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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #50 on: 07 Mar 2007, 17:13 »

It's published by Microsoft, so it is 360 and that is all.

Don't forget PC. Microsoft was a PC developer first and foremost (Halo, anyone??) Gears of War has already been confirmed for the PC and the popularity of Crackdawn definetly doesn't exclude it from becoming a possible port. And I second Vampire: Bloodlines as having a horrible ending. The game was really great almost the whole way through but the end was just so poorly done. It was upsetting.
« Last Edit: 07 Mar 2007, 17:15 by TheFuriousWombat »
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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #51 on: 07 Mar 2007, 20:23 »

SaGa Frontier.  I absolutely fucking loved the game and have played through it many times, but the endings for each of the characters are all so short and anticlimactic.   :|
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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #52 on: 07 Mar 2007, 23:04 »

I got the Anarch Lacroix blowing himself up when he opens the sarcophagus and Jack in a deckchair ending.

Ah, that one's good, but the Loner ending just has a little extra panache to it. Any ending that makes me say "Kick ass!" and then afterwards make me smile uncontrollably and giggle like a little schoolgirl is a good ending in my book.
When I play through it again I must try to get that ending.

One thing that annoyed me was after the battle with the sherriff, I was kinda expecting some kind of all-out battle of some description with Lacroix. I mean, you fight your way into the tower, kill the sherriff and then Lacroix just squibs out? I know he's supposed to be weak apart from his power plays, but come on...
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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #53 on: 08 Mar 2007, 02:20 »

Clive Barker's Undying. Did any of you guys play this?

The first three quarters of the game was incredible, the scariest game I've ever played and one of the best games full stop. The ending, though... The Eternal Autumn levels were just confusing, the final sibling (Bethany) was a bizarre boss, and then all of a sudden you got dropped onto an island to fight the Undying King. Picture a huge dragon with a gaping vagina that you had to fire flaming skulls into, and you'll see why I was terribly disappointed.


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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #54 on: 08 Mar 2007, 19:58 »

So I just finished Neverwinter Nights.  I have this to say, wtf.  I go through all this shit for an ending that lasts less than a minute or so?
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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #55 on: 08 Mar 2007, 20:59 »

I got the Anarch Lacroix blowing himself up when he opens the sarcophagus and Jack in a deckchair ending.

Ah, that one's good, but the Loner ending just has a little extra panache to it. Any ending that makes me say "Kick ass!" and then afterwards make me smile uncontrollably and giggle like a little schoolgirl is a good ending in my book.
When I play through it again I must try to get that ending.

One thing that annoyed me was after the battle with the sherriff, I was kinda expecting some kind of all-out battle of some description with Lacroix. I mean, you fight your way into the tower, kill the sherriff and then Lacroix just squibs out? I know he's supposed to be weak apart from his power plays, but come on...

Hmm, well if that bugged you a lot I'm not sure it'll change much really. I just simply thought of Lacroix as the evil Mastermind character that he is. Absolute pansy by himself with a hell of a bodyguard.

Besides, it was very satisfying seeing you character stab him with a pair of scissors. :)


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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #56 on: 11 Mar 2007, 13:44 »

The final levels of the otherwise kickass brilliance that was God of War were horrifyingly bad. The entier Hades sequence in which you must guide Kratos over those damn bridges of rotating bladed bone and then up those spinning blade covered pillars was excrutiatingly annoying and horribly put together, even if it was a cool idea. I literally spent hours trying to beat that damn sequence. To top it off, the final boss was terrible as well. It was again a cool idea and it could have been a lot of fun. It just....wasn't. That made me sad. Here's hoping the sequal (out this week!!) will have a better ending.
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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #57 on: 11 Mar 2007, 16:29 »

Speaking of games with horrible endings, how about games with awesome stories that had endings that worked? Anyone play Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem? That game was awesome, but I probably like it more because it's directly inspired by the works of H.P. Lovecraft.
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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #58 on: 11 Mar 2007, 17:16 »

The final levels of the otherwise kickass brilliance that was God of War were horrifyingly bad. The entier Hades sequence in which you must guide Kratos over those damn bridges of rotating bladed bone and then up those spinning blade covered pillars was excrutiatingly annoying and horribly put together, even if it was a cool idea. I literally spent hours trying to beat that damn sequence. To top it off, the final boss was terrible as well. It was again a cool idea and it could have been a lot of fun. It just....wasn't. That made me sad. Here's hoping the sequal (out this week!!) will have a better ending.

