I need help in the diagnosis of what is wrong with your newsbox. Terminal boredom or perhaps it has a deeper mental problem with which requires more more research? Yes, I often treat boxes of text as sentient beings, if you were wondering.
I find that as I get older, my interest in "blogging" is largely dying off. Usually when I have just finished a comic I am too tired to write anything useful anyway.
When do threads discussing the comic cross the line from "evidence that you created a believable fictional world populated with characters people can relate to" to "plain f-ing creepy"?
When the godawful fad of combining two characters' names to reference them as a couple began. I do not actually read any of the comic discussion stuff anymore, and am happier for it.
Where did the twitter go and when did we get the search-function back? 
Or am I in the wrong motherfucking reality again?

Sometimes I fuck up something in the site code and have to restore from an older, out of date backup. Hence occasional feature disappearance. The search function will be back when I can get it to work properly again.
Is the News box channeling Yelling Bird? Because they are both wonderfully vulgar.
Also, which QC character do you think you'd befriend if they were not your imaginary children? I think I'd wanna hang out with Jimbo, not because I can relate to him or anything but because everybody should have a drunken redneck for a friend.
And finally, you need to update your cast, it lacks a Wil and some of the story's changed.
Dude I am Yelling Bird.
I would befriend Hannelore and poke at her with a stick, constantly.
Eh. I'll get to it when I can be bothered.
What do you think of Avenged Sevenfold, Bullet for my valentine, Dragonforce, or Red?
Do your eyes ever get sore looking at the computer screen for an extended period of time? especially late at night. And if so, how do you solve the problem?
Do you dislike seeing the same couple people repeatedly asking you various questions? As I was scrolling through, I noticed that a select few people had to have made up for a large majority of the posts.
What do you think of mullets for a hairstyle?
I'm sure that you must have been asked this at some point already, but what is your favorite kind of beer? and why?
Do you play guitar hero, or do you think it underminds real guitarists?
I was reading a critic's viewpoint on QC, and he mentioned that he disliked the lack of a more ethnically diverse character range. is there a reason that all of the characters are white?
Yeah, I think that's about it for now.
Ass, ass, ass, who?
Cold. Microbrewed.
Yes, and no. That would be silly.
They're not.
Eh Jeph.
2 questions:
1) Have you ever been to canada?
2) If i sent you a picture of myself could you draw me into one frame of your comic? It would totally make me Happy.
1) Yes.
2) Probably not.
I love the QC links list - after reading my daily QC, it's my portal to other comics i've been reading since before i found my way here (Dr McNinja, Sam and Fuzzy) and other comics that I've taken to reading after following some of your links (Overcompensating, xkcd).
I noticed you updated the links list recently, and xkcd dropped off. What happened? Are you and randall no longer friends?
Randall and I are still good buddies. He was at my bachelor party! See previous post about out of date index pages.
Hi Jeph 
So, did you ever expect your comic to be soooo FAMOUS AND POPULAR?
how long did it take for the comic to spread around and stuff?
and alsooo
Where did you come up with the characters names? They are very unique and stuff..
I like the name Faye.
Nothing ive heard before.
These questions are kind of boring! NEXT
What are you going to do when the comic ends? More importantly, will the comic end? (I do not really want it to, but it has got to have an ending sooner or later, huh?)
Sell drugs. Probably, someday.
Hi Jeph,
In the most recent comics Faye has chosen to ignore the most important rule of fashion: She has committed the heinous crime of DOUBLE DENIM. Is this an indication that she has finally gone crazy or am I missing something?
Thank you.
Who is your favorite comedian?
Chris Hastings.
Any advice about learning to draw? Is there anything that helped you, other than simply practicing for thousands of hours?
How did you sustain your motivation when your fingers weren't drawing the same things you were seeing in your mind's eye?
1. You just answered your own question.
2. Rage and self-loathing, like every other artist.
If you could take a guess, what size do you think Faye would be? Because she's quite curvy, in the best way, and I was just wondering if you have all those stats about your characters in the back of your head.
Fucked if I know. Women's sizes make no sense to my male brain.
Jeph, why does Mr. Touch scare me so? I have horrible nightmares. Horrible, horrible nightmares.
you fear that which you desire
is it ok if i stalk you?
Good luck. I carry knives.
I was thinking of forming a band, and I just realised that, for my purposes, I really really want to call it Society for Creative Rock Anachronism.
My question is, did you lift that name from an existing band, and if not, can I use it?
It is my original idea. I can't stop you from using it but I'd rather you didn't.
What is your favorite convention to go to?
MoCCA in New York City.
So Jeph, is there any question that you've always wanted to answer but nobody has ever thought to ask?
what happened to Martins old boss Scott?
No need for him in the story anymore.
A simple music question, sir: If you had to chose one Indie band, the one that best represents the essance of the genre, who would it be?
Also, do you ever just look over the questions and say "Fuck it, I'll answer later."?
To quote Tommydski, "indie" isn't really a genre, it's an overarching (and uselessly general) adjective that has gradually lost its original meaning over the years. So, uh, Pavement?
I saw that you liked Ellen Allien's work with that other dude, as well as the latest Mouse on Mars offering. The Bpitch shirt lead me to believe you were into some IDM too.
Why don't you listen to more IDM? I was surprised to not see any Autechre or uziq on your RL page. If you'd like some suggestions, I'd be more than happy to throw some out. It's the least I can do for your thankless work for making me look forward to every mon/wen/fri night!
I keep meaning to check out Autechre but forgetting or getting distracted by techno.
