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Author Topic: Faye and Sven  (Read 175431 times)


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #250 on: 19 Feb 2008, 11:44 »

Maybe Faye finally took Dora's advice to just go out and "have yourself a good bang."

Yeah.. but.. Sven?


I mean.. come on.

Granted it's a heckuva lot better than having Jeph spring a random character on us and say Faye slept with him, but, yeah.. Sven?..  :|

Well, think about it hon. Faye could've slept with:

* Angus
* or Sven

Personally, I'd choose the smarmasaur too, but that's just me. Plus, I think Sven's cuter, and way better for her than Angus.


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #251 on: 19 Feb 2008, 11:47 »

I definitely agree with ChippyD, and also especially with the gF. I'm really excited about this--I've thought for a long time that they'd get together somehow, and that it would probably be really good for both characters and for the story. Faye and Sven both have crap to work out, and I think they can help each other do it; plus, I think it's obvious that they're really attracted to each other, so they should go for it; plus, Jeph has done a frickin' awesome job so far so let's just see where this goes! It will be really fun to see.


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #252 on: 19 Feb 2008, 12:39 »

To everyone who has gone down the "oh my god, these are WEBCOMIC CHARACTERS you're debating, people!" route - I'd like to point out that yes, yes they are. Characters that, as far as I can tell, are intended to be realistic and for that reason, I don't see the slightest problem in attempting to psycho-analyse any of the occurrings. If the plot stopped being realistic, QC would experience a dramatic drop in quality that could not be excused by saying "well, they're webcomic characters".

I am not saying I am nuts and fully expect the characters to have a mind of their own out of Jeph's control - no, he is obviously the one writing the plot and the character's actions, but unless we are able to trace the justifications behind them, then the storyline becomes useless. Good character development is a mark of good storytelling. Simple.

I've seen Sven/Faye coming for a long time. Of course, there was always the "No, Jeph would not do this as it's TOO obvious" aspect, but I am pleased it did. I daresay it NOT happening would have been unrealistic if the friendship had continued as it has. The only other alternative would have been for Faye to distance herself once again (not neccessarily because of any romantic feelings per se, but just down to mere 'he's not such a bad guy' sentiments), and nobody would have liked to see that happening.

Sven was a likely candidate - BECAUSE he embodies so many things Faye dislikes, it would have been easy for Faye to initially feel secure in the knowledge that NO, nothing would ever happen between them. That's one wall overcome, which might explain how she became so friendly and comfortable around him. Which then in turn more or less naturally would have led to sexual tension simply because Faye is the sort of girl Sven would not go for and vice versa, and yet here they are, getting along (more or less) well, keeping each other nice and grounded.

We must also not forget that presumably, they had been drinking a little, and yes, alcohol lowers boundaries. There was one stopping point just after the first kiss, but anyone who has been in a similar situation should be aware that stepping back then is an extremely unlikely course of action. Though again, Jeph could have stopped there and had her freak out then and nobody would have really questioned it. Instead, it went further. I'm currently enjoying the inevitable post-coital-bliss Faye must be experiencing (I see her madly bouncing around CoD and putting it all down to the caffeine).

Where to now? I don't see this becoming something romantic. Not for the time being, anyway. Neither of them really have the personalities or are at a point in life where "let's give a relationship a try" seems like a realistic thing to say or even consider. Faye could freak out completely... but that would, I daresay, annoy most readers. As far as I can see, she has been on an upwards slope in recent strips, and I doubt sleeping with Sven would throw her back down. Dopamine, kids.

"Pushing boundaries" may indeed be the keywords here - I almost see it as Faye taking advantage of Sven. He wouldn't have said no. Pushing her boundaries with him was, relatively speaking (in comparison to other guys) easy. What, to me, remains to be seen is whether it's a repeat occurrence or whether they leave it at that and never speak of it again.

Things that have entertainment potential:
-Sven telling Dora what happened. He might just do so out of fear that Faye will do so first, in a not-so positive light. (Incidentally, Sven, casually as he is acting now, may suddenly go into a sort of guilt-trip mode).
-Hannelore, traumatized, refusing to talk to Faye. She may turn to Pintsize/Wainslow for advice. Pr0n attack engineered by the former ensues.

....and of course, I am personally just waiting for the line "Well, yes, we were making out, but you were so drunk you just kind of fell asleep before we actually got down to the sex."

