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Author Topic: The Fearsome And Mammoth Only Allowable Grand Theft Auto IV Thread  (Read 48334 times)

Scandanavian War Machine

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yeah, many times when you "kill" someone you actually just wounding the fuck out of them. unless of course you shoot them in the head or something.

has anyone else encountered random, armed citizens? i was doing the mission where you drive Little Jacob to a drug deal and it goes bad and three drug dealers run out the back and you have to kill them, and i killed them all but to get the last one i had to leave the alley and go out into the street. so i killed him and it's all "success. go pick up Jacob" but then a random person walking down the street near me stops and pulls out an uzi or something and just starts pumping me full of lead and there's nothing i can do about it because of the crowds and the chaos. it was really weird. haven't seen any other instances of this yet so i'm not certain if it's legit or if it was a glitch or something. anything similar happen to anoyone else?
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Also I would like to point out that the combination of Sailor Moon and faux-Kerouac / Sonic Youth spelling is perhaps the purest distillation of what this forum is that we have yet been presented with.


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More devoured posts. Very weird.

Anyway, in the Little Jacob mission I think those bystanders are gang members. The easiest way to beat that mission is to drive straight into 2 of the gangsters as they're running down the alley and then get out and shoot the third. If the gangsters make it out of the alley it gets more difficult. Then you just drive in reverse to where Little Jacob needs to be picked up, and bolt.
I review, sometimes.
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As advertised, some of the civilians in Bohan and Broker do have weapons and will retaliate if you hit them with your car or carjack them.  I have only been carjacked once so far, but it was pretty funny.  I'm at Three Leaf Clover, the bank job with Packi, which is fun but brings into question some of the game design. 


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I present a GTAIV Haiku:

I just met Brucie. 

"C'mon, touch my pecs, man!"

He's a closet queer.
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I was linked that earlier. It made me think of this thread, and how much i need a 360 and this game.
oh good god 4lko jaeger bomb. Holy goood god what have I done.
 :psyduck: psyduck is the most appropriate right now. FUUUUKC


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"Oh, you just park them in the yellow zone", you say. This doesn't work on missions. Every bloody mission I do I end up losing the car I brought with me. I try to play GTA realistically, so no random car-jacking, which means I use the taxi service, EVERYWHERE. Fuuuuuuuuuuuck.
And if you played too hard it'd flop out and dangle around by the wire and that is just super ugly


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I try to play GTA realistically, so no random car-jacking, which means I use the taxi service, EVERYWHERE. Fuuuuuuuuuuuck.



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Poor choice of words. I just like the idea of having my own cars.
And if you played too hard it'd flop out and dangle around by the wire and that is just super ugly


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Yeah.  That's too much of a hassle for me to worry about.  I'll just wait until I see one I like and jack it before trying to keep it.  I mean, Brucie gave me that Porsche-knockoff, but I kinda trashed it while I was racing, so I didn't bother keeping it.
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That reminds me of my friend Boob playing GTA on his psp during free periods at school,

Me: Wow, you are just killing EVERYBODY aren't you :/
Him: Yeahh I heard it makes the game better if you just kill everyone you see.
Me: ... Where did you hear that?
Him: Myself, just now.

I got GTA4 but have not played it because my xbox is new and I have no sound because I am playing it through my monitor so will get a 3.5mm to phono tomorrow then I will play it :)
still new here, didn't wanna piss anyone off


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That's actually how I play, and I love it.
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This just in: I love this game

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The other night I jacked a car at shotgun-point in order to chase a guy down for Brucie, shot the perp's tires until they lit on fire and watched as he bailed out of the car. Unfortunately he bailed into the freeway barrier and the resulting explosion threw him into the Humboldt. My car was caught by the tail end of the explosion and the back of it lit on fire as well; luckily, I pulled to the side first and leapt out, which meant I took a bit of damage but got to watch as my car blew up.

