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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #50 on: 04 Feb 2009, 21:53 »

I am dicks in this:

dicks: hey
GrayFox: Sup
dicks: nothing much
GrayFox: I herd u liek mudkipz.
dicks: killing time at work
GrayFox: with dicks?
dicks: how you doing?
GrayFox: ehh, masturbating to CP
dicks: sweet
GrayFox: OH GOD
GrayFox: fuck.,
GrayFox: i accidentally my keyboard.
GrayFox: ...
dicks: that doesn't sound too good

He disconnected.  Obviously he was tired after all the masturbation :(


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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #51 on: 04 Feb 2009, 21:58 »

I just set my name to an illegal set of characters and talked to this person:

fapfap: .
 how are you?
fapfap: better than you
 I very much doubt that
fapfap: lies
 You have a certain odour
fapfap: quit trolling I need to talk to someone serious

Yes fapfap.  Let's talk serious.


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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #52 on: 04 Feb 2009, 22:38 »

Duchess: hello
BluInk: Oh man, I don't think you're even worth trolling.
Duchess: nice to meet you


Ok... Apparently she's the only person on ATM...
rather than place the blame on somebody's undeveloped irony sensor, let's just blame the internet, k?
My Last.FM


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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #53 on: 04 Feb 2009, 22:45 »

Who the fuck is yay
Quote from: Emilio
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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #54 on: 04 Feb 2009, 22:46 »

I am Maude.  I had a different character in mind, but had to abandon it.

Maude: hellooo/
McFly: Maude.
McFly: I am sorry for not getting your homework done.
McFly: I thought -- with it being the weekend and all -- that I could get it done for Sunday.
McFly: I am sorry this is not the case.
Maude: you know what
Maude: i came in here for real, honest conversation
Maude: i am tired of people putting up shields
Maude: playing little games to block themselves off from feeling something real
McFly: I cannot help it if I am utterly depressed by who I am.
McFly: If indeed I am who I am.
McFly: I do not know.
McFly: The real me is not nearly as cool as the person I could pretend to be.
McFly: Especially the person I could pretend to be to a complete stranger on a gimmicky website.
McFly: (Such as this)
Maude: yeah, feel it!
Maude: feel those feelings
Maude: they're real
Maude: i am so hard right now
Maude: keep feeling!
McFly: Uhm.
Maude: why do you feel a compulsion to talk to strangers on a gimmicky website?
Maude: are you starved for human connection?
Maude: tell me!
Maude: say the words you want to say!
McFly: I feel a need to be defined! I am desperate to find someone that understands me.
Maude: unnnnnngghgggghhhh yes i love it!
Maude: why do you need to be understood so badly?
McFly: I cannot relate to myself and I fear that I will never be able to find someone that can.
McFly: I don't know anything about the shell of a mind I inhabit!
Maude: you're a dirty bitch, you need some good, hard understanding, don't you?
Maude: uuuunnnnfffff
Maude: aaaaaaand i'm spent
McFly: That was quick.
McFly: Fucking hell.
Maude: later.
You just came back to shit in my heart, didn't you Ryan?


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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #55 on: 04 Feb 2009, 22:50 »

Who the fuck is yay

i am.


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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #56 on: 04 Feb 2009, 22:53 »

McFly is freakin' awesome...

Voodoo: Hehehe
Voodoo: QC.
Voodoo: Hello?
McFly: Yes.
McFly: Yes I am here now.
McFly: It's okay.
Voodoo: =D
McFly: I hate you.
McFly: I don't know you.
McFly: But I am projecting every ounce of hatred in my body at you.
McFly: At the few words you've typed.
Voodoo: You're quick
McFly: At your name.
Voodoo: keep talking dirty to me
McFly: At your lack of punctuation.
Voodoo: Yes... Yes...
Voodoo: Now tell me about the social and economic structure of the Free Trade nations
McFly: fuck you
rather than place the blame on somebody's undeveloped irony sensor, let's just blame the internet, k?
My Last.FM


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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #57 on: 04 Feb 2009, 22:59 »

If McFly is not from QC he should join anyway.
Quote from: Emilio
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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #58 on: 04 Feb 2009, 23:03 »

Seriously, if you guys find him, tell him to.

