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Author Topic: Faye and Sven  (Read 176238 times)


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #200 on: 16 Feb 2008, 23:07 »

 :laugh: :laugh:
that happened faster than I thought it would, but ok ...
It gave me an added measure of satisfaction to see Sven being jerked forward by the shirt.  Dominated men amuse me (if they were formerly heartless womanizers -- Marten being dominated is not so fun).


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #201 on: 17 Feb 2008, 00:32 »

Worst case scenario: Sven actually doesn't like her that way.

No, worst case scenario: they have sex.


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #202 on: 17 Feb 2008, 00:41 »

No and no: Worst case scenario: Monday's strip jumps to CoD the next day, and the Faye/Sven kiss isn't mentioned again, ever.

I don't think Jeph's actually that mean to his readers, but the option is there.



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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #203 on: 17 Feb 2008, 02:06 »

satisfaction to see Sven being jerked forward by the shirt.

Did anyone else notice in the last two panels that Faye pulling the shirt makes Sven look... um, I don't know... like female, with the long hair and all...? Look again.

What subtle Freudian symbolism is this?   ...?
Irresponsible Adult GOM


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #204 on: 17 Feb 2008, 02:58 »

Long time reader, first post.
This latest comic just Made me register!

First reaction - SQEEEEE!!!!!
Second reaction  - DOUBLE SQEEEE!!!
And then I started to get thoughtful about it.

I think the kiss certainly was a 'I'm pushing my boundries' and her body language in the second to last panel certainly shows that.
Some people here were talking about how she was all sweet and innocent beforehand, but I think she was being nice, until he said the 'pushing your boundries' comment and then she thought 'what the heck!' and did it.
*edit* - Either that or she was trying to sneak up on Sven, I mean, you would hide the knife behind your back if you were going to stab someone, you wouldn't parade it around, would you?

Worst case scenario - Faye is 'cured' and they all live happily ever after with lotsa ponies and unicorns in a big castle for ever and ever!! And they have lotsa sex and babies!
I'm sorry that is just unrealistic AND it makes me gag. Thank god April's Fools isn't nearby...

I think Faye has far too many issues for this to be a quick fix, but there still is the little part of me, that wants her to be happy, but I just know this won't be the case.
I don't really know what Monday's strip will be like, I don't think they will keep it a secret. Why keep it a secret when Jeph could just milk all the tension and drama it would bring!
*is excited for Monday's comic!*
« Last Edit: 17 Feb 2008, 03:27 by Holi »


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Faye kisses sven
« Reply #205 on: 17 Feb 2008, 05:35 »

I saw this coming from the start of the karaoke arc, but I assumed Jeph would cop-out. I'm impressed that he actually furthered the progression of Faye's character, but I reckon he's gona have her think it was a mistake and things'll be back to square one. If Jeph sees this through properly (as in he doesn't just have them break up before Faye develops as a character), then I'll be extremely impressed.


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #206 on: 17 Feb 2008, 05:45 »

You're kidding, right?

Quote from: Jeph
Before you go all "OMG FAYE AND SVEN GONNA MAKE TEH KISSES!~1!" on the message board, bear in mind how well everyone's "OMG FAYE AND MARTEN GONNA MAKE TEH KISSES!11!!" predictions have turned out so far.

haha PWND.

this weeks comic makes you look all naive and stuff.

Jackie Blue

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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #207 on: 17 Feb 2008, 18:01 »

Jesus, this thread makes me want to never read General Discussion again.

If you want me, I'll be back in Music Talk.

seriously people it is a comic strip these are not real people you are talking about
Man, this thread really makes me want to suck some cock.


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #208 on: 17 Feb 2008, 18:36 »

Alright here are my theories on the future with this whole faye & sven thing
a) It is going to lead to them dating thusly making the sexual tension between faye and marten even more akward
b) Another 50 pages about fayes issues
c) Faye is just fucking arounds and it means nothing
d) Jealousy build up
and e) (the least likely) massive orgy :mrgreen:


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #209 on: 17 Feb 2008, 21:02 »

Did anyone forget about Raven, how she was pushing to get with him....I know she's dating that hobo, but she does tend to go through boyfriends like an artist goes through sketchbooks.

btw, hi. I'm what they had called a "lurker" for a bit of time now.


