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Author Topic: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived  (Read 21770 times)


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Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« on: 18 Apr 2008, 11:21 »

I should just copy and paste the last half hour conversation on AIM with my brother but no one reads logs so let's do this for reals.

The rule is, you can't just spit out an old series of games that you'd like to see a new title in.  You have to say what they'd do to bring it up to the modern age.  I'm fairly sure that's why a lot of them haven't seen new titles since the SNES days (or what have you.)  Return-to-form is also acceptable for series that have churned out a lot of turds recently.

#1:  Actraiser.  Imagine a game where you fly around as a little cherub angel in a flying combat style engine, all while you're directing the townspeople to build their city.  Break it up with an old-school side-scroller action (preferrably hi-res 2-d sprites, but I'd settle for what they did with Castlevania Chronicles for the PSP) every now and again when it fits in the story.  If not that, then make 3d action platformer stages with combat similar-ish to the God of War or DMC games, except the twist is you're an angel (obviously for those that have played #1 and 2 back in the day).  I'd probably prefer the later, now that I think about it, because its awesomeness potential is off the charts.  I can imagine diving off buildings at super speeds to drive a sword through some imp's heart or something equally epic.

#2:  Demon's Quest.  I know that no one actually played Demon's Crest back on the SNES which is probably why it died as a series, but goddamn it I want to play as Firebrand again.  Demon's Crest is one of the best games no one ever played.  I don't know how they'd revive it but keep it fresh enough that people would want to play it, though.  I think they'd have to go more like the original game back on the NES and Gameboy, where you explore somewhat RPG style and then "battles" are just short platformer style stages.  (Kind of like Legend of Zelda 2, actually.)  Again, I'd prefer to keep it 2-d when it comes to the Platforming.  I don't think 3d would really work for Firebrand as it would the Angel dude from Actraiser.  It probably wouldn't be for a next-gen platform, but for the DS or PSP.  I can imagine it working pretty well on the DS.  I'm sure Capcom could think of some fun touch-screen minigames or something that wouldn't draw you out of the world too much.

#3:  The Lost Vikings.  I know it's never going to happen now that Blizzard has it's cash cow and never needs to think of an original concept again, but damn it I love puzzle games, and puzzle games that pretend to be action titles?  I approve.  The 3rd dimension would require quite a bit of new thinking in terms of making the puzzles, but has awesomeness potential.  Maybe add a new viking in there, too, although I have no idea what sort of deal he'd be.

#4:  Secret of Mana.  I know it's technically not a dead series, but the ones that people remember, the ones that actually have a contiguous playstyle that generated fans?  We haven't seen one since Legend of Mana for the PS1.  Square seems content on flushing it down the toilet as far as quality goes, but it really shouldn't be THAT hard.  Hell, they could simply port or re-release Seiken Densetsu 3 in English this time so we can finally play it legally outside of Japan and know what the hell is going on.  A return to form is all I'm calling for.

#5: Starfox.  See Secret of Mana.  A friend of mine pitched an idea awhile ago on the /v/ boards at 4chan that was actually a pretty good idea.  They'd actually go BACK in time to Fox's dad.  You'd play as the original Star Fox crew before they all started to try and kill each other.  Keep it a railshooter.  Toss in a landmaster level or two.  Problem solved; series back to form.  Back to being FUN.  Considering how you can actually aim yourself now with the Wiimote, a railshooter would be pretty awesome.


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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #1 on: 18 Apr 2008, 11:36 »

Rocket Knight Adventures: One of the best ways to describe this game is to think of it as quite a bit like playing as Meta Knight as he was implemented in Brawl -- you have a jetpack that you can use to charge up to run into enemies and a sword that can fire projectiles. You can also use your jetpack to do an attack similar to the fire tornado thing. It needs to have colorful graphics, preferably 2-D play, and a huge-ass robot battle with your rival.

