, she did not appear to light up the Sven-O-Meter at all.

One of Sven's biggest defense mechanisms is being avoidant, so I would not be at all surprised if he's still dodging self-realization, even as he claims epiphany.
And he was so close, too. Reading panel four I thought, my god… and then there was panel five. Ah, Jeph, you're such a tease.

You know people, though, or at least the ones running around in your head.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: jwhouk on 30 Sep 2010, 18:28
Methinks this may suddenly become the date from Hades in short order...
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: St.Clair on 30 Sep 2010, 18:45
Is that Khorne's Market in the background?
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Carl-E on 30 Sep 2010, 18:47
Ok, to restate Carl's question, bluntly:

What the heck is Hanners babbling about?

OOOoooooooohhhhh.....  so obvious, really - the back of a fortune cookie where it says, How to Speak Chinese... right?  

Wait, that's what I thought at first... then people started talking about some song.  

So there isn't really an edameme song?  


Unfortunately, I now have "edameme" going through my head to the tune of "Abiyoyo (".  

Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: raoullefere on 30 Sep 2010, 19:17
Surely, there'd be little notes if she were singing? I think you were right the first time.

Also, congratulations on having something slightly weirder going through your brain than I do…maybe. (I've got one of my younger kin's softball cheers stuck in there).
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: foolsguinea on 30 Sep 2010, 19:50
Hanners is eating edamame. ( I think she's just having fun with the word. And they're not at a Chinese restaurant.

I for one like skinny women. It's funny watching guys try to declare a standard that other guys are assumed to agree with. I suppose Marten goes either way: for skinny women (like spookybutt) & chubby ones (like crankypants).
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: jwhouk on 30 Sep 2010, 20:51
Wow, is she blushing.  :oops:
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: someone1074 on 30 Sep 2010, 20:54

Guess Sven was right to go on a break. Though I don't quite understand why he's completely losing his cool now when he handled himself pretty well in front of other women and the opportunity to get other women recently.

For humor, I suppose.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: bunnyThor on 30 Sep 2010, 21:15
This is my favorite strip featuring Hanners ever.  :lol:
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Schmorgluck on 30 Sep 2010, 21:17
One thing to remember about Sven is that, by his own claims, he never had any girl-friend (dash added for clarity) before Faye. It isn't conclusive of the way he considers women in general, but it puts some light on what he's used to, and what set of social reflexes he has. Therefore, even if there's more to it, his thoughts about Faye are more easily formulated in terms revolving around lust.

EDIT: and what's funny is I hadn't even seen it before posting what's above, but I find today's comic strengthens my theories about Sven.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: jwhouk on 30 Sep 2010, 21:21
By the way - she's not only blushing, but she is sloooowwwwly pushing away from the table.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: helloandgoodbye on 30 Sep 2010, 21:42
  For the first time in awhile, I actually laughed out loud at the comic.

  Oh, Sven.  You so fucked up.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Tergon on 30 Sep 2010, 21:46
Well, I don't think anyone's going to deny that Sven was well and truly in Douche-territory in the past.  Every character in the comic observes this, even Sven himself.  And yeah, he's never had a "real" relationship, meaning one with a strong emotional connection, which is probably an explanation - not an excuse - for a lot of his behaviour.  He hurts those who attach themselves to him emotionally because he doesn't share that attachment.  To be fair, he never pretends otherwise, and is perfectly straightforward about what he expects and what he's willing to give, but still, it's douchey.

But I don't think he qualifies as such now, simply because he is trying to change.  Maybe it's not for an altruistic, noble reason.  Maybe he isn't doing very well.  But he is trying.  He knows what he was like and he doesn't want to be that guy any more.  And when Hanners openly asks him questions about himself, he's giving honest answers that he has to know don't make him look good.  Dude may be off his game, but he's openly admitting to his failings here, and then going against them.