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #210 on: 18 Feb 2008, 00:12 »

i'm not going to argue about theories right now

let me just say i was really, really pissed about something else just 5 minutes ago, and then i read the comic and that all took a major back seat b/c right now i'm beyond excited even if it doesn't last, even if it wasn't the right time-or whatever else objections people might have...for the moment its ALL good...that' being said

*fangirl warning*



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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #211 on: 18 Feb 2008, 00:21 »

Oh my god! I can't believe they got nekkid!! Eeeeeeeeeh. I hate most girly things but the last two comics have me between giggles and awws and what the fuck is left nows?!


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #212 on: 18 Feb 2008, 00:31 »

Can't wait for Dora and Marten's reaction.

Sven and Her won't last.
I have been hoping for them to get together for the longest time. but after thinking...just wouldn't work.

But hey. Faye got layed! Party?


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #213 on: 18 Feb 2008, 00:33 »

OMIGORSH!!! faye and sven made teh sexings!!! I KNEW IT!!! i'm really happy she finally got laid, i know she needed it... :lol:


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #214 on: 18 Feb 2008, 00:44 »

I am in fangirl blissful shock.


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #215 on: 18 Feb 2008, 00:56 »

O_O This is so awesome you have no idea! I think I cheered the same when marten and dora kissed for the first time!
It's about time it happened (lord knows she needed it), though I don't see it going farther than this. Still, righteous ^_^


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #216 on: 18 Feb 2008, 01:22 »

Well damn... Part of me wants to be happy, but part of me was also expecting something more dramatic. Maybe some more build up.

But random FayeSvensex is pretty decent.


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #217 on: 18 Feb 2008, 01:48 »

Okay, I'm really starting to hope and pray that this is Faye's way of getting back at Dora.

On a lighter note, this comic is sadly pushing me farther and farther away. It used to be my favourite, way back when. Now, all it's doing is making me sad and kind of pissed off. Like the pissed off you get after you get over Aeris' death, and think, "WHAT THE HELL, SQUARESOFT?!" or when your favourite game company decides to randomly switch from being exclusive to one console to being exclusive to another. Geh.


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #218 on: 18 Feb 2008, 06:29 »

I am quite excited over this. I defiantly cant wait to see how this is gonna all pan out. I think that any direction that it goes, it'll keep me reading. What i don't quite understand is all the mellow drama on the boards about "QC is ruined forever!" "I now hate QC for this, I'm never going to read it again" and things of that nature. Judging the average interests of the majority of people who watch movies,tv, and read comics not based on superheroes... this is keeping with the interests of that basic demographic. Jeph knows who will like his comic, and knows who wont. But obviously dose not care if you like it or not. If you personally believe that QC is ruined over this, then just go find something else in the vastness of the internet, instead of criticizing someone else's work. Oh another idea, if you don't like the way the plot has panned out, then go write your own comic. :-P


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #219 on: 18 Feb 2008, 09:33 »

haha unbelievers.



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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #220 on: 18 Feb 2008, 09:38 »

Yes, yes,yes,yes,yes,yes,yes,yes,yes,yes,yes,yes,yes,yes,yes,yes,yes,yes,yes,yes,yes,yes,yes,yes,yes,yes,yessssssssssssss!
So, I am so excessively excited about this part of the plot. I knew it from the start, and I don't care what anybody says. It's amazing!
Although, I don't want to get over-excited about this cause it could just be like a one time thing. Cause you know, what would the comic be without bitter-Faye? Well, hoping everything goes well with the comic. And hoping that Faye won'T go soft or anything.
P.S. I'm starting to miss Marten.

The Viz

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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #221 on: 18 Feb 2008, 10:09 »

No, worst case scenario: they have sex.
Good call.

Maybe Faye finally took Dora's advice to just go out and "have yourself a good bang."


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #222 on: 18 Feb 2008, 10:16 »

I hope she reminds Dora of that as Dora is strangling Sven. Or maybe even before.
GOM (Grumpy Old Men): Complaining about attire, trespassing, loud music, and general cheerfulness since before you were born, Missy.


