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Author Topic: fantasy baseball  (Read 90969 times)


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fantasy baseball
« on: 25 Mar 2009, 20:43 »

anyone interested in playing? I've never done it before but I am scary excited for this year's season and I'd like to try it. I recall fantasy football on the forum and also lots of other stupid games that we played (oh god tribal wars). who's down?
radical dame


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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #1 on: 25 Mar 2009, 20:45 »

I've never done it, but I would definitely be down.
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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #2 on: 25 Mar 2009, 20:51 »

At my work, there is a cd case with artwork(made by our graphic design department) for Final Fantsy Football. It features a wizard and a quarterback. Sometimes it makes its way out to the ps1 games. We might be selling it at our ebay store.
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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #3 on: 25 Mar 2009, 21:06 »

Ally, I am totally in.
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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #4 on: 25 Mar 2009, 21:10 »

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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #5 on: 25 Mar 2009, 21:58 »

*Sigh* I'm in. Shane, get in on this shit.
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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #6 on: 25 Mar 2009, 23:44 »

Count me in.
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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #7 on: 26 Mar 2009, 04:48 »

I'll play I suppose.
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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #8 on: 26 Mar 2009, 05:00 »

*Sigh* I'm in. Shane, get in on this shit.

Fine, but none of you fuckers better draft Ricky Nolasco before I do.
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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #9 on: 26 Mar 2009, 05:30 »

I know very little about baseball but i'll join in.

Shane, you can explain it to me.
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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #10 on: 26 Mar 2009, 05:46 »

Explaining baseball to someone who isn't actually watching it happen is a horrific, sisyphean ordeal. It will not make any sense unless you sit down with someone who knows the game, watch a game, and ask questions about literally everything that happens.
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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #11 on: 26 Mar 2009, 06:00 »

OK, so I get baseball, but I've just never grasped the concept of fantasy baseball... or fantasy anything. It's never been explained to me.  Would someone care to?
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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #12 on: 26 Mar 2009, 06:07 »

The first part is a player draft (you know where the "teams" chose the players they want in a set order).  The second part, or at least how I've played it most of the time, is basically set up so that whichever team did the best (as in had the best stats) wins the league (usually like 10 or 12 teams)
« Last Edit: 26 Mar 2009, 06:11 by KickThatBathProf »
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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #13 on: 26 Mar 2009, 06:09 »

I know very little about baseball but i'll join in.

Shane, you can explain it to me.

Shall do.

And Rachel, think of fantasy baseball like a Theo Epstein RPG. Except you don't get to sit in a fancy luxury suite during games.
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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #14 on: 26 Mar 2009, 10:40 »

To break it down slightly more detailed:

Your average fantasy league takes a series of big stats and compiles them to determine who's team of players, on paper, would have the best pythagorean record. A pythagorean record is how many "wins" a team would have based purely off the amount of runs they scored and the amount of runs they allowed, as is rendered necessary because you're not just picking an MLB team and going with it.

Commonly used stats are:

For hitters:
Batting average (AVG), which is the average of how often a player hits his way onto base (Anything over .300 is usually considered very good). All hits go to average (Singles, doubles, triples and home runes).
On base percentage (OBP), which is essentially batting average PLUS walks, it's literally simply how often a player gets on base.

For pitchers:
Earned run average (ERA), which is the average amount of runs a pitcher gives up per nine innings pitched. League average usually runs around around a 4.50. This is generally only really relative to starters (Guys who start the game and pitch for on average six or seven innings every fifth game), rather than relievers (Guys who'll pitch an inning here or there, often multiple games in a row)
Win-Loss record. That kind of speaks for itself. Win-Loss can be deceptive, as a guy who gets a lot of run support can still get a shit ton of wins, even with a shitty ERA, while a guy who's lighting it up can have a shitty win-loss record because his team just isn't scoring runs (Common with the Oakland Athletics)

Rachel, I'm willing to help you, because you give me sex. Everyone else can kiss my ass or ask Shane. I've never actually done fantasy baseball, at least, so the only thing I'd call a real advantage for me is that I pay so much attention to baseball that I'm aware of a large amount of players and their general ability.

If we're going to do this, we'd best get it rolling soon. The season starts in ten days.
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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #15 on: 26 Mar 2009, 10:47 »

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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #16 on: 26 Mar 2009, 10:50 »

Wait, can I get sex for fantasy baseball advice?
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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #17 on: 26 Mar 2009, 10:57 »

Maybe? Considering only two girls are showing interest and one of them is off the table, I would not pin odds on it.