As for where the date's going... well, this comic made me laugh 'til I choked on a mouthful of sandwich.  But if the date doesn't end prematurely, I predict that later we'll get a blushing Hannelore asking if, when Sven said that she was super gorgeous and he'd totally do her, was it just a knee-jerk response, or does he really think that?
Not that I expect Hanners to be too receptive to it, but a lady does like to be told she's pretty.  Even if it's not in the most elegant of terms. :P
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 30 Sep 2010, 21:56
Hannelore is, entirely by accident, playing therapist and drawing Sven out.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Neskah on 30 Sep 2010, 21:56
Oh Yay. Great way to eand the week
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: jeph on 30 Sep 2010, 21:58
okay I'm drunk and reading the forums for the first time in months and am sick of you people speculating so I will just come out and say that Sven [REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED]

(PS if you seriously think Hannelore would get AT ALL flirty on this date what is wrong with you)
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Steve the Pocket on 30 Sep 2010, 22:09
Best part about today's strip is the ad that popped up when I logged on.

[pic snipped]

And the mouseover.. "Not even a little bit"

Yesterday's Wrongtown ad said something about a clean restaurant...
Heehee, fun with auction-based ad services. And here Jeph thought the mindless adbots were bad...
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: raoullefere on 30 Sep 2010, 22:12
RUN HANNERS! RUN FAST! RUN FAR! FLEEEE! He's got celibacy fever!

You can tell by the diarrhea mouth.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Cartilage Head on 30 Sep 2010, 22:13
Sven is a total pathetic asshole. He is in no way endearing and a terrible character that I wish would just not be around. Maybe that is why I have been enjoying the comic more recently? Until this arc at least.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: helloandgoodbye on 30 Sep 2010, 22:30
Sven is a total pathetic asshole. He is in no way endearing and a terrible character that I wish would just not be around. Maybe that is why I have been enjoying the comic more recently? Until this arc at least.

  Is it just me or do webcomic readers tend to dislike lecherous webcomic characters?
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: jeph on 30 Sep 2010, 22:54
it's just you. there's no way you have enough of a sample size to indicate prejudice.

I happen to like Sven. But I totally get why ol' carty heady ain't into him.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Mojo on 30 Sep 2010, 23:07
I happen to like Sven too.  As I said MONTHS ago, he's making a genuine attempt to grow beyond the shallow man he was.  There's a lot to admire in that.  Hell, I wish I was observant and strong willed enough to recognize and attempt to repair my character flaws.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Moxie on 30 Sep 2010, 23:08
Hahahahahaha, Sven's face when he realizes where he is and what he just told his "date" and is trying to backtrack is awesome!   :laugh: :laugh:

And then last panel was even better! Excellent!  :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Carl-E on 30 Sep 2010, 23:19
Damn, and he almost  pulled out of that death spiral, too! 

Nothing to do now but bail, and hope the flames of impact don't start a forest fire or something...

Poor Hanners, having to watch Sven self-immolate...

assuming she doesn't run first! 
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 30 Sep 2010, 23:53
At least Hannelore is learning about an important class of off-nominal date, the Obsessed With The Ex date. Bad pedagogical design, though: she should first have had experience with a more functional pseudodate.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: bunnyThor on 01 Oct 2010, 00:27
okay I'm drunk and reading the forums for the first time in months

This always ends in tears.

And fissures.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Akima on 01 Oct 2010, 00:28
OK, after searching "edamame" (and "edamame song") on youtube and google, I got nuthin'.
I don't think it's a song. I think Hanners is working out how to pronounce the word edamame. She appears to be reading a small packet or something. Maybe a sachet of dipping sauce (?) though that would normally be served in a bowl. It certainly won't be a fortune cookie in a Japanese restaurant, unless there's been some horrid cultural bleed-over.

Edit: Following zmeiat_joro's posting below (,25068.msg965722.html#msg965722), I consulted Wikipedia, and it seems fortune-cookies were indeed originally introduced by the Japanese. A vast load of cultural guilt is lifted from my shoulders for the nasty things, but I don't think I've ever actually been offered them in a Japanese restaurant.

