Hmm, ok. Here's my attempt. This is a fairly mismashed mix but it's all good music and the song titles pretty much work coherently. It's my best effort in 5 minutes anyway.
So Quick,1 The Funeral2 Of3 The Last Man.4 As The City Burned We Trembled, For We Saw The Makings Of Its Undoing In Our Own Hearts.5 Greet Death,6 His Eyes7 On Fire,8 Warm Blood Within,9 Killing all the Flies,10 Heart and Lungs11 Black and White.12 Death, in the Mind of the Living,13 Prelude to the Fall,14 always returning,15 always for you,16 Can't Stop.17 All of this is True.18
1. Because of Ghosts
2. Band of Horses
3. Fridge
4. Clint Mansell/Kronos Quartet
5. The Ascent of Everest
6. Explosions in the Sky
7. Rachel's
8. Lightning Bolt
9. Sparrows Swarm and Sing
10. Mogwai
11. Beach House
12. L?ht?
13. Tarentel
14. Tarantual A.D.
15. Brian Eno
16. The Album Leaf
17. M83
18. Do Make Say Think