And, of course, Niko pulled out his phone and called Brucie right away, walking calmly away from the scene of the crime.

Fucking awesome.

Is anyone using weapons other than the shotgun? I use the Uzi on occasion but honestly most of my justice is of the pump-action variety.
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I tend to only use the shotgun for close-ups.  Otherwise I use the Uzi.
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Oh yeah, and the shotgun largely sucks behind cover, but if you're able to get close to a group and waste 'em it's really satisfying.
[02:12] yuniorpocalypse: let's talk about girls
[02:12] Thug In Kitchen: nooo

Scandanavian War Machine

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i use the shotgun and the M4 when the situation warrants it, but mostly i use the pistol because i have over 700 rounds for the thing and maybe 30 or 40 each for the shotgun and M4. i use the uzi when driving for the most part but even then i'll switch to the pistol if the uzi's running low on ammo.

i love beating random civilians with the baseball bat. there they are, minding their own business when they get knocked upside the head and Niko starts yelling "Say something now, tough guy!" or "Just stay down!"

Quote from: KvP
Also I would like to point out that the combination of Sailor Moon and faux-Kerouac / Sonic Youth spelling is perhaps the purest distillation of what this forum is that we have yet been presented with.


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I used the ghetto weapon set until about the halfway mark. Now I'm decked out with all of the high-power variants. I think I like the ghetto ones better.
And if you played too hard it'd flop out and dangle around by the wire and that is just super ugly


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I like to take my time in battle and aim. Pistol for close range headshots, rifles for long range. Shotgun is for fun, and Uzi is for drivebys.


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Ok, so.  There are good things and bad things about this game.

- The storyline is pretty good.  Nothing super special, but interesting and well-executed and for the most part the characters are interesting enough to be entertaining.
- Graphics engine is really good.  The atmospheric settings like lighting and weather are all excellent.
- Driving about is a lot of fun.  Not super-realistic, but a good balance between realism and fun.
- They've fleshed the world out a fair bit.  The world feels a lot more "full" now, even if you still can't use most of the stuff.

A lot of what is good about the game has already been said, and I agree with most of it.  That said, here's my negatives:

- The mini-games are pretty shit.  I went bowling with the first girlfriend & got bored of it halfway through.  I went and played pool with Roman and got annoyed at it because the physics are fucked.  The ball will occasionally just stop wherever the fuck it wants.  I got sick of it and deliberately tried sinking the black until he won anyway.  He asked for another game, I said no.  I've since turned him down playing pool because it was such a shitty implementation of the game.

- So far the filler content looks to be fairly superficial.  You go to an internet cafe and it's the same shit on the pcs all the time.  Maybe it changes later?  I dunno.  I just think that they could make a whole bunch of stuff and cycle through it.

- So far the radio stations are pretty boring compared to the previous two games.  I've been channel surfing a bit.  I've had a couple of good music moments.  One was driving home from someplace at night and Testarossa Overdrive came on.  I suddenly felt the need to drive really fast.  Other than that it's been pretty lacklustre.

- In regards to the new Police system there is both good & bad, but the negative outweighs the positive.  I appreciate that the cops are only called when someone sees you and calls the cops, and that the alarm only goes up when cops arrive and see you at the scene.  I hate hate fucking goddamn hate the new "get out of the circle and cops nearly instantly forget you" shit, though.  I walked out the front of my house, knifed 5 dudes to death then drove 2 mins up the road to evade the cops.  That is fucking weak.

- Obvious training area is obvious.  I absolutely hate the fake "oh, there's cops on the bridges" shit they always pull.  I understand the need to keep us boxed in at the start, but surely there's got to be a way to do it that doesn't feel so bullshit.

