Why did it never occur to me to eat fries with mayo? I can't stand katsup (it's friggin cat soup for goodness sake!) What I don't get is people who like vinegar on their fries, just sounds icky to me, but I do eat salt and vinegar chips, so I don't have much room to talk.
I like a very little bit of gravy on my potatoes, I don't get people who drown them, and some on meat if it's dry. I like white gravy on biscuits, but only if it's made with sausage.
Never had a sweet potato fry. I don't know that I'd like them. Are they at all sweet or what?
Also, rum and oh, so many things, make excellent concoctions. I'm also quite fond of the whiskey and lemonade combo. I am also pro vodka in general and all for Scotch, so long as it's at least hit puberty.