I posted about it in the other thread, but Ristar. Again I'm not certain if a 3D update would be the best idea, but a revival with high-quality graphics and gameplay would be awesome, and I can actually see it for this title. You play a star that grabs onto things to hit them. If this is done in 3D I could only see it done with the Wii because it would be the only way to properly target enemies and spin-poles. You could target and press A to grab, and then shake the Wiimote to gain energy, then let go for massive flying speed. It could work really well with the Wii's gameplay mechanics, though some might see it as a bit too reminiscent of Mario Galaxy.
« Last Edit: 18 Apr 2008, 11:38 by muteKi »


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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #2 on: 18 Apr 2008, 11:46 »

My brother brought up another one.

Double Dragon.

Seriously, there's a franchise that used to be huge and suddenly died.  I blame the incredibly terrible movie and eventual Saturday Morning Cartoon that had nothing to do with the actual games.

Beat-um-ups aren't really popular anymore, so you'd have to do something with it other than just throw the two brothers out on the middle of the streets to have them wail on the badguys.  Give it a decent plot and maybe do something similar to the new Ninja Gaiden games, just with more enemies and hand-to-hand stuffs.  I could see the Wiimote having some fun stuff with it (like shaking it to do the spinkick or something) but I dunno how a beat-um-up without a sword would work.

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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #3 on: 18 Apr 2008, 12:27 »

Ogre Battle Ogre Battle Ogre Battle Ogre Battle

Come on, Squeenix. You have the team, you have the rights, stop pumping out that Kingdom Hearts shit and give us a new Ogre Battle.

Of course, that'd have the rough financial income of taking a big pile of money and setting it on fire, but I don't care. I'd buy it. Twice.
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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #4 on: 18 Apr 2008, 12:32 »

Oh god yes, i totally forgot!

Stormrider: What about an ogre battle for the DS?  Using a stylus to command troops around is always fun.  I'm sure it'd be lower budget but actually be a financially success of they released it for the DS instead of trying to make a huge budget PS3 title.


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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #5 on: 18 Apr 2008, 12:46 »

As a naive child, I used to hope that there would be a Lunar 3. A ha ha ha.

And Dragon Song doesn't count. Dick.

Also: What the hell happened to Arc the Lad?

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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #6 on: 18 Apr 2008, 12:49 »

Stormrider: What about an ogre battle for the DS?  Using a stylus to command troops around is always fun.  I'm sure it'd be lower budget but actually be a financially success of they released it for the DS instead of trying to make a huge budget PS3 title.

I could see that working, although if they did do that I'd prefer that they go back to 2D. As much as I love the DS, its 3D graphics are pretty ugly.

Although apparently Ninja Gaiden has some pretty impressive 3D modeling on the DS. Since OB64 had 2D backgrounds anyway, I suppose they could pull off similar quality graphics on the DS if they put enough work into it.
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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #7 on: 18 Apr 2008, 12:59 »


Seriously, if the game has you wait for 3 minutes at the ending to say "NOT THE END" then what do you expect? It's crying for a sequel!
Maybe the music could be a bit more palatable but it would be pretty cool. I'd like it less platforming, though, and more focused on melee combat.


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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #8 on: 18 Apr 2008, 13:30 »

I could see that working, although if they did do that I'd prefer that they go back to 2D. As much as I love the DS, its 3D graphics are pretty ugly.

Although apparently Ninja Gaiden has some pretty impressive 3D modeling on the DS. Since OB64 had 2D backgrounds anyway, I suppose they could pull off similar quality graphics on the DS if they put enough work into it.
Agreed about the 2d thing.  Seriously, sprites are only dead because companies are caught up in the idea of bigger is better.  Sort of like how movie producers constantly, constantly make rated R movies with the false thought that they do better in the box-office despite the fact sales show otherwise.  I am hoping for a trend back to making things FUN, and sprites were just more fun for some obscure reason I've never been able to play my finger on.

There's a lot of Sqeenix franchises that have gone downhill over the past 10 years.  Anyone else notice?  There's a plethora of great stuff to draw from but I just don't trust them to make a title worth playing.


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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #9 on: 18 Apr 2008, 13:35 »

Sort of like how movie producers constantly, constantly make rated R movies with the false thought that they do better in the box-office despite the fact sales show otherwise.
Uh, the cash cow rating is PG-13. R ratings restrict the potential audience.
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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #10 on: 18 Apr 2008, 14:20 »


I'd like to see another Guardian Legend game.  It was one of the best games I'd ever played, sound, control, difficulty, graphics.  Gaming bliss.  I'd like to see it on the DS, so that a huge(r) jump in graphics isnt expeted.  Ty!

