biiiig crush. spent all day fantasizing. he was at my house for a long time tonigh and I didn't even say hi. fuck fuck fuck fuck
listen friend, you need to be confident (i.e. slightly but not too drunk) and say hello to the guy at least! play with your hair, press your wrists together at waist level, and then go talk to some other guy to make him jealous! 
going to try this on saturday, wish me luck
I've had girls do this with me and it's so god damned ridiculous if it's not done right. Like, yeah girl, I notice that you are talking to another guy, sure, but you should at least
try not to glance my way every fifteen seconds to see if it's working.
It can also backfire if the guy figures that "nah, she's not interested" and leaves. Or maybe he or the dude you're talking to to make him jealous is a big dick ans punches the other one. I mean, gee, more people should probably use the line "hey, wanna make out?".
playing with your hair? In what weird, surrealist world is it hot when a girl plays with her hair? Or is it just me that's weird?
dear sober thread, I need a drink.