See, here's the thing though:
In WoW, there is no tangible loss to being ganked, nor is there tangible gain to doing so. The person killed doesn't lose XP or gold or even item durability. The person killing doesn't get XP or honor or gold. There is no outcome of someone sitting at a graveyard and killing people 40 levels below them when they rez except that they are doing it just to fuck with a dude. It's just being an asshole, no other reason.
I agree that you consent to PvP when you play on a PvP server, if it were limited to in-range PvP. If you are doing thing sin contested territory and someone a couple of levels above comes and kills you, well you should've been prepared, but you also could've put up enough of a fight to escape or even turn the tables and kill him. If a group of them comes and kill you, well that's the breaks, but you can still, in theory, escape with most classes if you see them coming. In either instance, there is some tangible benefit to them having attacked you (in the form of an honorable world PvP kill and the fact that you're doing quests in the same place they are and possibly even very similar ones) and it's just a hazard of the PvP environment. Honorable world PvP is excellent. I have enjoyed it on many occasions.
Furthermore, in Eve, it's actually entirely possible to succeed without entering low security zones and avoid PvP. It's low risk, low reward, but it's an option. This is not the case in WoW. After the first 20 levels, moving to PvP zones is required to simply progress through the game. There is no PvE option unless you just play a straight up PvE realm.
Honestly, there should've been a penalty for killing underleveled characters in contested areas in WoW. It just would've made sense. If dudes want to have an epic lvl 70 PvP brawl, that's what city raids are for.