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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #11 on: 18 Apr 2008, 14:42 »

I could see that working, although if they did do that I'd prefer that they go back to 2D. As much as I love the DS, its 3D graphics are pretty ugly.

Although apparently Ninja Gaiden has some pretty impressive 3D modeling on the DS. Since OB64 had 2D backgrounds anyway, I suppose they could pull off similar quality graphics on the DS if they put enough work into it.
Agreed about the 2d thing.  Seriously, sprites are only dead because companies are caught up in the idea of bigger is better.  Sort of like how movie producers constantly, constantly make rated R movies with the false thought that they do better in the box-office despite the fact sales show otherwise.  I am hoping for a trend back to making things FUN, and sprites were just more fun for some obscure reason I've never been able to play my finger on.

There's a lot of Sqeenix franchises that have gone downhill over the past 10 years.  Anyone else notice?  There's a plethora of great stuff to draw from but I just don't trust them to make a title worth playing.

Well, Ogre Battle is one of the few franchises I would trust them to revive, simply because they bought the team that made OB64, so all the people who would be needed to make it great are presumably still there. That's not counting Matsuno, of course, but he also wasn't involved in 64 and it turned out awesome without him. Although I am curious as hell to hear what he's doing now.
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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #12 on: 18 Apr 2008, 17:31 »

Sort of like how movie producers constantly, constantly make rated R movies with the false thought that they do better in the box-office despite the fact sales show otherwise.
Uh, the cash cow rating is PG-13. R ratings restrict the potential audience.
The cash cow is rated G, actually.  G rated movies make absurd amounts of money.


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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #13 on: 18 Apr 2008, 18:29 »

Right. Way too many contrived PG-13 movies out there. Like the meta-move Movies.

They give pornos a run for their money on plot.


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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #14 on: 19 Apr 2008, 06:16 »

Bubble Bobble  :-D


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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #15 on: 19 Apr 2008, 06:30 »

Oh god, I loved this game. Another 2d one in this series would be great.

Honestly I would love to see another more in depth Sim Ant.

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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #16 on: 19 Apr 2008, 07:38 »

Ive played most of the "demons" series. pretty intense.
I'd love to see Startropics, if only so that we could have mike in smash bros :P

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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #17 on: 19 Apr 2008, 10:14 »

 Do we really have to say : CHRONO series?
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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #18 on: 19 Apr 2008, 10:38 »

The franchise isn't dead, but the particular (lack-of-)storyline and style is, the original Quake. You know, with the style similar to doom but scarier, slick character movement, and fun weapons completely lacking anything firing bullets? You have to have respect for a game that takes that initial pistol that every game up until then gave you, and chucks it into the dumpster, grabbing the shotgun instead.

And thanks to the other thread about old games, how about the Tie fighter/X-wing series? New graphics, explosion physics, not much else needs changing, except maybe inclusion of ship types that have been introduced since 98, or whenever the last one came out.
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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #19 on: 19 Apr 2008, 11:58 »

Oddly enough, even with the better weapons in all the iD games, I always used the shotgun in single player.
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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #20 on: 20 Apr 2008, 16:41 »

I did that with Doom 1 + 2, but with Quake, I usually kept out the nailgun, or the super nailgun if I had it. I flipped over to the rocket launcher a lot, but I didn't want to come face to face with an ogre while holding a rocket launcher. In Quake 2, I tended to have either the chaingun or the machine gun out. In doom, though, shotgun reigned supreme, the distances you fought, you could usually nail an imp in one shot, and two super shotgun blasts took out a cacodemon.
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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #21 on: 28 Apr 2008, 17:02 »

Wonder Boy - Sega's all about the Sonic and that kind of thing, but Wonder Boy was really awesome in his day and pretty damn popular too. I wouldn't mind seeing a modern Wonder Boy game. Something along the lines of Wonder Boy in Monster Land than anything, preferably. Admittedly, that *was* the first videogame I ever played so perhaps I'm biased.