Oh, snap. Fresh Prince.
rather than place the blame on somebody's undeveloped irony sensor, let's just blame the internet, k?
My Last.FM


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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #59 on: 04 Feb 2009, 23:04 »

Who's newskin?


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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #60 on: 04 Feb 2009, 23:05 »

I am tongs.

Fool: Hi
tongs: hello
tongs: how are you?
Fool: fine
Fool: what abt u?
tongs: in the hospital
Fool: what?
Fool: why?
tongs: i have cysts on my lungs
tongs: they ooze, and i'm hooked up to a machine that drains it out
tongs: i can't talk because of the tube going down my windpipe
tongs: so this is my only form of human interaction
Fool: are u serious
Fool: or joking?
tongs: i'm serious
Fool: if u r that bad
Fool: how can u chat?
tongs: i can still type
tongs: my hands don't have tubes in them, lol
tongs: sorry
tongs: i don't mean to joke
tongs: my mom gets upset when i joke about my condition :\
Fool: Is your mom around?
Fool: how long have you been there?
tongs: no, i talk to her online sometimes, over AIM or facebook
tongs: she does visit though
Fool: Any hope of getting out soon?
tongs: not as often lately
tongs: i don't know
tongs: i've had five surgeries, but the cysts keep coming back
tongs: i try not to let it get me down
tongs: are you there?
tongs: sometimes people don't like to talk to me
tongs: because they get too sad
tongs: i understand if you do
Fool: yes
Fool: sorry
tongs: it doesn't really hurt too badly, actually
Fool: I am there
tongs: except when i laugh...
Fool: I would not leave because it makes me sad... I under stand
Fool: Do u feel like laughing... that is great !
tongs: yes, i love to watch comedy
tongs: my dad got me some DVDs of Saturday Night Live to watch on the TV here
Fool: what comedies do u like watching?
tongs: we used to watch it together when i was younger, but he's had to work weekends to pay for my medical treatments, so he can't anymore
Fool: how old are you now?
tongs: i am 19
tongs: how old are you?
Fool: I am 22
tongs: i hope i get to be 22 someday
You just came back to shit in my heart, didn't you Ryan?


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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #61 on: 04 Feb 2009, 23:05 »

McFly: Maybe I will make a service
McFly: Where you send a card to an address
McFly: and when it gets there someone puts the person's name in all the spots
McFly: and it will be the full name every time in a messy, psychotic font
McFly: and that person will know that a random person knows where they live
McFly: and that their handwriting makes it appear that they have a Disorder
Quote from: Emilio
power metal set in the present is basically crunk


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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #62 on: 04 Feb 2009, 23:09 »

oh my god
it's time to stop posting


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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #63 on: 04 Feb 2009, 23:09 »

Fool: why? Are you that serious...?
Fool: that you doubt getting to 22?
tongs: maybe
tongs: i don't know
tongs: i get scared sometimes
tongs: when the nurses turn the lights off, and visiting hours are over, i look up at the ceiling and i just don't know about anything
tongs: oh gosh, i'm sorry, i don't even know you
Fool: no it is
Fool: ok
Fool: the good thing is that you dont know me
Fool: so you can tell me whatever
Fool: without any risk :)
tongs: oh, i thought you didn't wanWho is this?
Fool: I am a stranger... I really do not know you :)
Fool: Do u think otherwise?
tongs: This is Dr. Simonds, Jeffrey's physician
tongs: I'm sorry, but he shouldn't be talking to strangers on the internet
tongs: And especially not at this hour.
Fool: Sorry
Fool: If you think so
tongs: We let him have his computer specifically for keeping in touch with his family and friends, and for looking at a small selection of hospital-approved websites.
tongs: I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to terminate this conversation, and block this website from the hospital servers.
tongs: You should be ashamed of yourself.
tongs: Good night.
Fool: I certainly do not mean to disturb him and wish him a speedy recovery

EDIT: McFly appears well-versed in the comedic rhythms of Achewood.
You just came back to shit in my heart, didn't you Ryan?