You could, at the least, maybe parley the league into some passable terrible pickup lines, such as:

"I'd draft you #1 in my fantasy league, baby"
"Are you a high ceiling pitcher? Cause you are a top pick"
"The rest of the ladies in here are mere utility infielders when compared to your gold glove caliber talents"
"I may not be an MVP candidate, but I got all the tools you'll need"
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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #18 on: 26 Mar 2009, 11:02 »

Ah, if only it weren't baseball I'd be in for sure; as it is I'll have to sleep on it. That's not a slight against baseball mind you, it's just that the long ass season makes for a lot of things to keep track of (particularly if we go with head to head scoring) and I am just competitive enough to let it bother me when I get a bit behind on things. Anyway, what scoring and drafting styles did people have in mind? I would think rotisserie and serpentine would probably be easiest considering that it sounds like there's some fantasy virgins in here.

Also, I"m surprised no comments about having a big bat managed to crack your terrible pickup line rotation.
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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #19 on: 26 Mar 2009, 11:20 »

"The rest of the ladies in here are mere utility infielders when compared to your gold glove caliber talents"

If I run into a cute girl at the Sox game next month, I'm using this.
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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #20 on: 26 Mar 2009, 11:24 »

When people decide the time and date for the draft please take into consideration a couple of us are on european time. I want to join in but staying up until 5am for a baseball draft is not ideal.  :|
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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #21 on: 26 Mar 2009, 11:25 »

There's always fantasy cricket, Rob. Or snooker.
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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #22 on: 26 Mar 2009, 11:29 »

I didn't want to go too cliche, Alex. If I had, I assure you, a "I swing my bat harder than Albert Pujols" would've made it in there.

In terms of the league, I'm honestly clueless. I know the stats and I know the players, but I have never done fantasy baseball and I'm pretty sure most of the rest here haven't. I'd off to set it up myself, having enough free time to see it through right now, but I don't know the ins and outs right now.

We should definitely go for something simple, as with your mention of the 162 game season, a lot of the less baseball inclined folks will probably be overwhelmed. I don't wanna keep track of VORP myself, much less expect some of the people who don't watch the fuckton of baseball I do to pay attention to it.

Something with a simple drafting process and a simple, reasonably low amount of stats to focus on, preferably sticking primarily with "sexy" stats (The big numbers that are, in effect, less desirable to a stat head, but easier to track for the casuals) like ERA, AVG, W-L, etc.'s fantasy baseball seems like it might be optimal, and I'd like to avoid ESPN considering how much I fucking hate them. I think it might be for the best to get two people involved in the creation, one person who's got a good bit of experience in using fantasy leagues and one person who knows baseball really well. I'm more than willing to fill the latter if we don't have someone who fits both and is willing to run this.

And pied_piper, I was considering that. I figure we'll probably want to go for a non-live draft. Considering how many people here are in different timezones, a live draft is going to be very difficult.
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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #23 on: 26 Mar 2009, 11:44 »

Did we ever figure out how to calculate VORP-3, Jon? I seem to remember the better part of an hour going by without us having a goddamned clue.
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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #24 on: 26 Mar 2009, 11:48 »

Man, fantasy snooker would be either the easiest or most difficult fantasy game ever depending on what stats you want to include.
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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #25 on: 26 Mar 2009, 12:57 »

Count me in.  I love me some baseball.

stuff about fantasy baseball

I'm curious, what league were you in where those were the only stats used for points?  Every one I've joined goes on a week-by-week basis, and not only gives points for batting average/OBP/ERA/etc., but also a few others for the number of singles, doubles, triples, HR, walks, negatives for strikeouts, etc. for batters, and strikeouts, shutouts, saves, negatives for walks/hit batters, etc. for pitchers.
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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #26 on: 26 Mar 2009, 13:20 »

Why do people keep mixing me up in here? I've never played fantasy anything, I just listed those four things as commonly used stats in fantasy leagues. Commonly =/= exclusively.

On that part, though, I think we need to try and go for a league with a relatively minimal amount of stats to track. Getting too many in there might be too confusing for people who don't follow baseball regularly.  I'd also like to voice my disdain for the save stat. I think saves are the only stat nearly as useless as an indicator of a pitchers quality as wins. I'm all for WHIP (For those of you not baseball savvy, that's Walks and Hits per Inning Pitched) being a dominant stat.
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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #27 on: 26 Mar 2009, 13:24 »

Man guys I was in a fantasy baseball league one year and it was TOUGH WORK. Like, I had to change shit up EVERY SINGLE DAY 'cause that's when baseball was played. Two months into it I got extremely frustrated with it and gave up. The league was pissed at me, but dude I am just not that into baseball.