The developers actually admitted that they wish they had an extra few weeks to fix that.  They had playtested everything to a T write up until the Hades level, so everything that followed (difficulty-wise, at least) was much harder than they wanted it to be.  Hopefully that won't be an issue in the sequel, which I'm gonna go pick up wednesday.
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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #59 on: 14 Mar 2007, 16:13 »

The ending of the Main Quest in Oblivion was really weak.  You don't even fight the final battle--it's just a cut-scene of Martin turning into a dragon and defeating Mahrunes Dagon--and escorting Martin to the temple is ridiculously easy (you just run into the temple, and he'll automatically come thru the door with you), and your reward for helping to defeat the invasion is a suit of armor that's nowhere near as good as what you probably already have.  Plus the ending doesn't make a lick of sense in the context of what you've been trying to do all through the game. 

I play mostly stragegy games and wargames, and many of those don't have much more than a "Congratulations, you have won" message or a victory point total at the end.


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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #60 on: 15 Mar 2007, 22:04 »

Dead Rising.

Yay, everyone dies...
Its crap.

and here they are saying it has nothing to do with, and no relation with Dawn of the Dead the movie... my rear end it doesn't.

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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #61 on: 15 Mar 2007, 22:23 »

Dead Rising.

Yay, everyone dies...
Its crap.

and here they are saying it has nothing to do with, and no relation with Dawn of the Dead the movie... my rear end it doesn't.
As far as trademarks and copyright go, it doesn't. That doesn't stop it from being heavily influenced and inspired by Dawn of the Dead, though. It's like Fallout and Wasteland.
Their assurances that it had nothing to do with Romero and his movie series was part of the advertising campaign, I think. I remember the site of the game making it very clear that the game had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with them. A case of methinks the lady doth protest too much if I ever saw one...
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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #62 on: 15 Mar 2007, 22:33 »

Also, what?
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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #63 on: 17 Mar 2007, 18:57 »

Star Ocean 3
Star Ocean 3
Star Ocean 3
Star Ocean 3
Star Ocean 3
Final Fantasy VII
Any NES game before they started caring about making good endings.


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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #64 on: 19 Mar 2007, 20:00 »

Wow, no-one mentioned Beyond Good and Evil?
That game's ending was such a let-down.
"Oh, hey, Jade, turns out you're really the physical embodiment of some super-creepy alien dude's magic powers, and we've been hiding you on this planet. But now they've found you, so you had to fight your way through several satisfying (If not a bit repetitive) levels, taking pictures and uncovering a massive government conspiracy, until you fought your way onto the alien ship, and now have to fight said creepy alein, who uses total cheap tactics(Ha Ha!  I'm making your controls inverted!) and then, when you finally beat him, you sort of....float around in space with your eyes glowing, while Peyj escapes."


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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #65 on: 26 Mar 2007, 12:41 »

Dead Rising had the worst ending ever, oh man so you beat this guy up, then the camera zooms out as your character just screams on top of a tank. i was like wtf?

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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #66 on: 27 Mar 2007, 00:14 »


I mean, I go through 32 freakin' levels, workin' my ass off, and then when I finally make through the last level, all I get is a black screen, on which is spelled out the word c-o-n-g-r-a-t-u-l-a-t-i-o-n.  That was it. No graphics, no nothing.  Just a blank black screen and one word.  What a rip.

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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #67 on: 27 Mar 2007, 00:17 »

Kotor2: So much potential wasted.

I agree, the ending was such a disappointment.

I have to re-agree with the others - the last 1/3 of KOTOR 2 was such a waste, especially compared to the original.   I mean, itj ust seemed like they cobbled it all together at the last minute so they could ship it out in time.  What about that super-dark Jedi on his ship who was supposed to be all tough and evil?  WAY too easy to beat.  And the end - I mean, having to fight lightsabers?  What kind of weak-ass stuff was that?  And just the way the whole thing wrapped up was such a disappointment. 
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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #68 on: 27 Mar 2007, 04:29 »

Wow, no-one mentioned Beyond Good and Evil?
That game's ending was such a let-down.
"Oh, hey, Jade, turns out you're really the physical embodiment of some super-creepy alien dude's magic powers, and we've been hiding you on this planet. But now they've found you, so you had to fight your way through several satisfying (If not a bit repetitive) levels, taking pictures and uncovering a massive government conspiracy, until you fought your way onto the alien ship, and now have to fight said creepy alein, who uses total cheap tactics(Ha Ha!  I'm making your controls inverted!) and then, when you finally beat him, you sort of....float around in space with your eyes glowing, while Peyj escapes."
Oh yeah, a pity though.
The game was awesome but the ending was such a let down. I expected something spectacular, the mother of all cut-scenes...


