With translated (by me and google) lyrics becuase the lyrics make the thing complete becuase it's in dutch
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TbLvfgA9hY&feature=relatedHe's on the backseat
We're silent for a while
I've had enough now
I'm cycling myself to bits
King alcohol is at the party
Never falls out of his role
Keeps tabs on everyone
Gives nothing away
He makes promises come true
And make my eyes old
And lies untill he breaks
Yeah, we laugh a lot
The king and I
We stay home a lot
Together in the kitchen light
He makes the party complete
He's that popular
And funny sometimes
King vesper
He cathes the bullet meant for me
He pushes me off the boat
Were lying in the sun
He lifts me on his throne
I was seventeen
He knows who I am
He has seen it all
He sometimes is away for months
Sends a greeting card
With greetings and how it goes