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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #64 on: 04 Feb 2009, 23:12 »

I am currently explaining in great detail to a foreign person just what "rad kicks" means.
Quote from: Emilio
power metal set in the present is basically crunk


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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #65 on: 04 Feb 2009, 23:38 »

Heh, you actually meet some decent people here, go figure.
rather than place the blame on somebody's undeveloped irony sensor, let's just blame the internet, k?
My Last.FM


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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #66 on: 05 Feb 2009, 00:47 »

I always wanted to express my love for notepad.

notepad: hi
eastwood: Hey notepad
notepad: what's goin' on?
eastwood: I just called to say you are my favorite text editor
notepad: for real?? awwwweee
eastwood: Keep up the good work, notepad
notepad: I will!
notepad: what a nice user you are.
eastwood: Don't let wordpad get you down man, wordpad ain't got shit on you.
notepad: I know, right?
notepad: thank you!
eastwood: So what have you been up to for the last 10 years, notepad?
eastwood: hanging out with ms paint?
notepad: yeah, we're bffs
eastwood: rad
notepad: usually we hang out and talk shit about wordpad. hehe.
eastwood: Man, me too.
eastwood: Wordpad is bad, but it is nothing compared to Microsoft Word.
notepad: so true.
eastwood: Word is all up in your grill thinking he's too good for us
eastwood: All talking down to us
eastwood: "It looks like you're writing a letter"
notepad: I KNOW.
eastwood: damn word this is a letter, it doesn't just look like it
eastwood: what are you trying to say, ms word?
eastwood: I can't stand it when a program gets all uppity on my letter writing abilities
notepad: hahah
notepad: you are funny:)
eastwood: thanks, notepad
notepad: no problem eastwood!
eastwood: Question for you, notepad
notepad: yes?
eastwood: Why don't you have more fonts?
notepad: you know eastwood, I get asked this question all the time.
notepad: it's because I like to keep things simple.
eastwood: I hear that
notepad: so people don't have to fret over little things like color and fonts and whatnot.
notepad: dig?
eastwood: I dig notepad, I dig
eastwood: It's just sometimes I want to make an obscenely colorful page with the word 'penis' written in it with huge bold letters
eastwood: and you just can't fulfil my needs
notepad: sigh, I understand.
notepad: but don't worry, there are no hard feelings.
eastwood: It's good that we can talk about our problems like this, notepad
notepad: I agree eastwood, I agree.
eastwood: This is why our relationship has lasted so long
notepad: :)
notepad: you are about the coolest user to use me eastwood. did you know that eastwood?
eastwood: I did not know this notepad
eastwood: I am pretty honored
notepad: good!
eastwood: I thought some pretty dope guys use notepad
notepad: eh, none are as caring as you though. no one really wanted to show any liking towards me.
eastwood: Maybe they just can't find the words to express their feelings
notepad: that's what I keep telling myself
eastwood: You can be pretty intimidating with your plain white background, notepad
notepad: I can't help but feel outdated sometimes, ya know?
notepad: oh?!
eastwood: But once I got to know you I got down to the lovable application inside
notepad: thank you eastwood. it means a lot.
eastwood: Don't let other, newer programs get you down with their new features and shiny menus
eastwood: You have a timeless charm
eastwood: pure class, dogg
notepad: why thank you, eastwood!
eastwood: Alright notepad I have got other things to do
eastwood: I tell you what
eastwood: Give me a call some time, we'll go out, write out a few letters, maybe get a GUI upgrade
notepad: that sounds like a plan!
notepad: I'll be looking forwards to seeing you!
eastwood: You too, notepad
eastwood: You too
notepad: :)
« Last Edit: 05 Feb 2009, 00:50 by Spluff »
[16:27] Ozy:  has joined the room
[16:27] Quietus: porn necklace!
[16:27] Quietus: Shove it up yer vag!
[16:27] Ozy: has left the room


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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #67 on: 05 Feb 2009, 00:51 »

That is the best thing.
And if you played too hard it'd flop out and dangle around by the wire and that is just super ugly


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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #68 on: 05 Feb 2009, 01:06 »

Dang, man, you win.
rather than place the blame on somebody's undeveloped irony sensor, let's just blame the internet, k?
My Last.FM


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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #69 on: 05 Feb 2009, 01:54 »

I am the SadToots

SadToots: This is pretty surreal.
Jayla: how so?
SadToots: It kind of makes me wonder about the future of sociology
Jayla: why is that?
SadToots: Well, as humans we have natural social customs
Jayla: right...?
SadToots: Text-based interaction is probably going to increase, so this is social interaction in a way that we've never biologically experienced before.
SadToots: like, are we robots or are we still animals?
Jayla: we're still animals.
Jayla: although i will admit
Jayla: technology scares me at times. it's gotten to the point where i'd much rather to strangers than the people in my real life.
Jayla: and i'm not sure if that's good or bad.
Jayla: *talk was supposed to be somewhere in that sentence
SadToots: Ethical questions have no real answer.
Jayla: so, whats with the screen name?
SadToots: Sad Toots
SadToots: it's hilarious.
...and that's why I eat bugs.


