i enjoyed it.
the theme of being forced to do the necessary thing rather than the 'right' thing is something most tv writers lack the balls to really deal with. usually they set up some 'save the world or save your girlfriend' choice, and then wuss out by having the hero somehow manage to save both. here, they actually managed to have it both ways in a manner that i really liked, in that rather than just making the moral dilemma magically go away, they waited until the hero had already committed to doing the necessary thing before jumping in and stopping him. in this way, we see that he is not only willing, but strong enough to act pragmatically no matter how hard it is, while at the same time avoiding the material consequences of that choice. it also goes a long way to demonstrating the value of his sidekick.
if overused, things like this will kill the drama, but to start off with, it helps to strongly establish the character.