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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #69 on: 27 Mar 2007, 07:18 »


Ha, yeah right. Put that on the list of amazing games.

Anyone play that blatant RE4 ripoff, Cold Fear? My girlfriend got that for me on accident instead of FEAR for Christmas (go figure), and I finally sat down on Wednesday and Thursday of last week and beat it in like eight hours. :/ You seriously just shoot an invincible boss in the back until he turns around like "why halo thar." then rushes at you, eventually this happens enough where you can do this "action shot" where you tap the "Use" key like four times then it says "SHOOT" and you use your pistol to blast him in the grill about four times. Done! Also, in the middle of the game you get infected by the enemies in a cut scene (second time it happens by the way) and your character, Tom, explains to the girl that he is infected and he needs to die in the explosion they are going to create to destroy the oil rig they are on. Then, you uh... totally forget this fact and just escape with her in a helicopter she conveniently knows how to fly.

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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #70 on: 29 Mar 2007, 20:25 »

Star Ocean 3

You think thats bad, try Star Ocean: Second Story... I had to level beyond 99 in order to beat the final boss because for some god awful reason (reason I never understood to this day) his sister decided to leave him and blamed me for it; So he gets pissed off, gains inhuman powers and kills me instantly...

I was forced to do side quests... and for what? 30 seconds of ending?

That save is never leaving my PS1 memory card... My characters were level 150 and it was a CLOSE fight...

And as bad as I would like to admit it... KOTOR II was a major letdown at the end



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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #71 on: 30 Mar 2007, 15:30 »

There's actually a fan project to mod the PC version of KOTOR II to the good ending. Apparently there was a file within the game that detailed all the interesting twists and changes that the developers wanted to happen... and then they had to release it for the Christmas rush.  :x


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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #72 on: 01 Apr 2007, 02:23 »

Fable. The ending is slightly longer than the game, and just as forgettable.
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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #73 on: 02 Apr 2007, 07:04 »

Worst ending I've ever seen is for an ancient PS1 game called Chronicles of the Sword. Don't assume that just because a company has in the past made kickass games, they are always going to do so, and NEVER get a game because the box art looks awesome. Easily the worst game from Psygnosis, even if (for 1996 standards) it made good screenshots.


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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #74 on: 12 Apr 2007, 09:36 »

The "good" ending for KOTOR - "thanks for saving the galaxy, stick around in case ever need you again"

Fable, as mentioned before. both endings.

Beyond Good and Evil just had a crap storyline the whole way through.


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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #75 on: 12 Apr 2007, 10:04 »

yeah fable was a horrible ending.... not a real fan of how halo 2 ended. but it wasnt horrible


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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #76 on: 12 Apr 2007, 13:55 »

AHHH Crap someone beat me to Beyond Good and Evil. But seriously not only was the last area bad ( I thought that the game was amazing) but throw in the fact that its a cliffhanger ending for a game that will probably never have a sequel just pisses me off. Damn bad marketing.


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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #77 on: 13 Apr 2007, 06:46 »

I'll reiterate what someone touched upon. It's well established in a lot of gaming circles that KotoR II was never legitimately "finished." Obsidian was nowhere near where they wanted to be, but Lucasarts ended up forcing their hand and released what was, essentially, an unfinished product. They ended up having the hack the crap out of the last portion. Originally there was a scene where Darth Sion actually tortured and killed Atton, the white haired Jedi who went nuts on you was supposed to be Darth Treia, an entire planet was cut out (Remember the droids that were hunting you? It all came to a head there) and loads of other stuff I'm not even aware of. There ARE people trying to patch it to put in as much of the deleted content as possible, though.

I LIKED the ending to Twilight Princess. Zelda games have always had cliche happy endings where nothing much happens of consequence. I also kinda liked Final Fantasy XII's ending, it was intentionally left open to leave room for the sequel, Revenant Wings.

On the other hand, endings I hated:

While it was rushed and understandable, I do loathe the KotoR II ending.

