Oh what the fuck. I mean, it's gonna be out in two months, and half the movies it's parodying came out in the last 60 days (Iron Man, Sex and the City, Incredible Hulk) and/or still aren't out yet (Hancock). Seriously, even though this was to be expected, this is still a fuckin' travesty. As far as I can tell, there's a comet, and that's as far as the 'disaster' goes. In all seriousness, I would much rather watch Manos, The Hands of Fate than this tripe. Did you see the FX they used to squash Iron Man? It's like they're not even trying. You would think that they intentionally weren't, yet those two (Seltzer and Freidberg) are quick to mention that they both wrote on Scary Movie at the beginning of every promo reel. And a fucking cow? I've never had the urge to kill someone for crimes against decency and common sense more than I do right now.
Man, I am ten kinds of furious and need to take a break from the internet for now.