I like things that go thoomp thoomp thoomp thoomp
also dude i update on tuesdays and thursdays too
First of all thanks for an amazing comic! Second, the look of your characters has changed a bit since you made the cast page. Was wondering if you had any thoughts about updating.
augh enough about the cast page i will destroy the cast page with fire
This has probably asked before, but perhaps not in this way. Do you ever feel that your characters are talking to you? And, if so, do they ever object to how you're handling them? For example, did Dora recently say, "For Chrissake, enough with the helmet-hair already. And give me a little credit about Faye and my smarmy brother."
No. That would break the fourth wall inside my head where they are real people leading their own lives separate from my own.
i have a question about your music, you seem to have a really good range of tastes in music, but all the music i can find you have done are all sorta heavy or something in that range, do you play other types of music?
Yes but not much lately. Dig back through my LiveJournal and you will find some of it.
In past strips, the world of QC had some pretty odd people/happenings (Pizza Girl and the Vespa Avenger, for example). Lately, the only weirdness in the world seems to be the continued appearance of the anthro PCs. Do you plan on writing in any more storylines that show the strangeness of the QC world?
who knows
Hannelore has said she only listens to Bach but you had her singing Battles! Are you not ineffable? 
I SAY I only fuck donkeys but sometimes I fuck mules too
I've noticed the backgrounds for buildings and rooms do get more complex and better resolved in the later strips. Especially in outdoors architecture and attempts at perspective stuff indoors. So, Jeph, do you use some kind of software to render those or it's just that you're good at perspective?
Perspective is not a "talent" it is a set of hard and fast rules that you can learn and apply. Also a lot of the complicated outdoor backgrounds are traced from photographs of Northampton I either took myself or found on the internet. LAZINESS
Did you borrow Penelope's surname from two of the Lynyrd Skynyrd members who died in the plane crash in '77?
Are you ever going to answer questions in this thread again?
Jesus no why would I ever reference that
Sup Jeph, I have some simple questions.
What would you suggest someone, who can barely draw shitty stick figures, does to improve their artistic ability?
What is your favorite alcoholic beverage?
And lastly, what is your favorite riff to play on your guitar?
practice and continue to hate your art until you die.
good bourbon or good tequila.
the palm-muted bridge riff from "Stars" by Hum.
Don't know if this has been posted before, but Jeph: I heard you went to Hampshire College. What made you want to go there? (I'm thinking about going there for college next year, so any advice would be lovely!)
No tests (hate tests), no math courses required (suck at math), no roommates (horrible introvert). Also back then I thought I ENJOYED writing 120 pages of papers every semester.
hm, i don't know if anyone has asked this before, but im a new qc fan i guess, and i just realized how often steve says hella.
is he from norcal or something?
cuz as a san francisco native whos been given a lot of crap from her socal friends for "hella", it's awesome to see that in such an awesome comic.
it is just a word, a word a man can say if he wants to
How'd a 26-year-old (Dora) end up owning her own business?
I owned my own business (the comic) at 24. still do!
I just noticed in strip 655, the fratty looking dude has a hat with "State College" written on it, which is the town in which the main Penn State campus resides. Thing is, your average douchebags look and act exactly those two at the coffee shops, so I was wondering if it was your intent to rip on that college in particular. If so, then awesome.
I was just drawing the most stereotypical frat-douche I could imagine. They all seem to go to UMass up here, though.
Thanks for the comic, I'm a really big fan and I have spread it around my office.
1.) Have you ever heard of an Irish band named Bell X1? I would be curious to hear what you think of them.
2.) A coworker and I were wondering how much it would take for you to do a "Girls of QC" calendar where the ladies would be... less dressed than they are in most of the strips (1198 is a good start!) We could have a bake sale or wash cars or something to raise the cash, or we could just PAY YOU.
1) Heard of 'em, haven't heard 'em.
2) I like drawing cheesecake as much as the next guy, but I would feel pretty creepy charging money for it. It's fun to work into the story sometimes but beyond that and the occasional HORRIBLE HORRIBLE CONVENTION SKETCH THAT MUST NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY I don't actually do any sexy drawings of my characters (despite what 4chan believes).
In regards to Hannelore's recent obsession with firemen, don't you think its a little out of character? I mean, unless I have her wrong, Hannelore is a bit of a clean freak, and a fireman's job isn't exactly known for being clean. In one comic you have her jumping into a fireman's arms - a fireman who's wearing a uniform that he'd commonly bring into a fire; a uniform that even if vigorously cleaned would still most likely have large traces of soot and ash. The fireman isn't even clean shaven - another indicator that he is dirty. Even though Hannelore does obsess over things, I think this obsession is out of character.
you desire that which you fear
like donkeys
Two questions:
1) Looking back on the early days of the comic (or, heck, even "only" 300 strips ago), what art change do you like the most? The least?
2) How do you make money off of QC? Advertisement and merchandising, of course, but... Surely it can't bring that much money in...
1) it sucks less. I like that.
2) t-shirts, advertising. I make enough money to comfortably support my wife and I.
Honestly, now... What's wrong with 3 Stooges-style slapstick?
it isn't funny
Would you give me a writing credit for the lyrics to "Redneck ain’t my middle name (But it ought to be)?
I've got the chorus and a bit of the first stanza worked out.
(Oh god, what's happening to me?)
Hey Jeph,
how'd the wedding go?
How and why is everyone changing their names?
Will you tell us the story of the proposal?
Cristi was putting away some laundry and was like "look if you are gonna propose to me, do it before we go to your parents tomorrow because i don't want to cry in front of them" so I was like "okay do you want to get married" and I gave her the ring and she said "yes"
i am so romantic
WIll art reflect life? WIll someone (or sometwo? somepair? sometwain?*) also attempt wedded bliss?
*I know. But Wil made another appearance today, so I'll blame this particular invented indefinite pronoun on him.
nobody in my comic is in any condition to even begin thinking about getting married.