Also, all of you talking about how you do/do not like skinny women: you do realize it is equally as dehumanizing and insulting to us women to hear you proclaim curvy over skinny, since it still says "this is the standard that I think women ought to strive for to be attractive"?  If you personally prefer curvy, fine, you can say that (although men tend to state their preferences about women ALL the time as though all of womanhood should care and rush to cater to them). But don't denigrate other body types or classify them as less desirable while you're doing so.
So true, though to be fair to most of the posters here, they were merely expressing their preference, and only a few denigrated other body types. My personal pet irritation is men who feel impelled to announce their preference/distaste for my ethnic appearance. I think Meena might sympathise (

I feel sorry for Hanners. Her educational date is turning into the equivalent of trying to learn to drive in one of those multi-car NASCAR pile-ups (*. Sven has gone into kamikaze mode before (, but this...

*Got to love those commentators. Though no doubt they would say that I had an accent...  :-D
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Kugai on 01 Oct 2010, 00:43
Nothing to do now but bail, and hope the flames of impact don't start a forest fire or something...

Too late Carl, he's already augured in

Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Dr. ROFLPWN on 01 Oct 2010, 00:54
Jeph, I do not think you are drunk enough to be reading these forums.

Also I fucking love Sven today. He is awesome.  And Hannelore's face is fantastic.

Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: snubnose on 01 Oct 2010, 01:44
LOL I have the feeling Sven would like to dig a hole now. :-D
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Karilyn on 01 Oct 2010, 02:00
Read the comic like three times, thought every time that Sven had said "I'd totally be into you" and was confused why Hanners was reacting THAT strongly.  Then I realized on the fourth thime that he said "I'd totally do you" and then I was like oh god Hanners, why are you still there?  Run.  Run fast.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: pendrake on 01 Oct 2010, 02:10
For comic #1765...

1. Another great week ender comic, cannot wait to see what comes next for the Hanners+Sven date, Act II.

2. I doubt I will ever get tired of seeing a blushing Hannelore.

3. Poor Sven (again), his "compliment tourettes" backfires yet again.  He tried to pull up from a tailspin and has apparrently snapped off a wing and set his other engine on fire, but honest and earnest blurt-out at least.  Yet despite all his flailing, I also like Sven a lot during this story-arc, perhaps it is *because* of all the flailing.. :laugh: .

4. Despite the initial (&/or forthcoming) freak-out, I think it will also be interesting to how Hanners deals with the realization that boys do indeed find her attractive.  Such as way back with comic #517 ( (  And let us not forget, she is currently the only single girl working at Coffee of Doom.

5. Jeph, I do not think Hannelore would get at all flirty on this date, no (at least, given her current character status/development).  *That* might have crossed over to M. Night Shyamalan level plot-twisting, if she had.

6. I might be inclined to buy the Pintsize water bottle, but for something tells me it is a trap... :wink:
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: zmeiat_joro on 01 Oct 2010, 03:27
It certainly won't be a fortune cookie in a Japanese restaurant, unless there's been some horrid cultural bleed-over.

I thought fortune cookies are originally Japanese?
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Border Reiver on 01 Oct 2010, 04:19
Hanner's next lesson for dating - sneaking out the back door of the restaurant and changing your phone number before your date realizes you aren't coming back from the loo.

Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: jwhouk on 01 Oct 2010, 07:02
Ah. Talladega. Home of the multi-car pileup. And it's a sad commentary when I can listen to Darrell Waltrip and ask, "what accent?"

Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Dr. ROFLPWN on 01 Oct 2010, 07:50
Read the comic like three times, thought every time that Sven had said "I'd totally be into you" and was confused why Hanners was reacting THAT strongly.  Then I realized on the fourth thime that he said "I'd totally do you" and then I was like oh god Hanners, why are you still there?  Run.  Run fast.

