I should restate this, because I didn't really say what I wanted to. My distaste for the KOTOR MMO announcement isn't as much about wanting another KOTOR-style RPG, since we have Mass Effect for that. It is more that I just hate MMOs and would prefer Bioware make more awesome RPGs instead of that.
I have to say, even though the press conferences from the 3 console makers were pretty lame, the gameplay demos and trailers from E3 proved to me that this is going to be another kickass year for video games. Hell, even with the lack of bombshell announcements aside from the FFXIII on 360 thing, there's a lot of great looking stuff lined up for 2009 too, like RE5, Alpha Protocol, Mad World, and Bayonetta. Basically, presentations like this where everybody's great-looking games are in one place reinforce my belief that the standards of the video game medium have never been higher.