Ok, then how's about this, there has YET to be a console game yet that can match the sales of Half-Life 1 yeah, that's a 10 year old game. Not to mention the fact that HL2 has out sold the better portion of the xBox catalog. But that MAY just be me. And oh, pro gaming IS mainstream now, it's televised and it's got a LARGE viewership.
http://www.thecgs.com/But don't take my word for it.
-Levar Burton
And if you are going to hold to the line about "Not everyone decides game purchases based on the competitive playability." Isn't that the point of the whole concept of a "game" that it's competitive, so if a "game" is good enough to be played for money wouldn't that also TEND to SUGGEST that it is itself a "good game"?
Wait, how did my 2 cents worth turn into someone flaming me? So in response to your flame, go fuck yourself.
The whole 'mouse and keyboard are superior' argument makes a BIG difference, why the FUCK do you think Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo spend MILLIONS to attempt to come close in a console form the intuitive grasp most people have of the mouse and keyboard? Why is the Wii doing so well? because the "learning" the controller isn't as hard as well the xbox. Yes the xbox controller is a piece of work, it should be immortalized in the Museum of Modern art, but it still, takes ALOT of time to learn it, and use it well. Most people already know how to use a keyboard and mouse, and can pick that up pretty quickly, it's the finesse that takes the learning on the PC.
Console is superior for such things as Guitar Hero, Fighting games, racing games (unless you buy the logitec force feedback steering wheel), and RPG's (not MMO's mind you). BUT, the RTS and FPS genre's should be left to the PC, the control just isn't there on the console.
So to sum up:
You're an asshole who started flaming for no apparent reason, you parrot back what I said then mock it, good debate method. (Storm Rider and Ozymandias that is)
Professional Gaming IS coming into the main stream, notice my points as to that (
http://www.thecgs.com/) there's already alot of sponsor money in this gig, more than baseball started with.
You ignored my mention of why the Playstation 3 may or may not pull a Playstation 2 (becoming a less expensive HD movie player with more features than other ones, just like the PS2 did with DVD's)
Counter-Strike (and Counter-Strike: Source) are in the top 5 played online games, also among the best selling games ever. PC games sell more copies than console games, THAT's a FUCKING FACT.
You're an asshole that started flaming for no reason.