Outside of Blood Omen, the entire Legacy of Kain series has had utter crap endings, especially the two Soul Reaver games. The first one: you show up, attack Kain and he runs away and you run into the oracle, the end. The second game, the Soul Reaver tried to devour Raziel's soul and Kain pulls it out leaving Raziel sitting there confused, the end. Both were the victims of rushed production, but they were lazy and abrupt endings. Then, after a thrilling and heart-pounding climax, Defiance ends on a blah note. It makes me pine for the days of the original Blood Omen where you beat the final boss and damn and enslave the world.
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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #78 on: 13 Apr 2007, 13:50 »

FF7. I mean, most of the main characters are dead by the end, except Nanaki, and perhaps Vincent. (I kinda suspect that coffin thing of his keeps him in suspended animation, and he's not your regular human to begin with.) Rest of the folk are ordinary human beings, and are surely dead after 400 years...




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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #79 on: 14 Apr 2007, 01:30 »

Starfox Adventures. Classic shite bait and switch ending (Oh, hey Andross!). I really wanted to fight that damn T-Rex.


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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #80 on: 14 Apr 2007, 06:41 »

just beat crack down myself.. that is a horrible ending, but the story was almost non existant anyway so not much to complain about...

guitar hero 2's ending is sad also..i mean theres not a story there at all but i wish i GOT something for it... i dunno


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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #81 on: 14 Apr 2007, 12:56 »

The Call of Duty series.  So predictable.
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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #82 on: 15 Apr 2007, 15:31 »

Megaman X5 through X7. They should've just stopped at X4.


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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #83 on: 15 Apr 2007, 19:10 »

well kingdom hearts ended poorly, altho i never played the game... i just started playin kingdom hearts II and i gotta say, by what i've read and what i can tell from the 2nd one, the first one just kinda ended...


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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #84 on: 17 Apr 2007, 09:34 »

I guess I would have to say MGS2: Sons of Liberty.

I was really disappointed in the basic "This is the lesson for life" portion that lasted like 30 minutes or so.  That's just not how I wanted my action game to end.

Meh - I can't bitch too much I guess, but I think I could have written a better ending there.
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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #85 on: 20 Apr 2007, 15:02 »

I guess I would have to say MGS2: Sons of Liberty.

I was really disappointed in the basic "This is the lesson for life" portion that lasted like 30 minutes or so.

ditto, After a freaking hour of being bitched at by Campbell and Rose (who was being a total bitch the entire game as well) i just felt like i could have used that time better, like figuring out how on earth Raiden got involved in the whole mission if the entire thing was fake-ass.

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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #86 on: 24 Apr 2007, 09:16 »

I was a little more irritated that none of it was really resolved in MGS3. That said, I liked the endings of both games. Each gave you a sensation that what you were fighting was somehow much, much bigger than you. I am really excited to see the common threads in each tied together in MGS4.
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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #87 on: 24 Apr 2007, 18:29 »



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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #88 on: 28 Apr 2007, 10:34 »

I'll chime in with the KOTOR 2 crowd. I just love the "OMG HUGE PLOT-TWIST" at the end. I mean, really, who knew she was evil? I was actually surprised, though, to see her as the final boss. I gave the developers too much credit, I guess, since about 30 minutes into the game, I had that "Huh, she's pretty evil. I bet she's the evil mastermind. Nah, surely they could write a better twist than that." moment.


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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #89 on: 06 May 2007, 08:19 »

I'll chime in with the KOTOR 2 crowd. I just love the "OMG HUGE PLOT-TWIST" at the end. I mean, really, who knew she was evil? I was actually surprised, though, to see her as the final boss. I gave the developers too much credit, I guess, since about 30 minutes into the game, I had that "Huh, she's pretty evil. I bet she's the evil mastermind. Nah, surely they could write a better twist than that." moment.
I never had that moment 30 minutes into the game, so the ending was pretty boring.
Especially the ending of the ending. You go to revan at the outer rim, but what she/he and you are gonna do there is a question never answered...
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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #90 on: 18 May 2007, 08:02 »

The Call of Duty series.  So predictable.
LOL! They couldn't exactly put a surprise ending where the Germans win, now could they? That'd be like remaking Titanic where the ship doesn't sink.


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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #91 on: 30 May 2007, 00:29 »

The Call of Duty series.  So predictable.
LOL! They couldn't exactly put a surprise ending where the Germans win, now could they? That'd be like remaking Titanic where the ship doesn't sink.

Why not? It would be insane! I don't really play many PC games or shooters, but that would be whacked out enough to catch my attention. Particularly when compared to the mass of other WWII shooters. How do those things keep coming, anyway?

As far as disappointing endings, I'm going to have to go with FFX. The series is certainly built on melodrama, no doubt, but X just didn't do it for me. I didn't find any of the characters to be engaging, other than Auron (the dead guys are almost always cool), and it all just kinda boiled down to nonsense. The worst part, though, was the sequel. No. Just no.