- I said earlier that the characters are interesting enough to keep me entertained.  Note I didnt' call them good.  The main characters at the start are basically just caricatures.  About two seconds after meeting Vlad I knew exactly what was going to happen later.  About two seconds after meeting the first girlfriend I got the impression that she was a narc or something.  That's not a spoiler because it hasn't been revealed to me.  It's speculation at the moment, but from shit she's saying it seems pretty obvious she is either an undercover cop or fucking stupid.  That said, I love the Jamaican guy (mon).  Probably because I can't understand most of what he says, but whatever.

- I wish Niko would take more damage from car crashes and such.  I have dived out of a car going as fast as I could get it, jumping over some monument thing & hit a park fence.  The screen went red-tinted for a sec and I lost a small chunk of health.  Same with another time I hit a stunt jump at max speed, went into slow-motion, landed on the other side of a river and smashed straight into a tree.  Niko flew out the front windscreen onto the ground and he still only lost about a centimetre of health.

At the moment the game feels a little too easy.  The missions are one thing and I am sure they will get hard later.  The underlying mechanics of the game, however, will probably not change.  The police are too lenient and easy to get away from and it is really very difficult to get hurt badly outside of a decent fight.  I am sure that some people will see these things as positives, but it makes me feel like there's absolutely no reason to consider any action I do.  When there is basically no risk to anything then everything will get boring pretty quickly.

All that might make it seem like I hate the game, but nothing could be further from the truth.  This is probably the best game I have played in a very long time.  I think that I am being so hard on it due to all the perfect review scores it's garnered and all the bullshit hype that's surrounded it, as well as it being so close to perfect that things like this stick out and annoy me.  I am going to play the shit out of this and I expect that I'll have a load of fun.  I suspect that this will be the game that finally gets me to sign up for a Live Gold account so I can run around in LC with some of you mob and raise hell.


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Oh and, here is a "GTA moment" for you:

After I had flung myself out of the car jumping over a monument, dusted myself off and started looking around I noticed that an Ice-Cream truck had bumped into a bum and knocked him over.  As the bum stumbled to his feet I ran over to the truck and tried to jack it.  The guy resisted, so I punched him a couple of times and started to pull him out of the truck.  The bum looked through the front windscreen, eyes wide in shock and shouted "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?" and just stood there staring.

I got the driver out of the truck and floored it, running the bum over and flying off down the road (well, as fast as a brick on wheels can "fly off down the road").  After a little while I heard a kind of panicked wailing, so I tried to see what was going on.  I spun my viewpoint around a couple of times & eventually saw that there was a guy in the passenger seat of the truck sitting there like a stunned mullet, wailing and panicking.  So I did what any sensible person would do: I floored it again and aimed the truck toward the nearest cliff-like structure, bailing out before it went over the edge.  Niko stood up and casually sauntered away as I giggled like a madman on my side of the screen.


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In regards to the police being too easy, I think this way at least we have a goal to follow in order to get away.  In previous games it was just make a mad dash for the pay and spray or find some ridiculous hiding place.  At least, that's how I dealt with it.  

In regards to characters you meet, I don't know quite how far you got in the story, but Brucie's hilarious, Badman's even better, and Manny is just wack.  

In regards to the radio stations, I think it feels more like a radio station.  Sometimes, there's just nothing on.  Although, I do like a lot of it.  Blasting Bob Marley while you're gunning down Rastas is pretty awesome.

I don't know how much of the TV you've watched either, but last Saturday a friend and I got really stoned and just watched the in-game TV for 2 and a half hours.  The Republican Space Rangers+The Men's Room>pretty much every comedy-related show I've seen outside of Metalocalypse.

Later that day we had a competition to see who could get Niko's body over the freeway with a rocket launcher aimed at the ground.  That lasted an hour.  Once you're dead, it goes slo-mo and doesn't respawn you until you've pretty much stopped moving.  So there would be 20-second long death arcs.
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Is anyone using weapons other than the shotgun? I use the Uzi on occasion but honestly most of my justice is of the pump-action variety.