((PS: I may have gone a little overboard with this length-wise. Apologies.))


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #253 on: 19 Feb 2008, 12:46 »

I think if Faye stayed Bitter Faye than she wouldn't be growing as a character and it's the character development that makes QC so much fun.

Also, when I first started reading QC a friend of mine who is also a fan gave me a knowing look and said it was probably because I relate so much to Faye. (I also have body issues, a family trauma, used to have a fear of abandonment because of said trauma, am a recovered alcoholic, and hit boys for flirtting too much.)

I used to be just like Faye and I got together with the womanizer and everyone said we'd break up in two weeks (some people even took bets), and you know what? We've been together ten years!

And I am still bitter and sarcastic. And I still hit boys for flirting too much. (Although now I have a better reason.) So, it can be done!!

I give much kudos to Jeph for tackling this storyline!!

Once again QC has made me say "That's me! That's me!"

I love it!


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #254 on: 19 Feb 2008, 12:47 »

I never join forums but I honestly  had to join this one. I've been reading QC for a few years now and I've been reading the forums off and on for the last few months..

anyhoo I felt the recent events warranted me throwing down my two cents. Sorry if it's kinda long but I am wordy and have a lot to say.

Faye could have slept with Angus or Sven... and maybe Steve if she really wanted to and he was really drunk or being stupid. Not that I think that would EVER happen I'm just saying there's not a whole mountain of available male characters for her to choose from if she were choosing:

1. Steve is Martens best friend so he'd never go for it and neither would Faye for the same reason (among others)
2. Angus may be an interesting character but I think Faye realizes he's a bit tweaked upstairs and probably more trouble than he's worth even if she DOES think he's good looking

3. Sven.. well, he's Sven. Not to mention Dora's brother, Raven's obsession, and a recovering womanizer.

BUT we've seen Sven's character develop a lot over the last few months and we see that he's not all bad and that he's trying to be a better guy. I would like to point out that just because he's had a lot of sex doesn't mean he's been a bad guy about it. Remember when he first got "on the wagon" and his old sex buddy Eva showed up? She didn't seem scorned in the least and was in fact quite willing to jump back in the sack with him. An opportunity he passed up remember?

Yeah there was that chick he ditched in the bar that night that Faye yelled at him but that event occured to set these events in motion. Anyhoo my point is that just because he's had a lot of sex doesn't mean that he's a bad guy and it doesn't mean that a lot of his "conquests" weren't willing participants in the act and knew exactly what the nature of their hook-up entailed. He's guilty of some poor judgement and he's made some mistakes but hey, who isn't? And he seems genuinely interested in being a better man now.

I don't see this really going anywhere substantial in the long run but I daresay that Sven may have been more interested in this happening then some of us are giving him credit for. Especially in the most recent strip where he very non-chalantly walks out of the bathroom and is all "hey, how are ya, good morning" blah blah. This, to me, is a guy who's very happy with the way things have turned out. Given Faye's past I was expecting a more subdued, concerned reaction from him the next morning. If I was to go all Dr. Drew on this I'd say that Sven idealizes Faye in a way he's not sure how to express. He's a girl he's genuinely interested in spending time with and that might scare him, it might frighten him, and it probably intrigues him. It's the "wanting something you can't have" thing. But now he's "had it" so to speak, and he's been able to express those feelings sexually which aside from music is probably the best way he knows how to.

For Faye's part I think she just got fed up with being guarded and for some reason decided to throw caution to the wind that night. Maybe it was just Sven's comments or the fact that she's gotten to know him, or the fact that he has a safe sort of confidence about him but she decided to take some sort of leap. Time will tell wether it was forward or back. Her reactions in the most recent strip speak like she was crazy drunk the night before (omg last night really happened?) but I don't think that was the case for either of them.

I think this is good for Faye, to let her guard down a bit. If only from the threat of violence from Faye and Dora you know Sven will probably do the right thing, even if that entails doing nothing. There is, of course, the obvious issue of sleeping with your friend/boss' brother. Dora probably won't like this at first (Or Raven but who cares?). And Sven was becoming a decent friend to Faye, there's issues there too. He's been a good friend thus far.

AND if Marty still has a decent pair of testicles I Don't know a guy alive that, given this situation, wouldn't go "Oh COME on! HIM!? You've been hanging out with him for like 5 DAYS! I was your doormat for a YEAR!"

