I'm being sort of balls at this so far. I kept expecting that my knees would be better as soon as someone waved some magic medicine at them, but no, they're not. Due to pain and discomfort, I haven't been to my classes, but since I'm not going to be better immediately, I have to get a working plan going for how I am going to do things.
Basically there are actual cripples out there who can not walk ever and presumably I will be able to comfortably walk again in the future, so I should be able to suss out how to wash dishes and cook food with sore legs. I should not be using my pain as a crutch to avoid work. I think it goes back to a tendency I have, like others, to get into this mode where pity is expected for the infirm. It's nice to have an excuse not to do things and to have people pay attention to me and be nice to me, but really, I'd rather be able to go for long bike rides to nowhere.
So I'm not being Iron at all, I'm just letting myself think an injury means I'm special.
Injured deer get eaten, injured wolves starve. Gotta keep up.
IRON WEEK means not letting yourself let you down.
IRON WEEK is doing no less than you can when you have problems.