Hey man, you're new around here, so I'm not going to tear into you with the righteous fury of one thousand angry trolls. What you have posted, while pointless, sort of defeats the purpose of this thread, yes it is pointless, but there is no substance. It is like a ketchup sandwich. You have bread, you have ketchup, but there really is no substance there. Look at many of the other posts, they have a link, or a picture, or even discussion on something posted earlier. This is the internet, son, you can find anything you want. I imagine that you could google up MOO COW and find enough funny pictures to have us laughing for your next 10 posts in this thread.

That was the third image. Its just that easy. Simple, little things like that will lead you down the path of the good poster, someone that won't make the rest of the forum go
ugh, teenagers. Just think to yourself "would my older brother want to read this?" and you won't get eaten by the more surly posters.
Good talk buddy, lets go get some ice cream.