I predict that Faye resumes freaking out and accuses Sven of somehow seducing her, takes no responsibility for her actions and storms out. OR she goes into sensory overload and doesn't know how to deal with what's happened and leaves anyway.

I don't see a real relationship happening between them but I wouldn't be opposed to see what Jeph would do with it.

No matter what I can see the comic getting very interesting for a while.

Sorry for the long-winded post. It's my first.


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #255 on: 19 Feb 2008, 15:56 »

absurdabsurd, you're a being after my own heart. At least in the first part of your post.

To which I will add that there's no difference to me in doing psychoanalysis of Jeph's characters than there is in putting, say, Hamlet on the couch—so to speak. In both cases, what we're really doing is learning, and usually about ourselves. That's the point of drama, comedy and tragedy both, for heaven's sake. You don't get it, go read Aristotle's Poetics.

But I think there's going to be a big problem for Sven. It seems to me from his actions in past strips that Sven actually cares about Faye, about her good opinion, and about her well-being. Which may very well be a completely new situation for him. Of course, depending on how fast Dora finds out about 'last night,' the pain from his beating may distract him for a while.

And what of Marten? Can he say "I have mine and Faye has hers, and 'it's all good'?"
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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #256 on: 19 Feb 2008, 16:21 »

It'd be awful! Can you imagine QC without angry bitter Faye?

She was not that angry or bitter for the first 300 strips or so.

Can I imagine it?  Yes.  It would be so much better.  Faye has been unlikable for over a year now and had been reduced to "the person that delivers the punchline".
Man, this thread really makes me want to suck some cock.


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #257 on: 19 Feb 2008, 16:35 »

But I think there's going to be a big problem for Sven. It seems to me from his actions in past strips that Sven actually cares about Faye, about her good opinion, and about her well-being. Which may very well be a completely new situation for him. Of course, depending on how fast Dora finds out about 'last night,' the pain from his beating may distract him for a while.

Would it really be a problem for Sven? I know a big deal is made of his 'smarmosaur attitude' , but as BoisterousFanboy pointed out above this lifestyle was never about taking advantage of women - or, as far as we have seen, they were girls who didn't MIND this state of affairs.

I guess that may be one of the roots of the issue - sex is obviously a big deal to Faye, but to Sven, it's likely to be the natural progression of a relationship (even just friendly). I am not saying that it is not the perfect set-up for some sort of conflict with himself when he realizes he might actually care about her quite a bit, but that is a conflict that would, imho, exist / come about regardless of whether there was sex or not. The only thing I could see it as is a catalyst that may or may not make him more aware of this state of things (if that is the way it is) and thereby speed up complications, but not the problem itself.

And what of Marten? Can he say "I have mine and Faye has hers, and 'it's all good'?"

I am not sure on the Marten deal. I think in his social awkwardness he may well fail to recognize (what we are assuming are) Sven's good intentions. I see awkward Tai consultation resulting in hilarious advice and/or unwelcome mental imagery (FOUR-OHMYGODTHEYAREBROTHERANDSISTEREVERYTHINGISRUINEDFOREVER). No, not really. I remain clueless on Marten; most of his possible courses of action that are not no-action are likely to end in a lot of yelling.


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #258 on: 19 Feb 2008, 19:36 »

I'm not suggesting that Sven WASN'T a womanizer, I'm just saying it doesn't seem to me like he's the "player, cheater, user" that Faye assumed him to be. Case in point we've seen past flings of his who weren't mad at him at all.

It's like Sven said when Faye asked him why he only dated blondes and he basically said "I just prefer them and honestly I can afford to be choosey because.. well, I can be. So why shouldn't I use what I have to get what I want?"

And let's be honest most guys would do what Sven does if we could pull it off. Just because he has copious amounts of the sex doesn't mean he's being mean or "using" women. I think he probably is too good looking for his own good and doesn't know how to stand up and tell the truth and be honest sometimes and he's probably ALWAYS gotten by on his good looks and charm so he's never really had to fight a lot of deep, emotional battles.  Which is why Faye may just be a good counterpoint to him. It's a typical story but not an outlandish one: The good looking, weak-willed guy is attracted to the strong woman.

I'm more concerned with Marty and I could feel the strip flipping to his perspective because like I said I can't think of ANY guy in Marty's situation who wouldn't have some serious self doubts and be a little pissed off that Faye "chose" Sven to get over her issues with and not him when he was so there and available.

