I play RO on a free server as well, and that's one of the more...interesting aspects of the game, whether you're on an official server or not.....grouping isn't something really done when you don't have friends.
I mean, my family plays, so I group with them, and sometimes, one of us will find a friend, join a guild, and then we make friends, and we wind up with quite the crew, but honestly...
Grouping isn't something that's done like in games like EverQuest or World of WarCraft. It's not a necessity, so most people aren't shouting "LOOKING FOR GROUP!!!" every five minutes.
Generally, partying up is only really necessary for things like War of Emperium or killing MVP's.
And of course, yeah, a lot of people sit around in Prontera whispering back and forth. I know people who made Merchant class characters for that sole purpose so that when they just felt like sitting around, they'd at least be doing something functional, lol.
And by the way--Nice choice with Archer. My first character, ever, was an Archer, and I have a very serious soft spot for them. They're great (