The bottom line is, if anyone is going to start playing pranks by stuffing large quantities of food in their mouths, be wary.
rather than place the blame on somebody's undeveloped irony sensor, let's just blame the internet, k?
I am pretty miserable at going down on a lady
I can't really work out in my head why it's not cool to bone your sister as long as you don't make babies
Hey JD, I really like your penis, man.
I think it's because your 'age' is really only determined by how exasperated you seem when you have to stand up.
It is not wussy. There are orifices being assaulted all over the shop.
nick is a dick so you don't have to be!
[00:30] KharBevNor: Crawling undead terrorcocks
Once I got drunk and threw up in the vegetable drawer of an old disused fridge while dressed as a cat
I am a cowboy / on a steel horse I rideI am wanted / Dead or alive