"Oh COME on! HIM! What the HELL MAN!"

I'd pay a visit to the Tequilla monster if I was him.


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #259 on: 19 Feb 2008, 20:25 »

yeah i never post but
sven is great hes definatly one of the best characters on the webcomic and unfortunatly seems to fall under harsh criticism
but hes hip! and faye and sven make a fantastic pairing


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #260 on: 19 Feb 2008, 23:53 »

I never join forums but I honestly  had to join this one. I've been reading QC for a few years now and I've been reading the forums off and on for the last few months..

anyhoo I felt the recent events warranted me throwing down my two cents. Sorry if it's kinda long but I am wordy and have a lot to say.

Faye could have slept with Angus or Sven... and maybe Steve if she really wanted to and he was really drunk or being stupid. Not that I think that would EVER happen I'm just saying there's not a whole mountain of available male characters for her to choose from if she were choosing:

1. Steve is Martens best friend so he'd never go for it and neither would Faye for the same reason (among others)
2. Angus may be an interesting character but I think Faye realizes he's a bit tweaked upstairs and probably more trouble than he's worth even if she DOES think he's good looking

3. Sven.. well, he's Sven. Not to mention Dora's brother, Raven's obsession, and a recovering womanizer.

BUT we've seen Sven's character develop a lot over the last few months and we see that he's not all bad and that he's trying to be a better guy. I would like to point out that just because he's had a lot of sex doesn't mean he's been a bad guy about it. Remember when he first got "on the wagon" and his old sex buddy Eva showed up? She didn't seem scorned in the least and was in fact quite willing to jump back in the sack with him. An opportunity he passed up remember?

Yeah there was that chick he ditched in the bar that night that Faye yelled at him but that event occured to set these events in motion. Anyhoo my point is that just because he's had a lot of sex doesn't mean that he's a bad guy and it doesn't mean that a lot of his "conquests" weren't willing participants in the act and knew exactly what the nature of their hook-up entailed. He's guilty of some poor judgement and he's made some mistakes but hey, who isn't? And he seems genuinely interested in being a better man now.

I don't see this really going anywhere substantial in the long run but I daresay that Sven may have been more interested in this happening then some of us are giving him credit for. Especially in the most recent strip where he very non-chalantly walks out of the bathroom and is all "hey, how are ya, good morning" blah blah. This, to me, is a guy who's very happy with the way things have turned out. Given Faye's past I was expecting a more subdued, concerned reaction from him the next morning. If I was to go all Dr. Drew on this I'd say that Sven idealizes Faye in a way he's not sure how to express. He's a girl he's genuinely interested in spending time with and that might scare him, it might frighten him, and it probably intrigues him. It's the "wanting something you can't have" thing. But now he's "had it" so to speak, and he's been able to express those feelings sexually which aside from music is probably the best way he knows how to.

For Faye's part I think she just got fed up with being guarded and for some reason decided to throw caution to the wind that night. Maybe it was just Sven's comments or the fact that she's gotten to know him, or the fact that he has a safe sort of confidence about him but she decided to take some sort of leap. Time will tell wether it was forward or back. Her reactions in the most recent strip speak like she was crazy drunk the night before (omg last night really happened?) but I don't think that was the case for either of them.

I think this is good for Faye, to let her guard down a bit. If only from the threat of violence from Faye and Dora you know Sven will probably do the right thing, even if that entails doing nothing. There is, of course, the obvious issue of sleeping with your friend/boss' brother. Dora probably won't like this at first (Or Raven but who cares?). And Sven was becoming a decent friend to Faye, there's issues there too. He's been a good friend thus far.

AND if Marty still has a decent pair of testicles I Don't know a guy alive that, given this situation, wouldn't go "Oh COME on! HIM!? You've been hanging out with him for like 5 DAYS! I was your doormat for a YEAR!"

I predict that Faye resumes freaking out and accuses Sven of somehow seducing her, takes no responsibility for her actions and storms out. OR she goes into sensory overload and doesn't know how to deal with what's happened and leaves anyway.

I don't see a real relationship happening between them but I wouldn't be opposed to see what Jeph would do with it.

No matter what I can see the comic getting very interesting for a while.

Sorry for the long-winded post. It's my first.



