I don't really care if this game ever comes out, but seriously, if you crap on the original Duke 3d, I'll fight you. The original Duke 3d used the Build engine and was therefore (along with Dark Forces) one of the first FPS games that actually made appreciable use of a Y-axis and had big, clever enviroments. We literally went from Doom's you-don't-really-need-a-mouse-but-it-can't-hurt gameplay to me going up the elevator, dropping off a ledge and then getting shot by buddy who had a jetpack with Duke 3d. It'd soon be overshadowed by Quake, which basically put the age of manipulating sprites to approximate 3d to bed, but even then Duke 3d lived on for quite some time due to the strength of its level design and unique weapons. The game is really only silly and underwhelming in hindsight, at the time no FPS gamer could really dismiss it with "So what if it has tits?" without being REALLY smarmy and disingenuous.