I'm at the point of the game now where you have Pistol; Combat Pistol; Pump Shotgun; Combat Shotgun; Uzi; SMG; Assault Rifle; Carbine; Molotov; Grenade; Sniper Rifle; Combat Sniper Rifle; Grenade Launcher

The Combat Pistol is useless except for execution shots (which is to say it's useless).  The Combat Shotgun is useful for close range on unarmored targets.  The SMG is good for any place you need to sprint and shoot, and is the only weapon you'll use while driving a vehicle.  The carbine is useful for long distance shots from behind cover.  The sniper is useful for long distance shots and shots to initiate hostilities.  The grenades are tremendously powerful, and useful for anti-vehicle and around corners.  The rocket launcher is useful for everything but close range, the only caveat being that each grenade for the launcher costs $5000 and LJ doesn't carry them (yet).

The best way to play is to finish the LJ missions ASAP because he gives you the SMG quickly and at the beginning the cheaper prices for body armor are relevant (later on you're going to have so much money it's irrelevant).

Quote from: est
- The mini-games are pretty shit.  I went bowling with the first girlfriend & got bored of it halfway through.  I went and played pool with Roman and got annoyed at it because the physics are fucked.  The ball will occasionally just stop wherever the fuck it wants.  I got sick of it and deliberately tried sinking the black until he won anyway.  He asked for another game, I said no.  I've since turned him down playing pool because it was such a shitty implementation of the game.

To the extent that drunk driving is a mini game, that was pretty well implemented.  You get drunk to varying degrees depending on who you go drinking with and drinking with Packie makes you completely hammered and driving becomes ridiculous (although potentially migraine inducing).  As for bowling and pool, I found bowling boring.   I have no idea why they didn't implement pool properly since it would have been so easy.  A simple force of hit meter would have made a huge difference.  But for that matter, I still don't understand why the cars don't come with an odometer, my biggest frustration with the game.  Incidentally, for those who haven't noticed, when playing pool, simply hitting "A" and taking the shot they set you up for will generally (about 50% chance) get the appropriate ball in.  You can fool around with spin (use r stick right and left for side spin, down for backspin and up for forward spin) but setting up a new shot is frustrating given the inadequacies of the interface.

- So far the filler content looks to be fairly superficial.  You go to an internet cafe and it's the same shit on the pcs all the time.  Maybe it changes later?  I dunno.  I just think that they could make a whole bunch of stuff and cycle through it.

Not sure what you mean by filler but in terms of in-game optional content like reading random web pages you get linked to and seeing overlap with stuff you hear on the news, or hearing your own exploits reported back to you on the news, that part of the game is absurdly deep.  There is about 5-10 hours of content just watching TV and reading random websites.  I thought the mini-missions, especially assassination and drug running for LJ were particularly well done.  The road races are also much more satisifying that in SA because of the far superior driving engine.

- In regards to the new Police system there is both good & bad, but the negative outweighs the positive.  I appreciate that the cops are only called when someone sees you and calls the cops, and that the alarm only goes up when cops arrive and see you at the scene.  I hate hate fucking goddamn hate the new "get out of the circle and cops nearly instantly forget you" shit, though.  I walked out the front of my house, knifed 5 dudes to death then drove 2 mins up the road to evade the cops.  That is fucking weak.

I see where you're coming from but I find the new police system far superior.  There were two major problems with the "Go to a pay and spray" system from SA, first that you could do an entire mission perfectly then get tapped by a police car too far from a pay and spray, escalate, get blown up and have to redo, and second that you could exploit quite easily by intentionally getting five star near a pay and spray because there were so many.  With the new system, it is true that the one and two stars are absurdly easy to outrun.  That's intentional, and later on when you have Kiki as a girlfriend, you don't even have to outrun one stars, you can just call her and she will get rid of them.  This is working as intended.  However, I think that you will find that three to five stars are far harder than previously.  At this point there are so many cops and helis that outrunning the circle sometimes becomes difficult to impossible depending on where you are.  Once again you need a paint place or safehouse (or to finish or start a mission which generally erases stars), and this is now harder given the greater density of the city and the fact that there are far fewer pay and sprays.  Also, the challenge of trying to maneuver through the net of flashing dots closing in on you in 3+ stars is fun.

