i absolutely do not want to see faye with marten.
Bitch deserves...PINTSIZE.
Faye/Pintsize seems about right somehow.
faye has alot to sigh about lol.
And hasn't sighed nearly enough yet.
Bitch needs to pay her dues. Mostly to Marten.
yeah i kind of got really confused when i couldn't find the link either. it keeps friggin disappearing.
Which is why I have the sucker BOOKMARKED...so you can't get away from me! BWAHAHAHAH!!!!
Er, I mean...
...I bookmark the forums so I don't have to follow links. How do YOU do things?
...I...I think I might be a troll. Is there some sort of test I can take? Do I pee in a cup or something?
Nah. You're not a FULL troll yet. But you have some trollish attributes.
You need to me more creepy, and a lot more contrary...
...like me.
Yeah, that's the ticket.
don't think you are actively a troll, but you might be developing some trollish tendencies.
Get. Out. Of. My. Head.
It's a bad neighborhood in there; Why you in that neighborhood, son? You got business in this part o'town?
Hmmm? Lemme see your driver's license and proof of insurance. And keep yer hands where I can see 'em, okay?
Yes. It's called "Creme De Menthe" -- I use it in abundance whenever I feel trollish, or whenever Faye gets a bitch-slap.
I think you can get by with a little Gold Bond
It's too bad the Air Force "gold bond powder" commercial isn't around anymore. That'd be perfect for right now.
so much as flirted with another woman since he and Faye got together.
Err...hello? How about recently? Comic
1318?Juuust checkin.
have you NEVER seen a married couple?
Hell, I've BEEN half of a married couple...a couple of times. That's spot-on!
i absolutely do not want to see faye with marten.
why not?
Cuz Faye's an evil bitch who deserves Pintsize, that's why not.
Wow. Lots going on.
Hmmm i wonder if Wil will ever come back,will Faye ever find love,will Hanners ever find love too,will Pintsize ever stop being crazy?
All three things will happen in the same room simultaneously.
And then my head will explode.
Hanners will find she can only love a mechanical man.
Cue Frank Klepacki's "Target (Mechanical Man)" tune from Command & Conquer (How's THAT for esoteric?)
I demand an explanation for this outrageous comment!
Please submit your demand in quadruplicate on an appropriate Explanation Requisition Form A-4410-Revision C: "Demand".
Sign in the red box. Press hard. Four copies.
Thus endeth the current "Great Wall O'Text".
I still really am bad at this.