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #223 on: 18 Feb 2008, 11:25 »

Maybe Faye finally took Dora's advice to just go out and "have yourself a good bang."

Yeah.. but.. Sven?


I mean.. come on.

Granted it's a heckuva lot better than having Jeph spring a random character on us and say Faye slept with him, but, yeah.. Sven?..  :|


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #224 on: 18 Feb 2008, 11:40 »

hi...i've been reading the comic for a long time and never posted here, but i felt the need to say one thing....

don't you guys think that when faye goes into CoD, she should wear the "everything is ruined" t-shirt? or is that just me?


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #225 on: 18 Feb 2008, 14:34 »

Imagine if she had slept with that Angus guy instead... LOL.


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #226 on: 18 Feb 2008, 15:01 »

So very...very happy.

I do think Faye and Sven will be good for each other, even if the relationship doesn't last (Which I doubt it will). He needs someone who won't put up with any crap, and vice versa. But more than anything else I'm looking forward to the havoc which will be wreaked when Dora finds out :evil:

Not Jeff

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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #227 on: 18 Feb 2008, 15:12 »

I think what everyone's forgetting is that Raven lost her bet .



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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #228 on: 18 Feb 2008, 15:18 »

*grin* Aw, poor Raven.
I wonder if anyone had money on Faye and Sven? I doubt it.


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #229 on: 18 Feb 2008, 16:11 »

If you think about it, Sven is the only character Faye would have had sex with in QC.

She has abandonment issues, emotional problems that stem from a fear that if she grows close to someone that they'll abandon her.  She pushed her boundaries and sexed up the smarmasaur precisely because she doesn't feel close enough to Sven to feel hurt when/if he "abandons" her.


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #230 on: 18 Feb 2008, 20:08 »

  She pushed her boundaries and sexed up the smarmasaur precisely because she doesn't feel close enough to Sven to feel hurt when/if he "abandons" her.

No way man. She sexed up smarmy Sven cuz he's smokin hawt! Rawr.

I hope Hanners isn't too traumatized. I wish she were my friend. I want pancakes...


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #231 on: 18 Feb 2008, 20:21 »

really though, it did take me by suprise, but I think it's a good thing, she needed relief, and he needed to be taken.  I'm on the edge of my seat to see what will happen
it's like Three's Company only I have to read it   :-D

As for the people who are getting all bent out of shape...

OMG Dramasplosion

(pssst hey folks, it's a web comic)


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #232 on: 18 Feb 2008, 20:47 »

 :-oThree's Company? Freakin' Three's Company? :-o

I agree that QC's gotten a trifle soapy, and that some of us are reacting at least a little like every soap-addicted housewife that ever tuned in to watch The Young and the Should Be Long Dead from STDs.

But I've yet to see a stupid, moon-mouthed, extended take drawn in QC.

« Last Edit: 18 Feb 2008, 20:49 by raoullefere »
GOM (Grumpy Old Men): Complaining about attire, trespassing, loud music, and general cheerfulness since before you were born, Missy.


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #233 on: 18 Feb 2008, 21:31 »

Long time reader, first post.
This latest comic just Made me register!

First reaction - SQEEEEE!!!!!
Second reaction  - DOUBLE SQEEEE!!!
And then I started to get thoughtful about it.

lol, same situation here :D

also, why are there like a hundred threads about this, I got confuzzled


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #234 on: 18 Feb 2008, 22:13 »

Lest I be accused of sexism, we are also acting like every soap-addicted househusband that ever tuned in to watch... Hmm, what do soap-addicted househusbands watch?
GOM (Grumpy Old Men): Complaining about attire, trespassing, loud music, and general cheerfulness since before you were born, Missy.


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #235 on: 18 Feb 2008, 22:17 »

I dunno, but I'll never make fun of anyone watching General Hospital or All My Children ever again.


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #236 on: 18 Feb 2008, 22:18 »

I agree that QC's gotten a trifle soapy, and that some of us are reacting at least a little like every soap-addicted housewife that ever tuned in to watch The Young and the Should Be Long Dead from STDs.

