I am a bit drunk, but mostly tired.
When I get this way, mostly tired and a bit drunk, I get depressed. When I get depressed, I drink. It's really not a healthy cycle. I recognize this, but have not as of yet taken any steps to counteract myself. I'll get on it eventually.
Let it be known that I have problems with women. The girls I have crushes on haunt me. Especially since nearly all of them are in a relationship currently.
Ok, yeah, I'm drunk. I can tell when I'm drunk when it takes me 5 minutes to type out a short reply such as this. While I'm still coherent and able to type, I still dwell on every single "what could have been" in my life, and, really, it hurts. A lot. I don't know how I can stop myself from thinking about these women. I never once have had a serious relationship. Really, like, ever. I've dated a few girls here and there, but it's never been serious. Unfortunately, my brain won't shut the hell up - it constantly is thinking about girls whom I've had any interest in before, whether I've dated her (as is the case with Liz) or if I just have a crush on her (as is the case with Bridget or Lizzie or Julie or Laura or...).
So my mind is working at about a thousand words per minute right now, but my fingers are typing at about 30 words per minute. Someone needs to invent a mind-to-text inputter. Or whatever the heck it's called.
Basically, here's me in a nutshell: I'm pretty smart, I'm not awful looking, I like my job, but I hate the emotional capacity of a 15-year-old.
Any women care to hang out with me?