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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #261 on: 20 Feb 2008, 02:01 »

I'm not suggesting that Sven WASN'T a womanizer, I'm just saying it doesn't seem to me like he's the "player, cheater, user" that Faye assumed him to be. Case in point we've seen past flings of his who weren't mad at him at all.

It's like Sven said when Faye asked him why he only dated blondes and he basically said "I just prefer them and honestly I can afford to be choosey because.. well, I can be. So why shouldn't I use what I have to get what I want?"

And let's be honest most guys would do what Sven does if we could pull it off. Just because he has copious amounts of the sex doesn't mean he's being mean or "using" women. I think he probably is too good looking for his own good and doesn't know how to stand up and tell the truth and be honest sometimes and he's probably ALWAYS gotten by on his good looks and charm so he's never really had to fight a lot of deep, emotional battles. 

I completely agree. I might add that you don't need to limit this description to 'guys'. (I'm a girl but probably most similar to Sven in a lot of aspects). Faye's reaction in today's strip may or may not precipitate a guilt trip.

I do disagree with calling Sven 'weak-minded'. I see him as quite strong-minded and confident, not following the path of least resistance because he can't help himself but doing it because he chooses to, because there is no point (supposedly) in complicating life for yourself. Though I guess this hinges on your definition of weak-minded. It may also just be cowardice in disguise that Faye is about to challenge.


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #262 on: 20 Feb 2008, 03:20 »

Sven's never had a reason to follow anything but the easy path.

Faye's giving him reasons.  And he's not going to find her easy to keep.


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #263 on: 20 Feb 2008, 09:35 »

Wise are you, Kurzon, Sven's free ride seems to be over. Question is, can he adapt to working for something? And is he willing to change that much?
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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #264 on: 20 Feb 2008, 15:23 »

Ah, but just how hard do you think he's going to have to work? Apparently all he has to do is flash Faye the look or his tushy and she's melting. In fact, I'd love it if in the next comic he flashes "the look" at her just to get her to stop rambling. *smirks* It's almost like a Care Bare stare for guys. The math is pretty easy for me...

Strong-willed lady with a weakness for cute, nay, hawt musicians + Mild-mannered Musician with a weakness for agressive women = ?


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #265 on: 20 Feb 2008, 15:56 »

Ah, but just how hard do you think he's going to have to work? Apparently all he has to do is flash Faye the look or his tushy and she's melting. In fact, I'd love it if in the next comic he flashes "the look" at her just to get her to stop rambling. *smirks* It's almost like a Care Bare stare for guys. The math is pretty easy for me...

Strong-willed lady with a weakness for cute, nay, hawt musicians + Mild-mannered Musician with a weakness for agressive women = ?

Sex apparently. And character growth, which everyone knows is the #1-2 reader freakouts


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #266 on: 20 Feb 2008, 20:37 » took me a day to catch that when Sven said "that's a familiar phrase" to Faye saying "oh god, last night happened, oh god, oh god" it was a SEXUAL REFERENCE. Hahaha. Innuendo is LOST on me. I got it finally though. I was spending a long time trying to figure out under what circumstances women would have said to Sven "last night really happened".  It wasn't working so well.

I like it when it takes me a while to pick up on thinly veiled humor because it makes it 10 times funnier.

Puns are the best though. Ones that you don't get till you groan 5 minutes later.


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #267 on: 20 Feb 2008, 22:30 »

Honestly, I don't think Faye and Sven will just start going out that quickly.
Personally, I think Faye as well as Sven need to work on some stuff before they could even consider the idea of being together.
Faye needs to solve some confidence issues and Sven needs to stop and think and decide if he wants to commit to someone. I don't think he's gonna do it quickly just like that. I could easily see him as the kind of guy that's like "Relationship?! Ah! I need to get the hell out of here!".
As long as they don't end up being the "Let's-break-up-and-get-back-together-every-two-minutes" kind of couple, then I think I can handle anything that happens to them.
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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #268 on: 20 Feb 2008, 22:35 »

Strong-willed lady with a weakness for cute, nay, hawt musicians + Mild-mannered Musician with a weakness for agressive women = ?

Sex apparently. And character growth, which everyone knows is the #1-2 reader freakouts

Readers freaking out even as we speaak. Mostly good freak-outs, though.


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #269 on: 20 Feb 2008, 22:51 »

New Theory:
Faye turns into a nympho and Sven lifes happily ever after (cause Faye is a nympho.)....
I don't even know what to make of this comic.