I am pretty sure "would be into you" was what poor Sven meant, but his brain is operating at cross purposes and is being affected by hunger, nerves, and enforced celibacy post-Faye/the fact that Hanners is exactly Sven's pre-Faye preferred body type and hairstyle. The spaceborn innocence is also a plus. I imagine Sven's brain is going like this:

Quote from: Sven's Frontal Lobe says:
All right stay classy now, show her how it is done, aw yeah, you are Sven Bianchi, you can totally use the lady powers for good

Quote from: Sven's Reptilian Brain interrupts:

Quote from: Sven's Libido interjects with:
Hooooly shit, Hannelore is actually really really hot, I would totally hit that in a MINUTE

That being said, I don't really think he's being creepy and it's kind of a jerk move to be all "OMG RUN GURL". :/ Dude is being Honest. That is rare. I think we should be proud of Sven today.

Title: Yes, I know the strip's been up for nine hours. OK, eleven.
Post by: foolsguinea on 01 Oct 2010, 08:01
Thursday Question:    Which QC character(s) are most likely to make a wacky appearance during the date?

Faye &/or Angus    9 (18.8%)
Steve &/or Cosette    3 (6.3%)
some AnthroPCs    3 (6.3%)
Penelope &/or Wil    4 (8.3%)
Tai    4 (8.3%)
Marigold!?    6 (12.5%)
Sven's parent(s)    2 (4.2%)
Jimbo    1 (2.1%)
Pizza Girl &/or Vespavenger    4 (8.3%)
Raven?!!    4 (8.3%)
Sara!?!?    4 (8.3%)
Marten    0 (0%)
Dora & a bladed weapon    4 (8.3%)

Total Voters: 48

Wow, letting it go over 24 hours made a difference. After an early lead for Marigold, it's taken by Fangus. (Aye!)

Finally switching it out, & I saw the strip was up eight hours ago.

After getting some sleep, went with, "How many more pages will the date take up?" instead of, "How drunk is Sven?" or "Which non-QC character(s) are most likely to make a wacky appearance during the date?"
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Border Reiver on 01 Oct 2010, 08:39
Too bad, I was totally ready to take the "Winston Churchill and Ghandi" option.

At this point the "pretend date" is over, and as the gentleman (or at least someone  who seems to want to be one) Sven's next course of action is to ask for the meals to go, escort Hanners home, apologize for his behaviour and then go back to his house to drink heavily. 

The next day he gets to start manning up and taking responsibility for his actions and his feelings.

Then he writes a series of country hits based on some genuine emotions, or expands his repetoire to the Blues and sells a shitload of new songs to Cyndi Lauper.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Is it cold in here? on 01 Oct 2010, 10:32
Sven is now making the discovery that so many of us have made, that the earth never opens up to swallow you when you actually need it to.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Heliphyneau on 01 Oct 2010, 10:45
Ha, well at least Sven stopped himself from further rhapsodizing over Faye's, er, attributes.  He may still have his mojo, but as shown in panel 3, he has lost his hap.   :-D  The expressions in this strip really cracked me up, the last panel in particular.  Sven's got that "WTF is happeneing to me?" face, and Hanners seems to be trying to decide between RUN AWAY and KILL IT WITH FIRE.  She'll probably calm down once she realizes that Sven isn't actually going to try and "do her."

Dude is being Honest.

I agreed with almost all of your post, but this ^ mainly applies to what Sven was saying before he "complimented" Hanners.  I think at that point he was just panicking and blurted out what sounded complimentary in his head -- it's not dishonest, it's just a possibly hyperbolic knee-jerk reaction.  I really liked what you had his reptile-brain saying, lol.

Hanners is definitely experiencing a true-to-life practice date (the Obsessed with the Ex date, as Is It Cold phrased it).  Sometimes even dates with boys who like you and mean well will go terribly awry.

BTW Carl-E, I don't know of an actual edamame song, but the way Hannelore was sounding it out and repeating syllables made it seem like she was making up a song or at least saying the name in a sing-songy way because she liked the sound of it.

And OMG you guys, I saw what Jeph posted before he redacted it, and EVERYTHING IS CLEAR NOW.

Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: raoullefere on 01 Oct 2010, 11:36
[snip amusing but no need to repeat the dialogue between various parts of Sven's brain. Wonders if Dr. ROFLPWN has read The Dragons of Eden.]

That being said, I don't really think he's being creepy and it's kind of a jerk move to be all "OMG RUN GURL". :/ Dude is being Honest. That is rare. I think we should be proud of Sven today.
I was joking about Hanners running, although she does look poised for flight. I am unclear why I should praise Sven for yet again reducing everything to sex when confronted with his real feelings. When he stops and takes an honest look at that, then there'll be time for praise. Right now, what you call 'honest,' I call deep in the financial district* of Denial City.

Of course, I know both Sven and his creator are waiting, breath bated, for my approval.

*Got to love those commentators. Though no doubt they would say that I had an accent...  :-D
Actually, I think accents tend to follow the same rules that the late great George Carlin laid down for driving speeds.

Have you ever noticed, in traffic, anybody going slower than you is an asshole, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac!
"Would you look at this asshole? Take a look at this asshole right here, just creeping along..."
"Woah, look at that maniac go!"

Because no one is driving my speed.

And OMG you guys, I saw what Jeph posted before he redacted it, and EVERYTHING IS CLEAR NOW.
You realize that now I have to go kill Kenny and frame you for it.

Or I could just save myself some effort. You bastard! (South Park has made this unisex… I think)

*Where exchanges are made, of course. :-D
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: muffin_of_chaos on 01 Oct 2010, 12:42
I really liked today's comic.  :lol:

Also, all of you talking about how you do/do not like skinny women: you do realize it is equally as dehumanizing and insulting to us women to hear you proclaim curvy over skinny, since it still says "this is the standard that I think women ought to strive for to be attractive"?  If you personally prefer curvy, fine, you can say that (although men tend to state their preferences about women ALL the time as though all of womanhood should care and rush to cater to them). But don't denigrate other body types or classify them as less desirable while you're doing so.

This is an interesting point by the way, but I think it's oversensitive.  I do not think hetero men in general believe that their standard ought to be followed, so much as it is their fantasy that it be followed.  I think men in general know they're superficial, and accept it, and assume that women understand that a discussion of whether curvy is better than skinny is only a discussion of preference and fantasy.  Why is calling a type of figure less than desirable to yourself an important judgment of that person?
I don't think that most hetero men that state type preference over other types equate such a preference to the universal value of the woman as a person.  I think what many people--even the specific men themselves--don't realize is that most heterosexual men generally think of women as having two distinct selves, the self that might or might not sleep with them and that the man might or might not want to sleep with, and the self that doesn't have anything to do with sex.  Why does sex have anything to do with actual universal value of the woman as a potential friend, neighbor, countryperson?  I think that even if a hetero man is less interested in a woman because she isn't as attractive, that has much less to do with a judgment of her mattering in a universal sense than it is a judgment of her mattering in a sense specific to the man, who is probably in general over-interested in women they find attractive because of how messed up society has tended to teach men to be regarding sex, bravado, masculinity, love, etc.

In other words, claiming that muscly guys are better than skinny guys should not be dehumanizing or insulting to skinny guys, because who is the claimant and why is their opinion of your viability as an object of attraction relevant to anything?  The answer is, respectively, it doesn't matter and it isn't unless you're with them or want to be with them.

In the end, maybe your ego doesn't like being thought of as not attractive.  But attraction is the poster boy of "eye of the beholder" and I think a whole lot of hetero guys assume that is understood.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: deathwing107 on 01 Oct 2010, 13:40
I really liked today's comic.  :lol:

Also, all of you talking about how you do/do not like skinny women: you do realize it is equally as dehumanizing and insulting to us women to hear you proclaim curvy over skinny, since it still says "this is the standard that I think women ought to strive for to be attractive"?  If you personally prefer curvy, fine, you can say that (although men tend to state their preferences about women ALL the time as though all of womanhood should care and rush to cater to them). But don't denigrate other body types or classify them as less desirable while you're doing so.