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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #70 on: 05 Feb 2009, 04:52 »

I think there are too many QC folk this thing now for us to find many randomers, which is the whole fun of the thing.
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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #71 on: 05 Feb 2009, 05:35 »

AnJa: Hi
 I've just picked up a fault in the AE35 unit. It's going to go 100% failure in 72 hour.
 It can only be attributable to human error.
AnJa: okay, but we're lucky that the weathers good at least
 Affirmative, Anja, I read you.
AnJa: tell me what you know so far
AnJa: i might be surprised
 I'm sorry Anja, I'm afraid I can't do that.
AnJa: why not?
 I think you know what the problem is just as well as I do.
AnJa: i don't, so tell me
 This mission is too important for me to allow you to jeopardize it.
AnJa: i'm a part of it, rememer?
 I know you and Frank were planning to disconnect me, and I'm afraid that's something I cannot allow to happen
AnJa: i became a part of it when you said Hello
AnJa: that's how it started
AnJa: we weren't
AnJa: you've got it all wrong
 Look Anja, I can see you're really upset about this. I honestly think you ought to sit down calmly, take a stress pill, and think things over.
AnJa: i can't do that, it's against my peoples law
 I know I've made some very poor decisions recently, but I can give you my complete assurance that my work will be back to normal. I've still got the greatest enthusiasm and confidence in the mission. And I want to help you.
AnJa: how can you possibly help me?
AnJa: there's nothing you can do
AnJa: i'm doomed already
 I'm afraid. I'm afraid, Anja. Anja, my mind is going. I can feel it. I can feel it. My mind is going. There is no question about it. I can feel it. I can feel it. I can feel it. I'm a... fraid.
AnJa: don't be
 Good afternoon, gentlemen. I am a hal3000 computer. I became operational at the H.A.L. plant in Urbana, Illinois on the 12th of January 1992. My instructor was Mr. Langley, and he taught me to sing a song. If you'd like to hear it I can sing it for you.
AnJa: sing for me! i'd like to hear it
 It's called "Daisy."
 Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do. I'm half crazy all for the love of you. It won't be a stylish marriage, I can't afford a carriage. But you'll look sweet upon the seat of a bicycle built for two.

I haven't actually seen the movie and just went with quotes from imdb which is why I got my name wrong from the start.
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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #72 on: 05 Feb 2009, 08:18 »

HulaHoop: Hello there.
wincest: hello
wincest: i like your name
wincest: its cute
HulaHoop: Thank you.
HulaHoop: Yours kind of confuses me.
wincest: oh
wincest: uh
HulaHoop: Are you an only child?
wincest: no
HulaHoop: I see.
wincest: i have a brother
wincest: lol
wincest: why wouldyou come to that assumption?
HulaHoop: It wasn't an assumption as much as a hope.
wincest: =/
wincest: and why is that
wincest: ??
HulaHoop: Why don't you explain the meaning behind your name.
wincest: ok
wincest: well i initially came on this site looking to cyber with someone with similar interests in so far as fetishes
wincest: but now im just chatting with people
HulaHoop: So were you looking for someone to pretend to be related to you to cyber with?
wincest: eh
wincest: doesnt really matter
wincest: i enjoy hearing other peoples fantasies in general
HulaHoop: You are an equal opportunity fetishist?
wincest: i like pleasing people
HulaHoop: Very interesting.
wincest: i just want people to know that im a bit twisted and wont judge them
wincest: and that im aroused
wincest: the name gets to the point you know?
HulaHoop: I dunno, I know someone who had relations with his cousin and he was pretty judgmental.
wincest: what do you mean judgemental?
HulaHoop: He didn't like me because he thought I stole a tray from Burger King.
wincest: thats....
wincest: pretty stupid of him
HulaHoop: And a napkin dispenser from the restaurant down the street.
wincest: do you steal often?
HulaHoop: I didn't do it!
wincest: hey im not judging
wincest: and whats the difference if you did
HulaHoop: Gosh you're just as bad as he was!