Populous - So the last Populous game was a bit craptacular, but we need more good god games.

Otherwise, any good 2D platformer franchise would do. I have a yearning for the days of 2D platformers.

On the other hand, there's a whole bunch of old franchises I'd like to see buried for at least a while.
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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #22 on: 28 Apr 2008, 21:03 »

Populus is being remade on the DS, actually. I haven't heard any details on when exactly it's coming out, but EA made the announcement a few months ago.
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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #23 on: 28 Apr 2008, 23:22 »

Mischief Makers: Treasure [thanks for the correction] made a 2-D brawler/platformer of sorts for the N64 in the olden times. It was fantastic and hard to believe it made it to the US. We need more games like this. Also Mr. Mosquito is a series that should be pursued.
« Last Edit: 30 Apr 2008, 02:13 by Roivas »
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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #24 on: 29 Apr 2008, 00:29 »

Also Mr. Mosquito is a series that should be pursued.

I rented Mr. Mosquito thinking "heh...I can see girls in the shower...sweet."  What I got instead was an incredibly fun and suprisingly challenging game.  Seriously, it was SO much fun.


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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #25 on: 29 Apr 2008, 15:22 »

Mischief Makers: Treasure made a 2-D brawler/platformer of sorts for the N64 in the olden times. It was fantastic and hard to believe it made it to the US. We need more games like this. Also Mr. Mosquito is a series that should be pursued.


But I'm no more suprised it made it than Dynamite Headdy or Gunstar Heroes.


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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #26 on: 29 Apr 2008, 16:44 »

Kid Icarus.  Best NES game of all time.  Then two crappy handhelds.   Now the best character in smash (GO Pit).  Why they never remade this wonderful game is just further proof that the video game industry doesnt really know what we want.
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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #27 on: 29 Apr 2008, 19:50 »

Kid Icarus was the most damn impossible platformer ever.  They never remade it for the same reason no one has ever remade the Inquisition.  A whole lot of effort for no reward. Not even the vague satisfaction of a bad job well done.


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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #28 on: 30 Apr 2008, 02:14 »

Kid Icarus was the most damn impossible platformer ever.  They never remade it for the same reason no one has ever remade the Inquisition.  A whole lot of effort for no reward. Not even the vague satisfaction of a bad job well done.

I dunno they brought back Ninja Gaiden. You have to remember games from the Nintendo era were supposed to be impossible and the reward for beating them was bragging and nothing more. If they remade Kid Icarus today it would be a lot different and most likely in 3-D.
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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #29 on: 30 Apr 2008, 03:17 »

I would do evil things to see X-Wing vs TIE Fighter come back, even buy a joystick (most useless peripheral of 2008). The same goes for Monkey Island too, although I have reservations anyone out there could do it well (maybe the people who made Psychonauts? Don't know what they're called.)

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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #30 on: 30 Apr 2008, 04:26 »

I'd love see a Startopia 2. I have a feeling it's minority opinion. And Mucky Foot Games went out of business, so I guess it's not likely.

Also, the plot for Transarctica could make a fantastic new game.
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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #31 on: 30 Apr 2008, 06:47 »

I'm actually surprised nobody has said the Soul Blazer series, as all three would kick ass in 3d, or with 2d Revamps.

Soul Blazer = Good
Illusion of Gaia + Terranigma = Best grouping evar.
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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #32 on: 30 Apr 2008, 17:20 »

^ This.


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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #33 on: 01 May 2008, 06:28 »

Total Annihilation for one, Starcraft eat your heart out.


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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #34 on: 01 May 2008, 12:41 »

Kid Icarus was the most damn impossible platformer ever.  They never remade it for the same reason no one has ever remade the Inquisition.  A whole lot of effort for no reward. Not even the vague satisfaction of a bad job well done.

Wasn't impossible.  Just "Nintendo Hard". And boy was it addicting too.  It might not of had the following that Zelda had back in the day.  But it was still one of the best titles from the Golden Age of gaming.