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #270 on: 20 Feb 2008, 23:25 »

Sven has to be the smoothest guy on the planet for this to be happening.


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #271 on: 20 Feb 2008, 23:47 »

Or, y'know, Faye's just really hot for him.


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #272 on: 21 Feb 2008, 00:24 »

Or, y'know, Faye's just really hot for him.

I don't see Sven complaining about Faye's pillow prowess either... I think she's made him a believer in ditching his aim at slim air headed blonds. regardless of the story outcome.


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #273 on: 21 Feb 2008, 02:35 »

First post here. I find that this could lead to some good character development for faye in the future since for her to have slept with sven is a miracle in itself since her and marten had that same kind of tension going for far longer yet she didn't leap his bone like she just did sven. hopefully this serves as a confidencce boost to her, allwoing her some better chance at getting over her issues. i doubt anything that might happen in the future with these two will last long though, since i don't think sven is the relationship person and faye wouldn't be anywhere near ready for it yet. sven is a nice guy though and they'll probably remain some kind of friends as they have bonded over time.
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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #274 on: 21 Feb 2008, 03:31 »

As a few of the posts have pointed out, this is an opportunity for Sven to evolve as a character. I foresee Sven and Faye not getting together in any sort of meaningful relationship, but a physical one at Sven's suggestion. Hey, it works for him and there's sexual chemistry. Then, of course, Faye will start beating herself up about being able to sustain a totally shallow relationship, but not a serious one with a guy she really likes (Marten).

Things will come to a head when Faye gets back on the sauce in a big way, leading to drunken outbursts, and crashing on Sven's couch. Sven, upon seeing how much his physical relationship with Faye has messed her up, will take time to look at the impact of his relationships with women he has 'hit it and quit it' with. Leading to introspection, and growth with an aim of helping Faye get better.

Either that, or if Jeph has an eye for melodramatics, Faye will get pregnant and Sven will run far...far away.


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #275 on: 21 Feb 2008, 03:33 »

I'm now kinda worried for them, especially after this last strip.

It basically screams of: "instead of working through our problems, let's just have sex!"


Or maybe I'm not getting the point because I need to get laid. Hmmm.


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #276 on: 21 Feb 2008, 04:10 »

I think this the best thing that could have happened to Faye. An attractive guy wanting her will be a massive confidence boost for her. And even if an actual normal relationship seems unlikely at this stage, Sven does seem to genuinely like and care about her.


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #277 on: 21 Feb 2008, 04:30 »

I'm a longtime comic reader and lurker who really had to register to comment THIS. I'll be honest: I like watching characters in QC get better and overcome their problems. It's naive but hell.. it's heart-warming and we need a bit of optimism in this world.

To the point. It was obvious that Faye had a huge crush for Sven and HE never had any problems with her being around.This thing can do them both a lot of good even if it doesn't become permanent.

Also Dora freaking out will be a sight to remember.

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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #278 on: 21 Feb 2008, 05:49 »

Hmm... why do I have the funny feeling that the others are going to wonder where Faye has been all this time? In which case they'd either grill Hanners or go to Sven's just in case he's seen her.


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #279 on: 21 Feb 2008, 07:21 »

I'm now kinda worried for them, especially after this last strip.

It basically screams of: "instead of working through our problems, let's just have sex!"


Or maybe I'm not getting the point because I need to get laid. Hmmm.

Well... y'gotta work out one vice at a time. When people quit smoking, they chew gum like crazy. Apparently when Faye quits drinking, she needs sex like crazy. At least she's getting exercise like her doctor recommended. Lots of good endorphins to help with depression. Heck, I've often heard it said that a new relationship is better than any illegal or medically perscribed drug out there. And if it's a shallow relationship, it doesn't come with the "low" or withdrawel phase. Seems to be just what the doctor ordered.


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #280 on: 21 Feb 2008, 10:28 »

Does anyone else think that maybe Faye will feel severely disappointed if nothing relationship-wise comes out of this? I mean... That's just what I'm thinking.


