Or just about any other online game in the universe.
Team Fortress 2 is coming out tomorrow, definitively worth checking out. CS: Source is so littered with kids it's fucking unbelievable... The other day I was playing it (I'm so so sorry), and I accidentally hit my teammate with ONE round of autofire from my mp5 - after we'd taken down the terrorist we were both shooting at he proceeded to headshot me on purpose, after which he teabagged me until he was shot himself.
Well, Halo, and Halo 2 are both great games, but did you know that 50% of the online players are under 10? That doesn't mean its a bad game, it's just has a lot of 10 year olds to up your frag count =)
And I know there are some immature kids online.... I think some green-smokeables every once in a while is fun, but when you have some kid spouting off about how high he is, it starts to grate on you... I know what you mean, but I have a brother and sister and I can deal with it....
And if you don't want to play it any more, you could give it to me