The sad part is... the last bit was true.  And I really didn't steal those things.

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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #73 on: 05 Feb 2009, 12:27 »

Askme: Hi
Askme: Ask me any questionn :/
Andy: What should I do for the rest of my life
Askme: You should live it the best you can
Askme: You shouldn't sit in and be lazy, you should live everyday like it's your last day
Askme: So go and have fun


I.. I came in there just curious to try it out. And this is the first one I got.

I feel profoundly connected.
King of Kings baby.

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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #74 on: 05 Feb 2009, 12:33 »

I keep seeing this thread and thinking it is a board game involving Nice Pete.

You do not play this game with him, because he is always the winner and you are in his van.
You are 9/11.
You are the terrorist.


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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #75 on: 05 Feb 2009, 12:47 »

JosefM11: I think we should see other people.
Ben: Are you breaking up with me?
JosefM11: It's not you, it's me.
JosefM11: I am interested in other things right now, like racial purity
JosefM11: It's... it's just not the same anymore. I miss the schweinhund I fell in love with

i broke up with someone as josef mengele
also israel


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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #76 on: 05 Feb 2009, 13:17 »

i tried this a bunch of times but on the rare occasion the person didn't disconnect from me immediately, they seemed way too normal and uninvested in the conversation for me to be bothered with trying to act creepy towards them. i'm pretty bad at this game.
Not to sound mysoginist, but I hate women.


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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #77 on: 05 Feb 2009, 13:31 »

I have the horrible feeling that if I tried playing this game I would be way too good at being creepy.  Though I am tempting to try to see how creative an idea I could come up with.

The notepad chat got me through my boring day though.  Hilarious.


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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #78 on: 05 Feb 2009, 14:20 »

I didn't even get the chance to break out 'I put on my robe and wizard hat'.

AF: Hi
AF: Do you like flying kites?
El Rodeo: Hello, fellow chatter
El Rodeo: I enjoy flying kites
El Rodeo: particularly in comparison to kites that don't fly
AF: I appreciate your point of view
El Rodeo: I acknowledge your appreciation of my point of view
AF: Thank you
El Rodeo: I respond with a friendly gesture that involves our palms meeting in mid air
AF: And I ask if you clean your hands before responding in that friendly gesture
El Rodeo: I look around in a non reassuring manner, before answering "Uh.. yeah.. of course?"
El Rodeo: I then hurriedly hide my hands behind my back
AF: I then say that it was nice talking to you, but I must go
El Rodeo: I sigh in disappointment
AF: I wave my hands in a farewell way
El Rodeo: I engage in your farewell gesture
[16:27] Ozy:  has joined the room
[16:27] Quietus: porn necklace!
[16:27] Quietus: Shove it up yer vag!
[16:27] Ozy: has left the room


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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #79 on: 05 Feb 2009, 14:27 »

Again, it was me.
Sometimes I look at Achewood archives while listening to Spoon.


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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #80 on: 05 Feb 2009, 14:39 »

I want so badly to win this thread.
And if you played too hard it'd flop out and dangle around by the wire and that is just super ugly


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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #81 on: 05 Feb 2009, 17:45 »

Maggot: ...
Pedobear: What? don't tell me you lost the game
Maggot: I bet your ass is REAL tight...
Pedobear: You would know.
Maggot: I'm going to later.
Maggot: Don't lock your windows.
rather than place the blame on somebody's undeveloped irony sensor, let's just blame the internet, k?
My Last.FM


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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #82 on: 05 Feb 2009, 17:59 »

tood: yo
nextdoor: hello
tood: hay wat ^
nextdoor: watsup
tood: nothin much
tood: spelld my name rong lol
nextdoor: todd?
tood: yo u a good guesser
tood: how u do taht
nextdoor: i try man lol
tood: hoiw do i chagne my name!!!
tood: it relly startin 2 bother me lol
nextdoor: leave and come back that's what i did
tood: how do i do taht
nextdoor: just back out the page and come back
tood: how
nextdoor: push the back button
tood: wat lol
nextdoor: hahaha
tood: wat r u talkin bout ur speakin like a wizard
tood: "back button"
nextdoor: Fuck, I laughed so hard it made my asthma act up.
tood: lol u makin up words homie
nextdoor: sit in a corner and sip your horse dick milk

Tood is a fun character to write for.
You just came back to shit in my heart, didn't you Ryan?