This is an interesting point by the way, but I think it's oversensitive.  I do not think hetero men in general believe that their standard ought to be followed, so much as it is their fantasy that it be followed.  I think men in general know they're superficial, and accept it, and assume that women understand that a discussion of whether curvy is better than skinny is only a discussion of preference and fantasy.  Why is calling a type of figure less than desirable to yourself an important judgment of that person?
I don't think that most hetero men that state type preference over other types equate such a preference to the universal value of the woman as a person.  I think what many people--even the specific men themselves--don't realize is that most heterosexual men generally think of women as having two distinct selves, the self that might or might not sleep with them and that the man might or might not want to sleep with, and the self that doesn't have anything to do with sex.  Why does sex have anything to do with actual universal value of the woman as a potential friend, neighbor, countryperson?  I think that even if a hetero man is less interested in a woman because she isn't as attractive, that has much less to do with a judgment of her mattering in a universal sense than it is a judgment of her mattering in a sense specific to the man, who is probably in general over-interested in women they find attractive because of how messed up society has tended to teach men to be regarding sex, bravado, masculinity, love, etc.

In other words, claiming that muscly guys are better than skinny guys should not be dehumanizing or insulting to skinny guys, because who is the claimant and why is their opinion of your viability as an object of attraction relevant to anything?  The answer is, respectively, it doesn't matter and it isn't unless you're with them or want to be with them.

In the end, maybe your ego doesn't like being thought of as not attractive.  But attraction is the poster boy of "eye of the beholder" and I think a whole lot of hetero guys assume that is understood.

Whether you agree with it or not, you have to admit that this is possibly the most educated response you'll ever read on a forum. Though for me lurking these forums and not usually posting, this is probably the forum with the most educated, or at least intelligent, people I ever read. Again, regardless if you would agree with those points or not.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: tomart on 01 Oct 2010, 17:46
ok, if anyone actually saw Jeph's pre-redaction, i'd be forever grateful to hear what it was...  (and if he'd rather no one else know, I won't tell!)  8-)    OR, was heliphyneau making a joke, and there was never a pre-redactation?   [yeah, i guess i fell for it.]

...Though I don't quite understand why he's completely losing his cool now when he handled himself pretty well in front of other women....
For humor, I suppose.

Maybe Sven's off his game, maybe he just succumbed to a Freudian slip, maybe this kind of meta-hetero interaction is beyond me, but my reaction to his dialog in this strip is  [ ( WARNING: webcomic BLASPHEMY ) ]   that it doesn't sound like Sven to me...  (but who the heck am i to judge?)
In other words, it may now be canon, but it's not 'real'...?   (i.e., "Sven" is just being used to get a point across, or set up a Hannereaction, or a new arc, or something.  Again, that's beyond me, I don't know how to run a webcomic.)

But this is probably the exact kind of thing that will "turn Jeph into a ..."    Sorry! (Slinks away, ...)
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: raoullefere on 01 Oct 2010, 18:43
Or it's Sven not being himself because he's trying not to be himself, which was A) the plan for this 'date, yes? and B) probably not something Sven is much accustomed to, as the world generally comes to him, not the other way around. Pair that up to him trying to recast whatever feelings he had for Faye in terms of sex, and this is what you get.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: pwhodges on 02 Oct 2010, 00:50
I was going to comment on Akima's lengthy response, but it seems to have vanished....  I was going to say that Akima sometimes protests too much, but was spot on this time. What I wanted to say further would be meaningless without the context, though.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Akima on 02 Oct 2010, 02:14
I was going to comment on Akima's lengthy response, but it seems to have vanished....  I was going to say that Akima sometimes protests too much, but was spot on this time. What I wanted to say further would be meaningless without the context, though.
Yeah. I read my post responding to muffin-of-chaos. And then re-read it. And decided this was probably not the appropriate forum for one of my feminist diatribes. So I deleted it.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: snubnose on 02 Oct 2010, 04:00
Well Sven has too many issues to do a fake date right now.

