- Practice bass and become half decent
- Join a band (drumming or bassing) and play at least one gig (this was last year's broken resolution)
- Succesfully flirt with someone
- Moar tattoos
Slightly less likely:
- Be in a good, healthy relationship for more than 3 months
- Save money for something big
- Move out of home
Pie in the Sky
- Move to Brisbane
Played in 2 bands, flirted a fair bit, got two tattoos, booked in for another.
Less likely:
Yes, woo! Several things, Nope. That being said, the reason I didn't was pretty cool (Started back in full-time education)
Nope, but I did visit!
This year?
I don't really do resolutions anymore, but I did decide to give myself some new year's "suggestions." I wanna learn how to DJ and maybe play some house parties, and I want to do more drugs, drink less but more often, and smoke more but not get addicted. I want to not fuck up my audio engineering course as well.