Sorry, but I don't see a Marten/Faye relationship happening anytime soon, if ever. The few times we've seen them alone together lately they just seem awkward together. I don't think post-"The Talk" ended up the way either of them wanted or expected. Sure, Faye knew that Dora would snatch Marten up, but she did ask Dora to promise "not to steal Marty away completely." She obviously expected to continue a significant friendship with him, more than 3rd wheel or roommates who barely see each other. From some conversations with Faye shortly after "The Talk," it would seem Marten also expected something more than what they have now. But aside from working at the library and band practice (what has Deathmole been up to?), Dora has monopolized Marten's time. This obviously bothers Faye a lot, and is probably what drove her to jump Sven. But she's witnessed Dora's overreaction on a few occasions so she's decided to just deal with the situation as is for fear of upsetting the apple cart. I don't think Faye is over Marten. However, losing Marten was a big step in self-improvement for her, so I don't see her acting on any feelings. Plus she has feelings for Sven at the moment as well. Marten probably misses hanging out with Faye, but he's over her. So sorry, but I think the Marten/Faye ship has sailed.
Well, like I said, I'm not saying it's going to happen, only that I wouldn't be surprised to see it at some point. And
if it happened, that's how I could conceivably see it happening. I tend to agree with you that it wouldn't likely be good for anyone, hence the 'fiasco' comment. Also, I think almost everything you said about Dora is pretty spot on. The only thing I'd see differently is if Dora
could figure out some of her issues, her and Marten could be great together... If Marten stays interested and I'm just not sure he will...