- I wish Niko would take more damage from car crashes and such.

If it makes you feel any better, faceplanting from a motorcycle at max speed is generally fatal.  Which makes some of the later motorcycle missions somewhat annoying.

At the moment the game feels a little too easy.  The missions are one thing and I am sure they will get hard later.  The underlying mechanics of the game, however, will probably not change.  The police are too lenient and easy to get away from and it is really very difficult to get hurt badly outside of a decent fight.  I am sure that some people will see these things as positives, but it makes me feel like there's absolutely no reason to consider any action I do.  When there is basically no risk to anything then everything will get boring pretty quickly.

Here's how the game gets harder:  around the time you start working for Pegorino you start getting missions that make it very difficult to avoid getting three stars in inconvenient out of the way areas, so in addition to completing the mission, you then have to get rid of your wanted level.  The difference in difficulty between 2 and 3+ stars is enormous.  The mechanic is actually quite clever.  You'll finish a mission on top of a complex with two stars and with the police entering the complex from the bottom.  You then have to find a way out either through the police (which means shooting them and getting 3+ stars) or some alternative way to avoid them.  There isn't always an alternative.  Which means plenty of chases with 5+ cop cars, 2+ helis, NOOSE (their equivalent of SWAT), and the 5 and 6 star additions of FIB agents.

I suspect that this will be the game that finally gets me to sign up for a Live Gold account so I can run around in LC with some of you mob and raise hell.

Can't wait.


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Sounds like a few of my gripes will go away or at least lessen in time, then.  Excellent :)


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blah blah blah

Dear Lord you just ripped off any tidbit of information posted in any review, ever. Not to be a dick, but was this huge auto-response really necessary? At all? I mean, you just explained to me that a shotgun is good for close-range shooting. Calling blog and news websites "deep" when they update based on mission completion is a little, I don't know, hyperbolic, and so is "5-10 hours" of TV content.

Also, how in the hell can anyone get away with calling the drug-running missions "well done"? I'm not arguing that they weren't fun to do, but they are all literally "get from point A to point B in time X" missions. All of them. Same car, same idea. Same goes for the concept of street racing.

And if you played too hard it'd flop out and dangle around by the wire and that is just super ugly


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Wuh?  Read closer friend.  My comment re close range use for shotgun implied that it was useful for nothing else contrary to what was said earlier in the thread.  Drug missions are implemented with ambushes, chases, etc., a great improvement on the boring ass taxi, vigilante and trucking missions from SA.  Assassination missions are a more interesting innovation though.  Blogs and news websites have comments, lots of extra joke websites etc. some of which overlap with radio and TV programming in ways entirely extraneous to the core gameplay.
« Last Edit: 08 May 2008, 11:42 by pilsner »


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You're a very unhappy person.

Storm Rider

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Playing a console game is probably giving him blood pressure problems or something.
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Holy business was I an ass when I wrote that. Please ignore, I am a tard.
And if you played too hard it'd flop out and dangle around by the wire and that is just super ugly


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But I did it one try.  Jumped into the Hudson and swam across whilst being chased by motorboats, shot down to the point where I would've died if a taxi hit me at 20 mph, and nearly got spotted once I got to the other side.  But I did it. 
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Snow Storm was FUN.  If you thought that was hard, just wait until you get to Three Leaf Clover.


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Personally, I thought Three Leaf Clover was fairly simple and a hell of a lot of fun, plus it was a hell of a pay off. Snow Storm was a total bitch, but very very satisfying once I beat it it.


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Kept getting shot up in the stairway on the way out of the tunnel after 10 minutes of play and repeating.  Frustrating.