What?! I totally, wholeheartedly disagree with that! There is noo way QC had gotten the least bit soapy! How?! Just tell me how!
I don't know if some of you have failed to notice that Jeph totally made that comic funny as hell! I laughed my ass off. He could have totally made it corny and all but lucky for us we didn't have to put up with awkward cheesy shit. So, my props to Jeph for making me laugh my ass off when he didn't have to.

'Nough said.


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #237 on: 18 Feb 2008, 22:25 »

I had inklings they would hook up from the events in strips 793-799. I just did not expect it to be in such a rapid manner. I only read every few days so i ended up just catching the last 4 strips.

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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #238 on: 18 Feb 2008, 22:36 »

What?! I totally, wholeheartedly disagree with that! There is noo way QC had gotten the least bit soapy!

Yeah, QC has always been soapy... but just because it's soapy doesn't mean it's bad. Ever read Love and Rockets? Jamie Hernandez is a genius.

Lest I be accused of sexism, we are also acting like every soap-addicted househusband that ever tuned in to watch... Hmm, what do soap-addicted househusbands watch?

The political commentariat.


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #239 on: 18 Feb 2008, 22:51 »

What?! I totally, wholeheartedly disagree with that! There is noo way QC had gotten the least bit soapy!

Yeah, QC has always been soapy... but just because it's soapy doesn't mean it's bad. Ever read Love and Rockets? Jamie Hernandez is a genius.

Lest I be accused of sexism, we are also acting like every soap-addicted househusband that ever tuned in to watch... Hmm, what do soap-addicted househusbands watch?

The political commentariat.

I guess you guys are right. But you have to admit it's not a typical "I-love-you-so-much-lets-have-sex-but-oh-wait-you're-my-brother?!?" soapy.
So, I still think it could be much worse.


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #240 on: 18 Feb 2008, 23:11 »

Hmm, what do soap-addicted househusbands watch?



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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #241 on: 19 Feb 2008, 00:14 »

i'm really glad she got a man with a "fine, fine ass" OMG OMG OMG, AND SVEN's NOT DEAD!!! I hope they make some more sweet, sweet'll calm faye down a bit...


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #242 on: 19 Feb 2008, 00:40 »

i'm really glad she got a man with a "fine, fine ass" OMG OMG OMG, AND SVEN's NOT DEAD!!! I hope they make some more sweet, sweet'll calm faye down a bit...
But I DON'T want Faye to calm down!
It'd be awful! Can you imagine QC without angry bitter Faye? I so can't!


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #243 on: 19 Feb 2008, 00:41 »

Wow the Faye/Sven happenings have brought another lurker out of hiding and forced me to actually sign up onto the forum...



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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #244 on: 19 Feb 2008, 01:02 »

Long time reader, first time posting.

I just want to say that No. 1081 = BWAHAHAHAHA!


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #245 on: 19 Feb 2008, 02:22 »

I am quite excited over this. I defiantly cant wait to see how this is gonna all pan out. I think that any direction that it goes, it'll keep me reading. What i don't quite understand is all the mellow drama on the boards about "QC is ruined forever!" "I now hate QC for this, I'm never going to read it again" and things of that nature. Judging the average interests of the majority of people who watch movies,tv, and read comics not based on superheroes... this is keeping with the interests of that basic demographic. Jeph knows who will like his comic, and knows who wont. But obviously dose not care if you like it or not. If you personally believe that QC is ruined over this, then just go find something else in the vastness of the internet, instead of criticizing someone else's work. Oh another idea, if you don't like the way the plot has panned out, then go write your own comic. :-P

I like the "I defiantly can't wait" part.

I'll probably keep reading, but I find it kind of depressing the way that things are turning out. I have a lot of other webcomics to read, as well, and it used to be "OH MY GOD QC," but now it's "oh, QC, the plot got weird, but OH MY GOD CTRL+ALT+DEL IS AWESOME." It makes me kind of sad that I'm not as into QC anymore.