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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #92 on: 30 May 2007, 01:15 »

The sequel's a fun game and a good respite from the po-faced seriousness that pervades the rest of the series.
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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #93 on: 30 May 2007, 05:01 »

I'll chime in with the KOTOR 2 crowd. I just love the "OMG HUGE PLOT-TWIST" at the end. I mean, really, who knew she was evil? I was actually surprised, though, to see her as the final boss. I gave the developers too much credit, I guess, since about 30 minutes into the game, I had that "Huh, she's pretty evil. I bet she's the evil mastermind. Nah, surely they could write a better twist than that." moment.
I never had that moment 30 minutes into the game, so the ending was pretty boring.
Especially the ending of the ending. You go to revan at the outer rim, but what she/he and you are gonna do there is a question never answered...

I can't really remember much of what happened in KOTOR 2, I didn't really like that game all that much, I remember you had to fight the old woman (was pretty predictable) and she had those floating light sabres, was a pretty hard fight, then I think it flashed to the other party members on the surface, something I think was affected by whether I let the wookie live or not, on the whole it doesn't stand out as being terrible or that good either, I haven't really been all that motivated to try and play it again. The whole game just reminded me of NWN in space (I guess I was a bit peeved at the way they took the NWN engine and slapped a bunch of star wars crap on it and expected it too sell, there was something screwed up with the alignments too I kept trying to roleplay as an evil character and it kept resetting me to neutral whenever I walked into a new area).  So I think I got cheated a bit out of seeing the 'evil' ending.


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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #94 on: 30 May 2007, 06:19 »

I'm surprised no one's mentioned Jedi Knight II. After the actually quite difficult battle with Galak you then end up in a first person to hit the other wins duel with desarn. So dissapointing.
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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #95 on: 01 Jun 2007, 02:52 »

I'm surprised no one's mentioned Jedi Knight II. After the actually quite difficult battle with Galak you then end up in a first person to hit the other wins duel with desarn. So dissapointing.
Have you tried the game at the harder difficulties? I Played the game through on hard (Jedi Knight I think it was... or maybe the hardest, Jedi Master) a while ago and Desann was a real pain in the ass, it wasn't a onehitkill (except when he managed to get one on me...)
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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #96 on: 02 Jun 2007, 00:50 »

Did you ever play Ultima: Nemesis?

Worst ending in existence. You spend countless hours leveling gathering your shit and making your way through the Nemesis's tower, to put these retarded ass cards in the right spots on the podium thingy, and then... the credits roll.

Wait . . . that was the ending for Ultima: Exodus! Is Nemesis a funny name for Exodus?? Also, you practically had to wade through dragons to get to that point. And any game can finish with a big boss battle - how many medieval-esque R.P.G.s end with you having to insert three discs into a bizarre, anacronistic, evil computer? Come on! (Basically I will not hear a bad word said about Ultimas 3, 4, or 5.)
Sooo much respect for you here, Inlander. But what about Ultima 7 and Serpent Isle? The series didn't get crappy until after that.

Quote from: Inlander
I was pretty disappointed with the ending of Deus Ex. Having three possible endings does not make the conclusion of the game three times as good, it makes it three times as "Ehh".
Ack, how can you defend Exodus and blast Deus Ex? Both games were built on the philosophy that it's more about the journey than the destination (though I agree the endings could have been better). I'm curious though, what did you think of Invisible War?
« Last Edit: 02 Jun 2007, 02:01 by MatticusPrime »


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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #97 on: 19 Jun 2007, 10:49 »

The ending to Halo 2 pretty much pissed me off.

Me too. 

MC: "Sir, Finishing this Fight!"
Me:  YES! 
Credits Roll
Me: Aw... Fuck NO!

Talk about a cliffhanger...  That was worse then Gowron telling Worf to come with him on his Glorious war of which songs will be sung.
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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #98 on: 21 Jun 2007, 18:28 »

Star Ocean 3
Star Ocean 3
Star Ocean 3
Star Ocean 3
Star Ocean 3
Final Fantasy VII
Any NES game before they started caring about making good endings.

SO3 I can understand. In fact, it's major plot twist is notorious for its stupidity.

FFVII...well, if you're not a big fan of ambiguity, then, I guess I see your point, but I loved the fact that it left a lot of things uncertain. I didn't feel like much explanation was needed.


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Re: Games with terrible endings
« Reply #99 on: 22 Jun 2007, 14:23 »

The ending to Shadow Of The Colossus kind of annoyed me.
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