Still its not the disaster I assumed it to be, yet.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: jwhouk on 02 Oct 2010, 05:43
Well Sven has too many issues to do a fake date right now.

Still its not the disaster I assumed it to be, yet.

The key word, of course, is "yet".
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Carl-E on 02 Oct 2010, 08:25
It's getting awfully close, though!  But it's not a real disaster until something's on fire ( 
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: tomart on 02 Oct 2010, 15:22
omg, I saw Akima's post before she deleted it, and EVERYTHING IS CLEAR NOW  I agreed with you too, it was a nice diatribe.

  I think men in general know they're superficial, and accept it, and assume that women understand that a discussion of whether curvy is better than skinny is only a discussion of preference and fantasy.  

Dave Barry offers this scientific chart:  (sorry, just paraphrased; i no longer have the book, DB's True Stories of Adulthood)

What Women Look For in a Man:  Honesty, caring, maturity, a career, a willingness to help with children and housework, and a reasonable level of attractiveness. (There was a lot more I can't remember...)
What Men Look For in a Woman:  Gazongas.

Also, does anyone else see the word "HORNE" in the background, through Sven's window?  
Subliminal or coincidence?
Title: Edamame Song
Post by: Scott Haley on 02 Oct 2010, 18:05
The Rhapsody music service has a song called "Edamame.". It's by Little Miss Ann, from the album "Music for Tots."
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: jwhouk on 02 Oct 2010, 18:10
They must be at Lhasa Cafe.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: foolsguinea on 04 Oct 2010, 00:05
Friday Question:  Well, this is going well. How many more pages will the date take up? (counting a page of Hanners fleeing from scary Sven)

0 - we cut to aftermath Monday     - 3 (8.8%)
1    - 2 (5.9%)
2    - 5 (14.7%)
3    - 9 (26.5%)
4-5    - 9 (26.5%)
6-8    - 2 (5.9%)
9-11    - 1 (2.9%)
13+    - 3 (8.8%)

Total Voters: 34

Just noting this in case someone later decides to change the vote...not that it matters...
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Heliphyneau on 04 Oct 2010, 10:04
And OMG you guys, I saw what Jeph posted before he redacted it, and EVERYTHING IS CLEAR NOW.
You realize that now I have to go kill Kenny and frame you for it.

Or I could just save myself some effort. You bastard! (South Park has made this unisex… I think)

Ha!  You could frame me for Kenny's death, but everyone always forgets after he shows up alive the next day.  ^_^  And bastard may as well be unisex -- I know I use both "bitch" and "dude" without regard for gender.

ok, if anyone actually saw Jeph's pre-redaction, i'd be forever grateful to hear what it was...  (and if he'd rather no one else know, I won't tell!)  8-)    OR, was heliphyneau making a joke, and there was never a pre-redactation?   [yeah, i guess i fell for it.]



Sorry.  I tried to riff on Jeph's joke with one of my own and thought my sarcasm was the sledgehammery variety, but apparently I was using the Useless Sledgehammer Made Entirely of Boobs.  Whoops.

omg, I saw Akima's post before she deleted it, and EVERYTHING IS CLEAR NOW

Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: quats on 04 Oct 2010, 17:34
Something about this date suddenly made me realize that my last ex was a Sven. Very charismatic, intelligent, interesting, and quite a flirt; a great guy to have as a friend or in the sack, but really nothing in between though it feels like there really should be.

Sheesh. Now I don't know if I like Sven more or less after making that connection. Who says I have to be rational? It's likely both.
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: Moxie on 05 Oct 2010, 22:02
Seems kind of like Sven and Hanners might get a decent friendship out of this date. Which could be really good for both of them. Yay!
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: St.Clair on 05 Oct 2010, 22:04
Seems kind of like Sven and Hanners might get a decent friendship out of this date. Which could be really good for both of them. Yay!
Title: Re: Weekly comic thread 2010 September 27 - October 1
Post by: foolsguinea on 09 Oct 2010, 11:37
Well, I guess it went four pages more. Depending on what we count.