So, if you DO start a fantasy league, MAKE SURE you find a once-per-week league. It is really annoying when you have to spend 10-20 minutes a day fiddling with things that ultimately are just fucking dumb.
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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #28 on: 26 Mar 2009, 15:58 »

Yeah, fantasy basketball tends to be my favorite because it's longer than the nfl season but not quite the same grind as MLB. It also has more comedy potential since it's entirely possible for a fairly bad NBA player to put up numbers by having even more god awful teammates just because sooner or later someone will have to take a shot. This is the kind of thing that leads to Antawn Jamison being a good fantasy pick despite the fact that I'm not sure I'd trust him to guard Stephen Hawking.
« Last Edit: 26 Mar 2009, 16:02 by Alex C »
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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #29 on: 26 Mar 2009, 17:08 »

I'm down. I haven't followed baseball nearly as closely since I was last in a fantasy league like, 5 years ago. Are we going to set a limit on teams, trades, or roster spots? I assume we'll be doing this through a free website, like ESPN or Yahoo or something.
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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #30 on: 26 Mar 2009, 17:11 »

New rule: Bryan can't pick Tim Lincecum. Because...
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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #31 on: 26 Mar 2009, 17:39 »

Does that mean you and Shane can't pick Pedroia? I mean, Lincecum shouldn't fall beyond the first few picks anyway, so if I am on the later end of the draft order it wouldn't matter anyway.
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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #32 on: 26 Mar 2009, 17:46 »

I'm pretty okay with them not being able to pick pedroia.
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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #33 on: 26 Mar 2009, 19:20 »

Honestly, I don't know that I'd pick Pedroia. It would really depend on the league. If AVG, fielding percentage and scrappiness are weighted stats, maybe, but Pedroia, much of a great player he is, doesn't really put up any of the "pretty" stats like slugging and the like.
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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #34 on: 26 Mar 2009, 19:23 »

He scores a ton of runs and got mad hits like rod carew.
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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #35 on: 26 Mar 2009, 20:17 »

Alright, with permission from Ally, I am going to go ahead and set this stuff up as soon as possible. My current plan, unless someone has a better suggestion, is to use a custom league through, because first (and most importantly) it's free, and secondly, that will let us set our own scoring rules and exceed the normal limit of 10 teams.

A couple things I need input on before I go ahead and create the league:

- League name.

- Scoring type. The two most common types of fantasy baseball leagues are Rotisserie and Head-to-head. For both types, a team's players are tallied up by several categories of statistics. In Rotisserie, the teams are ranked in every category and the standings are determined by each team's ranks within these categories. In head-to-head, teams are matched up for a given week and they compete directly with each other in these categories, and the team who has the better stats for the week gets a win. Standings in head to head leagues are determined by win-loss-tie record, obviously. Most people prefer rotisserie because since everyone's competing with everyone, there's no opportunity for a lucky win or unlucky loss, but some people like that head-to-head makes things more personal and therefore more enjoyable. I've played both ways, so I have no preference in this regard.

- Scoring categories. These are just the types of statistics that our league will track in determining points. The last time I played fantasy baseball, the categories were hits, runs, runs batted in, home runs, strikeouts, batting average, and on-base percentage for hitters, and wins, losses, runs, earned run average (ERA), strikeouts, saves, and WHIP for pitchers. We can add or subtract categories as necessary, and in some leagues we can assign different point values per each category. For instance, if we want ERA to be worth more than wins, we can assign the ERA category to be worth 4 points while the win category is only worth 2, and so on.

- Live versus auction draft. Given that this forum is made up from people from all over the place with wildly different work/school schedules, my inclination is to avoid a live draft. But if we're going to do a turn-based draft, we're going to have to get this started pretty quickly, or set a time limit on each pick, as the season starts in less than two weeks.
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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #36 on: 27 Mar 2009, 05:24 »

New rule: Bryan can't pick Tim Lincecum. Because...Shane is going to get him
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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #37 on: 27 Mar 2009, 06:32 »

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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #38 on: 27 Mar 2009, 09:53 »

league stuff

I like the ideas you threw out for scoring, and I think we should add shutouts as a pitching category, somewhat heavily weighted.  I vote for the Rotisserie setup, mostly because I play fantasy football through, which is head-to-head, and then spend the next three days after every game comparing scores and being all "fuck, I'd have won if I'da just been playing this dude" and getting all annoyed.  So Rotisserie sounds interesting.
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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #39 on: 27 Mar 2009, 11:11 »

Man, with his suggestion for shut outs, I get the feeling SilentJ is encroaching on my planned first pitcher pick. Damned if I'm letting you get him, though...