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #281 on: 21 Feb 2008, 10:32 »

anyone else see Sven possibly ending up the one hurt at the end of this? That just occured to me after reading some of the other posts about him being more into her than he's letting on...i don't know if it will go that route b/c with faye's issues the hurt is definitely coming, but i can see Sven ending up the most hurt when they do get around to figuring stuff out

just a thought

and btw, to the people talking about being slow on the uptake about the familar phrase, yeah i was slow too...and i'm usually not when it comes to sex ;)


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #282 on: 21 Feb 2008, 11:31 »

I posted this in WCT but I think it belongs here more.

Remember when Faye, Dora, and Raven went to see Sven play at a bar one night? (Strip #519) Sven was starting his set and he says something like "I'm here to sing songs about ladies and more ladies.. this first song is titled "Saw you in a coffee.." and Raven was flashing him so he trails off and he never finishes but I think we can ASSUME (as I think we all did, I know I did) that the title was "Saw you in a coffee shop" or something simila to thatr.

I didn't really give it much thought at the time or maybe I figured it was about Raven because she was so obviously throwing hereslf at Sven but maybe, just MAYBE it was about Faye? Looking back on it now it may be a stretch but anyone else have the same thought? It's possible that Sven's had a thing for Faye for a long time now.


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #283 on: 21 Feb 2008, 12:25 »

Yeah, I assumed that was about Faye and he stopped because he saw her there, and then saw Raven.


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #284 on: 21 Feb 2008, 13:26 »

I was just wondering, when does Faye first meet Sven?


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #285 on: 21 Feb 2008, 13:59 »

Faye first met Sven in Going by Darkbluerabbit's timeline, that means she's known him for about a month.
« Last Edit: 21 Feb 2008, 14:07 by Stoutfellow »


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #286 on: 21 Feb 2008, 14:12 »

Pffft, they're just gonna be one of those really annoying physical couples....
« Last Edit: 21 Feb 2008, 14:14 by angelagee »


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #287 on: 21 Feb 2008, 15:52 »

Faye first met Sven in Going by Darkbluerabbit's timeline, that means she's known him for about a month.

Wait, there's TIME in the comic?! Haha. It feels like forever but it's not...ah the world of fiction.

Doug S. Machina

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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #288 on: 21 Feb 2008, 16:16 »

The whole timescale was worked out by an admirably/worringly commited fan in this thread. Got to respect someone who'll crunch the numbers for our interest.
Man, if I was the sort of person who quoted things like that in my signature, I'd quote that it my signature.


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #289 on: 22 Feb 2008, 00:12 »

Wow, yeah that timetable thing is INSANE. how long has it been for us, and for them?? JEeeezh somethings fishy there. But yeah I guess Faye doesn't want a relationship with Sven? I could still see something happening eventually...maybe they will get used to the sexual part and move into a romantic part? Or something close to romance, anyway.


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #290 on: 22 Feb 2008, 03:50 »

"Nice" detail is the scar on Faye's right breast. Got me thinking, from where did that come from? Couple of hundreds comics back, I refreshed my memory: from the semi-suicidal car crash. Really strange from Jeph to point that character detail out in the bed-talk-after-sex scene.  :|


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #291 on: 22 Feb 2008, 05:29 »

I personally find it highly comical that she is a) either still wearing her glasses, or b) has put them back on already.

Anyway: and reality hits; bubble of time burst.


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #292 on: 23 Feb 2008, 16:08 »

Can someone clarify have I missed something in the QC storyline? Whats with the scar on Faye's breast?


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #293 on: 23 Feb 2008, 19:29 »

hasn't been revealed. Marten discovered it on accident while walking in on Faye as she was dressing and was in BRA!.


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #294 on: 23 Feb 2008, 19:49 »

Simultaneous nervous breakdown & car accident right after her dad's suicide.

Strip references buried somewhere in the monster WCT thread, buh.

I'd almost suggest it'd save you time to start reading the archive from strip one...
« Last Edit: 23 Feb 2008, 20:21 by cwoolard »


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #295 on: 23 Feb 2008, 20:20 »

i'd guess its been at least two or three months since sven and faye met actually, based roughly on hair growth.  this might be a bizarre way to timeline things, but its how i know how old a picture of my sister or i is, and so i was kind of just figuring its been a couple months because sven's hair is obviously much longer than the first time they met. ( )


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Re: Faye and Sven
« Reply #296 on: 24 Feb 2008, 19:27 »

anyone else see Sven possibly ending up the one hurt at the end of this?

Not really. Maybe. Maybe pointlessly guilty. Well, you know, besides being hurt by Dora's fists.
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