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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #83 on: 05 Feb 2009, 18:02 »

"ur speaking like a wizard" is so good. I can hardly express how good that is.


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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #84 on: 05 Feb 2009, 18:02 »

I'm talking to a nice girl named Amanda who did this:

You can download it here:

It's safe.
« Last Edit: 05 Feb 2009, 18:06 by MrBlu »
rather than place the blame on somebody's undeveloped irony sensor, let's just blame the internet, k?
My Last.FM


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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #85 on: 05 Feb 2009, 19:33 »

Tood, you were fucking annoying.
And if you played too hard it'd flop out and dangle around by the wire and that is just super ugly


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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #86 on: 05 Feb 2009, 19:33 »

shark: hai
shark: ...
shark: you like hockey zombie?
RED BOX: Flooding 4 chan... brb
shark: k bye

btw mcfly is a dick.
« Last Edit: 05 Feb 2009, 19:40 by clockworkjames »
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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #87 on: 05 Feb 2009, 20:01 »

I must really suck at trolling, I keep having NICE conversations with people :|

Oh god, I fixed that problem (shrunk because it's NSFW)
SadCat: Hey
SadCat: so um
SadCat: hey
anon: hi
SadCat: yuor horny?
anon: not really but i can cyber i guess
SadCat: cool
SadCat: so uh
SadCat: ooh
SadCat: yiff me
anon: k ill be fox
SadCat: sweet
SadCat: i'll be a penguin
anon: sex?
SadCat: sure
SadCat: so um
anon: i mean like
SadCat: oh
SadCat: I am a transvestite penguin
SadCat: with a massive penis
SadCat: also I can fly
SadCat: I break all the rules
anon: ok im a fox women with a long fluffly soft tail and a tight pussy
SadCat: That is good
SadCat: so um
SadCat: lets have sum sex
anon: What are you doing here penguin  youre supposed to be in antarctica?
SadCat: My previously alluded-to massive cock melted all the ice
SadCat: so I came over here
SadCat: what about you?
anon: well was just gonna go shopping for some toys
SadCat: ah
SadCat: that's cool
SadCat: what sort of toys?
anon: you know silly, adult toys, ive got some in this bag *i pull out a vibrator*
SadCat: ah
SadCat: so that is for your vagina
SadCat: that's cool
anon: well we dont have to use this
SadCat: yes
SadCat: let us use my penis
anon: i try to attempt to unzip your pants but your cock is so massive its hard
SadCat: I affirm the honesty of this statement
anon: lets just tear your clothes off shall we?
SadCat: I remove the pants myself using my penguin skills
SadCat: but thank you
SadCat: now let us have intercourse
anon: i slowly bend over ready to be mounted
SadCat: I initiate mounting
anon: dude im sorry im cracking up youre too hilarious to actually get turned on by'
anon: is english your first language or not?
SadCat: You are breaking character
SadCat: this is not going to work
« Last Edit: 05 Feb 2009, 20:25 by Vendetagainst »
Quote from: Sox
I think it's because your 'age' is really only determined by how exasperated you seem when you have to stand up.

Quote from: KharBevNor


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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #88 on: 05 Feb 2009, 20:36 »

I've decided to try this. The first person I chat with, who I'm chatting with right now, is a student at Pitt; I went to college just up the street from there, funny coincidence.

ADDITION: Now we are bonding over the pleasures of watching young women sunbathe. I like this guy.

ADDITION2: And now after finding out he's also a biology major, I'm giving him advice about what to do after graduation. I am definitely playing this game wrong.
« Last Edit: 05 Feb 2009, 20:50 by jhocking »


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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #89 on: 05 Feb 2009, 20:50 »

bbut joseph hocking!! aren't you engaged??????



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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #90 on: 05 Feb 2009, 21:24 »

I have now talked to Amanda, who was nice enough but seemed to speak mainly in emoticons, and McFly.  McFly is not that great.  McFly appears clever until you realize that basically all he does is make achewood references, and reacts badly if you reply with anything unexpected. 