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My only problem with Three Leaf Clover was escaping the four-star rating.
Snow Storm was pretty entertaining, but only because of my choice of ride. I took Playboy's yellow Hummer (Patriot), and I tried desperately to keep it intact as I evaded the cops. Eventually it stalled, I took a cop car when no-one was looking and cruised out quietly.

PS: The line-of-sight police system is AWESOME. I've beaten a couple of cop-heavy missions (think Anthony) by taking a wild jump, then switching vehicles before the fuzz arrives.
And if you played too hard it'd flop out and dangle around by the wire and that is just super ugly


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Heh. Funniest moment yet goes to a wouldbe car-jacker who got caught on the door handle for a block and a bit, then dropped into incoming traffic.

Snow Storm has been bugging me because it seems like I randomly get an inexhaustable supply of cops and swat while I'm carrying that bag of white. I almost got out this morning ... then found a parking lot full of bikes. Read: pole-vaulted into the water & shot climbing into a police boat.


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I discovered the joys of slo-mo tonight. For the 360 at least they set the B button to cinematic camera mode whilst driving. If you click the left thumbpad while in cinematic mode it initiates slow motion, which is amazing. I initiated it while driving an out-of-control garbage truck, and the camera was set in just such a way that you could see a man with a cup of coffee idly walking down the street, minding his own business. Meanwhile behind him a garbage truck with Niko and Roman Bellic in it is slowly barreling his way. A darkly comic image.
I review, sometimes.
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I am so going to try that out.
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assuming that "spooking pants" (as a nickname for dora) is a QC reference i think i found a qc reference in the GTA internet

in the GTA browser go to



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Gotta say, the first few hours I had with this game, I was severely underwhelmed But after it picked up, this game is just fucking mint. Brilliant.

I guess that's sort of true of most of the preceding GTA titles, though: start out annoyingly slow, build to a cacophony of awesome.
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So yesterday I had a helicopter fall on me.  It was probably 150 feet up and 40-50 feet away horizontally.  I shot it with a rocket launcher, but it looked like it was moving out of the way, so I turned around and started jogging off and kinda forgot about it.  I got 5 steps and the helicopter landed right next to me, hitting Niko with the tail.  And then it blew up.

I should also add that launching yourself off of a skyscraper with the rocketlauncher will not let you watch the whole fall.
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Beat the story a few days ago.  Did anyone else find it surprisingly short and anticlimactic?  I suppose I'll finish the racing missions (in the Infernus!) but no force on earth could compel me to hunt pigeons.


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Mr. Mojo

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How's this for motivation to hunt pigeons?

I literally fell on the floor laughing.
Hunting pigeons sounds like a good idea in GTA and out of GTA.



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I review, sometimes.
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Blue Kitty

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I have been wondering, can you play music you have uploaded to your 360 like in the other games?

Johnny C

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Not as a custom soundtrack.

It's frustrating. I kind of want to cruise to Justice but still be able to hear conversations.
[02:12] yuniorpocalypse: let's talk about girls
[02:12] Thug In Kitchen: nooo


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You could just play Justice in the room that you're playing the game in.  Oh snap.

Johnny C

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Or I could play it on the Xbox's media player.

It would be nice to just have it as a radio station though.
[02:12] yuniorpocalypse: let's talk about girls
[02:12] Thug In Kitchen: nooo


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picked it up for PS3 over the weekend. It's fucking amazing and looks great. The cars look great, the city, people, etc. I'm glad they took away a lot of the features in SA, like having to work out, stuff like that from The Sims that I hated. So far everything I do, I kind of just mentally think, "wow, that's awesome". Getting online is also funny, haven't seen TV yet though...


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Guys.... dropping grenades out of the window to try and explode pursuing police is SO SATISFYING.

Also, just for kicks, try flying the helicopters fast and close to the ground between buildings etc using the in-vehicle camera.
An operatic soprano raps and sings atonal music, advertising jingles, political slogans, and “elevator” music, and a children's choir sings jingles and holiday songs.
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