Hannelore has mountains to climb too.
Yeah, Faye's mountains! *rimshot*
Very good...
Mind you, I can see that as an unlikely punchline to the current arc:
(Faye and Hannelore are in Sven's bed. Sven walks in.)
Sven: What the
fuck? Didn't you say she was off-limits?
Faye: Well, to
Folks, I'm tellin' ya, there be an iceberg bearin' down on the good ship Mardoranic. Just ye heave to and keep ye weather eye clapped on 'er.
QC's not a soap, (or a soup, despite my fervent wish to type it so)
It is a soup, a thick and nutritous gumbo of sarcasm, relationships, robots, comedy, "issues", unrequited love, sex, drunkeness and absurdity.

I don't want them unhappy, per say... I just want a narrative. QC is in its heart of hearts a story-- and what's good for a story isn't always so great for reality (see: Stranger than Fiction). All you can hope for is that you hit a happy ending. Some day. Eventually.
se (Sorry to be pedantic.) Yes, that was my point. A happy ending is obviously an
end. We need drama and interest to keep a story going. I wasn't meaning to say that fictional characters are invented to be poked with sticks. "Dance for me, paper monkey, dance! Hahahaha!"
I honestly do like Faye/Sven, though ... Right now I'm a lot more concerned with them being static than I am with them being pissed at me.
If you were writing something and entertained the thought "Will my characters (who only exist in my head) still like me after I make them do this?" you would surely be getting on a fast track to madness. They won't ever come and get you. They don't exist. It was late and I was tired.
(Interesting idea though. Faye would want probably want to give Jeph a beating. Davan and friends from Something Positive would probably do something very slow and painful to their creator. John MacClane (Bruce Willis in Die Hard*) has a good case to sue Fox for millions, for repeatedly putting him the action movie wringer and breaking up his marriage for their profit and our entertainment. Let's not even get into tragedy, say Titus Andronicus.)
No, I don't like it when bad things happen to me, but at least I can say that I've learned from most of them. Even if it was, y'know, to throw small children out windows for fun and profit. (*cue: The More You Know!*)
You must explain. Or write a book "Throwing Children Out of Windows for Fun and Profit!"
*I could have picked more high-culture examples. But would it mattered?