But yeah, I vote for shutouts going in there to, heavily weighted. Those tend to be very indicative of a quality pitcher.

I'm unsure as to which league type, though. The head to head thing appeals to me, and honestly it might be more fair with all the people playing who aren't big on baseball. A rotisserie would probably make things really hard for the more casual folks here and probably give an unfair advantage to the three or four of us who follow the sport religiously. I'm all for giving other people a fair shot with a lucky win.

Before we figure out the draft, though, we should get a final tally of who's in. Since I've got all the time in the world, I'm going to ask everyone who's in to PM me and let me know their location so we can figure out just how much juggling would need to be done for a live draft. I'll discuss it with Bryan as it develops, as it looks like he's in charge here.

I'll consider Bryan, Shane, Rachel and Ally exceptions as I already know they're all in and I already know where they all live, so that's five of us. PM me as soon as possible folks.

ETA: Okay, Ally might not get involved, apparently.

Rob's confirmed, though, and he's in the UK, which isn't all that off balance from the rest of us, and Jens is generally online at the same time as me, so if he's still in that makes it a little easier.

So, as of right now, our group of confirmed is:

Bryan (West Coast US)
Shane (East Coast US)
Rachel (East Coast US)
Myself (East Coast US)
Rob (UK)
KickThatBathProf (Midwest US)
Matt (Midwest US)
Reed (East Coast US)
Dazed (East Coast US)

ETA to add two more.
« Last Edit: 27 Mar 2009, 16:41 by 0bsessions »
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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #40 on: 27 Mar 2009, 14:10 »

I'm totally down for playing, btw.

Matt (Midwest US)
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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #41 on: 27 Mar 2009, 16:18 »

Have we picked a squad size yet so i can figure out the best roster to beat all you chumps?

Just kidding, I am probably going to finsish last.
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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #42 on: 27 Mar 2009, 16:59 »

For the record, I have to choose the number of teams before I create the league, so we're going to need to set a cutoff date for signups if we get this going.
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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #43 on: 27 Mar 2009, 17:00 »

I vote tomorrow night at midnight western US timezone as the cutoff. The thread's been up for a few days, so everyone who might be in knows about it. I put up the PM me thing hours ago, so I figure anyone who doesn't get back to us by tomorrow at midnight your time is probably not interested.
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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #44 on: 27 Mar 2009, 17:05 »

I would prefer if we have at least 10 teams too, so I don't want to hold to that deadline unless we're certain we'd have enough teams. If we do head-to-head, it'll also be necessary to have an even number of teams so nobody's left without a matchup.
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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #45 on: 27 Mar 2009, 19:39 »

I could play, but be advised that I will only pick players on the basis of how interesting their names are.
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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #46 on: 27 Mar 2009, 23:49 »

Man, with his suggestion for shut outs, I get the feeling SilentJ is encroaching on my planned first pitcher pick. Damned if I'm letting you get him, though...

Don't worry, Lincecum is a good pitcher but goddamned if a fan bias doesn't fuck me over in pretty much every fantasy draft I do.  Hopefully Chien-Ming Wang is healthy by now.
i shotgunned a beer, made my facebook pic an american flag, and have been yelling "AMURIKA" all evening.


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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #47 on: 28 Mar 2009, 02:39 »

I want to play if there's still a spot open.  I love baseball!
I mean, it would still suck, but at least it would suck creatively.


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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #48 on: 28 Mar 2009, 07:01 »

Hopefully Chien-Ming Wang is healthy by now.

 :lol: Oh man, you're serious?
« Last Edit: 28 Mar 2009, 08:51 by valley_parade »
Wait so you're letting something that happened 10 years ago ruin your quality of life? What are you, America? :psyduck:


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Re: fantasy baseball
« Reply #49 on: 28 Mar 2009, 08:44 »

Fuck Wang, dibs on Lester.
I would probably be getting laid right now if it weren't for the Jews
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