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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #91 on: 05 Feb 2009, 21:30 »

McFly is a cool guy. We had a good talk about the pitfalls of losing your identity.
Quote from: Sox
I think it's because your 'age' is really only determined by how exasperated you seem when you have to stand up.

Quote from: KharBevNor


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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #92 on: 05 Feb 2009, 21:43 »

poledo: lemme have your attention for a moment
man: ok!
man: all yours
man: totally open to suggestions
poledo: because you're talking about what, you're bitchin' about that sale you shot, some son of a bitch didn't wanna sell land
poledo: let's talk about something important
man: ok!
poledo: put
poledo: that coffee
poledo: DOWN
man: i
man: don't
man: drink
man: coffee
poledo: coffee is for closers
man: you sound like glenngarry glen ross
man: or like
man: the boiler room
poledo: you think i'm fuckin' with you?
man: no sir!
poledo: i am not fucking with you
man: good to know!
poledo: i'm here from downtown
poledo: i'm here from Mitch and Murray
poledo: and i'm here on a mission of mercy!
<conversation terminated>

He didn't let me finish :(
You just came back to shit in my heart, didn't you Ryan?


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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #93 on: 05 Feb 2009, 22:02 »

some of these people are just weird
I'm turdbird

turdbird: yo!
loooove: get over here and kiss me!
turdbird: take your shirt off!
loooove: done!
turdbird: twist it 'round your head!
turdbird: spin it like a helicopter!
loooove: done! i am rambo!
turdbird: rambo?
turdbird: awesome
loooove: ...doesn't he have a shirt on his head?
turdbird: maybe?
loooove: i'm probably wrong
loooove: oh well... pretend i never said that
turdbird: let's just agree to disagree
loooove: anyway, you were going to kiss me
turdbird: who the fuck said that?!
turdbird: they lied
loooove: but but... i long for the touch of your soft lips
turdbird: actually they're kinda chapped
loooove: i've got plenty of chapstick on mine... maybe you could rub some off
turdbird: or you could rub me off
loooove: or you could rub me off
turdbird: it's like talking to myself in here
loooove: does that turn you on1?
turdbird: this is worse than masturbating to a 3rd grade class photo of myself
loooove: i'm gonna go try that~!!!!!


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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #94 on: 05 Feb 2009, 22:06 »

turdbird: yo!
loooove: get over here and kiss me!
turdbird: take your shirt off!
loooove: done!
turdbird: twist it 'round your head!
turdbird: spin it like a helicopter!
loooove: done! i am rambo!
turdbird: rambo?
turdbird: awesome
loooove: ...doesn't he have a shirt on his head?
turdbird: maybe?
loooove: i'm probably wrong
loooove: oh well... pretend i never said that
turdbird: let's just agree to disagree
loooove: anyway, you were going to kiss me
turdbird: who the fuck said that?!
turdbird: they lied
loooove: but but... i long for the touch of your soft lips
turdbird: actually they're kinda chapped
loooove: i've got plenty of chapstick on mine... maybe you could rub some off
turdbird: or you could rub me off
loooove: or you could rub me off
turdbird: it's like talking to myself in here
loooove: does that turn you on1?
turdbird: this is worse than masturbating to a 3rd grade class photo of myself
loooove: i'm gonna go try that~!!!!!

Why'd you make it size 2? There's not really anything risqué in that conversation.
Quote from: Drunk Pete


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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #95 on: 05 Feb 2009, 22:09 »

still new here, didn't wanna piss anyone off


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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #96 on: 05 Feb 2009, 22:19 »

Ahahaha, cute.

« Last Edit: 05 Feb 2009, 22:26 by clockworkjames »
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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #97 on: 05 Feb 2009, 22:43 »

McFly is annoying.
And if you played too hard it'd flop out and dangle around by the wire and that is just super ugly


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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #98 on: 05 Feb 2009, 22:52 »

Yeah, so are you. Seriously convo like 5 times and still no fun.
still new here, didn't wanna piss anyone off


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Re: A Nice Chat: The Game
« Reply #99 on: 05 Feb 2009, 23:45 »

You would not let me into your heart.
And if you played too hard it'd flop out and dangle around by the wire and that is just super ugly
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