And I know that Jeph doesn't care what we think. I don't care what he thinks, either.  It's interesting, but interesting in a "what the fuck is going on here" sort of way. He's not a bad writer, and I really don't want to bash him or anything, but... I just really hope he has a good twist/storyline coming from this. It's not like they can just get together, and it's not like they can just be "okay ignoring this it didn't happen hahahahhhh." He's got a chance to do something good with this, or he has a chance to turn it into an even deeper "what the fuck is going on here." It's his story, but I just hope it doesn't turn into something really silly. (Hey, I think the whole kiss-and-sex thing was silly, but maybe he has something good coming from it. I don't know yet.)

And yeah, I have other things in the vastness of the internet. There are hundreds of webcomics out there. I just happened to like this one a lot, too.

As for writing my own comic, I do love to write, but I think I'd rather write storylines for a video game company. :-)
« Last Edit: 19 Feb 2008, 02:31 by Naoko »


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #246 on: 19 Feb 2008, 06:21 »

I guess you guys are right. But you have to admit it's not a typical "I-love-you-so-much-lets-have-sex-but-oh-wait-you're-my-brother?!?" soapy.
So, I still think it could be much worse.

Oh no, no, no. 'Soapy' isn't necessarily bad. The kind you're talking about in your German-style noun is, but, to me, soaps kept drama alive when in primetime everybody wanted to watch Gilligan in his next idiocy. The same elements that people laud Shakespeare for including in his work are present in the daytimes. The problem, really, is that some Daytimes have been running for forty years or more, and so we tend to notice repetition after a bit. The first time "I-love-you-so-much-lets-have-sex-but-oh-wait-you're-my-brother" happened, it was dramatic: it's the tenth or so time it’s used, in pretty much exactly the same way, or with only a far-fetched premise to make it 'different,' that cheapens it.

Given the timeflow in QC, it may take us forty years to get through about five, so no worries on that sort of thing.
« Last Edit: 19 Feb 2008, 06:24 by raoullefere »
GOM (Grumpy Old Men): Complaining about attire, trespassing, loud music, and general cheerfulness since before you were born, Missy.

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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #247 on: 19 Feb 2008, 11:01 »

We've seen Jeph hook up characters in problematic situations before, and we've seen him do nothing but a great job writing it.  I'm gonna trust that Jeph knows what he's doing here.


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #248 on: 19 Feb 2008, 11:18 »

Whats really pissing me off is that everyone seems to be expecting Sven to step backward in his character development, rather then possibly be able to change himself, and actually be something GOOD for Fae. Incase anyone's not noticed, one of the major themes of QC is overcoming issues and learning to live your life, be yourself, and have fun with it. Sven by this point officialy qualifies as a main character. Fck, if Hanners can come as far as she says, why can't Svenn?

Faye: Issues of self confidence.
Sven: Issues with realisticaly being reliable and dependable.

The two both have major personality issues, but they also seem to present each other with support. Fae is probably the first female that Sven has ever interracted with without 100% intent on screwing an dumping her. Sven boasts far more self confidence, and that can be a good thing to rub off on Fae, unlike Marten. I love Marten, but he's too passive and soft to really show Fae a good example of how to gain self confidence in my view.

I'm 100% behind this new turn, and I hope it becomes an education experience for the two characters, and continues to uphold QC's traditional style of character development.


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #249 on: 19 Feb 2008, 11:29 »

Whats really pissing me off is that everyone seems to be expecting Sven to step backward in his character development, rather then possibly be able to change himself, and actually be something GOOD for Fae. Incase anyone's not noticed, one of the major themes of QC is overcoming issues and learning to live your life, be yourself, and have fun with it. Sven by this point officialy qualifies as a main character. Fck, if Hanners can come as far as she says, why can't Svenn?

Faye: Issues of self confidence.
Sven: Issues with realisticaly being reliable and dependable.

The two both have major personality issues, but they also seem to present each other with support. Fae is probably the first female that Sven has ever interracted with without 100% intent on screwing an dumping her. Sven boasts far more self confidence, and that can be a good thing to rub off on Fae, unlike Marten. I love Marten, but he's too passive and soft to really show Fae a good example of how to gain self confidence in my view.

I'm 100% behind this new turn, and I hope it becomes an education experience for the two characters, and continues to uphold QC's traditional style of character development.

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