And on a seperate note.  The Inquisition?  Honestly.  Thats the best burn you could come up with.  You can do better then that pseudo-intellectual, nonsensical crap.

Now take a time out.
« Last Edit: 01 May 2008, 15:13 by mrjoegangles »
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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #35 on: 01 May 2008, 22:31 »

I have to agree with Demon Crest - the option to play as an evil bastard seems to be the new thing these days. What rates higher than playing as a demon? (I never finished the game ... seemed like I had some kind of bug; I could sit there for literally hours hitting one boss & dodging his attacks, but nothing happened)
Rocket Knight could be interesting - I'm thinking of a Prince of Persia style game with a jump pack rather than a jet pack. O'possums with swords rock. If they do it for the 360 I'd be even happier.

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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #36 on: 01 May 2008, 22:57 »

Kid Icarus

I have heard buzz that they are making a new one for the Wii, or at least that is what Q has said.


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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #37 on: 01 May 2008, 23:02 »

Kid Icarus 2 for the Game Boy is one of the greatest handheld platformers of all time.
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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #38 on: 01 May 2008, 23:24 »

Kid Icarus

I have heard buzz that they are making a new one for the Wii, or at least that is what Q has said.

Thanks to the notoriety from Brawl I don't doubt this.

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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #39 on: 01 May 2008, 23:38 »

If we were to get anything as a result of Brawl I'd prefer if Nintendo localized Mother 3. Kid Icarus has a ton of nostalgia and I don't really understand why, because it really wasn't that great of a game. There's some serious rose-colored glasses going on there. When you compare it to Metroid, another password-based game that came out at essentially the same time, it's abundantly clear that Nintendo made the correct decision of which franchise to continue.
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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #40 on: 01 May 2008, 23:45 »

Play Kid Icarus 2 before saying that again.

Metroid is my favorite franchise of all time, but if you were to put Kid Icarus 2 against Metroid 2, I would be very hard pressed to declare a victor.

(Fun fact: Kid Icarus 2 and Metroid 2 used the same engine!)
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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #41 on: 01 May 2008, 23:49 »

Total Annihilation for one

Wasn't Supreme Commander the spiritual successor to TA?
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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #42 on: 02 May 2008, 01:17 »

Play Kid Icarus 2 before saying that again.

Metroid is my favorite franchise of all time, but if you were to put Kid Icarus 2 against Metroid 2, I would be very hard pressed to declare a victor.

(Fun fact: Kid Icarus 2 and Metroid 2 used the same engine!)

I'm not talking about Kid Icarus 2, I'm talking about the original NES game. Because that's what he was talking about.
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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #43 on: 02 May 2008, 02:34 »

Dungeon Keeper just stoped at two games, which was a failure. It owned a lot. If you haven't played it, think of overlord as an RTS, with interesting and different kinds of monsters. Just better.
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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #44 on: 02 May 2008, 09:20 »

I'm not talking about Kid Icarus 2, I'm talking about the original NES game. Because that's what he was talking about.

But you also said that Nintendo made the right decision to not continue it, a point which I was disagreeing with.
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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #45 on: 17 May 2008, 12:21 »


Tribes 1 and 2 were two of my favorite multiplayer games EVAR. They were seriously amazing. Then there was Tribes: Vengeance which was pretty good, but never caught on or was as deep as the other two. I would LOVE to see a Tribes 3, maybe toss it at Valve, and have them come up with not only a great multiplayer game, but a kickass single player as well that delved into the lore of Tribes which was much deeper than any strictly multiplayer game really should be.
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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #46 on: 18 May 2008, 07:25 »

Commander Keen. No gameplay update whatsoever, just better graphics. This applies to any old sierra game/platformer.


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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #47 on: 18 May 2008, 09:20 »

I am not sure if it's "dead," but I would love to see another Panzer Dragoon game. 


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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #48 on: 18 May 2008, 09:26 »


Can't believe no ones mentioned this. All it would need is upgraded graphics, online multi player and a few more levels. It's the one game that I would probably persuade me to get a new games console.
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Re: Old Franchises I'd like to see revived
« Reply #49 on: 18 May 2008, 19:15 »

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